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How to (with pictures) build a Mosquito catamaran in tortured ply

Discussion in ' Multihulls ' started by Corley , Jul 16, 2012 .


Corley epoxy coated

Found this great write up on building a mosquito catamaran in tortured ply on the Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association site. Might be a good reference for someone who wants to build a tortured ply catamaran be it a mosquito, tornado or A class. The attachment has some tortured ply plans for an early A class. There are also plans for "Houlton" tornado in tortured ply available on the web. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~mosquito/documents/building.php The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction also has a section on tortured ply construction it's available free at the following link in .pdf form. http://www.westsystem.com/ss/assets/HowTo-Publications/GougeonBook%20061205.pdf Here are the building instructions to the early Jerry Houlton Tornado plan. http://bulsailing.com/images/content/85/houlton-tornado-plans.pdf and the tornado plans from thebeachcats.com http://www.thebeachcats.com/pictures/?g2_itemId=11015  

Attached Files:

Combined%20PaoPao%206%20DesignA Class tortured ply design.pdf

Combined%20PaoPao%206%20DesignA Class tortured ply design.pdf

Quite large cats and tris can be built with the tortured ply method and Malcolm Tennant designed and made plans available for several. Obviously many of the regulars on the forum will know about all this but I thought since there are new visitors to the site all the time it might be interesting to put up some links to resources and plans relating to the method. Here is a link to the redshift plans. http://www.tennantdesign.co.nz/index.php?page=red-shift Some of the New Zealand 8.5 multis built with this method have remained competitive over many years John Teztelaff's cat comes to mind as does the earlier incarnation of the trimaran Timberwolf which If I recall correctly was built with tortured or stressed ply construction. The other famous trimaran built using tortured ply method is the Gougeons Adagio. Many on this forum have a more detailed knowledge than I on these boats but I hope this will assist new members in some preliminary knowledge and information so they can consider building with this method.  
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microsoft corporate social responsibility essay

Microsoft corporate social responsibility analysis.

Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility

What exactly is corporate social responsibility? Why Microsoft has been ranking consistently at the top for CSR? We shall take a look at these questions to understand how Microsoft Corporate social responsibility is a great case in CSR. 

The need for Corporate social responsibility   

The world has improved a lot since the 19th century, primarily due to the industrial revolution. However, this growth came at the cost of the rapidly depleting environment. The second change that happened was that companies realized over a period of time that it was not just the shareholders who were important. Companies are increasingly becoming more responsible towards external stakeholders. Industries realized that their sole purpose was not to make money.  

Here comes the CSR part. The corporate social responsibility of a firm is all about integrating external stakeholders like the environment and society into the business decision-making process. Therefore, the goal of corporate social responsibility is to reduce the negative impact of any company’s actions along with these directions. The ultimate goal of CSR is to create positive action for society as well as the environment. It should be noted that these benefits are not coming at the cost of the profit of the organization. 

Initially, there were only manufacturing-related companies that took part in CSR activities. However, over a period of time, even software companies like Microsoft got into it. Let us find out why. 

An overview of Microsoft’s approach towards CSR  

Microsoft is one of the top companies in the world. Microsoft has taken a proactive approach to corporate social responsibility. One of the ways of knowing whether the firms are serious about CSR is through their annual reports. Annual reports are documents that are primarily targeted towards investors. A company may talk about its responsibilities towards society and its environment. This shows their attitude towards these issues. Microsoft releases its corporate sustainability report based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. 

Microsoft has defined some of the broader CSR goals as: 

  • Empowering people 
  • Strengthening the communities
  • Protecting our planet 

In order to fulfill these broader goals, they have formulated a CSR team. This team is called the Microsoft Technology and Corporate Responsibility or the TCR team. Apart from the TSR team within Microsoft, they are also active through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Microsoft founder Bill Gates has donated a major part of his wealth for philanthropic purposes. This foundation looks at operationalizing some of these philanthropic goals. 

“We are grounded in creating local economic opportunity in every community, helping to unlock the power of technology to address our customers’ most pressing challenges.” – Satya Nadella 

Microsoft CSR case study  

Now we shall look at some of the live examples of how they have  executed the CSR . They have been working broadly on the aspects of empowering people. Additionally, they have also looked at ways in which Microsoft as a technology enabler, can help communities across the world. Thirdly, Microsoft is also committed to reduce the carbon footprints of its product in order to protect the environment. 

  • It should be noted here that some of the actions are driven by philanthropic motives while some may be simply following an overall industrial trend. However, the attitude and effectiveness in these aspects are a testament to a company’s CSR activities. 

Microsoft launched a solar project in Nigeria to help the local community. Through this project, they have established a center with solar panels to charge the batteries. They have also used Microsoft Azure, their cloud technology to optimize the inverters. This has resulted in a self-sustaining and environmentally friendly solution for the people. 

Empowering  people  

Microsoft is using cloud technology to empower office workers. They have reported that their use of Microsoft software helps the team in building a more powerful workplace. Firstly, they have changed the format of the delivery of the Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office now also comes as a cloud subscription under the name of Office 365. Using this technology, they’re trying to make the workplace more sophisticated. They also attempt to make the applications more secure for the end-users. 

Secondly, some of their software offerings are also free of cost. It is interesting to note that their best-selling office applications can be used for free. Office 365 comes with Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. This free package could be quite helpful for people working in smaller teams who cannot afford expensive software. Microsoft also attempts to provide higher accessibility in its software. These features are quite helpful for people who are differentially abled. 

Strengthening the communities  

They have attempted to strengthen the community through the Microsoft Corporate social responsibility team. One of the ways in which they are trying to strengthen the community is through inclusive hiring. In closing, hiring is a process in which a company attempts to have equal opportunity for everyone. It can also mean affirmative actions to provide better opportunities for underprivileged classes. 

Secondly, they also attempt to provide some of the toolkits for development. These toolkits could be helpful for startups. They are also used by non-government organizations. 

Thirdly, Microsoft has organized skill development and educational courses. Some of the students find these courses particularly useful. Microsoft also collaborated with the Markle Foundation to train around 50,000 workers. 

Protecting our planet  

It is easier to visualize automotive as environmental pollutants. However. IT products and services can also have an environmental impact . Microsoft has said that it is working on three broader environmental areas. 

Firstly, they’re trying to reduce the impact through lower carbon footprint and energy usage. Microsoft was one of the first companies to achieve 100% carbon neutrality in 2012. Furthermore, a lower carbon footprint means that using more eco-friendly materials in their products. A life cycle assessment of the materials helps in lowering carbon footprint.

Secondly, they attempt. To preserve the water and natural ecosystems. Microsoft has laid down certain rules to increase water efficiency. There is also scope to help the affected counties in overcoming the shortage of potable water. Microsoft is also working towards net-zero water certification for its establishment. 

Thirdly, Microsoft attempts to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment. Microsoft has taken steps to increase the usage of renewable energy. They have achieved this through. Using solar energy for some of their energy needs. Additionally, they have also looked at ways to minimize waste. In their products, they have achieved this through smaller and lighter packaging. Microsoft has also partnered with other enterprises too. They have created an extensive recycling program for their products. 

The way forward for Microsoft’s corporate social responsibility   

CSR at microsoft

Microsoft’s corporate social responsibility team has already laid out some of the goals for the future. Some of these goals are: 

  • Using AI for ecological conservation. They use AI to analyze geo-spatial data faster and more precisely. This can help build models to conserve and environmentally sensitive areas. 
  • One of the contributors to the environmental impact of a product is transportation. We can reduce this impact primarily by reducing the weight of the products. Microsoft plans to reduce the weight of its product by 20%. They have projected that this would reduce greenhouse emissions by around 29%. 
  • A simple optimization of the CPU can lead to lower energy consumption. Microsoft plans to use this approach to help people get better battery life as well as reduce the energy consumption of their products. 
  • Microsoft also plans to poise and mobilize people for natural disasters and humanitarian work. They said that they are collaborating with other organizations to help achieve these goals. 

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Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): a brief overview

Microsoft CSR

The technology giant won a number of awards and achievements for its responsible behaviour. These include ranking #1 on Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2018, ranking #1 for both, Environment and Social Score which measures corporate performance using more than 200 factors. Moreover, Microsoft’s behavior as a socially responsible company has earned number 2 spot on JUST Capital’s Top 10 Tech Companies.

Microsoft CSR Programs and Initiatives

Microsoft Supporting Local Communities

  • Microsoft employees donated USD158 million to non-profits serving its local communities and the world
  • The Lagos Solar project in Nigeria uses batteries that are charged by solar panels, along with intelligent inverters connected to Microsoft Azure Internet of Things technology
  • International software provider Temenos relies on Microsoft Cloud services to reach people across Myanmar who lack access to banking, giving them opportunities for more financial stability and access to microcredit and other financial services.
  • Microsoft’s 4Afrika Initiative provides a set of programs to empower African youth, entrepreneurs, developers and business and civic leaders
  • YouthSpark initiative aims to empower 300 million young people around the world with opportunities for education, employment, and entrepreneurship

Microsoft Educating and Empowering Workers

  • Microsoft collects employee feedbacks through multiple channels and acts on them. As part of this initiative nearly 85 percent of our more than 117,000 employees responded employee survey
  • 92% of surveyed stated they feel proud to work at Microsoft and 87% of employees would recommend Microsoft as a great place to work
  • 90% of Microsoft’s employees are eligible for various bonuses

Labour and Human Rights at Microsoft  

  • Since 2016, Microsoft has had a formal commitment to respect human rights as a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact
  • The technology company adheres to its Global Human Rights Statement
  • Microsoft provides health and wellness programs for families, paid vacation, paid sick leave and paid time off for new parents

Employee Health and Safety at Microsoft

  • The Microsoft CARES employee assistance program, offers free access to services including personal and family counselling, stress management, and referrals for child/elder care.
  • The Microsoft Ergonomics Program offers the workforce ergonomic assessment and training programs and special furniture, equipment, and software for medical needs.
  • The company conducts Voice of the Supplier Surveys in an anonymous manner to monitor the adherence to health and safety and other important CSR-related principles.

Microsoft and Gender Equality and Minorities

  • The company is one of the first Fortune 500 companies in the world to offer domestic partner benefits for Microsoft LGBT employees
  • Since 2016 the company has nearly doubled the number of women corporate vice presidents – both overall and in technical roles
  • African American/Black and Hispanic/Latino representation among the workforce reached increased by 33% in 2017
  • Microsoft spent USD3 billion with minority, disabled, veteran, and woman owned businesses in FY18

Energy Consumption by Microsoft

  • 44% of the electricity used by Microsoft data centres comes from wind, solar, and hydro power electricity
  • Air cooling techniques used at Microsoft data centres result in 20-30 percent lower energy consumption
  • Microsoft leveraged its corporate campus to help create an analytical software solution that prioritizes maintenance and repairs our 125 Puget Sound buildings based on energy and cost savings potential
  • All new data centres of Microsoft have an average 1.125 Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), which is one-third less than the industry average data centre PUE of 1.7.

Water Consumption by Microsoft

  • Air cooling techniques used at Microsoft data centres result in 90% lower water consumption
  • In India, the company captures rainwater for irrigation, and on its Hyderabad campus, it treats sewage for use in landscaping, resulting in zero sewer discharge.
  • Paris office also uses captured rainwater for irrigation and flushes fixtures.

Waste Reduction and Recycling by Microsoft

  • Microsoft Real Estate and Facilities teams around the world implement waste minimization programs, including office supply reuse, recycling, and in many cases, composting
  • Company’s Redmond, Washington dining facilities divert 99 percent of the waste from the landfill by recycling, using compostable tableware, and adapting our menu to minimize food waste.

Carbon Emissions by Microsoft

  • Since July 1, 2012, Microsoft’s global operations have been carbon neutral.
  • The company has purchased more than 14 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of green power and reduced company-wide emissions by more than 9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e).
  • Microsoft has supported the lives of more than 7 million people in emerging nations through carbon offset community projects.
  • Company’s carbon offset project portfolio represents more than 600,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions

Microsoft and Sustainable Sourcing 

  • The company evaluates the operations of its suppliers against 23 different ethical, social, and environmental risks
  • Microsoft’s Device Supply Chain group (DSC) and indirect purchasing group oversee dedicated programs to ensure that its standards are met and to build partnerships with suppliers that advance social and environmental goals
  • Company’s Global Procurement Group created a formal responsible sourcing function in 2013 to consolidate and enhance its responsible sourcing activities with our indirect suppliers
  • More than 100,000 device and packaging components provided by suppliers have been evaluated for compliance by Microsoft

Microsoft’s other CSR Initiatives and Charitable Donations

  • The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) has recognized Microsoft for having the ‘second largest number of certified privacy professionals (CIPP) of any company.
  • Microsoft employs more than 50 people whose primary role is investigating potential breaches of company policy, and an additional 120 people whose primary role is compliance
  • Microsoft has launched Office 365 for Nonprofits in 92 countries around the world, providing USD55 million worth of Office 365 subscriptions to nearly 11,500 nonprofits globally
  • Microsoft completed the Global Network Initiative (GNI) Phase III Assessment, conducted by an independent assessor, and the GNI Board determined that Microsoft is compliant with the GNI Principles on Freedom of Expression and Privacy
  • The company began the audit of its non-hardware suppliers against 23 different ethical, social, and environmental risks by country and by commodity category

Microsoft Corporation Report contains a full analysis of Microsoft corporate social responsibility including Microsoft CSR issues. The report illustrates the application of the major analytical strategic frameworks in business studies such as SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain analysis, Ansoff Matrix and McKinsey 7S Model on Microsoft. Moreover, the report contains analyses of Microsoft leadership, business strategy, organizational structure and organizational culture. The report also comprises discussions of Microsoft marketing strategy and its ecosystem.


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Corporate Social Responsibility. Microsoft

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Partnership between microsoft and unhcr, rationale for partnership, lunchtime initiative, corporate citizenship initiatives.

With global changes regarding business trends, corporations are facing challenges every day. However, CSR arena has become the ground through which corporations are battling it out in terms of capturing the consumer’s attention. Large corporations like Microsoft have used CSR effectively and reached out to the needy. However, some critics believe that there is more to corporations incorporating CSR. Is it true that there is a bigger catch to CSR than there is in helping the community and if there is how has Microsoft benefited from its engagements in community participation and which can be generalized to the rest of the corporations? The paper therefore is a review of Corporate Social Responsibility, the rationale behind corporations in social responsibility and the reasons as to why corporations engage in social responsibilities together with a conclusion.

Questions range as to why large corporations would feel philanthropic and engage in social responsibilities. It is commonly argued that corporations have a social responsibility to society through the corporation itself as the moral agent through whom social responsibilities are practiced. Though morals are practiced by human beings, the corporation has social responsibility to the community via its employees. Social responsibility to the company is placed at the mandate of the employees who are to make the corporation moral (Danley, 1991). Corporations that do not practice social responsibilities fail to serve the same society it expects to sell their products to. However, this does not answer the questions as to why corporations would engage in community activities in a bid to reach out to the disadvantaged in the society and still stay within the rules of the game of many corporations that is of making profits. Why then do corporations operate corporation’s social responsibilities departments?

The partnership between Microsoft and UHNCR is justifiable and a good opportunity for the giant corporation to give back to the society although one would wonder why a giant corporation the likes Microsoft would not want to give back in times of need to the same society it takes from. I agree that the partnership helped smooth negative perceptions of the public towards the corporation. In addition, how would Microsoft think of diversifying to other countries especially third world countries if it cannot help the same countries it is diversifying to cope with difficult times. We ought to reflect that corporations exist to improve the lives of the people it serves not only in the products it manufactures but also in engaging in community activities (Nicolas, & Suder, 2008). With regard to operating in different environments and cultures, then we cannot expect a corporation to be oblivious to its surroundings not necessarily in terms of the products it produces but to the people its serves. With this said and done, CSR is evaluated regarding Microsoft Corporation. If an individual can make a difference and a humanitarian organization that is totally reliable on donor funds, it would be lame to say that the partnership between Microsoft and UNHCR should not exist. In the world of business, corporations are thought to be separate entities and even DeGeorge argues that they are the moral agents through which employees of the corporations are able to give back to the society and therefore the partnership was the right approach for Microsoft to adopt.

However, I do not think that a company should leverage all its assets in order to contribute to pro bono. We have got to get the difference between Microsoft and UNHCR. The former is a business enterprise in search of selling its products and making a profit but with an ethical side of wanting to help society while the latter is a humanitarian organization with a totally different mission from the former. To conclude it all, I would say that corporations the likes Microsoft have to balance between their social responsibilities and their sole reason for existence that is of making profits. Thus am for the idea that corporations cannot leverage all their assets to participate in pro bono activities.

Microsoft Corporation is no exception in helping out disadvantaged communities in its partnerships with UNHCR in the efforts of reaching out to refugees (Nicolas, & Suder, 2008). Corporations are realizing that with each passing day, they cannot turn a blind eye to the needy people on top of their quests for making profits. We all live in diverse cultures and perhaps the answer to corporate social responsibilities lies in the context in which the corporations operate. However one thing is very clear to all corporations of the 21 century, that they cannot escape social responsibilities.

Microsoft is entering into the right partnerships to complement its market opening and raising opportunities. Corporations are realizing that in the business world, the customer stands out to be the number one priority all other factors of the company held constant for instance other company’s missions and objectives (Deresky, 1997). The customer is the most vital instrument that a company should possess and what better way than to rub his or her ego and do them good through CSR? Without the customer, corporations including the large ones would cease to exist. Corporations’ relations with the customer are therefore enhanced through CSR. In addition, CSR helps corporations in achieving their mission for instance; Microsoft helps the needy in Kosovo by providing computers that help record the refugee’s data and therefore give them identity. Through this Microsoft engaged in an activity that is in line with its line of operations (Nicolas, & Suder, 2008).

I would further add to the point by highlighting that at the time Microsoft was forming the partnership and launched its Project PROFILE, it only had 31, 575 employees and a revenue of only 19.75 billion. However, through the humanitarian initiatives by Microsoft, the corporation employed more people to a total of 71, 172 and had a net income of 44.28 billion. With these statistics, we cannot discredit Microsoft for forming such partnerships (Nicolas, & Suder, 2008).

The consumer is the number one priority and therefore has shifted from their proverbial advertising, branding of the corporation’s products and packaging to engaging in corporate social responsibilities. More and more corporations are taking part in community activities and in turn sensitizing people of their products. Critics have always argued that even though corporations are getting in touch with their moral side, they stand a greater chance of benefitting in the long run.

There have been critics as to the whole issue of corporations engaging in social responsibility with the argument leaning on the fact that the corporations which engage in CSR benefit more than the ones which only operate for the sole reason of making profits. Can this be said to be true in view of Microsoft Corporation? Well, we cannot deny the fact that morally sensitive corporations like Microsoft are benefiting in more than one way. For instance, Microsoft has always been accused of stepping on other smaller companies in the computing business because they are the giants and therefore perceived negatively by the public. Corporate social responsibility provides an avenue through which corporations can soothe the public in its image. CSR allows the corporation to convince the public that it’s not only interested in making profits but also in improving their welfare. Thus, through CSR, negative and commonly held beliefs of the company are smoothed out (Nicolas, & Suder, 2008).

CSR allows employees to engage in activities that are geared towards helping the needy and therefore helps in improving the lives of the employees in addition to improving the image of the company. For instance, in the case study, it is reported that Microsoft employees were having lunch while watching the 1999 Kosovo crisis and they immediately started to think of ways through which they could help make the lives of the disadvantaged better. Fortunately the Jean-Phillippe Courtois was also reading from the same script and also thinking of ways to help the needy in the society (Nicolas, & Suder, 2008). Therefore, through CSR, we get in touch with our sensitive side as employees and the corporations provide the grounds or the base point in which we are able to offer our help to those we need it and we ultimately feel satisfied with ourselves.

According to Helen Deresky, the world is changing at a first pace for all corporations whether small or large like Microsoft. Helen talks about the competitive strategies that corporations are employing to capture the attention of the consumer and thus CSR is one of them. Corporations are winning the hearts of the consumers by giving back to the society (Deresky, 1997). Aligning to Helen’s view of thought, another critic of immoral companies (companies without ethics) De George, argues that companies have to be socially responsible through defining their roles to the employees and the employees should carry the moral responsibility of the company through treating the customer well (Danley, 1991). In addition to these views, the current trends in the corporate world have shifted from organizations feeling philanthropic in charitable events to the organizations identifying the really needy communities and helping them out through the projects like the partnership of Microsoft with UNHCR. It is therefore a means through which corporations show that there are aware of the employee’s specific needs and are aware of the surroundings rather than the proverbial philanthropy whereby corporations would donate for the sake of donations.

In accordance with Helen’s thought, corporations need to change their strategies to reflect the different cultures that they operate in (Deresky, 1997). We may ask questions as to how this is relevant in large corporations like Microsoft. The answer lies in the long-term strategies of the company by simply running over the short-term strategies. For instance, through Microsoft providing the technology needed to register the Kosovo refugees in camps, the company marketed its products to the people in such a way that later on in future people would prefer Microsoft products to its competitor’s products. To Helen, these are the strategies that corporations need to survive and excel in different environments and who can then blame these corporations for becoming giant corporations when such tactics have been used?

The lunchtime initiative can be regarded as an initiative that showed Microsoft as a corporation with the ability to serve the diverse community with challenging needs both internal and external. To support my point employees felt that they could do something to alleviate the suffering of the refugees and so did one of the CEOs. It is no coincidence that the employees and Jean-Phillippe Courtois thought of the same thing but because they knew Microsoft had the capability and the manpower to make a difference.

It is also not a coincidence that the company’s share value fell at the time that the corporate citizenship initiatives were being formed. Microsoft was always accused of stepping on the smaller corporations in the same computing fields and therefore the anti-trust cases multiplied tainting the image of the corporation and making the company’s share fall. In addition, not so many people trusted that Microsoft did not have a hidden agenda in engaging in citizenship initiatives. Therefore, this shows that a company cannot make corporate citizenship initiatives as investments in the future the reason being that the corporation being a profit-making organization cannot rely on citizenships initiatives for its drive for profits but can only rather use citizenship initiatives as a tool to reach out to the consumer and to give back to the community. In addition, giant corporations the likes of Microsoft are where they are today not because they are humanitarian organizations but because they are able to balance between their quests for making profits and their ability to do good and that includes reaching out to the needy people like the case of Kosovo (Nicolas, & Suder, 2008).

I would conclude by saying that CSR is important in all corporations. The paradigm has shifted to more consumer-friendly level of marketing rather than traditional methods of marketing a company’s products through methods like branding, giving free samples among others. Corporations are getting to the ground and involving their employees in helping the communities and in turn customers are getting to know about their products and also becoming loyal customers to such corporations in future. Through CSR, we as consumers see the other side of corporations especially the large ones in a different light. It is therefore important that all corporations engage in CSR to help communities not forgetting that the communities that they help may be where some of the corporation’s employees have come from (Deresky, 1997). Such an employee would also feel the need to work and give the best to his or her employers. Therefore, I conclude by saying the corporations who practice CSR are in a give and take situation.

Danley, J. (1991): Ethics and the Organizational Person: Revisiting DeGeorge: Journal of Business Ethics: Vol. 10: No. 12: pp. 935 – 950.

Deresky, H. (1997): International Management: Managing Across Borders & Cultures: New York: Addison Wesley Publishing Company: 2 nd Ed.

Nicolas, N. & Suder, G. (2008): Microsoft Partnership with UNHCR: France: CERAM Business School.

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BusinessEssay . "Corporate Social Responsibility. Microsoft." October 24, 2022. https://business-essay.com/corporate-social-responsibility-microsoft/.

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Microsoft’s Corporate Social Responsibility essay


Microsoft’sCorporate Social Responsibility

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MicrosoftCorporation, universally known as Microsoft, is an American globalcompany, with its headquarters in Redmond, Washington. The Companywas established by Paul Allen and Bill Gates back in 1975, April 4 th (Dudovskiy, 2015). Microsoft develops, produces, licences and sellsall types of computer software, electronics, personal computers suchas laptops, mobile phones to name but a few. The company is famousfor its quality software products such as Microsoft Windows,operating systems, Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer thatdominate the global markets. Over the years, Microsoft has grown tobe one of the top performers in the technology industry. Currently,the company has established its operation centres in over 120 nationsincluding African countries such as Congo, Chad and Kenya. As of 31 st Dec 2015, Microsoft’s employee headcount stood at 112, 689worldwide with 62, 437 working in the USA alone.

Microsoft’ssocial responsibility strategies

Accordingto Smith (2013), Microsoft is among the top four companies with themost reputable CSR perceptions in the world. Microsoft is globallyknown for its efforts to give back to the community, ensure itsemployees’ welfare, and promote good corporate citizenship.According to Chan (2014), Microsoft releases its information aboutCSR activities through an annual report. The company’s socialresponsibility mission is to serve the needs of the global communityeither directly or indirectly and maintaining a safe environment forpeople to live in. For instance, in the year 2014, Microsoft spentover $ 1 billion on philanthropic activities to help the poor and theneedy. In addition, the Bill &amp Gates Foundation founded by BillGates, is involved in charitable activities such as supporting theneedy students and promoting health among disadvantaged communities.

Microsoftis a company that seems to focus on promoting the safety of theenvironment through pollution prevention and control (Chan, 2014).For instance, the company willingly releases its information onpollution through the Carbon Disclosure Project. For some years now,the company relies on renewable energy for most of its operations toavoid unsustainable exploitation of the natural sources of energy.Moreover, in the year 2012, Microsoft reduced its carbon emissions by30% having switched to clean green sources of energy. It is alsoimportant to point out that the company has set a calendar of CSRactivities whereby its thousands of employees are involved incharitable activities in their respective locations. Some of theactivities that the Microsoft employees are involved include, but notlimited to the following: helping the elderly and the sick, cleaningthe dirty environs, campaigns on healthy lifestyle and charitablewalks.

Accordingto Chan (2014), Microsoft is a good place to work. A survey carriedout in the year 2013 revealed that over 85% of the employees agreedthat Microsoft offers the best environment to work. Moreover,Microsoft is committed in promoting the welfare of its employees byoffering them good salaries and other benefits such as paid annualleaves, medical insurance among others. According to Smith, Microsofthas been successful in building a global perception of a caringcompany (2013). Under the influence of the major stakeholders,Microsoft is committed in educating and training its employees toremain updated and informed. Microsoft spends a lot of its moneyannually on employee training programs to ensure they are innovativeenough to keep the company at the top of its rivals in the highlycompetitive global market.

Thereare several forces behind Microsoft’s social responsibilityactivities. The United Nations has set various standards thatmultinational businesses such as Microsoft should adhere to regardingenvironment safety. Additionally, the United Nations ensures thatbusiness activities promote Human Rights. Microsoft stakeholders havealso influenced the co-operation to invest in employee welfare toattract and retain the best talents for continued good performance(Chan, 2014). Also, Microsoft’s employees especially businessadvisers and Human Resources personnel have influenced the company toembrace various philanthropic activities to enhance the corporateimage at the local, national and international levels.

Personalviews on Microsoft’s CSR

Ithink that Microsoft is doing a great job in terms of socialresponsibility and hence deserves all the credit. Microsoft has beensuccessful in building a good reputation through its CSR and genuineactions. Microsoft has attracted a pool of proficient and talentedworkers all over the world and retained then making it maintain goodperformance for several decades. Moreover, the company has realizedhuge profits through its philanthropic activities that have attractedmillions of customers all over the world. I believe that Microsoftsuccessfully utilizes CSR activities to restore its lostprofitability. For instance, the negative impacts that Microsoft hason the environment have been countered by the company’s efforts toreduce natural energy consumption and maintain a clean environment. It is also important to note that Microsoft’s CSR policy has helpedin enhancing customers’ loyalty to their various brands hencepromoting the growth of sales and revenue. However, Microsoft’s CSRactivities have come at a cost. The company spends billions ofdollars to finance its CSR activities. To conclude, I will point outthat the benefits of Microsoft’s social responsibility far outweighthe costs and hence the company should maintain and even strive toimprove it.

Chan,L. Y. (2014). CorporateSocial Responsibility of Multinational Corporations .Global Honors Theses Paper 18.

Dudovskiy,J. (2015). MicrosoftCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Retrieved from: http://research-methodology.net/microsoft-corporate-social-responsibility-csr/

SmithJ. (2015). TheCompanies with the Best CSR Reputations .Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/10/02/the-companies-with-the-best- csr-reputations-2/#29e3170a22bc

  • DOI: 10.32535/APJME.V3I1.744
  • Corpus ID: 216516585

Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Microsoft Corporation

  • Gaurav Sehgal , D. Kee , +4 authors Farah Almutairi
  • Published 21 March 2020

7 Citations

Creating a better competitive edge through environmental sustainability: a case study of panasonic, a corpus-based approach to corporate communication research, key determinants of international retail success: a case of ikea retail, community empowerment in the economic field of fish farmers in the corporate social responsibility program, contributing factors to customers loyalty in gadgets a study on apple brand, sustainability in the food and beverage industry: a comparative study of malaysia, india, and indonesia, the future of biotechnology crime: a parallel delphi study with non-traditional experts, 9 references, corporate social responsibility, beyond the business case for corporate sustainability, lean and green: the move to environmentally conscious manufacturing.

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Embracing Environmental Sustainability: The Case of Microsoft Corporation

8 Pages Posted: 3 Aug 2021

Ksheeraja Satish

Stella Maris College

Date Written: April 10, 2021

With the expansion of the scope of business responsibility of corporations to include the concept of ‘Environment, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG)’, there is a need for strong sustainable business strategies that causes minimal environmental damage. Microsoft Corporation having launched its first annual Environmentally Sustainability Report, ‘A Year of Action’, this is a case study of the corporation's business strategies that seek to take the growing environmental concerns into account. Their environmental impact reports covering aspects about sustainable actions and solutions, is a way towards mitigating climate change.

Keywords: Microsoft, Environment, Corporate Governance

JEL Classification: M14, K32, Q01, Q54, Q56

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

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Microsoft’s Mission Statement & Vision Statement (An Analysis)

Microsoft corporate mission statement, corporate vision statement, consumer electronics, cloud, computer software hardware business case study

Microsoft Corporation’s success as a global company is founded on the fulfillment of its corporate mission and vision statements. The corporate mission statement presents the business purpose and a general idea of the technology business’s strategic approach to satisfying the corporate vision statement. In this sense, Microsoft’s corporate mission specifies what the business aims to do to increase customers’ success. On the other hand, the vision statement directs the development of the computer technology business toward a desired future condition. Currently, Microsoft’s corporate vision includes what the business can do for individual and organizational customers. Also, the corporate mission is strongly aligned with the corporate vision statement. This alignment is essential to optimizing strategic decisions, especially in addressing the competitive force from multinational firms like Apple , Google , Amazon , and IBM . As the Five Forces analysis of Microsoft Corporation indicates the strong force of competitive rivalry involving these firms, the company implements its corporate mission and vision statements to strengthen its competitive advantages.

Microsoft’s corporate vision and mission statements emphasize empowerment as a value or benefit that the company’s products can provide to customers. The corporate mission statement directly reflects the corporate vision statement of the computer hardware and software, consumer electronics, and online services business. This matching enables the company to apply strategies and tactics that motivate workers to achieve more, in support of growing the technology business. Microsoft’s corporate culture also contributes to the fulfillment of the corporate mission statement and the corporate vision statement, especially in terms of human resource support.

Microsoft’s Mission Statement

Microsoft’s mission is “ to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. ” This mission statement shows that the business focuses on the empowerment of people and organizations, through the company’s information technology goods and services. The following components are significant in Microsoft’s corporate mission statement:

  • Value proposition: Empowerment to achieve more
  • Target market: All persons and organizations in the global market

The first component of the corporate mission shows Microsoft’s value proposition in offering its products to target customers. One of the company’s main strategic goals is to ensure that its information technology products provide empowerment to customers, so that they can achieve more of their own objectives. For example, customers can satisfy their productivity objectives by using Microsoft 365 apps. In this case, the corporate mission statement directs the business organization to develop products that support customers’ productivity through technology. This product development emphasis in the mission statement affects Microsoft Corporation’s generic strategy for competitive advantage and strategies for intensive growth , which also facilitate the fulfillment of the firm’s corporate vision statement.

The second component of the mission statement describes Microsoft’s target market, which is specified to include all persons and organizations around the world. A corresponding strategic objective for this component is to maximize market penetration to reach all potential users of the company’s computing products. This objective, based on the corporate mission statement, is supported through worldwide product distribution, which is included in Microsoft’s marketing mix or 4P . However, considering that people and organizations have different needs, the company offers multi-functional technologies that can be customized or configured to suit the preferences of individual users and organizations. In conjunction with the corporate vision statement, the corporate mission requires that Microsoft’s products remain flexible, while also satisfying high quality standards.

Microsoft’s Vision Statement

Microsoft’s vision is “ to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. ” This vision statement shows that the company presents its computing products as tools that people and business organizations can use for their personal or organizational development. Microsoft’s corporate vision statement has the following components:

  • Value proposition: To help realize their full potential
  • Target market: People and businesses throughout the world

The corporate vision’s components are directly related to the components of the corporate mission statement, indicating that Microsoft focuses on its value proposition and target market. For example, the vision statement specifies that the company’s value proposition is that its information technology products can help customers realize their full potential. This emphasis on helping and satisfying customers agrees with the strategic objective of addressing the concerns of customers as a stakeholder group in Microsoft’s corporate social responsibility strategy and stakeholder management approaches . This means that individual users and organizations are a focus in the product development strategy of the technology business.

Microsoft’s corporate vision statement also specifies the target market. In stating “people and businesses throughout the world,” the technology company defines its target market as composed of every person and business organization in the world. In this way, the corporate vision describes a business condition where Microsoft continues as one of the leading global providers of computer technology and related online services to customers around the world. Maintaining this market position requires competitive advantages for success despite competing firms also operating in the information technology and Internet services market. In this regard, the business strengths detailed in the SWOT analysis of Microsoft Corporation support the fulfillment of the corporate vision statement.

An Assessment of Microsoft’s Mission Statement & Vision Statement

Microsoft’s corporate mission statement presents the global scope of the business and a general idea about the company’s value proposition. However, the corporate mission does not clearly define the business in terms of its nature or what it does as an information technology and online services provider. Ideally, the mission statement should provide a general idea about the nature of the business, its operations, and its purpose and objectives. In this case, a recommendation is to improve Microsoft’s corporate mission statement by including how the organization achieves its corporate vision. For example, the mission statement can specify that the company provides information technology to empower people and organizations. Also, Microsoft can state rapid innovation as a strategy for developing the products that customers need.

Microsoft’s corporate vision statement shows the target market and product value to customers, directly reflecting the points of the corporate mission statement. However, the corporate vision lacks details for guiding the organization’s strategic development. The ideal vision statement should describe a desired future situation of Microsoft. A recommendation is to revise the current corporate vision statement by adding information about where the business is heading and how this future can be achieved. The objective of this recommendation is to provide more guidance to the technology company’s strategy formulation. Microsoft’s corporate vision statement can present information about the desired market leadership position, as well as the general strategic plans to reach such a position for the business.

  • About Microsoft .
  • Lüthy, A. (2023). From the Mission Statement to Value-Oriented Corporate Management. In Value-Oriented Leadership in Theory and Practice: Concepts-Study Results-Practical Insights (pp. 79-93). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Microsoft Corporation – Form 10-K .
  • Reid, S. E., & Crawford, C. B. (2022). Crafting the Vision Statement. In Entrepreneurial Vision: A Guide for Charting and Implementing the Visioning Process (pp. 263-276). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • U.S. Department of Commerce – International Trade Administration – Software and Information Technology Industry .
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EY and Microsoft expand social impact collaboration and advance sustainability education worldwide with Green Skills

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  • Supports joint EY-Microsoft social impact initiative, which aims to positively influence more than 5 million lives by 2025
  • Addresses the skills gap in sustainability by helping equip young people with employable green expertise needed to thrive in the new green economy

Today, the EY organization and Microsoft announce the launch of Green Skills Passport, which helps learners aged 16 and over develop skills to find green jobs and pursue opportunities in the growing green economy. The free online program is part of an ongoing social impact collaboration focused on sustainability, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and upskilling for young people.

The International Labor Organization is forecasting the creation of 24 million green jobs by 2030. Green Skills Passport will position learners to thrive in this evolving market and provide non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with a platform to empower underserved communities with new employable skills.

Through a 10-hour virtual course, participants can work at their own pace and learn about key topics such as sustainability, entrepreneurship and skills for employment. Green Skills Passport offers a detailed approach to skills development, providing learners with EY-curated learning paths built and delivered on the Microsoft Community Training platform.

EY and Microsoft already launched successful Green Skills Passport pilot programs in the United States, India and Bangladesh. Highlights include:

  • More than 1,400 course completions and certificates awarded.
  • 61% plan to apply for green jobs.
  • 43% plan to enroll in a university degree in sustainability or take more related classes.

Together, EY and Microsoft have collaborated on a multitude of programs to empower job seekers with the skills needed for the digital future, furthering the EY Ripples ambition to impact 1 billion lives by 2030. This program also supports Microsoft’s focus on building a more inclusive, equitable, sustainable and trusted future for everyone.

Other high-impact EY and Microsoft social programs include:

Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact: A Microsoft program aimed to accelerate the growth of impact-first, tech startups. EY and Microsoft ran a series of four upskilling workshops on key growth challenges identified on investment strategies, financial planning, environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy and business resilience.

  • Future Skills Workshops (FSW): An EY offering to upskill young or underserved groups equipping them with knowledge to navigate a changing world. The workshops include a variety of topics such as financial literacy, environmental sustainability and emerging technology. Trust for the Americas is a nonprofit who, through EY and Microsoft’s collaboration, is disseminating FSW content across Latin America. Beneficiaries in multiple LATAM countries access training materials that are available on Microsoft’s Community Training (MCT) platform completing the workshops in either classroom settings or virtually. 
  • EY STEM App: An innovative gamified mobile platform for girls ages 13-18 that aims to support the next generation of girls in STEM. The EY STEM App will host a channel with Microsoft MakeCode, where users can develop block coding skills.

Andy Baldwin, EY Global Managing Partner – Client Service, says:

"The collaboration between EY and Microsoft extends beyond a traditional alliance, showcasing our shared dedication to generating social impact. These programs are a testament of our desire to continue equipping young individuals with the skills they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world."

Jean-Philippe Courtois, EVP and President, National Transformation Partnerships at Microsoft, says:

"We're proud to continue growing our collaboration with EY to offer these unique programs that bridge the gap between education and employability. Through these programs, we are taking steps toward social equity and empowering leaders of the future.”

Learn more about the EY-Microsoft Green Skills Passport  here .  

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The global EY Ripples program aims to positively impact one billion lives by 2030. EY people, together with clients and other like-minded organizations, use their skills, knowledge and experience to bring positive change across three focus areas: supporting the next generation workforce, working with impact entrepreneurs and accelerating environmental sustainability. Learn more at  ey.com/eyripples .

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Corporate Social Responsibility of Microsoft

Posted by Matthew Harvey on Oct-17-2018

1. CSR at Microsoft

CSR s embedded in the business philosophy of Microsoft. At Microsoft, the business operations and processes are designed in a way that they do not become an obstacle or a burden in the way of people’s and the environment’s wellbeing. At the same time, these processes and designs boost business growth. The systematic design of operations at Microsoft enables the management to ensure that the organization achieves sustainable business growth by reducing attached risk factors as well as through community building goals and ambitions. Microsoft strives to increase its social impact and influence on the environment and in people’s lives- by focusing on three big goals. 

1.1. Values at Microsoft

Microsoft works for CSR through the CSV approach. This is made easier to incorporate in the company systems because of the core values practised at Microsoft. These are:

Respect – for every one

  • Accountability

1.2. CSR goals at Microsoft

1.2.1. improving livings standards for communities through increasing employment opportunities.

Microsoft believes in working for the people, and working with the people. With the growth of the business across the world, Microsoft ensures that it creates new employment and livelihood opportunities for millions across the globe. This is done through direct employment and contracts, as well as through inclusive business opportunities.

1.2.2. Enhancing the health and wellbeing of communities engaging with Microsoft

Microsoft works with communities at large and aims to help them become healthier and happier. Microsoft provides nutritional boosting and support to communities where it runs operations, as well as to other communities living in regions marked below poverty. Additionally, Microsoft also produces and distributes health and hygiene products to enhance the wellbeing of its customers along with the various communities it has engaged with.

1.2.3. Reducing environmental footprint

Microsoft works towards reducing its environmental footprint by ensuring that it allows the legislation regarding carbon production and release. Also, Microsoft works towards designing operational processes that reduce water and land pollution. All products manufactured and distributed by Microsoft come with a disposal method to reduce wastage, and increase recycling. 

2. Creating shared value (CSV) at Microsoft

Microsoft works hard to create value for not only the shareholders but for the society at large. This approach of creating shared value has enabled impressive business growth for Microsoft, as well as allowing its expansion regionally as well as in its product portfolio. Through creating shared value, Microsoft brings value to the lives of communities where it operates by influencing those aspects of the society which intersect and coincide with the business offerings and business operations.

2.1. How to maximize value creation?

Through the CSV approach, Microsoft can create the most value in the following aspects:

2.1.1. Nutrition

Microsoft focuses on investing in the health of communities by focusing on nutrition and medication, as well as on sanitation and hygiene. The primary focus remains on ensuring health safety for children and infants.

2.1.2. Water

Microsoft works hard with third parties and external as well as internal support systems to ensure that its operations do not cause water damage. In addition, it administers all its internal sewage plants to dispose of waste optimally without risking water life.

2.1.3. Air cleansing

Microsoft maintains carbon units as per legislation in all its operations across the globe. The company also takes responsibility for ensuring that all its industrial sites and operations are placed away from residential areas to reduce maximum exposure of plant operations to the public.

2.1.4. Rural development

 Microsoft strives to develop communities where it operates. This includes rural communities and settlements from where Microsoft gets its raw materials and inputs as well as labour. Microsoft created varied employment and livelihood opportunities for these communities to help them raise their living standards and quality of life.

3. Commitments made by Microsoft

Commitments at the Microsoft have helped shape its CSR and CSV approach based on multiple trends from across the globe. These commitments have helped Microsoft maintain focus in giving back to the community as well as in developing a more sustainable environment and workplace. Commitments are the long term goals that Microsoft wants to fulfil and achieve in the following different aspects:

3.1. For individuals and families

3.1.1. living healthier lives.

For families and communities, the CSV approach of Microsoft focuses on helping individuals attain a balance between healthy nutrition and physical exercise as a means of a healthier lifestyle and healthy living. With today’s work style and busy schedules, this is quite a challenge. Microsoft works intending to develop programs and products to help communities manage time well and stay motivated towards increasing their wellbeing.

3.1.2. Having nutritional knowledge

Microsoft works with the long term aspiration of enhancing the lifestyles of communities. The company plans to do it by sharing information regarding nutritional facts, and by raising awareness of nutritional intake. The company does this by not only making the nutritional value available for its own manufactured products but also develops programs and information sharing networks to help individuals learn about healthy eating and make informed dietary decisions.

3.2. For communities

3.2.1. rural development.

Microsoft works towards developing rural communities-especially where it is operational and present. The company engages not only in employment creation but also infrastructure development and education deployment programs to help communities improve their living standards. Microsoft also conducts vocational training programs frequently.

3.2.2. Promoting diversity

Microsoft also works towards inclusion through its diversity programs. The company has designed programs and policies to ensure the inclusion of all community groups in the employment cycle. In addition, the company also conducts training and skill enhancement sessions for all community groups –including disabled and special persons

3.3. For the planet

3.3.1. protecting water.

Microsoft understands the need for protecting water resources across the globe and is also an active fighter for water preservation. With the high scarcity of clean drinking water, Microsoft works and strives to provide communities with clean drinking water through having installed filter plants

3.3.2. Protecting natural resources

 With increased urbanization, natural landscapes of forests and grasslands have quickly turned into urban centres. Microsoft ensures that all its operational sites are designed in a way that they do not harm or risk the natural ecosystem. In addition, the company works towards protecting the environment by building green spaces.

3.3.3. Safeguarding the environment

The operations of Microsoft, like other players in the industry, are being affected by the climatic changes, and the weather alterations. To fight this change, and to safeguard the environment, Microsoft works towards creating safe green spaces through high rate plantations. This is to ensure environmental sustainability and enrichment of the ecosystem.

4. Value chain at Microsoft and CSR

At Microsoft, SCR is embedded in the company DNA. Microsoft ensures that the CSV approach is integrated into all operations and systems at the company, including THE VALUE CHAIN.

4.1. Supply chain

4.1.1. rural development.

Microsoft allies with farmers and other partners to obtain the high quality raw material. In doing so, the company ensures that it invests in the wellbeing in the development of its partners and related communities through educational opportunities as well as various training programs and infrastructure development.

4.1.2. Responsible sourcing

Microsoft participates in responsible sourcing. All its partners throughout the supply chain and for raw materials have been tested against set ethical backgrounds to ensure that all raw sources and materials are obtained from partners doing sustainable business.

4.1.3. Animal welfare

In all its sourcing, Microsoft ensures that no animals are harmed. Microsoft makes sure that all animals are fed high quality fodder, and that they are kept in a clean and safe environment. In addition, Microsoft also provides safe breeding grounds for animals and regularly authorizes veterinary check-ups for all animals in partner farms.

4.1.4. Human rights

Microsoft is also particularly careful to ensure that all human rights are upheld in its business operations. This includes no child labour, and inclusive diversity, amongst other things. Also, the business operations of Microsoft also include high dependence on local workers for labor and management – making sure all local and global human rights are followed thoroughly.

4.2. Manufacturing

4.2.1. water, sanitation and hygiene.

During the manufacturing process and value additions, Microsoft maintains an emphasis on water, sanitation and hygiene. All plants and manufacturing units operated by Microsoft have an authorized sanitation system in place which ensures minimal water wastage. Besides, all industrial waste is disposed of off through authorized channels only – ensuring that no natural water body and water source is harmed or polluted.

4.2.2. Natural resource stewardship

Microsoft is also an active pioneer of natural resource stewardship. Microsoft has devised ways to ensure that natural resources are sustainably used for industrial operations, and are not damaged during business processes. Microsoft shares this knowledge publicly for the overall welfare of the environment and the planet.

4.2.3. Women empowerment

During its manufacturing process, the Microsoft also ensures to employ women labour in various managerial and operational level jobs. These women are usually from local communities and are trained for new skill development and enhancement. In doing so, Microsoft ensures that women are equipped with the confidence and decision making abilities s that they advance not only in their professional but also in their personal and social lives.

4.3. Retail and consumers

4.3.1. responsible marketing and influence.

Microsoft makes sure to use ethical means of marketing its products. This means not only does it disseminate rightful information and data regarding the company, but also makes sure that it does not use unethical appeals in its marketing communication.

4.3.2. Marketing to children

Microsoft is also careful in its marketing to children so that it is not exploitative. Rather, marketing to children is done through influencing adults towards the products offered by Microsoft.

4.3.3. Product Safety

Microsoft ensures product safety in consumption at all times. This is done not only through mentioning nutritional value and facts but also through a clear statement of manufacturing dates and batches. This is to make sure that consumers are aware of the product quality and life cycle. Also, the company mentions clear ways and processes of disposing of the products to ensure that the environment is sustained and not harmed.

5. Working towards achieving sustainable goals 

 The CSR and CSV approach at Microsoft is closely guided by the sustainable development goals chalked out by the United Nations. Through working on the attainment of the SDGs, Microsoft, and many other companies work together to create a peaceful and harmonious future that has sustainable resources and environment.    

Through connecting Microsoft’s goals and commitments with the SDGs, the company has created avenues of channelling a positive impact on society through its operations and business as a whole.

5.1. No poverty

  • Microsoft creates opportunities for skill enhancement and vocational training
  • Microsoft also provides equal employment opportunities to all labours from the local communities
  • Microsoft promotes and supports small business ventures through inclusive business support and funding – especially for women who are micro-entrepreneurs in the community

5.2. Zero hunger

  • Microsoft works towards implementing a model of less food wastage and food loss – in the manufacturing as well as the supply chain process
  • Microsoft provides subsidized products in communities that are living below the poverty line, as well as in communities where it is operational and has industrial units and sites
  • Microsoft has developed recycling plants in local communities to ensure that there is no food wasted during consumption, and it is recycled into other products needed for a sustainable environment

5.3. Clean water and sanitation

  • Microsoft strives to ensure high water efficiency and water sustainability in all business operations and processes
  • Microsoft advocates and also internally implements positive water policies
  • Infrastructure developed by Microsoft in different rural communities and settlements ensures authorized sewage networks and lines to avoid dumping in freshwater reserves

5.4. Life on land

  • Microsoft works towards establishing the green supply chain
  • Microsoft ensures that no Green spaces are destroyed for its business and industrial purposes, and also works towards creating healthy green spaces through numerous plantations
  • Microsoft places a high emphasis on maintaining regular health check-ups for all community members – free of cost, and also focuses on animal welfare for farmers

5.5. Good health and well being

  • Microsoft works towards improving the living standards and quality of life of communities it engages with
  • For farmers, Microsoft has also improved farm economics
  • Microsoft works towards protecting the children in the supply chain processes, as well as creates diverse livelihood opportunities for adults

5.6. Quality education

  • Microsoft provides a hands-on learning opportunity for young adults from local communities through internship opportunities
  • Microsoft also sponsors various scholarship programs for different grade levels in communities where it is operations
  • Microsoft has inaugurated primary schools in three different regions where it has operations – in rural settlements – as a step towards achieving quality education for all.

6. Partnerships and collaborations for a greater positive impact

6.1. united nations global impact.

The Microsoft works with the United Nations through the united nation global compact (UNGC) avenue. Microsoft has close and successful collaborations with UNGC based on the commonality of goals and values, as well as short term sustainable plans for environmental wellbeing. Collaboration with UNGC is two way for Microsoft:

  • It helps Microsoft strengthen its integration of the CSV approach, and its various aspects and channels. Working with UNGC allows the Microsoft to redesign and improve its operations to ensure that all systems are ethically sound and sustainable
  •  Working with UNGC allows Microsoft to help in whatever way possible, towards the attainment of the SDGs developed and defined by the UN. By being partners with UNGC, Microsoft ensures that it's business operations and practices, as well as external engagements, work towards accomplishing the defined SDGs.

6.2. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Microsoft has collaborated and worked with IFRC in different regions of Africa for more than a decade – striving towards improving water sanitation and hygiene issues. The company has worked tirelessly to help provide communities with safe drinking water. The efforts of Microsoft have been tied, especially with first communities that reside in crop and local farms, as well as for communities who live near bottled water plants in different African regions.

7. Accounting and CSR at Microsoft

CSR is also very evident in the accounting practices at Microsoft. Incorporation of CSR at all fronts and in all departments of the organization has helped Microsoft achieve a distinctive competitive edge, and has also improved its image and standing amongst consumers as ab active advocate of sustainable living and sustainable consumption.

The overall organizational CSR at Microsoft has been achieved in large because of its emphasis on incorporating CSR at the base level functions – such as that of accounting

7.1. Accounting Principles at Microsoft

Microsoft follows the international standard and policies in its accounting principles. The company has in-house trained and qualified individuals from each region where it operates, along with managerial support from the headquarters for developing and auditing accounting principles and accounting activities in the business. All activities and processes, as well as accounting systems, are vetted for local and international legislations attached, and ensure to follow an ethically built framework that is within the legal boundaries.

7.2. Governance structure at Microsoft

All managerial levels at Microsoft, including the strategic leaders, are supervised by governing internal bodies. The strategic leadership is supervised by the board of directors, while other managerial levels are supervised for their performance internally by other managerial groups and levels. The purpose of governance at Microsoft Is to ensure that the company is in line with its CSV approach at all times and that all business operations and decisions are made in perspective of the company’s value of sustainable living.

7.3. External advisory partners

To ensure that all practices at Microsoft are ethical, and followed as per international benchmarks and expectations, the Microsoft also contracts with a third party, external advisors. These advisors audit and vet the company systems, processes, and accounting numbers to make sure that everything is in line with the expectations, and the business model.

8. Finance and CSR at Microsoft

It is interesting to note that while CSR activities and engagements help <?=$title?> improve its image and standing amongst the public and other stakeholders, and help it build credibility and trust, it also results in improved financial position and performance.  

8.1. Financing opportunities

Microsoft finds higher opportunities for financing its projects because of its engagement in various CSR activities. This is because the company faces lesser financial constraints because of its improved image ad standing. Moreover, it is also now easier for Microsoft to secure finances for funding new projects and ideas.

8.2. Higher investment opportunities

When firms like Microsoft perform and engage in CSR activities, they include them and mention them clearly in the annual report and other official company documents. This increases the overall transparency for Microsoft and communicates values of commitment, trust, and passion. 

 As a result, it attracts new investments from local as well as international investors for business expansion and business operation enhancement. With higher transparency, potential investors feel less doubtful and less fearful about investing in Microsoft. 

8.3. Improved stakeholder engagement

CSR engagement by Microsoft in various aspects, and on various platforms has resulted largely because of higher participation, engagement and encouragement by the stakeholders. This active engagement by stakeholders and shareholders alike has convinced strategic managers for Microsoft to develop a long-form and a futuristic strategy. This has been important for Microsoft for resource allocation and contracting and planning with the right outlook and resources in perspective. 

9. References

Cole, G., 2003. Strategic Management. Boston: Cengage Learning EMEA.

Gerlach, A., 2003. Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation. University of Leeds, s.n.

Hill, C. & Jones, G., 2007. Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Boston: Cengage Learning.

King, D. & Lawley, S., 2016. Organizational Behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kotler, P. & Keller, K., 2009. Marketing Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Martinez-Ferrero, J. & García-Sánchez, I., 2015. Is corporate social responsibility an entrenchment strategy? Evidence in stakeholder protection environments.. Rev. Manag. Sci. , Volume 9, p. 89–114.

Mazurkiewicz, P., n.d. Corporate Environmental Responsibility: Is a common CSR framework possible?. s.l.:World Bank

McWilliams, A. & Siegel, D., 2001. Corporate social responsibility: A theory of the firm perspective. Academy of Management Review, 26(1), p. 117–127.

Perez, A. & Rodríguez del Bosque, I., 2014. The role of CSR in the corporate identity of banking service providers. Journal of Business Ethics, 108(2), pp. 145-166.

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microsoft corporate social responsibility essay

2024 Environmental Sustainability Report

Accelerating innovation and partnership, microsoft sustainability.

The question “How are we addressing our environmental footprint” alongside a view of deep canyons under a blue sky.

Carbon negative

Water positive, protect ecosystems.

“We remain resolute in our commitment to meet our climate goals and to empower others with the technology needed to build a more sustainable future.”

Customer Sustainability

Small research vessels in a bay by the edge of a glacier alongside the question, “How are we advancing technology for net zero?”.

“There is no issue today that connects everyone on the planet more than the issues around climate change. We all need to succeed together.”

Global Sustainability

The question “How are we enabling a more sustainable world” alongside a view of  a mountainous landscape, with wildflowers in the foreground and misty, snow-covered peaks in the background.

Beyond our report

A man wearing a reflective vest and hardhat stands outside looking at a laptop with a mountainous landscape filled with wind turbines in the background.

Advancing sustainability

Front view of solar panels.

Empowering our customers

Profile view of a young woman standing in the outdoor corridor of a school.

Enabling societal impact

More sustainability reports.

A thumbnail image of the 2024 Sustainability Report cover.

2022 Environmental Sustainability Report

Cover of the 2021 Environmental Sustainability Report.

2021 Environmental Sustainability Report

Cover of the 2020 Environmental Sustainability Report.

2020 Environmental Sustainability Report

Carbon disclosure.

Pursuant to California Assembly Bill No. 1305 (the “law” or “1305”), which was signed into law October 7, 2023, Microsoft may be required to make certain disclosures regarding its involvement in the voluntary carbon offsets markets, use of voluntary carbon offsets, and/or certain claims or goals regarding greenhouse gas emissions reductions. While the law itself does not specify a deadline for initial disclosures, the bill’s author has indicated that his intent was that the deadline for companies’ first annual disclosure under the law should be considered to be January 1, 2025. Microsoft is in the process of determining the scope of our potential reporting obligations under this law. We take our sustainability commitments and disclosure obligations seriously, and should we determine that we have reporting obligations under 1305, we will promptly determine the scope of those obligations and comply with those obligations no later than January 1, 2025.


Laying the foundation for buildings of tomorrow. Embodied carbon is responsible for 8% of global GHG, yet reducing or eliminating embodied carbon from concrete and steel is difficult. Microsoft is piloting new concrete mixes at our Quincy, WA datacenter, with a goal to lower embodied carbon in concrete by more than 50%. Learn about the pilot.

Here comes the CSR part. The corporate social responsibility of a firm is all about integrating external stakeholders like the environment and society into the business decision-making process. Therefore, the goal of corporate social responsibility is to reduce the negative impact of any company's actions along with these directions.

Microsoft corporate social responsibility (CSR) is guided by the citizenship mission of the company which is "to serve globally the needs of communities and fulfil our responsibilities to the public". Moreover, charitable activities of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation founded by Microsoft founder Bill Gates is also associated with Microsoft in the perception of the general public to a ...

Microsoft 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility 5 Governance of CSR Our approach Principles People Planet Resources At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. To realize that mission requires more than providing products and services that let our customers do great things.

with similar intentions to benefit from its experience. This case study aims to promote discussion, critiqu. s, as well as efforts to build upon Microsoft's work. The World Economic Forum and its partners in this project hope more organizations not only operationalize ethics in their use of technology but al.

Microsoft's corporate social responsibility approach considers governments as stakeholders in the business. This stakeholder group is significant because they directly influence the company's limits in doing business. Governments are interested in Microsoft's legal and regulatory compliance, as well as contributions to economic growth. ...

Business essay sample: The paper reviews Corporate Social Responsibility, the rationale behind companies in social responsibility, and why corporations engage in social responsibilities. Call to +1 844 889-9952

Pursuant to California Assembly Bill No. 1305 (the "law" or "1305"), which was signed into law October 7, 2023, Microsoft may be required to make certain disclosures regarding its involvement in the voluntary carbon offsets markets, use of voluntary carbon offsets, and/or certain claims or goals regarding greenhouse gas emissions ...

The company's socialresponsibility mission is to serve the needs of the global communityeither directly or indirectly and maintaining a safe environment forpeople to live in. For instance, in the year 2014, Microsoft spentover $ 1 billion on philanthropic activities to help the poor and theneedy. In addition, the Bill & Gates Foundation ...

The paper intends to examine corporate social responsibility in Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the belief that CSR helps to improve the reputation and image of an organization. On this matter, the successful technology company, Microsoft Corporation has done significant initiatives on its CSR programs. One of the many ...

According to the 2015 Global CSR RepTrak 100 report Microsoft has been ranked number 4 in the world for its CSR reputation. Corporate social responsibility does not merely mean protecting the environment but also its constituents. We live in a world where there is more at stake and more that require protection than environmental pollution.

Abstract. With the expansion of the scope of business responsibility of corporations to include the concept of 'Environment, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG)', there is a need for strong sustainable business strategies that causes minimal environmental damage.

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Microsoft. Better Essays. 1410 Words. 6 Pages. Open Document. Final Project Paper Corporate Social Responsibility Microsoft Corporations By: Group 1 Meidina Felita Alifandra (016201400183) Sri Mandala Pranata (016201400160) IRE 2014 Diplomacy 1 Semester 8 Subject: Corporate Social Responsibility and Community ...

Our report shows the urgent need to develop a new level of sustainability skills and fluency - and how we aim to help support the transformation. Read the skills gap report. Follow Microsoft. Learn about Microsoft's approach to protecting people and the planet, and our commitment to become carbon negative, water positive and zero waste by 2030.

In this essay I am going to introduce you in the Microsoft Corporation's corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy. CSR is a form of corporate self-regulation, which is integrated into a business model. Using CSR's mechanism, the business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the law, ethical standards and national or ...

Microsoft's Mission Statement. Microsoft's mission is " to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. " This mission statement shows that the business focuses on the empowerment of people and organizations, through the company's information technology goods and services. The following components are ...

The corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative was created in 1999, as a bottom-up idea, when Microsoft employees initiated to help the victims of the Kosovo crisis. The outcome was a software registration system that today helps UNHCR administer their refugee camps in a more efficient and constructive way.

Microsoft's Corporate Social Responsibility Essay. When we are speaking about software, technology, computers involving manufacturers, licenses and supports, what is the business that's the most popular and runs efficiently? Naturally it is the Microsoft Business. Microsoft thought that innovation can develop celebrations and chances for many ...

addressing environmental concerns. This is the Microsoft Foundation that has been giving out more than $ 900 million in 2021 to several social impact programs worldwide in areas such as accessibility, skills development, and disaster relief. As for local communities, Microsoft awards grants to non-profit organizations from their headquarters and regional divisions.

In an increasingly digital world, we have a responsibility to address the challenges technology creates and help all communities succeed. This means promoting responsible business practices, expanding accessibility and connectivity, advancing fair and inclusive societies, and empowering communities. Explore our impact Learn how we protect rights.

Corporate governance. At Microsoft, our focus on corporate responsibility fosters sustained long-term business success. Our corporate governance framework, policies, and practices are described in detail in our annual proxy statement and the corporate governance section of our Investor Relations website. Learn about our corporate governance.

Corporate Social Responsibility of. Microsoft. Posted by Matthew Harvey on Oct-17-2018. 1. CSR at Microsoft. CSR s embedded in the business philosophy of Microsoft. At Microsoft, the business operations and processes are designed in a way that they do not become an obstacle or a burden in the way of people's and the environment's wellbeing ...

Pursuant to California Assembly Bill No. 1305 (the "law" or "1305"), which was signed into law October 7, 2023, Microsoft may be required to make certain disclosures regarding its involvement in the voluntary carbon offsets markets, use of voluntary carbon offsets, and/or certain claims or goals regarding greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

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04/24/17 01:10 AM
04/24/17 01:10 AM
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05/30/17 09:11 AM
05/30/17 09:11 AM
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Just to get idea how looks like real diversity of inflatables. I have sailed some, but cannot compare them with Tornado or Nacra Inter 18. Rigid boats are much more fun (IMHO) for sail but PIA to travel, if you have not trailer. And I had not.
The main reason of inflatables in ex-USSR is ease of transportation by car, train or airplane. For example, we travelled with such boat from Russia to Ukraine by train in 2012 without any problems.
As concerns to Minicat, it looks too primitive by accepted standards.
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06/05/17 05:53 PM
06/05/17 05:53 PM
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06/07/17 09:06 AM
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01/12/19 09:07 PM
01/12/19 09:07 PM
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Joined: Apr 2017
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Just to get idea how looks like real diversity of inflatables. I have sailed some, but cannot compare them with Tornado or Nacra Inter 18. Rigid boats are much more fun (IMHO) for sail but PIA to travel, if you have not trailer. And I had not.
The main reason of inflatables in ex-USSR is ease of transportation by car, train or airplane. For example, we travelled with such boat from Russia to Ukraine by train in 2012 without any problems.
As concerns to Minicat, it looks too primitive by accepted standards.

I somewhat agree with you ... but ... I think fun is a relative term. For pure high performance a Nacra would certainly be faster etc ... just as a Ferrari would ... for pure performance. But then you couldn't drive your ferrari on dirt roads or pothole roads, or speed bumps, and you can't take it shopping or camping or pull a trailer behind it.

I think having a portable inflatable boat will give you more time on the water and increase your overall enjoyment ... sure the Nacra may be a little more thrilling for the one or two sessions you can find crew etc ... but all the hassles and cost of owning, transporting and stowing a rigid boat means you sail much much less.

Before getting into inflatables there were so many times going camping trips etc or travelling that I wished I had a sailboat on hand. How many days were too windy to kayak ro SUP or swim ... or sailing under a beautoful sunset with a great partner... i hated missing all those opportunities much more than i ever enjoyed the few moments i enjoyed on a high end Cat.

So fun being a relative thing i like being able to sail anywhere ... don't get me wrong i love having those thrill rides on a high performance cat but for those I prefer doing a quick day session on a friend's boat and prefer owning a boat I can sail pretty much anywhere and any time.

The last thing is ease of sailing, safety and cost of ownership. Those other boats need alot of skills and in some cases extreme athleticism and physical prowess ... a boat like a mincat is fun for experienced sailors but very good for less experienced or less physically gifted sailors ... even for kids or seniors... because its so light and easy to maneuver and right etc... not to mention that owning a rigid boat has a higher cost of ownership to store, maintain etc... For me the more i thought about it and rationalized it the more I came to inflatables. I love living in a Condo and having a sailboat in my Den. When I get into the elevator people are always blown away when i tell them its a sailboat in a bag!

Im really hoping MinCAT comes out with a sailing foil in the future!
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Series scores

Mosquito - Elapsed time

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
8 Mar 2014
Race 2
8 Mar 2014
Race 3
9 Mar 2014
Race 4
9 Mar 2014
Race 5
9 Mar 2014
Race 6
10 Mar 2014
11826The JokerMosquitoMatt Stone1281217.0
217669LivesMosquitoGary Maskiell31633313.0
31781VoodooMosquitoShannon Wilson53222 (OCS)1617.0
41792SwiperMosquitoEwan Watson261045219.0
51790Bee AlertMosquitoPeter Nikitin45122 (OCS)61127.0
61775Karma CatMosquito Cat SpinTim Shepperd922 (DNF)454830.0
71752Nautical NutsMosquitoStuart Ridge78367931.0
81789ImmunityMosquito Sloop + Spin **Neil Joiner679281332.0
91774No TurbulenceMosquitoRoss Bennett144522 (OCS)12540.0
101825KryptoniteMosquitoDaniel Stone131013813751.0
111754Easy ScrewMosquitoPhilip Mann109141291252.0
121785Bear TalkMosquitoGarry Johnstone81112141522 (DNC)60.0
131520Air ApparentMosquitoGordon Hyde1822 (DNF)22 (OCS)710461.0
141768Grey MatterMosquito Sloop **Robert Lott151211131422 (DNC)65.0
151822The Unsent LetterMosquitoPeter Lyons1922 (DNF)711191066.0
161723Yellow FeverMosquitoMichael Anthony1122 (DNF)22 (OCS)91122 (OCS)75.0
161819Chat BlancMosquitoSimon Clavin1622 (DNF)151020 (RET)1475.0
161794More Than A SplashMosquitoPhilip Warren-Smith121317151822 (DNC)75.0
1917202 B AdvisedMosquitoHarrison Mann1722 (DNF)1916171584.0
201759Toughen Up PrincessMosquitoNatasha Van Rennes22 (DNC)22 (DNC)1622 (RET)161692.0
211805Just A ToyMosquitoIan McAlister2022 (DNF)18172022 (DNC)97.0
21 entrants.    Please check the order of tied scores

Arrow - Elapsed time

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
8 Mar 2014
Race 2
8 Mar 2014
Race 3
9 Mar 2014
Race 4
9 Mar 2014
Race 5
9 Mar 2014
Race 6
10 Mar 2014
11675FireflyArrowIan Champion1311115.0
21655Little Boy BlueArrowRoss Clayfield21332210.0
31640Kiss My TransomArrowMara Chachs42223312.0
41669TerranceArrowDavid Chachs344446 (DNC)19.0
51422TroubleArrowGeoffrey Carter56 (DNF)6 (DNC)54 (RET)6 (DNC)26.0
5 entrants.    

Race 1 8 Mar 2014

Mosquito, Elapsed time results

11826The JokerMosquitoMatt Stone1:36:041
21792SwiperMosquitoEwan Watson1:36:142
317669LivesMosquitoGary Maskiell1:36:193
41790Bee AlertMosquitoPeter Nikitin1:36:234
51781VoodooMosquitoShannon Wilson1:36:275
61789ImmunityMosquito Sloop + Spin **Neil Joiner1:36:326
71752Nautical NutsMosquitoStuart Ridge1:36:367
81785Bear TalkMosquitoGarry Johnstone1:36:418
91775Karma CatMosquito Cat SpinTim Shepperd1:36:459
101754Easy ScrewMosquitoPhilip Mann1:36:4910
111723Yellow FeverMosquitoMichael Anthony1:36:5311
121794More Than A SplashMosquitoPhilip Warren-Smith1:36:5512
131825KryptoniteMosquitoDaniel Stone1:37:0813
141774No TurbulenceMosquitoRoss Bennett1:37:1114
151768Grey MatterMosquito Sloop **Robert Lott1:37:3315
161819Chat BlancMosquitoSimon Clavin1:37:3516
1717202 B AdvisedMosquitoHarrison Mann1:37:3917
181520Air ApparentMosquitoGordon Hyde1:37:4018
191822The Unsent LetterMosquitoPeter Lyons1:38:0519
201805Just A ToyMosquitoIan McAlister1:38:0620

Arrow, Elapsed time results

11675FireflyArrowIan Champion1:33:121
21655Little Boy BlueArrowRoss Clayfield1:33:142
31669TerranceArrowDavid Chachs1:33:163
41640Kiss My TransomArrowMara Chachs1:33:224
51422TroubleArrowGeoffrey Carter1:33:245

Race 2 8 Mar 2014

117669LivesMosquitoGary Maskiell1:45:521
21826The JokerMosquitoMatt Stone1:45:552
31781VoodooMosquitoShannon Wilson1:46:023
41774No TurbulenceMosquitoRoss Bennett1:46:084
51790Bee AlertMosquitoPeter Nikitin1:46:125
61792SwiperMosquitoEwan Watson1:46:166
71789ImmunityMosquito Sloop + Spin **Neil Joiner1:46:327
81752Nautical NutsMosquitoStuart Ridge1:46:338
91754Easy ScrewMosquitoPhilip Mann1:46:389
101825KryptoniteMosquitoDaniel Stone1:46:4310
111785Bear TalkMosquitoGarry Johnstone1:46:4611
121768Grey MatterMosquito Sloop **Robert Lott1:46:4712
131794More Than A SplashMosquitoPhilip Warren-Smith1:46:5613
1723Yellow FeverMosquitoMichael AnthonyDNF22
1775Karma CatMosquito Cat SpinTim ShepperdDNF22
17202 B AdvisedMosquitoHarrison MannDNF22
1520Air ApparentMosquitoGordon HydeDNF22
1805Just A ToyMosquitoIan McAlisterDNF22
1819Chat BlancMosquitoSimon ClavinDNF22
1822The Unsent LetterMosquitoPeter LyonsDNF22
11655Little Boy BlueArrowRoss Clayfield1:42:001
21640Kiss My TransomArrowMara Chachs1:42:042
31675FireflyArrowIan Champion1:42:063
41669TerranceArrowDavid Chachs1:42:074
1422TroubleArrowGeoffrey CarterDNF6

Race 3 9 Mar 2014

11790Bee AlertMosquitoPeter Nikitin1:29:261
21781VoodooMosquitoShannon Wilson1:29:312
31752Nautical NutsMosquitoStuart Ridge1:29:393
41775Karma CatMosquito Cat SpinTim Shepperd1:29:454
51774No TurbulenceMosquitoRoss Bennett1:30:005
617669LivesMosquitoGary Maskiell1:30:086
71822The Unsent LetterMosquitoPeter Lyons1:30:297
81826The JokerMosquitoMatt Stone1:30:368
91789ImmunityMosquito Sloop + Spin **Neil Joiner1:30:409
101792SwiperMosquitoEwan Watson1:30:4410
111768Grey MatterMosquito Sloop **Robert Lott1:30:5011
121785Bear TalkMosquitoGarry Johnstone1:30:5412
131825KryptoniteMosquitoDaniel Stone1:31:0013
141754Easy ScrewMosquitoPhilip Mann1:31:0714
151819Chat BlancMosquitoSimon Clavin1:31:1915
161759Toughen Up PrincessMosquitoNatasha Van Rennes1:31:2316
171794More Than A SplashMosquitoPhilip Warren-Smith1:31:3817
181805Just A ToyMosquitoIan McAlister1:31:4618
1917202 B AdvisedMosquitoHarrison Mann1:31:4919
1520Air ApparentMosquitoGordon HydeOCS22
1723Yellow FeverMosquitoMichael AnthonyOCS22
11675FireflyArrowIan Champion1:26:531
21640Kiss My TransomArrowMara Chachs1:26:562
31655Little Boy BlueArrowRoss Clayfield1:26:593
41669TerranceArrowDavid Chachs1:27:024

Race 4 9 Mar 2014

11826The JokerMosquitoMatt Stone1:35:081
21789ImmunityMosquito Sloop + Spin **Neil Joiner1:35:152
317669LivesMosquitoGary Maskiell1:35:253
41792SwiperMosquitoEwan Watson1:35:364
51775Karma CatMosquito Cat SpinTim Shepperd1:35:475
61752Nautical NutsMosquitoStuart Ridge1:35:536
71520Air ApparentMosquitoGordon Hyde1:36:007
81825KryptoniteMosquitoDaniel Stone1:36:018
91723Yellow FeverMosquitoMichael Anthony1:36:129
101819Chat BlancMosquitoSimon Clavin1:36:1610
111822The Unsent LetterMosquitoPeter Lyons1:36:2111
121754Easy ScrewMosquitoPhilip Mann1:36:2412
131768Grey MatterMosquito Sloop **Robert Lott1:36:2513
141785Bear TalkMosquitoGarry Johnstone1:36:3314
151794More Than A SplashMosquitoPhilip Warren-Smith1:36:4015
1617202 B AdvisedMosquitoHarrison Mann1:36:4416
171805Just A ToyMosquitoIan McAlister1:36:4817
1781VoodooMosquitoShannon WilsonOCS22
1759Toughen Up PrincessMosquitoNatasha Van RennesRET22
1790Bee AlertMosquitoPeter NikitinOCS22
1774No TurbulenceMosquitoRoss BennettOCS22
11675FireflyArrowIan Champion1:32:001
21640Kiss My TransomArrowMara Chachs1:32:042
31655Little Boy BlueArrowRoss Clayfield1:32:073
41669TerranceArrowDavid Chachs1:32:114
51422TroubleArrowGeoffrey Carter1:32:145

Race 5 9 Mar 2014

11781VoodooMosquitoShannon Wilson1:44:581
21826The JokerMosquitoMatt Stone1:45:022
317669LivesMosquitoGary Maskiell1:45:123
41775Karma CatMosquito Cat SpinTim Shepperd1:45:164
51792SwiperMosquitoEwan Watson1:45:255
61790Bee AlertMosquitoPeter Nikitin1:45:316
71752Nautical NutsMosquitoStuart Ridge1:45:377
81789ImmunityMosquito Sloop + Spin **Neil Joiner1:45:428
91754Easy ScrewMosquitoPhilip Mann1:45:499
101520Air ApparentMosquitoGordon Hyde1:45:5410
111723Yellow FeverMosquitoMichael Anthony1:45:5911
121774No TurbulenceMosquitoRoss Bennett1:46:0312
131825KryptoniteMosquitoDaniel Stone1:46:0813
141768Grey MatterMosquito Sloop **Robert Lott1:46:1314
151785Bear TalkMosquitoGarry Johnstone1:46:2115
161759Toughen Up PrincessMosquitoNatasha Van Rennes1:46:2716
1717202 B AdvisedMosquitoHarrison Mann1:46:3117
181794More Than A SplashMosquitoPhilip Warren-Smith1:46:3618
191822The Unsent LetterMosquitoPeter Lyons1:46:4019
201805Just A ToyMosquitoIan McAlister1:46:4220
1819Chat BlancMosquitoSimon ClavinRET20
11675FireflyArrowIan Champion1:41:471
21655Little Boy BlueArrowRoss Clayfield1:41:502
31640Kiss My TransomArrowMara Chachs1:41:513
1422TroubleArrowGeoffrey CarterRET4
41669TerranceArrowDavid Chachs1:41:564

Race 6 10 Mar 2014

11826The JokerMosquitoMatt Stone1:27:351
21792SwiperMosquitoEwan Watson1:27:452
317669LivesMosquitoGary Maskiell1:27:513
41520Air ApparentMosquitoGordon Hyde1:28:114
51774No TurbulenceMosquitoRoss Bennett1:28:125
61781VoodooMosquitoShannon Wilson1:28:466
71825KryptoniteMosquitoDaniel Stone1:28:567
81775Karma CatMosquito Cat SpinTim Shepperd1:29:048
91752Nautical NutsMosquitoStuart Ridge1:29:099
101822The Unsent LetterMosquitoPeter Lyons1:29:1810
111790Bee AlertMosquitoPeter Nikitin1:29:2611
121754Easy ScrewMosquitoPhilip Mann1:29:3412
131789ImmunityMosquito Sloop + Spin **Neil Joiner1:29:4013
141819Chat BlancMosquitoSimon Clavin1:29:4314
1517202 B AdvisedMosquitoHarrison Mann1:32:5715
161759Toughen Up PrincessMosquitoNatasha Van Rennes1:33:0116
1723Yellow FeverMosquitoMichael AnthonyOCS22
11675FireflyArrowIan Champion1:27:001
21655Little Boy BlueArrowRoss Clayfield1:27:052
31640Kiss My TransomArrowMara Chachs1:27:093

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McConnell Mansion

In 1886, entrepreneur William E. McConnell began building a two-story house, sunken garden, small carriage house, and barn for his family on an entire block in the Fort Russell neighborhood. Like other early Fort Russell residents, McConnell sited the house on the block’s most prominent corner, the intersection of Second and Adams streets, to showcase its eyecatching design and position his family at the center of Moscow’s social life.

The house reflects an eclectic blend of Victorian-era architectural styles including Eastlake, Italianate, and Gothic Revival. Rather than engage an architect, McConnell likely used plans from a pattern book and worked with a carpenter to integrate elements and detailing from the three styles. The resulting cohesive design made a unique statement in the fledgling city.

On the exterior, characteristically vertical proportions are expressed in several ways. Three two-story bays capped with slender gable roofs define its signature massing; windows and doors on each facade are correspondingly tall and narrow. As viewed from intersecting sidewalks and streets, verticality is further amplified by the site itself, which slopes steeply upward toward the house. Exterior ornamentation is extensive: decorative brackets support window bays and roof overhangs, and gable ends feature highly articulated wood ornamentation. Although the original clapboard siding has been replaced with metal siding, gable ends continue to display cedar shingles with sawtooth imbrication. Both the spatial organization and interior detailing reflect a combination of Victorian-era influences. The original ground-floor plan featured front and rear parlors separated by wood sliding doors, a dining room, kitchen, pantry, and servant’s quarters. Four bedrooms and children’s playrooms were housed on the second floor. High ceiling heights prevail throughout the house. Windows feature interior wooden shutters (made in San Francisco) that serve to further accent vertical proportions in each room.

Consistent with the later Victorian era, appearance rather than quality weighed heavily McConnell’s decisions regarding finishes. Interior detailing was largely crafted from Moscow’s limited pallet of available materials. Locally prevalent fir and pine were used for interior millwork and flooring; the inexpensive wood was then painted with graining to create the appearance of more costly hardwoods. Similarly, the steel-backed fireplace in the back parlor was embellished with a thin veneer of Vermont marble bordered by gold leaf and black onyx trim.

The family fell into financial hard times following McConnell’s two-term governorship and the financial panic of 1893, during which he was forced to declare bankruptcy and close his downtown department store. To avoid losing the property, McConnell’s wife declared it an official homestead. The bank took ownership of the house in 1897 and it remained vacant until 1901, when it was purchased by William Adair, one of the community’s first physicians. Since the house was larger than his family required, Adair rented rooms to local entrepreneurs and university faculty. Frederic Church, a European history professor who, at one time, rented a room in the house, later purchased the building as his own single-family residence. The barn was sold and converted to a single-family residence in 1926. Church bequeathed the house to the Latah County Historical Society upon his death in 1966.

Since 1968 the house has served as both headquarters and museum for the Latah County Historical Society (LCHS). It provides one of the best remaining examples of Italianate and Eastlake architecture in the state of Idaho. Though compromised by some unfortunate decisions surrounding its ongoing maintenance, such as use of metal replacement siding, the McConnell House continues to communicate a significant architectural presence while serving in its adapted role as a museum.


  1. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Welcome to the Victorian section of the Australian Mosquito Catamaran website. 2025 State Titles - Somers YC. The Mosquito State Titles for 2025 will be held at Somers YC on the long weekend of the 8-10 March.

  2. National Mosquito Catamaran Council

    The Mosquito was designed in 1966 by Neil Fowler of Darwin as a one person (on trapeze) cat rigged yacht. ... while in Victoria the one person MkI (cat rig) dominated. Soon after it also became established in NSW, Qld and Tasmania. ... the Mosquito is a racing catamaran. The Mosquito has been around now since the the late 1960s and in that time ...

  3. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association results

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association. Menu. Current series. 51st Mosquito National Titles - 2023/24 - Meningie SC; Victorian State Titles 2023/24 @ ColacYC; Victorian Mk2 State Titles 2023/24 @ Rye YC; Current Series Results. 51st Mosquito National Titles - 2023/24 - Meningie SC;

  4. PDF Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association (Inc. A0054386W) 2021 Annual General Meeting Minutes Meeting opened at 5:55pm, 7th March 2021 at Bendigo Yacht Club. Attendees Gary Maskiell, Mick & Di Floyd, Phillip & Sandra Warren-Smith, Tim Shepperd, Gary Lane, Rob & Alex

  5. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association - 51st Mosquito National Titles - 2023/24 - Meningie SC results | Sailres race scoring. ... Mosquito Cat (Mk1) Robert Lott: BeYC: Division 2 - Elapsed time. Sail# Name Class Crew Club; 1757: Gone Walkabout: Mosquito Sloop (Mk11) Hubert Tucker Michelle Tucker: ASC:

  6. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association - 50th Mosquito National Titles - 2022/23 - Gippsland Lakes YC results | Sailres race scoring

  7. Mosquito Catamaran Victorian State Titles at Altona Yacht Club

    It's an exciting time to be sailing Mosquito Catamarans, with 30 entries in the recent Victorian Titles at Altona Yacht on the Labour Day weekend (two even travelled all the way from Canberra) it looks like numbers are re-building after the Covid shut downs, just in time for the 50th Mosquito Catamaran National Titles, to be held at Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club, starting January 1st 2023.

  8. 49th Mosquito Catamaran Australian Championships at Victor Harbor Yacht

    The 49th Mosquito Nationals started with a bang at Victor Harbor YC South Australia on Tuesday 2nd of January, no Invitation race, just straight into big seas and strong winds. It was a wakeup call for all those who hadn't taken the chance to get some practice in the day before, getting off the beach was the first battle for many, with multiple ...

  9. How to (with pictures) build a Mosquito catamaran in tortured ply

    Found this great write up on building a mosquito catamaran in tortured ply on the Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association site. Might be a good reference for someone who wants to build a tortured ply catamaran be it a mosquito, tornado or A class. The attachment has some tortured ply plans for an early A class.

  10. PDF Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association (Inc. A0054386W) 2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes Meeting opened at 5pm, 8th March 2020 at Loch Sport Boat Club. Attendees Mick Floyd, Phillip Warren-Smith, Tim Shepperd, Di Floyd, Debra Mitchell, GregLee, Jaime Zizman, Darcy

  11. Mosquito class

    Socialising is half the fun - Mosquito Catamaran Victorian State Titles 2022. Close racing was a feature of the Spinnaker Division, Pete Kiely leads Gary Maskiell (eventual winner) - 49th Mosquito Catamaran Australian Championships. The fleet on shore at Victor Harbor - 49th Mosquito Catamaran Australian Championships at Victor Harbor Yacht Club.

  12. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association - Victorian State Titles 2019/20 @ Loch Sport BC results | Sailres race scoring. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association Victorian State Titles 2019/20 @ Loch Sport BC. Menu. VMCA; ... Mosquito Cat (Mk1) Shannon Wilson: AYC: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1:

  13. mosquito catamaran nationals

    49th Mosquito Catamaran Nationals 2021-22. Menu. MCASA; Format. Show DNCs; Show division column; Show gender; Print; Contact MCASA; Series scores; Race 1; Race 2 ...

  14. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association [electronic resource]

    Website of Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association and contains information for Mosquito Catamaran sailors concerning events, results, Mosquitoes for sale, rules, Mosquito sailing and anything else which may be of interest, including the latest newsletters from the VMCA. Includes links to Australian and overseas websites. Notes:

  15. West Vic Mossie Clubs?

    Also because I am a hoarder of boat plans, brochures and the like, I can confirm through an early brochure from the Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association, which states the weight as being 60kg or (130lbs). Last edited by Got Wood; 08/12/14 04:07 AM. Taipan AUS329 'Got Wood'

  16. PDF Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association (Inc. A0054386W) 2022 Annual

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association (Inc. A0054386W) 2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes Meeting opened at 8:05pm, ... historical milestone for the class there will be some extra aspects such as inviting past Mosquito champions to come along and maybe get them on the water if possible. Frank Nott has agreed to help out with his large yacht ...

  17. de Havilland Mosquito operational history

    The de Havilland Mosquito was a British light bomber that served in many roles during and after the Second World War.Mosquito-equipped squadrons performed medium bomber, reconnaissance, tactical strike, anti-submarine warfare and shipping attack and night fighter duties, both defensive and offensive. [1] Mosquitos were widely used by the RAF Pathfinder Force, which marked targets for night ...

  18. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association - Victorian State Titles 2023/24 @ ColacYC results | Sailres race scoring

  19. What Inflatable Sailboats have you sailed?

    Hello Friends I Import and dsitribute MiniCat, Tiwal, X-Cat and Takacat in Canada. When i started the business I looked at other brands such as Happy Cat, Smart Kat, Duckie, ... but MiniCat was the fear leader (and Tiwal was the only MonoHull) -- Anyways I wanted to get feedback from owners these other brands.

  20. Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association Victorian Mosquito Mk1 & Arrow State Titles 2013-14 Portarlington SC. Menu. VMCA; Format. Show DNCs; Show division column; Show gender; Print; Series scores; Race 1; Race 2; Race 3; Race 4; Race 5; Race 6; Series scores. Mosquito - Elapsed time. Place Sail# Name Class Crew Club Race 1 8 Mar 2014 Race 2 8 ...

  21. PDF Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association (Inc. A0054386W) 2013 Annual General Meeting Minutes Meeting opened at 6pm, Sunday 10 March at Somers Yacht Club. Attendees Mick Floyd, Sarah Floyd, Phillip Warren-Smith, Matt Stone, Daniel Stone, Chris Tuck, Peter Nikitin, Garry

  22. McConnell Mansion

    In 1886, entrepreneur William E. McConnell began building a two-story house, sunken garden, small carriage house, and barn for his family on an entire block in the Fort Russell neighborhood. Like other early Fort Russell residents, McConnell sited the house on the block's most prominent corner, the intersection of Second and Adams streets, to ...

  23. PDF Victorian Mosquito Catamaran Association

    victorian mosquito catamaran association balance sheet yyear ended 31/12/2009 year ended 31/12/2008 year ended 31/12/2007 members funds 2009 2008 2007 to date not checked yet current year surplus (deficit) ($19.53) ($495.98) $577.25 b/f/ balance $ 8,721.408,281.12 $ 5,424.30$