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Township Guide (2021 Update): Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Grow and Expand Your Town

By: Author Alexandra Arici

Posted on Last updated: January 8, 2021

Township by developer Playrix is a game that has been around ever since 2012 and has proven extremely successful. By 2017, the release had been downloaded 120 million times, with more than 3.5 million users playing Township every day. At its core, township is a metropolis building game. But there’s a twist, as the game also blends robust farming elements to make things a bit more exciting and complex.

Your central goal in this game is easy to guess – build a thriving town and attract new residents to populate it. Players will step into the shoes of the architect charged with overseeing the growth of this budding community. In the beginning, your town is nothing more than a field which you can plant with a few crops and a handful of scattered houses and buildings.

This changes quite soon, as your townsfolk begin raising animals and build factories to produce additional goods. For example, once your cows start producing milk in the Cow Shed, you’ll be able to make things like cream cheese, cheese or butter and more in the Dairy factory.

township tips 2021

Users are encouraged to sell their production for coins, which in turn will give them the opportunity to start building new structures, increase population and grow the prestige of their town. Additionally, there are countless other details that need to be woven into the gameplay, for the strategy to pay off, and the town to shine above all others.

Whether you’ve just discovered Township and still struggling to get a good grasp of the mechanics and features, or are a returning player that needs a strategy update, our detailed Township guide (2021 Update) comes bundling a set of useful tips, tricks and strategies that will hopefully offer the inspiration you need to take your town to the next level.

While the objective of this game is simple enough – keep building and growing your town until it becomes a true metropolis – it’s, by no means, an easy goal, as it requires quite a bit of work. You’ll need good management skills and an ample strategic vision in order to efficiently plan and organize all the activities that will ensure the thriving of your town. Luckily, we’re here to help, so keep reading below.

1. Maintain A Steady Production Of Goods

The main activities in Township have to do with planting crops and raising animals. By doing so players ensure they have all the raw materials needed to produce additional commodities in factories.

Township is based on a levelling-up system, which means that players gather XP every time they do something across town. The easiest way to collect a bit of XP is to plant and harvest wheat. More advanced tasks like building a new structure or fulfilling a large order will yield more points, obviously. Once you’ve accumulated enough XP you will be able to level up. Hitting a new level always unlocks new items, including new buildings, crops and animal sheds, thus diversifying the gameplay and ensuring the game doesn’t become boring or tedious.

Anyway, to ensure a smooth transition to the next level, you will need to make sure you keep a constant production of all goods. We’re talking about crops, animal-made products like milk, eggs and wool, as well as goods made in factories like Cotton Fabric or Bagels.

township production

While it’s pretty easy to sow, some crops (for example Tomatoes) can take a while to grow. As for animals, they need specific feeds which are made in the Feed Mill – a separate type of building you will have to build – before they can start producing.

Once animal-made products become available (for instance, milk or eggs), players will be in charge of supplying factories around town with the raw materials that are to be turned into additional commodities like, Cookies or Butter. These processes are not instantaneously, so in order to streamline operations, you’ll need to keep production up at all times.

This means you should try and reduce your factories’ idle time to a minimum. Always make a point of setting in motion production for all the items you can produce, even if there’s no demand for them at that particular time. Things change quickly in Township and you should be ready to tackle any new orders and tasks coming your way.

When it comes to crops, make sure to check the Barn on a regular basis (where production is stored) to see if you’re running low on certain products. This way, after a harvest you’ll know which crops to plant next. This tactic is helpful, at least at first, when you have limited planting grounds. As your town continues to develop and grow, this problem will no longer be an issue you have to worry about.

2. Collect Coins By Fulfilling Orders (Plus Other Methods)

In Township, you can make gold coins by completing orders placed by the residents of your town. You can check out orders in the helipad area. These can range from simple ones demanding only one type of product to more complex ones which will have you collect multiple items. The latter type takes time to complete, and in order to reduce the waiting time, it helps to have everything ready.

Sending out orders is the main way of producing income in Township and you should exploit it as much as possible. You need gold to support the expansion of your city, as new buildings always cost coins.

township orders

But if you make it a point to regularly put together and send out orders to your customers, you’ll rarely have to worry about running out of money. Alternatively, there or other ways of getting a cash infusion, although these means are mostly sporadic. For example, you can take advantage of the hot air balloons that appear floating over your town carrying with them a special chest. Sometimes that box might contain gold coins.

Also, don’t forget to redeem the Daily Bonus which brings a nice sum of coins each days. Log in for five-day straight and you’ll be able to unlock a prize consisting of more goodies. Another way to make a quick sum of cold coins is to sell surplus items in the barn. Just take a look and see which items you have to spare and sell them directly from storage.

selling items in township

One word of advice here. Given that the Township is a city-building game, it offers a wide range of decoration options for shaping the town to your liking. While it might be tempting to focus on beautifying your town and start spending gold coins left and right on decorations, we advise you against it. At least not until you earn enough gold not to notice the 1200 coins you’ve spent on a Spring. Decorations can get really expensive, so if you want to make progress fast, our recommendation is that you abstain for a while from purchasing items from this department.

3. Keep Adding New Buildings to Your Town

In Township it’s important to keep building, not only as a means to expand your town, but also to attract new citizens to your community.

You’ll be prevented from building certain factories or add anymore farm land, if you don’t have enough people living in your city. This in turns, will reflect on your ability to fulfill orders. If you don’t have a factory to produce a certain item, and customers start asking for it, you won’t be able to cater to their needs effectively. This also means less gold coins coming into your local budget and you certainly don’t want that happening.

The easiest way to increase your population is to build houses. These can range from small Cottages that add no more than 5 new citizens to the count to larger dwellings such as Farmhouses that can accommodate more than 30 new people. As you progress in the game, these houses will turn into apartment buildings and skyscrapers and will be able to host a lot more people.

township new buildings

Additionally, it’s recommended that you invest in Community Buildings. Adding, for example, a Movie Theatre, Pizza Parlor or Post Office will stretch the overall population cap of your city. Building a Café will bring 55 extra people to your town and costs only 175 coins, and some building materials (which we will talk about in the next section).

Building new structures across town takes time, so it’s advised that you put off any large construction projects until you log off for the day and head to bed. This way when you return in the morning to find the new buildings waiting for you. Unless you don’t have all the materials needed.

4. Send Orders By Train And Airplane

Customer orders don’t come in only through the helipad area. Also check the train station, where trains are waiting to be filled up with goods.

It’s extremely important that you begin sending out orders using the trains as soon as possible. The rewards you receive for your efforts are a bit different than what you receive when you send goods via the helicopter, but just as important.

Instead of getting gold coins and XP, the trains bring back building materials, such as nails, paint, hammers and more. These items are necessary to complete building projects, and without them you won’t be able to inaugurate new structures across town.

sending orders in township

So our recommendation is this – as soon as a new train comes into your train station, move fast and fill in the order request it bring with it. This will allow you to get a constant flow of materials in your town, so you can have them ready whenever you’re looking to add a new building to your town.

It takes a while before the train makes the return trip, so the fastest you can send the train out again the better. You can reduce that time by paying T-cash, so the train will deliver the goods almost instantly.

You can win additional construction materials simply by playing the game, which at times, unlocks progress rewards in the form of special chests that might contain this resource. In addition, during some in-game events, you might also get the chance to win extra construction materials.

Starting with level 17, you’ll unlock another means to deliver orders – the airport. Here you will have to fill larger orders and the waiting time for the planes to make the return journey is much larger. But the rewards are certainly worth it.

5. Make Efforts To Upgrade The Barn As Frequently As Possible

Since everything you produce in Township goes into the barn, you’ll need to upgrade its capacity frequently to prevent it from getting filled up. If too many items accumulate in there, the barn won’t be able to accept any new stuff you produce.

Upgrading the barn requires construction materials, which you get by sending out orders by train(s). So make sure you focus on filling these orders, just like we’ve explained in the section above. It might be recommended, at times, to spend T-cash in order to make trains return instantly if you need to take advantage of those construction materials without delay.

upgrading the barn in township

Now, if you need to clear a bit of space in your barn, you can always sell a few items. Simply tap on the barn and select which items you want to sell. We recommend you dispose of some of your crops, because they are the easiest to produce.

Another trick to help you maximize the space you have at your disposal in the barn, is to keep goods on the shelves in the factories, unless you have to use them right away. This is why it’s also important to invest in adding extra slots in factories, but we’ll explain more relating to that in section 7.

6. Make New Friends And Exploit Your New Social Connections

Get social in Township because doing so comes with some key benefits. For example, whenever you’re missing an item to complete a train or plane order, you can simply ask for help from your friends. The more you have, the bigger the chances of someone actually sending you the product you’re in need of.

making friends in township

You can find new friends by visiting the Social tab which is located in the bottom left corner of the display. Tap on the two smiley faces and then select the Find Friends tab. Here you can browse through a list of users and send them invites to join your friend list. You can also visit their towns and give them a Like to let them know that you appreciate what you see. They might return the favor.

From the same Social tab, you’ll be able to see users who need your help to complete their train or airplane orders. Extend your generosity towards them and they might do the same in your time of need.

social connections in township

You’re encouraged to ask for help whenever you need it to fulfill orders. It’s one of the most beneficial ways to spend your production. It’s win-win situation for both parties involved. You receive free items from the other players and get to send your train/plane along on its route faster. At the same time, once you help someone out they will send you either a gift or a letter of thanks, which contains currency needed to participate in events.

7. How To Get More T-Cash

T-cash (the green bills) are a premium resource which holds the key to speeding up the game significantly. Don’t want to wait while Cookies or Bagels are being prepared the Bakery? You can take them out of the oven instantly in exchange for a few bills. Need the train to come back faster? Again, you can use your T-cash reserve, but be mindful of how you spend this commodity. Given their scarcity, the wisest thing to do would be to conserve them as much as possible.

One of the few times when you’re actually encouraged to spend these bills is to expand the manufacturing lines at your factories by adding extra shelves to ramp up production. As you progress in the game, the demand for your products will increase and so you’ll need to step up your game if you are to meet all your customers’ needs.

city market in township

Additionally, once you finally build a Marketplace in your town, make a point of investing your precious T-cash towards unlocking more boxes in the city market. These boxes will provide you with extra goods every few hours, thus allowing you fill orders and help others even more quickly than before.

Since T-cash can prove extremely useful, it’s important that you’re aware of the methods that enable you to collect more of it.

Log in with Facebook

Logging in with your personal Facebook account will grant you 5 additional bills. It’s something that’s easy to do and also offers up some advantages when it comes to adding more friends in the game and expanding your social circle, which is quite important in Township. So don’t hesitate to log in.

Tap on the Hot Air Balloons When You See One

hot air balloon in township

Hot air balloons will pop into town from time to time carrying a chest with them. Keep an eye out, and when you spot one, make sure to tap on them quickly before they disappear. Some chests you can open for free and these usually carry of reward consisting of gold coins. But the more interesting ones are locked and you’ll need to make a little T-cash investment to peek inside. Fortunately, this pays off, as in most cases the reward covers the investment.

Redeem Achievement Rewards

As you progress in the game you’ll start unlocking achievements. These can be viewed by visiting your city’s town hall. Whenever you’ve reached a new achievement you’ll be notified and invited to check the list and redeem your reward.

It’s important that you don’t skip over this part, because achievement rewards bring you extra T-cash, as well as XP and sometimes coins. For example, once you’ve added 10 new friends to your list you’ll be able to grab the Urbanist Club achievement reward that consist of 2 bills and 30XP.

Build the House of Luck

building the house of luck in township

Build the House of Luck in your town and you’ll have the chance to win free T-cash. Try your luck by selecting a chest out of the nine you are presented with. You need four-leaf clovers to play this game, which you can collect by helping other players. In return for your efforts, you might receive letters from them with clovers enclosed.

Get Busy During Events

spinning the prize wheel in township

Township abounds of in-game events. Make sure to check the Event Calendar board in the southern part of town to keep yourself up to date with whatever is going on. Participate in what’s available as much as possible for a chance to win T-cash and other prizes.

For example, during the Bubble Gum Festival, players are challenged to guide a falling gumball through the moving platforms without hitting the red areas. Users win event points to spin the prize wheel and win all kinds of goodies. You require tokens to play, and the event generates one in approximately 5 minutes. Helping out other fellow players can also yield the occasional token reward. Or if you really want to play, you can use your T-cash stash to pay for more tokens, although we advise against it.

8. Expand Your Land

As you make headway in the game, you’ll probably notice that the constant building will cause you to run out of free space in town pretty quickly. To prevent that from happening, make sure you check the surrounding plots of lands and see if you can expand onto them.

expanding the land in township

Each expansion projects costs coins, but you can only take one on if your town has attracted a certain number of people to your town. As you steadily increase your population, make sure you don’t forget to check if any new expansions projects have been made available. Like all tasks in this game, clearing land takes times, so you don’t want to leave this business for the last moment.

With this we wrap up our Township guide, updated for 2021. We hope that it has helped you get up to speed with everything you ever needed to know regarding how to get your town to thrive and grow into a remarkable metropolis. If you have played the game extensively enough and have your very own tips, tricks, and strategies to share, do not hesitate to let us know via the comment section below!

Tuesday 19th of March 2024

I am in a catch 22, I xan’t buy houses because not enough population and I can’t get more population without buying houses. HELP

I have a catch 22, I can’t buy more houses because i need more population. I can’t get more population without buying a house.

Karen Nicholson

Monday 2nd of October 2023


I can't buy anything 😩 no cash or pigbank not one thing WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE GAME!

Friday 29th of September 2023

What is the bag in the city market for and how can I use them

township game yacht club

Walkthroughs, Tips, Cheats and Guides for mobile games

Township: All about regattas

What types of regattas are there in township, what do i do during seasonal regattas, regatta seasons: starting time and duration, how do i participate in regattas, how do i restrict a co-op member from participating in regattas, how do i complete regatta tasks what kinds are there, how do i complete seasonal tasks, what do i need to know about seasonal regatta tasks, how do relay tasks work, what are regatta leagues what kinds of leagues are there, are tasks more difficult in higher leagues, how do i reserve tasks during seasonal regattas, what regatta tasks are there during events, how are regatta opponents selected, can i refuse completing a certain task, how do i win seasonal regattas, how do co-ops get into higher leagues, how do i claim rewards for participating in a regatta, why am i not able to participate in regattas, do i have to participate in seasonal regattas, what are tokens and how do i use them, where can i see the progress and results of seasonal regattas, what is the seasonal regatta leaderboard, how do i make sure that i don’t miss seasonal regattas, what do i do during interseasonal regattas, what are the key features of interseasonal regattas, can a cheating co-op member impact regatta results.

Table of Contents

There are two types of regattas in the game: 1. Seasonal regattas are competitions between co-ops where players complete tasks to earn valuable rewards and lead their co-ops to the highest places on the Global Leaderboard. Participants of seasonal regattas can earn a special in-game currency—tokens—that they can use to make purchases at the Yacht Club. Four seasonal regattas held under the same theme. 2. Interseasonal regattas are held for one week after each season. During this period, co-op members complete tasks to earn chests with prizes and win rewards for reaching co-op goals.

Tap the Pier to open the regatta window. There are several tabs in the seasonal regatta window: 1. Tasks. Here you can participate in regattas by picking tasks. 2. Race. This tab shows how you’re doing in the current regatta and gives other information about the competition. – Tap the chest icon to open the window with rewards. You earn special regatta points for all the tasks you complete. The more points you score, the sooner your yacht will reach the chests that serve as race checkpoints. The more chests you and your fellow co-op members collect, the bigger and better your participation rewards will be. Once the race is over, this is the window where you can claim your rewards. – Tap the ship wheel icon to see what leagues there are and learn about the one you are in. 3. Season. Here, you can see the current season’s tasks and rewards as well as the regatta Leaderboard. Tap the icon in the upper-left corner of the map to check your co-op’s statistics.

Township regattas are held every week over a six-day period. New regattas start on Tuesdays at 8 am UTC. You need to know your time zone to calculate what time regattas start in your location either by adding or subtracting the time difference.

After a regatta finishes, you have a whole day to rest, switch co-ops, and get ready for the next regatta.

Each season has four regattas. After the season is over, there’s a week-long break, during which one interseasonal regatta is held. You can’t earn tokens during interseasonal regattas, and the results won’t count toward your Golden League leaderboard position, but you can spend tokens that were earned earlier. During interseasonal regattas, you can complete tasks to get chests with rewards and get prizes for reaching co-op goals.

Your co-op stays in the same league during interseasonal regattas, and you can join them at any time once they’re on.

Participation in seasonal regattas is activated by default for all players. You can double check your status by going to Settings: 1. Tap the gear icon in the upper-left corner of the screen to open Settings. 2. Go to Additional Settings.

If there’s a check mark next to Participate in Regatta, it means that your participation in seasonal regattas is confirmed. If there is no check mark, and if you do not confirm your participation before the start of the next regatta, you won’t be able to take part in that race, and you will have to wait for the next one.

Your co-op enters regattas as soon as any one of its members confirms their participation, but the competition only starts when at least one of the members, irrespective of their rank in the co-op, picks a task.

ATTENTION: You don’t need to confirm your participation in interseasonal regattas—you can join them on any day while they are being held.

To participate, simply tap the Pier to open the regatta window and pick a task.

Co-op leaders and co-leaders can restrict other co-op members from participating in regattas. If a regatta is currently in progress, the player will be restricted from participating in the current regatta. Otherwise, they will be restricted from participation in the upcoming regatta.

To restrict a player from participating in a regatta, tap the player’s name in the list of co-op members and choose Restrict from regatta in the pop-up window.

To take part in the next seasonal regatta, the player needs to check off the corresponding point in Settings. They can take part in the next interseasonal regatta regardless of their status.

There are several types of regatta tasks: – general tasks available both in seasonal and interseasonal regattas—learn more about them below. – seasonal tasks available during thematic races – temporary tasks only available during global events—learn more about them in the article

You have to complete most of the tasks by yourself, but for some of them, you can ask for help from your friends or fellow co-op members. You can buy crops and products at the market to complete some tasks.

These are the most common tasks in seasonal and interseasonal regattas: – Feed animals. You can buy missing items at the market, on the farms, or request them in your co-op. – Harvest crops. You have to complete this task by yourself. You can’t buy the required products at the market. – Collect farm goods. You have to complete this task by yourself. You can’t buy the required products at the market. – Produce factory goods. You have to complete this task by yourself. You can’t buy the required products at the market. – Fill townspeople’s orders. You can buy missing items at the market, in the helicopter pad order window, or you can request them in your co-op. – Send trains. You can buy missing items at the market or in the train station window, ask friends for help, or request them in your co-op. – Fully load and send planes. You can buy missing items at the market or in the airport window, ask friends for help, or request them in your co-op. – Bring fruit from the islands. You have to complete this task by yourself. You can’t buy the required products at the market. – Extract ore. You have to complete this task by yourself. You can’t buy ore, although you can buy mining tools. – Play at the House of Luck. You have to complete this task by yourself. – Fill Zoo orders. Please note that a Zoo order is only considered filled once you’ve loaded both baskets in the Zoo order window. You can buy missing items at the market or in the Zoo order window, ask friends for help, or request them in your co-op.

Each season you can find special tasks that give more tokens for purchases at the Yacht Club than usual.

Seasonal tasks are marked with a flag on the task list. These special tasks aren’t available during interseasonal regattas, and you get more tokens for completing them. Here’s a list of all available seasonal tasks (although only three are featured in one given regatta at a time): – Mystery tasks. You don’t know what the task is until you pick it. The reward for this type of task is 135 points and 25 tokens. – Combo tasks. Every combo task consists of three mini-tasks you have to complete. The reward for this type of task is either 114 or 135 points. – Simplified tasks. They are marked with a star in the task list. Each simplified task contains one of three tasks: producing goods at the factories, harvesting crops, or collecting goods from animal farms. You get the maximum of 135 points as well as 17 tokens for completing this type of task. – Relay tasks. Co-op members take turns completing relay tasks. The first three times a relay task is completed, the number of points the co-op gets for this type of task increases, so it’s important to work as a team to get the most out of them. – Earn coins. Earn the number of coins indicated. You can do that in your town or at your Zoo. The coins you buy in the store do not count toward completing this task. – Smelt ingots. Only ingots, of any type, smelted in your foundry count toward completing this task. – Send ships. Send off ships to the indicated island. – Mine clay. Mine the amount of clay indicated. – Load plane crates. Load plane crates at your airport or the airport of one of your friends. Coupons for filling railcars and plane crates can be used to complete this type of task. – Load train cars. Load train cars in your town or one of your friends’ towns. Coupons for filling train cars and plane crates can be used to complete this type of task. – Use mining tools. Use the indicated tool in the mine a certain number of times.

All seasonal tasks take into account a player’s level and the availability of the buildings needed to complete the tasks. You can tap the question mark in the Season tab to read the descriptions of the current season’s tasks.

Once a regatta starts, your job is to help your co-op by completing tasks. Your personal task journal records all the tasks you’ve completed or dumped and the number of points you’ve earned for your co-op in the current regatta (Statistics button).

Tasks marked with a flag icon are special seasonal tasks. Completing them gets you more tokens that you can use to buy unique decorations and rewards.

Most tasks are time limited. You can see how much time you have left to complete your current task and how many points it will earn for your co-op by tapping the task’s icon in the Tasks tab or on the main screen (on the right).

Co-op leaders, co-leaders, and elders can dump any task that hasn’t been picked in the Tasks tab. It takes 30 minutes for new tasks to appear. Every co-op member can complete a maximum of 7 to 15 tasks depending on the league their co-op is in (the higher the league, the more tasks there are available). If you run out of tasks, you can buy an extra one using Township Cash.

Each task has its own difficulty level, which is why the number of points you get for completing them varies. The higher your league, the better your chances are of getting difficult tasks. The maximum number of points you can get for a task is 135, with relay tasks being the exception—they can earn a co-op up to 145 points.

A relay task can appear on any co-op’s board during a seasonal regatta and will stay there while it’s being completed. Co-op members take turns completing the relay task. Each co-op member can only complete this task once.

As soon as the first player starts the relay task, the countdown begins. You can tell who’s currently working on the task by the profile picture that is shown on it. Once the co-op member has completed the task, it becomes available again. Remember that the countdown is the same for everyone who wants to complete the task, so complete it as quickly as you can to make sure more members of your co-op get a chance to complete it. The relay task disappears from the board once the time runs out.

Relay tasks are available to all co-ops regardless of their number of participants. The initial reward is 130 points, but it increases as the relay task gets completed: 1. The first player gets 130 regatta points. 2. The second gets 135 points. 3. The third, 140 points. 4. The fourth and subsequent members who complete the task get 145 points.

You can reserve this task when it isn’t being completed by other players.

The relay task can be dumped by: – leaders, co-leaders, and elders when the task isn’t being completed. – anyone who is in the process of completing it. Dumping this task while it’s being completed will remove the task from the board and end the relay.

Leagues show the progress your co-op is making in seasonal regattas. Co-ops only compete with co-ops from the same league. These groups are formed at the start of each season. Your co-op can be promoted or demoted between leagues based on your regatta results according to the following rules: – Co-ops that finish in the top three and collect at least one chest are promoted to the next higher league. – Co-ops that finish in the bottom three or fail to collect at least one chest are demoted to the next lower league. – The rest of the co-ops that collect at least one chest stay in the same league.

The league your co-op is in determines the number of tasks you can complete and the number of chests you can collect: – Wooden League — 7 tasks, 5 chests. – Copper League — 9 tasks, 6 chests. – Steel League — 11 tasks, 7 chests. – Silver League — 13 tasks, 8 chests. – Golden League — 15 tasks, 9 chests.

Regatta tasks can be of easy, medium, or hard levels. The harder a task is, the more points you get for completing it. Each league has all kinds of tasks, but the chance of getting a harder task grows accordingly with the league.

Task reservation settings can be found in the co-op editing window. Here, leaders and co-leaders can give other players the right to reserve tasks.

To reserve a task, tap the yellow button next to the Start button in the task description. An exclamation mark will appear on the reserved task’s icon and will be visible to all co-op members. The reservation will be in effect for a limited time. To see how much time is left in a reservation, go to the task’s description and tap on the picture of the player who made the reservation. The reservation is lifted when the time is up.

You can only reserve one task at a time, but you can change the reservation to a different task, in which case the previous reservation will be automatically canceled. Remember that if you cancel your task reservation or if the reservation time expires, there is a waiting period before you can make another reservation.

Reserved tasks can be deleted by leaders, co-leaders, and elders. The reservation can also be changed by players who have been given the right to do so.

There are several types of temporary tasks: – produce temporary goods that are available at factories during events. – produce event resources at temporary factories or workshops located opposite the Event Center. – do repetitive actions in events such as feeding characters, catching fish, flying a certain distance, etc. – earn a certain amount of event points. – beat a certain number of levels in mini-games.

Every seasonal race in each league is made up of 15 co-ops with the same amount of members with their Participate in Regatta status on.

If you join a co-op or activate the Participate in Regatta setting after the start of a race, you won’t be able to complete tasks and help your co-op race. This is true for all leagues and co-ops so that it won’t bring unfair advantage to some co-ops. Don’t worry—this limit is only in effect until the start of the next regatta.

Of course! Simply pick the task you want to dump and tap the trash icon.

Keep in mind that you can dump tasks during seasonal regattas in two different situations: 1. You’ve already picked a task, but now you want to dump it. If you dump it, the task is still counted as used and is subtracted from your task quota. You can find the list of completed and dumped tasks in the Task Journal located in the Tasks tab of the regatta window. 2. You haven’t picked the task, and it’s displayed in the task list in the Tasks tab. You can only dump tasks from the task list if you’re a Leader, Co-leader, or Elder. In this case, the task quota available for each participant remains unchanged.

Interseasonal regattas have the following rules for dumping tasks: 1. You can dump any task you’ve accepted regardless of your rank, but you’ll lose the task progress. There is a waiting period if you want to choose the task again—however, this does not apply to other co-op members who can choose the task immediately. 2. Co-op leaders, co-leaders, and elders can remove the chests no one is working on. If at least one of the chest tasks has been picked, only leaders and co-leaders can remove the chest.

The seasonal regatta leader is the co-op with the highest score. Co-op members need to complete as many tasks as possible to collect chests in order to beat other co-ops. Every chest your co-op collects earns each racing member a reward.

You get extra rewards if your co-op makes it into the top three!

IMPORTANT NOTE: if multiple co-ops finish in a tie, the co-op that completed the tasks the fastest wins. The clock starts at the same time as the regatta.

Every co-op starts its regatta adventure in the Wooden League. Based on its regatta results, your co-op can be moved between leagues according to the following rules: – Co-ops that finish in the top three and collect at least one chest are promoted to the next higher league. – Co-ops that finish in the bottom three or fail to collect at least one chest are demoted to the next lower league. – Co-ops that finish in the middle (4th–12th place) and collect at least one chest stay in the same league.

You can collect your rewards after the regatta finishes. Tap the chest in the bottom-right corner of the Tasks tab to open the Rewards window. It will display open chests that your co-op earned during the race and which you can now collect. Tap the screen to collect your reward. This must be done before the next regatta ends.

There are four types of chests: wooden, iron, golden, and precious.

The higher the league, the better your chances are of getting the most valuable chests during seasonal regattas.

You can get the most valuable chests during interseasonal regattas by completing the tasks they contain.

IMPORTANT: if you leave your co-op before the regatta finishes, you will lose the chests you’ve received. That is why we recommend that you switch co-ops during the one-day break between regattas.

Apart from chests, you can get other rewards depending on the regatta type: – you can collect the reward for your co-op’s race position in seasonal regattas in the Race tab; – you can collect the rewards for reaching co-op goals during interseasonal regattas in the Co-op goals tab.

township game yacht club

There are two most common reasons.

1. You have missed the start of a seasonal race. If you either joined a co-op or checked off Take part in seasonal regatta after the regatta had already begun, you can follow your co-op’s progress in the regatta, but you can’t complete tasks.

Co-ops competing against each other are grouped together based on their size. It wouldn’t be fair to give an advantage to any co-op by allowing them to add a new member to the race. There’s a one-day break between regattas that gives you time to change co-ops.

KEEP IN MIND: if you leave your co-op before the end of a regatta, you won’t be able to claim rewards from the race.

2. A co-op leader or a co-leader has restricted you from participating in the current or upcoming regatta, depending on whether a regatta was in progress when the restriction was imposed or not. If that happens, you’ll get a notification in the co-op chat. If you wish to take part in the next seasonal regatta, check off the corresponding point in Settings. You can still take part in the next interseasonal regatta regardless of your status.

Participation in seasonal regattas is up to you, but by default, your participation is activated. You can always change your settings if you decide you’re not in the racing mood: 1. Open Settings by tapping the gear icon in the top-left corner of the screen 2. Go to Additional settings and uncheck Take part in seasonal regatta

IMPORTANT NOTE! If all the co-op members opt out of an ongoing seasonal regatta or if your co-op is late for the race, it is demoted to the next lower league.

If you change your mind and decide to rejoin the race , you’ll need to do one of the following: – check off Take part in seasonal regatta in the additional settings menu. – tap the Pier and then tap the Take part in seasonal regatta button in the first tab of the window that opens.

Remember that you can take part in interseasonal regattas regardless of what your racing status is set to.

Tokens are a special currency you can get by completing seasonal regatta tasks. Go for complicated and season-themed tasks to earn more of them. Participating co-op members also get tokens once the seasonal race is over—the better the co-op finishes, the bigger the reward.

You need tokens to make purchases at the Yacht Club, which is the store for regatta participants. Tokens don’t expire, and players can spend them whenever they want after the season is over, but the maximum amount of tokens is capped at 600.

The store is located next to the Pier. You can access it by tapping the ship icon in the Season tab as well.

The Race tab shows how the current seasonal regatta is progressing. There, you can find the list of all participating co-ops ranked by their current score. Just look for your co-op’s badge to find it. Next to your yacht, you can see how many points your co-op has earned in the current seasonal regatta.

There’s a number of checkpoints, or chests, along the way, and you collect them when you earn a certain number of points. Chests are exchanged for rewards at the end of the race.

You can check your personal progress in the current regatta by tapping Statistics in the Tasks tab.

To see your co-op’s statistics, go to the Season tab and tap the icon in the upper-left corner of the map. Keep in mind that during the interseasonal regatta you’ll see the results of the previous competition.

The Regional Leaderboard only shows the co-ops in the region you’ve selected. The Global Leaderboard, however, shows the best co-ops worldwide. The co-ops whose season results give them the highest Global Leaderboard positions get special prizes.

In order to get on the leaderboards, your co-op must be in the Golden League. Co-ops remain on leaderboards until the end of the season even if they are demoted to a lower league.

Leaderboards are calculated using the results of the first seasonal regatta. Then, from the second week, the points a co-op earns during its two most successful regattas of the season are used.

Here’s how scores are calculated: bonus points for race position and co-op size are added to the co-op’s average score, while penalty points are deducted for dumped tasks. – The average score is the total co-op score for the previous seasonal regatta divided by the number of members who participated in it. – The bonus for co-op size is based on the maximum number of regatta participants in your co-op. The more members there are, the bigger the bonus is. – The bonus for race position means that the higher your position in the regatta, the more points you get. – The penalty for dumped tasks is based on the number of tasks dumped from the common task board in the previous seasonal regatta divided by the number of co-op participants in that race.

If members get kicked out of their co-op during a race, the points they earned still count toward the co-op’s total score.

Leaderboards are reset at the beginning of each new season.

Your co-op enters a regatta as soon as any one of its members confirms their participation (by ticking the box next to Participate in Regatta in Additional settings) and picks a task at least five hours before the regatta finish time.

If nobody from your co-op picks a task at least five hours before the race ends, the regatta task list is blocked for all members, and you are no longer able to join.

ATTENTION! Co-ops that are late for seasonal races are automatically demoted to the next lower league.

Tap the Pier to open the regatta window. The interseasonal regatta window has the following tabs: 1. Tasks. Here, players can pick a chest to complete the three tasks it contains either by themselves or with the help of other co-op members. You can dump the task you’ve picked by tapping the trash icon. By doing so, you’ll lose the task progress and won’t be able to pick it again right away. This waiting period does not apply to other co-op members. 2. Co-op Goals. This tab shows your co-op progress in completing co-op goals. You help your co-op move forward by completing tasks. All co-op members get rewards for each of the five goals your co-op achieves. 3. Season. This tab shows the leaders of the previous seasonal regatta as well as a sneak peek of the upcoming season. You can tap the icon in the upper-left corner to see your co-op’s statistics.

You can collect the rewards your co-op gets for reaching co-op goals in the Co-op Goals tab. A message in the co-op chat will notify you when this is possible.

The chest rewards you earn during an interseasonal regatta can be collected once it’s over. Simply go to the Tasks tab and tap the chest icon in the bottom-right corner.

It’s important you collect your rewards before the end of the next regatta—otherwise, you’ll lose them.

Interseasonal regattas aren’t competitions, so your co-op’s progress doesn’t affect your league. You can join regattas any time after they start.

Complete tasks to earn chest rewards as well as co-op goal rewards.

Just pick a chest and then tap Start next to the task you’d like to complete in the pop-up window. Most tasks are time-sensitive. You can complete them by yourself or with the help of other co-op members, in which case all the players working on the tasks get the chest rewards. You can pick up to nine chests during each regatta.

Co-op leaders, co-leaders, and elders can dump chests no one is working on. If at least one chest task has been picked, only leaders and co-leaders can dump that chest. It takes 60 minutes for new chests to appear.

You can dump task you picked by tapping the trash icon, though you’ll lose your task progress and won’t be able to pick it again right away. That waiting period does not apply to other co-op members, however.

Once you’ve picked all the chests available to you, help fellow co-op members complete tasks and get closer to reaching your co-op goals.

Your co-op’s seasonal regatta progress suffers when members of your co-op are caught cheating.

When our system detects a cheater and blocks their account, they stay in the co-op but can’t continue racing. The following then occurs: – The points earned by the cheating member are deducted from the co-op’s seasonal regatta score. – Competing co-ops will then enjoy a numerical advantage, as the cheater’s co-op is forced to continue racing with one fewer participant.

It’s important to take this into consideration when creating a co-op and accepting new members. It’s better to avoid suspicious players.

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I don’t understand how you could possibly cheat in these things

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We had a player who did just this. He bought black market boosters and Township cash from an Asian firm & not through the Township game.

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Sad when u have to cheat to win a game!!

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Right now I know that the co-op that is in first place is cheating they started with 7 players and in less than 24 hours they had over 21455 points that is not mathematically possible and then they went down to 5 member and now they have 21.590 with only 5 members even if they were doing 16 task at 135 each they could not get that score in less than 24 hours.

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township game yacht club

"Legendary Yachtsman" achievement

The Legendary Yachtsman achievement unlocks if your co-op finishes first in the Golden League regatta. The achievement comes with a unique Golden Sail decoration for every co-op member. You can only get the Golden Sail decoration once.

Please note that co-op members who didn't take part in the race or didn't complete any tasks won't receive a Golden Sail.

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Welcome to the World of Golf!


All is for sake of golf

Pestovo Golf club is built in accordance with international standards and it doesn’t have any analogs in Moscow and Moscow Region. The championship course is prepared for games at the highest level — it can host prestigious major tournaments. Professional coaches of the Golf academy can teach a beginner or give valuable advice to already experienced golfers and children Academy will develop the potential of the youngest golfers.

Membership in the private closed club «Pestovo» is a lifetime privilege opening multifaceted opportunities of sports and cultural life of modern golf community.

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Away from the bustle

Pestovo golf club is situated in a picturesque place on the shore of Pestovo reservoir. Here is no city noise but only fresh air, landscapes and cozy country houses. Its nature and developed infrastructure turn Pestovo into a quiet corner for family vacation.

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City district Mitishi Village Rumiancevo, Nikolskaya st., private demesne 1, building 1

With care of your recreation

There are all the necessary things in our country complex for comfortable rest of your entire family. This is not only a championship golf course but it’s also a club house, restaurant, fitness club and yacht club. Qualified staff puts the life in the country club on a new level.


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township game yacht club

Local Attractions / Travel

The best golf clubs in moscow: luxury, exclusivity, and entertainment.

By Walter Raymond

February 24, 2015


  • The Best Golf Clubs in…

In Russia, the western concept of building architecturally beautiful golf courses filled with modern and luxurious amenities has found fertile ground. What was considered a frivolous pastime during the time of the Soviets has become the latest trend for the stylish set. These days, there are countless options around Moscow to practice golf, polo, ski, yachting, and other sports alongside 5-star hotels, luxurious country houses, and magnificent villas.

The game of golf is a sport that requires passion and expertise. It is also part of a culture that considers this pastime a synonym of social prestige and exclusivity. In recent years, the new Russian elite has turned to golf as a vehicle of integration in the era of globalization. Golf courses are also meeting and socializing spaces where Muscovite tycoons can relax and also seal business deals.

Golf Courses in Russia

The Moscow Country Club, Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club, Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club, and Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia are some of the most exclusive and elegant golf courses in Russia. Some of them have made it to the list of Top 15 golf clubs in the world, a source of great prestige for the country.

Moscow Country Club Moscow Country Club

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The first 18-hole golf course built in Russia, Moscow Country Club, hosts the exclusive PGA European Tour. Located just eight miles from the city center, this luxurious facility was created by architect Robert Trent Jones Jr . The design takes advantage of a typical Russian birch and spruce forest to provide a natural environment of extraordinary beauty.

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The Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is 18 miles from the heart of Moscow, close to historical monuments from the 17th and 18th centuries. Designed by famed architects Paul and Dave Thomas , this 18-hole course is part of a complex that includes a yacht club, an equestrian center, and a health and wellness facility. Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is Russia’s version of a classic country club with multiple attractions.

Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club

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This park is among the best in Eastern Europe and was awarded the 2014 World Golf Award as the best golf course in Russia. Located 25 miles from Moscow, it is part of a vast complex featuring an 18-hole golf course, designed by Jack Nicklaus , a polo club and a mountain ski club with four tracks. The design combines classic Scottish, Alpine, and English features in a dreamy landscape.

Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia

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Less than 60 miles from Moscow, this golf course with a definite Scottish design is the only one in Russia recognized as a PGA (Professional Golfers’ Association) from Britain and Ireland. Located in an ecologically pristine area on the banks of the Volga River, the Zavidovo Golf Club embodies the spirit and appearance of the legendary Scottish golf courses. Its many springs and streams, hills, forests, swamps and lakes justify its reputation as a very demanding circuit. Last year, it entered the exclusive club of the 15 best golf courses in the world.   ■

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Township Wiki

Regatta Seasons

  • 1.1 2024 Regatta Season

Meet New Regatta

For information about the old regatta, see Regatta Seasons (2017-2024) . For Regatta itself, see Regatta .

Each Regatta Season lasts for 4 weeks, which features a new global top co-op ranking list and rewards

Regatta Seasons List [ ]

2024 regatta season [ ].

No. Theme Start Date Finish Date Regatta Store
3 Stone Age August 26, 2024 September 23, 2024
2 Tropical Adventure July 29, 2024 August 26, 2024
1 Celebratory Season July 1, 2024 July 29, 2024

History [ ]

  • The new Regatta Seasons was introduced in v19.1.0, July 1, 2024.
Regatta Navigation
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    Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. For information about the old regatta, see Regatta Seasons (2017-2024). For Regatta itself, see Regatta. Each Regatta Season lasts for 4 weeks, which features a new global top co-op ranking list and rewards The new Regatta Seasons was introduced in v19.1.0, July 1, 2024.

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