


One click scoring

Immediate results.

sailboat racing scoring software

accurate countback

Results sharing, what people are saying.

Sail scoring with the Afleet app makes it easy, and it takes less time. Using an Android tablet or phone we can typically score a race (single fleet) in less than one minute.

If you’re like us you love radio sailing. You attend club days. You might attend regattas. And (lucky you) you might be responsible for scoring some of these events. If so, read on; this is for you.

The Afleet app is all about making it easy for those wonderful people who do the scoring for us. It takes time, and we all care about the results, so it has to be accurate. And, of course, we want the results now; because we want to get home.

Keeping club day or single fleet regatta scores up to date is simple and fast. We can have the results of a regatta before the last boat, in the last race, has been put back on its stand.


sailboat racing scoring software

Home  Competition  Rules/Officiating  Race Officers  Materials for Race Officers  Scoring Programs

Materials for Race Officers

Scoring programs.

The following programs have been evaluated by members of the Race Management Committee and other US Sailing officials.

These programs are listed as a service to members of US Sailing and the sailing community. Programs listed on this site have been tested to ensure that they conform to the scoring requirements of The Racing Rules of Sailing . Each was subject to a one-design low-point scoring test, including Appendix A8.1 and A8.2 tie-breaking.

US Sailing does not specifically endorse any program, but encourages users to consider all aspects of any program – including ease of use, documentation, support (including location of support for timely response), compatibility, and ability to upload and download data for evaluation and distribution – before selecting it for use.

Program authors who are interested in having their programs evaluated and included in this list should contact US Sailing at [email protected] .

Please note that Excel/spreadsheet-based scoring options are not currently being evaluated due to the potential for errors to be introduced through easy-to-make changes.

Scoring Program Reviews are listed in three categories:

  • Standalone programs that do not rely on an internet connection.
  • Standalone scoring programs that rely on an internet connection for operation.
  • Scoring programs that are part of a comprehensive regatta registration and management system. Only the functionality of the scoring program itself has been evaluated.

Installs on Android phone or tablet.

Available in the Google Play Store.

Installs on any iOS Device.

Available in the Apple App Store.

Handicap scoring includes: Portsmouth, PHRF, ASY, CYCA, ECHO, IHS, NHC, ORC,Small Cat, YTC.

Program download and details available at:


ORC handicap specific. Pulls in certificates and data from the ORC database.

ORC Scorer is available at ORC Sailor Services here:

ORC Scorer User Guide is also available here:


Limited handicap scoring.

Program may be downloaded from the Apple App Store:


Handicap scoring includes: Portsmouth, PHRF, AMS, ASPN, ECHO, FFV, Pursuit, RORC, SCHRS, SRS, TCF, Texel. Support for custom rating systems.

Program download and details available at:

Score one-design regattas and entire seasons.

Program download and details available at: 


Handicap scoring includes: Portsmouth, PHRF, IRC, ORC, SCHRS, SW-factor, Texel.

Program download and details available at:

Handicap scoring includes: Portsmouth, PHRF, ASY, CYCA, ECHO, IHS, IRC, NHC, ORC, Small Cat, YTC.

Provides all the functionality of standalone version.

More information available at:

See web site for additional details: 
Handicap scoring includes: Portsmouth, PHRF, IRC, ORC, ORR, SCHRS. SMS.

More information available at:



More information available at: 


Handicap scoring includes: Portsmouth, PHRF, CSA, CRF MK II, GLMRA, HPR, IRC, ORC, ORR, Pursuit, Transpac.

Web-based yacht racing management and scoring system for competitor registration, event management, competitor and media communications, and race scoring.

More information available at:

Handicap scoring includes: Portsmouth, PHRF, Club Series, IRC, IRC.

A set of club management systems including club websites, member billing, point of sale, booking and reservations and a regatta module. The regatta module includes a regatta scoring program.

More information available at:

Handicap scoring includes: PHRF.

Includes a Crew finder for skippers and a Boat finder for crew.  Also includes tools for race committee management and club membership.

More information available at

Handicap scoring includes: PHRF, ORC, ORR, PCS, Pursuit.

A set of online tools for yacht clubs, sailing clubs and regional organizations for many types of sailing regattas. Tools include online event schedules, registration, payment processing and scoring. Supports mobile event sites.

More information available at:


sailboat racing scoring software

Andrew Clouston SVP Programs & Services Email Andrew Clouston

sailboat racing scoring software

Matthew Hill Race Administration Director Email Matthew Hill 401-342-7948

sailboat racing scoring software

Judie McCann Race Administration Coordinator Email Judie McCann 401-342-7945

Copyright ©2018-2024 United States Sailing Association. All rights reserved. US Sailing is a 501(c)3 organization. Website designed & developed by Design Principles, Inc. -->

sailboat racing scoring software


The Tactiqs® Performance System was designed by a team of sail boat racers from the US and Europe as the ultimate comprehensive boat performance system. It will substantially improve your understanding of the conditions and the race course, and help you make better decisions and win more races. Post-race analysis tools give you the details on your performance and let you review your races by numbers as well as track individual sail usage and cross-overs to make optimum use of your inventory. The system was built from the ground up with simplicity of use in mind - the smarts are hidden behind an intuitive user interface.


The system utilizes your boat's sensor data via a wireless NMEA interface connected to the Tactiqs® application, allowing the crew to use any number of iOS devices as customizable displays for 62 different performance metrics and an additional 25 foiling metrics. For smaller boats without instruments the system uses the iOS devices' built-in sensors and basic wind input controls combined with smart tracking algorithms. For perfect wind data on dinghies and small keel boats, we also support Calypso Instrument's Ultrasonic Bluetooth wind sensor. Additional wearables in the form of the Tactiqs® augmented-reality glasses and smart watches (Android WearOS 2.1+) make the perfect fit for all boat sizes and crew positions.


I sail ...

For dinghy sailors the best use model is to velcro an iPhone in a waterproof case to the area right behind the mast. We use the internal sensors and GPS of your phone to collect track information, heading, and boat attitude.

The Tactiqs® application provides a wind input function in the user interface when no external wind data is available. You can mark the wind direction based on a wind shot, or a specific point of sail. From there, the app tracks your point of sail and wind shifts. Alternatively, we support the Ultrasonic Portable Wind Sensor from Calypso Instruments, which provides full wind data on all courses during your training sessions.

For group or one-on-one coaching, the Tactiqs® system provides an option to record wind information on a coach boat or at a nearby club house using our SailHub™ weather station. The SailHub™ system broadcasts the wind data live to all Tactiqs® users in the class over an area of up to one kilometer.

For boat classes that limit the use of electronics the user interface can be set to a restricted mode that only shows the magnetic heading and a start timer, or additionally the distance to the starting line. Independent of the UI mode the system always records the track and available boat data for analysis afterwards.

For foiling boats we specifically recommend to connect our augmented reality glasses to your iPhone in hotspot mode as they are very well-suited as display in high-speed dinghies.

For small keel boat sailors the best use model is to mount an iPhone or an iPad Mini in a waterproof case in the area right behind the mast. We use the internal sensors and GPS of your phone to collect track information, heading, and boat attitude. If you have limited instruments such as a speed sensor the Tactiqs® app can use such data in combination with the internal iOS sensors. Several companies (e.g. Yacht Devices) provide small low-power gateways that can read NMEA-183 serial data from your instruments and broadcast the information via Wifi.

For classes that limit the use of electronics the user interface can be set to a restricted mode that only shows the magnetic heading and a start timer, or additionally the distance to the starting line. Independent of the UI mode the system always records the track and available boat data for analysis afterwards.

For club racers with boats of 30' and longer the best use model is to mount an iPad in the cockpit or down below and provide a charging supply for longer races. If your instruments do not supply heel and pitch information you can use the iOS internal sensors instead. In this case please mount the iPad perpendicular to the boat's centerline for the heel and pitch measurement to be correct.

Your instrument data is used by the Tactiqs® app via Wifi. If your boat system already has a Wifi access point you directly configure your NMEA server address and port in the Tactiqs® app settings. If you do not have a Wifi interface you can use an NMEA-to-Wifi gateway (e.g. from Yacht Devices) that can read NMEA-183 and NMEA-2000 data, and transmit the information as NMEA-183 over Wifi. For boats with a B&G H5000 system, the Tactiqs® app can also retrieve the instrument data via the B&G WebSocket interface.

The Tactiqs® system allows you to use multiple iOS devices in parallel. The first device you connect will operate as the master device to calculate all metrics and generate the race log. Any subsequent device you connect to your boat's network will allow to repeat any data from the master device, and also provide remote control functions to set the starting line and timer, and select/create race courses.

In addition to the iOS devices we recommend the Tactiqs® augmented reality glasses for the helmsman as they provide the ideal combination of focusing on tell tales and waves while knowing exactly your boat performance and ideal course.

Key mectrics calculated by the Tactiqs® app can be transmitted back to on-deck marine displays as transducer values (XDR over NMEA-183) as custom data over the B&G WebSocket interface, or via a Yacht Devices NMEA-2000 Wifi adapter to Garmin GNX displays. We also support display of target speed performance, start timing, and layline information to B&G H2000 and H3000 systems.

For grand prix racers with full electronics such as a WTP3 system the best use model is to mount an iPad in the nav station and provide a charging supply for longer races. As part of your boat's setup on the tactiqs.io web portal you can set up custom transducers, load cells, and manual trim inputs e.g. for daggerboards to fully integrate with custom instrument systems. The system also allows you to send Tactiqs® metrics back to your marine displays on deck.

Your instrument data is used by the Tactiqs® app via Wifi. The app can read NMEA-183 data as well as data provided via the Expedition protocol. For boats with a B&G H5000 or WTP3 system, the Tactiqs® app can also retrieve the instrument data via the B&G WebSocket interface.

Key mectrics calculated by the Tactiqs® app can be transmitted back to on-deck marine displays as transducer values (XDR over NMEA-183), as custom data over the B&G WebSocket interface, and via a Yacht Devices NMEA-2000 Wifi adapter to Garmin GNX displays. Both H5000 and WTP3 systems can map these to custom display values on your cockpit or mast displays.

In addition to the iOS devices we recommend the Tactiqs® augmented reality glasses for the helmsman and tactician. On boats over 50 feet the trimmers and bow person also substantially benefit from personal displays with performance and start data.

Additionally, the system provides a visual messaging service between the master device and any Tactiqs® augmented reality glasses. This function allows the tactician to very effectively communicate sail changes and mark maneuvers including countdowns on larger yachts.

The Calypso Instruments Ulrasonic Portable wind sensor connects via Bluetooth directly to the Tactiqs® app to provide you a complete set of performance data on boats without instruments. Enable the sensor as a data source under the Tactiqs® wind settings, and you are good to go.

Powered by a built-in solar panel module, and with a diameter of 70mm the sensor can be easliy installed on any small boat including dinghies without any wiring. It is fully waterproof, so you don't have to worry about it if you capsize.

For more information including pricing, please visit Calypso Intrument's website for the Ultrasonic Portable.


During the pre-start period the system continuously calculates distance and direction to the starting line. Based on your boat's VPP we determine how many seconds you are from the line, and how much time you have to burn for a perfect start. The 3D bird's eye view lets you see yourself in the box and know exactly where you are in relation to the starting line. The system also continuously updates the starting line bias so you always know the preferred side. The wind graph shows you oscillating and persistent patters and helps you decide which side of the course to go first. See the START module in action.


Once in the race, master the course and the windshifts by knowing exacty where you are and whether you are on the favored tack. The 3D bird's eye view shows you the next mark and its laylines so you can focus on your competitors instead of running numbers in your head. A separate course overview shows you the complete picture including wind angles for all legs, so you can plan your sail choice well ahead of the next rounding.


Use the chart view on your iPad to plan out the best route for your next offshore, coastal, or inshore regatta. Based on pre-configured or manually created courses Tactiqs® provides you with the forecasted wind conditions for each leg. For longer races compare weather routing solutions for your preferred wind sources and find the fastest route to the finish. Sail angles and wind statistics help you find the optimum sail selection for the race. Tactiqs® supports Navionics charts (requires active Navionics subscription), and raster charts (BSB or GeoTIFF). See the Navigator module in action.


The Tactiqs® iOS app is fully integrated with B&G H5000 based instrument systems, enabling the display of Tactiqs® calculated metrics on B&G marine displays. Furthermore, the Wind Calibration function in the Tactiqs® Analyzer can be used to quickly determine TWA and TWS corrections for upwind, reaching & downwind and store them directly in the H5000 processor - even while racing. The Tactiqs® app also supports sending its metrics to Garmin GNX120/130 displays via Yacht Devices' NMEA2000 gateways, and can control GNX page selection based on the RLC, windward/leeward & offshore race modes activated in the app.


As the ultimate wearable display solution, the Tactiqs® system offers custom augmented reality displays in the form-factor of sun-glasses that provide you the key data right within your field of vision. These glasses are fully integrated with the iOS application and can replicate any metrics of choice organized into three numerical and three graphical layouts. Control of key functions such as the race timer and pinning the starting line are directly available via the integrated touch interface. See the Tactiqs® glasses in action.


The post-race analysis tools provide you two key data sets - how well you did around the course, i.e. your tactical decisions, and how fast you were sailing. The course view shows you your track color-coded with your speed or VMG performance, with your actual versus optimum wind angles, and wether you were lifted or headed. The SailCast® viewer on the tactiqs.io portal lets you replay your uploaded races and metrics to get a full understanding of each moment in the race.


The live polar data taken from steady-state measurements shows your speed performance against VPP targets over the race, and a heatmap identifies the points of sail you spent most of your time on. The system enables you to track individual sail usage during the race and aggregates sail-specific performance data in your Tactiqs® account. This allows you to find the best sail for a specific wind speed & angle, and fine-tune the cross-overs in your inventory. Dual-camera iPhones can take perspective-corrected sail shape images directly in the Tactiqs® app, the photos are a synchronized part of your performance data history in your account and accessible in sail-specific timeline charts. Experience all sail analytics tools.


The SailCast® feature of Tactiqs® visualizes races uploaded to the tactiqs.io portal right in your web browser. You can select the playback speed, jump directly to a specific leg or mark rounding, and choose between areal and chase cameras. Annotations provide you with an immediate understanding of the course geometry and wind conditions, and each boat shows their individual speed and wind data. Race photos taken in the Tactiqs® app are automatically shown in the media timeline. This level of insight into a race is invaluable for post-race dock talks and training sessions, allowing the whole class to benefit from using Tactiqs®. See SailCast® in action.


The tactiqs.io website lets you quickly set up your boat, the corresponding VPP data, and your sail inventory to enable sail tracking and live polar data by sail type. Tactiqs® provides a database of popular VPPs, so chances are your boat is ready to go. Separately, you can always fine-tune your boat's VPP data. While our master VPP data base is available to all users, your personalized VPP data is only visible to you.


Race data such as regattas, course definitions, and course marks are easily set up and shareable via the tactiqs.io portal and our map-based mark wizard. For windward-leeward racing the iOS app provides a course configurator that lets you create ad-hoc courses based on number of legs and direction & distance to the weather mark. On race day the app provides you a live course overview with wind angles for each leg to plan your sail choices.


Tactiqs® is fully integrated with our SailHub™ coaching system. The SailHub™ iOS app and weather station lets you broadcast the current wind direction and speed directly from your coach boat to the fleet around you. This enables boats without any instruments to generate complete training logs and lets students quickly identify where they can improve.

The built-in SailHub™ messaging system allows the coach to send training drills to all students and to remotely control the start timer for fully synchronized practice sessions.

The combination of Tactiqs® with SailHub™ on a coach boat also enables very accurate sail & trim comparison between boats for advanced coaching sessions and sail shape development.


The SailHub™ system is used on the coach boat to enable full wind information for any type of student boat, and to effectively communicate with the class. The mobile SailHub™ weather station in conjunction with the SailHub™ iOS app continuously calculates the true wind direction and speed on the coach boat and broadcasts this information to the associated Tactiqs® devices used by the class. The system uses Bluetooth technology to operate independent of cellular networks and covers an area of approx. a 500 meter radius around the coach boat. The system allows for different SailHub™ groups in case multiple classes are held in the same area.

Additionally, the SailHub™ app provides a messaging interface that allows training instructions to be broadcasted to all participants, and a synchronized timer service that maintains a single countdown for all participants.

The SailHub™ weather station is supplied in a travel case that contains the wind sensor, a quick-connect 8-foot carbon mast, and a battery to operate the coach boat system for a full day on one charge - just add your iPhone or iPad and you are fully set up for the next level of coaching.

Pricing The SailHub™ weather station kit is available from us for US $1495,-. Depending on your class structure the students can individually subscribe to Tactiqs® (e.g. for coaching teams that sail together regularly), or we offer custom subscriptions to the Tactiqs® service for sailing classes with varying students.

For more information about SailHub™ or to inquire on pricing for your club, school or college, please contact us at [email protected] .


"Tactiqs® is a must-have for any skipper who demands the best from their boat. Having speed, wind, and performance data at your eyelids gives a remarkable edge in decision-making when on the race course." Mike Price, Ullman Sails, Hawaii "I have been using Tactiqs® now for several years and have been very impressed with its overall performance. What sets this aside from the others is its ability to focus purely on your boat, tweeking the VPPs, analysing your race and tracking boat performance by sail inventory. I have used the Raptor glasses with the heads up display, and although initially I had to get used to the info right in front of your sight, I now find them very easy to use knowing the info is there when I focus on it. To finish off, this app with the addition of the glasses is for the serious racer. Give it a go, you won’t be disappointed." Steve Emery, Hyde Sails, South Australia "A year ago I stumbled by chance on the Tactiqs® App. Very quickly, I realized that I had found the right tool for our training and racing program. From the set up of the boat to the acquisition of the data real time, all the functionalities are available at the swipe of your finger. A very intuitive design. Combining information on the boat and live environment data gives the skipper and/or tactician a live analysis of the race course with accurate forecast of lay lines and time or distance to the marks. Immediately during our first training session, we saw the benefit of accurate real time feedback on performance and VPPs. Sessions after sessions, the helming and trimming became much more precise, and week after week we saw the boat’s performance improved dramatically. The after sessions debriefs were also made very easy thanks to a post sailing report generated automatically. Within a couple of months, thanks to Tactiqs’ realtime race course analysis, our racing results started to improve as well. We took full advantage of the pre-start analysis and it became a second nature to optimize the boat to its max potential. On our journey, we rose from the bottom of the standings to the underdog to one of the top contenders. The Tactiqs® app has been an essential contributor to that success. From a pre-race perspective, it is again easy to use. Being a geometrical or a passage race, setting up race courses is easy and quick. Once defined, marks and race courses are stored in a shared database for all users to enjoy so to avoid duplication of work. Finally, and in my opinion, a critical point, Tactiqs® support has been outstanding. As we came up with various requests to add some functionalities, the support team was very responsive, and the implementation happened quickly thanks to a weekly app update cycle. In short, it has been a very satisfying experience, and the results really speak for themselves." Jinn HKG2509 - J-122E, Hong Kong "Tactiqs® has been a great addition to the Beneteau Oceanis 55. The flexibility and vast volume of data available to display is a strong value add to the entire crew that is now able to stay in connection with the performance of the boat over multiple days of racing. Specifically, the performance reference to the boat's polars provides a never ending competition amongst the crew to perform better than the last shift or driver. This addition to the existing 5 B&G Zeus chart plotters has really been valuable to increase performance and fun on the boat." Thank you for a great product and support!" David Normandin, Beneteau Oceanis Owner, Dana Point, CA "We won our last championship with the aid of Tactiqs®. It’s easy to use and easy to read. Given that it has several tabs and screens you can easily set up each set of metrics for the racing mode you are in. Great maps feature and easy to set up fixed courses. Also it is a big plus to dive into the race analytics when the day is over." Matias Zapiola, Navigator for Gaucho ARG-4400, Argentina


sailboat racing scoring software

Pricing is based on the number of boats you manage in your tactiqs.io account, and on the number of AR glasses you use concurrently. Regular boats have full access to external NMEA data and all analytics, basic boats are intended for setups w/o electronics, e.g. dinghies or small keel boats:

Product One-time Purchase Annual Subscription
Regular Boat None $199.95 / Boat
Basic Boat None $99.95 / Boat
AR Glasses $399.- $99.95 / Glasses

Your subscription is accessible in your tactiqs.io account settings. To purchase a pair of AR glasses, please visit Everysight's Maverick product page .

The Tactiqs® system was designed and built by us to bring the next level of technology into our sport. Our team consists of sailing professionals and racing enthusiasts with high-tech backgrounds, and we believe that racers should not have to choose between very basic instruments and feature-rich, but complicated professional level solutions. We designed our solution with the average racer in mind, and put simplicity of use first in all aspects of the Tactiqs® system. If you have any specific questions please contact us at [email protected]

August 23, 2024

September 8 to October 27, 2024

September 13th to 22th, 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14, 2024

15-21 September, 2024

September 18 – 22, 2024

September 20 - 22, 2024

September 20-21 2024

September 20 - 22, 2024

September 20-22, 2024

September 21 – 23, 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

September 21, 2024

September 21-22, 2024

21 September 2024

September 21 & 22, 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 24 - 29, 2024


About Yacht Scoring Top

Scoring Options and Results Top

( ) ( ) ( and ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) We plan on adding others so if you have a specific handicap system you require in your event, local sailing area or country, please let us know so we can add them to the systems. We can be reached at .

With online system, the possibilities are endless.

to contact us and start using to manage and score your event.


Sailing News and Social Media Top


Hal - Sailing results made easy

Hal provides the best software to score sailing races. It lets you compute, display and store your results.

Hal's great strength is its ease of use. Race officers have to get results out quickly and have no time to learn complicated software.

Hal is widely used for national and international championships, as well as club racing and open meetings.

Hal is fully compatible with the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021 - 2024.

Hal can analyse each boat's performance relative to its handicap and the turnout statistics of each fleet.

Hal contains the latest Portsmouth Yardstick and National Handicap Scheme for Cruisers (NHC) base numbers from the RYA and the handicaps from Australian Sailing and the Small Cat Scheme .

  • a completely online web app where you input and view all your results over the internet
  • and a Windows application that enables you to compute and store your results offline.

HalSail provides all the functionality you need to enter, edit and view results entirely online. It has the same basic structure as Hal's Race Results and works with any device that has a browser. HalSail is a paid-for service , but with a free introductory period.

Hal's Race Results is the original Hal program. You install it on a PC where it runs offline without an internet connection. Hal's Race Results is available from the Microsoft Store and is free for any club or organisation to use.

How much does HalSail cost?

HalSail has a free introductory period of 45 days. If you set up a new account, you can use all the functionality of HalSail to test its suitability for your organisation.

After the free introductory period, you will be asked to pay a subscription of £80 (pounds sterling) per year.

How much does Hal's Archive Service cost?

Hal's Archive Service has a free introductory period of two months. If you set up a new account, you can use all the functionality of Hal's Archive Service to test its suitability for your organisation.

After the free introductory period, you will be asked to pay a subscription of £50 (pounds sterling) per year.

Club scores

What's important in sailing club scoring software.

SAILPro         A New Concept in YACHT RACE SCORING                     Login

SailPro is a unique yacht race scoring system designed to handle all on-the-water Race Committee computing needs while being accessible via any smart phone or tablet computer.  Like all newer scoring systems, it is used and operated via a browser. However, SailPro need not be internet based and thereby is not absolutely tied to WIFI or cell-service.  SailPro uses a client-server concept allowing any browser-equipped device to be a client served either on the internet at sailpro.org, or by a local (ie. on-board RC signal boat) Raspberry Pi computer.

SailPro is simple, easy to learn, and uses a straight-forward method of navigating around the four main race scoring tasks:   Regatta identification, Class/Start splits, Competitor entry, and Finishing/Scoring. SailPro's simplicity is easily visible: have a look at its initiation screen below. Therein, the four key areas of race scoring control can be clearly identified.


Displayed above is the actual starting screen used by SailPro to initiate a new regatta. Typically, a new (or recurring) regatta is planned around a some basic ideas. It will be for a specific group or class of boats, and have a name, venue, managers and target dates assigned. All this information can be entered into the above initial SailPro screen . Most of the data fields are self-evident, and some of them can be pre-set or controlled as configured options. As mentioned above, there are four primary sections on the screen:

REGATTA IDENTIFICATION: Defines the basic characteristics of the regatta, its name, identifier, date, etc., and is fairly easy to understand. The Club Name can be pre-set as might be appropriate. The Regatta ID is a user-defined, coded identifier for the regatta, and the regatta's data files are named with this code.

The last field of the Identification area is 'Number of Races,' which is related to the 'Classes,Races&Starts' frame to the right. Also there are three buttons which are unavailable initially: Submit, Hide/Show Entries, and Add Race. Note that data entered into SailPro only exists in the browser, and is stored on the server only after being submitted.

CLASSES,RACES&STARTS: (CRS) A class is a grouping of boats that will race and be scored against one another. A class will typically have a set start time in each race, and two classes may be started together (can have the same start time). But classes and starts are bound together one-to-one. One Race is a series of starts, one for each class, and all starts for one race will occur on one date in sequence. A class can consist of several (or many) competitors. But a competitor can only be in one class for the regatta. Therefore a competitor can only start and be scored one time in each race.

Initially the objective of this CRS section is to build a table which defines the first race date, the classes, and a scoring method for each class, plus the probable starting sequence. Therefore the required fields are the date, class and the 'ScoreAs' columns. Start times, distances and courses may be set and can be changed (and probably will be) before finishers are entered for the race. A Class is given a 'Class code' or ID, usually an abbreviation like PHRFA or CLUB, for example. After entering each class, the 'Add Start' button is clicked to enter the next class.

Only the first race needs to be defined because the SailPro server will copy this initial table of starts for more planned races, the number of copies (initially 3) being set in the identification section field 'Number of Races.' The last CRS column, 'ScoreAs' sets the scoring method using configured drop-down options being: Handicap on Distance (BHoD), Club Handicap on Time (CHoT), Time on Time (ToT), One-Design (OD), or Portsmouth Yardstick (PY). The following two areas of the screen (Entries and Finishes) are not initially usable. They are shown here for illustration only, because basically, when a regatta is first defined, it will not have any competitors, nor any finished races.

ENTRIES: Each competitor is one entry in the regatta, identified by its sail number, and is defined in the 'Entries' section. Entered yacht data builds a table of boat information consisting of sail number, yacht name, type, skipper, rating, etc. As each boat is entered, a new line will open for the next boat. Initially the last column 'Class' is an open free-form field, but after submitting classes in the CRS section, this class field will be set using a selection of drop-down options of only defined classes (a configured option).

FINISHES: Initially entry of 'Finishes' is restricted against any input because there are no races and no competitors defined. It is shown on this initial screen because it is always on this one primary SailPro web-page. Although not yet defined, it is set to receive finishes for Race Number 1. Only two fields must be entered to record the finish of each boat: Sail Number and Finish Time. An optional Field entitled 'Status' is available for recording status and penalty codes which can be selected from a configured drop down list: DNC, DNF, DNS, DSQ, OCS, etc.

Want better insight into SailPro?

There are three ways to get a better feel for how SailPro operates: 1)Review the Pseudo-Demo, 2)Utilize the DEMO Yacht Club, and 3)Initiate live SailPro scoring for a yacht club. Probably the most expedient and beneficial approach would be to perform these operations in that sequence.


The Pseudo-Demonstration pages are actual SailPro screens, being driven by SailPro Javascript functions, and show the true look-and-feel of SailPro. Please be aware that these samples do not connect to any server nor do they update any data base. Therefore data entered in the demo is not saved, nor is it processed at all, meaning the demo does not fully perform online race scoring.


Notes on Pseudo-Demonstration Pages The above two screens (Initial and Mid-Regatta) are samples of the one primary SailPro processing page. Comparing these two screens shows several differences between them, such as Functional ordering and Race buttons. (Did you try them? -- ie. click-on R1, R2, R3) Some changes indicate SailPro's configuration options. For example, SailPro may be configured to provide for loading the Entries table from another source, such as a prior regatta or an independent online registration function (SailPro has its own). Also, display order of SailPro's sub-sections and their view can be controlled, as well as being shown or hidden. Typically all sections are displayed, and after initial set-up, the 'Finishes' section will be displayed before the entry section, because generally, most on-going race processing involves finishing and producing view-able results.

When accessing a regatta in-process, the 'Finishes' section initially displays as a line of blank fields awaiting entry of a finisher for the next race (Race 4 in Demo). Each boat is finished by keying-in its sail-number and finish-time, after which a new line is opened for the next finisher. This process builds a finish-log for the race. After the log is submitted, it can be reviewed by clicking on a Race/Results button (R1, R2, etc.) appearing in the Finishes section. This review screen also allows for modifications, updates and additions, and includes a 'Results' button for producing (and publishing) a tidy 'Results report.'

BTW, The mid-regatta demo defines only two classes, seven races and twenty-six entries, (the respective maximums are 9, 9, 999). Also, sample sail numbers used are only four-digits because doing so intentionally simplifies the demo. (Sail numbers in SailPro can be up to 9 characters long, such as 'USA123456' which can be entered into the Entries screen by clicking on the 'Add Boat' button.)

Because it has no back-end processor, the pseudo-demo does not perform the more-complex calculations such as actual race or series scoring, or changing a race parameter (eg. start-time or distance) after it is scored. These functions are handled by the server. However the demo scoring pages were produced by the SailPro server program. In addition, some pseudo-demo functions may appear to hit dead-ends because they will await a server response which does not occur nor will it ever.

There are two ways to exercise the Demo Yacht Club: A)The Scoring Page appears identical to the mid-regatta Pseudo-Demo (it may have been altered), but is fully functional and includes all SailPro scoring services. See its publishable results via any Race button (i.e. R4), then click-on Results . B)The full Club Demo shows the Regatta-Menu page which is the first screen displayed whenever a user logs into an active SailPro club.

Go-Live with SAILPRO

Actual, on-line SailPro race scoring functionality can be set-up for a club at the following web-page: Initiate Sailpro . This link is used to both initiate a new club and for on-going access to an existing club (one previously set-up). Hence, the page requests an email-address for a user-id, and a password. To start SailPro for a club, an email address and a club identifier (abbreviation) is required. Your club identifier must be less than 7 characters, and will be entered into the password field (it will not display).

Creating a new SailPro club requires entry of a SailPro admin passcode. The passcode will be emailed to the club administrator at the entered email address. Upon return to SailPro, login using this club administrator email address, and the SailPro passcode. The administrator must then identify the club by entering its name; then entering his own name and a new password for this SailPro administrator account. This regular password must be more than 7 characters in length.

After initially logging-in and completing this set-up task, the standard SailPro menu for the club is displayed. This menu shows all regattas for the club plus two admin functions. Initially there is only one regatta, a demonstration regatta/series (DS2020), which provides test data for exploring SailPro's features and functionality. After exercising the system using this data, a neophyte user will likely find SailPro to be comprehensive and yet easy and intuitive. An hour of exploration will give a user the knowledge to initiate SailPro for scoring their own regatta.

The administrative functions provide ways of setting club-wide race scoring parameters and for initiating a new regatta. Racing parameters control such conditions as Time Limits, Boat Changes, Penalty Scores, Throw-Outs, etc. Initial parameters are probably acceptable for your club, but they may be modified as necessary using the 'Club Option' selection.

Start New Regatta Starting a new regatta in SailPro uses the same Initiation Screen as displayed above (and was used in the Pseudo-Demonstration). This screen is ubiquitous in SailPro. As discussed above, the screen is comprised of four areas, and, in general, the data fields on it are fairly evident, but a few items deserve additional explanation. Most of the data in the Identification area is simply descriptive, meaning used only in titles and descriptions to various reports, etc.

A critical field in the ident-area is 'Regatta ID' which is a free-form, user selected code and is used widely in SailPro as the identifier for the regatta. To allow a casual user (non-scorer) to easily identify it, this ID should be an abbreviation or acronym of the regatta name. It must be unique and should include an annual focus. So a good ID for the annual 'Summer Solstice Series' for 2023 might be SSS23.

The CRS or Race-Schedule area is documented above, including a definition of what a SailPro racing class is. This race-schedule table defines the dates, classes, start-times and other regatta-calendar parameters. Scoring rules (or mechanisms or formulas) are always defined for a class of boats which compete against each other under that scoring method. So a scoring method is declared for each class in this race-schedule table, under the 'ScoreAs' title or field.

Scoring methods are handicapping mechanisms that allow dis-similar boats to vie competitively against each other. Basically, a boat's handicap number (HCP) adjusts its actual race elapsed time (ET: time between starting and finishing) to a corrected time (CT). For a given race, boats in each class are then ranked by corrected time. The class winner is the boat having the lowest corrected time.

ENTRIES:   Sailpro has three methods for handling competitor-entry: 1)Direct data entry; 2)Copy from existing regatta; 3)Online by competitor. The Regatta Initiation screen includes a field labeled: 'Copy Entries From.' Enter a regatta ID here to have all competitors (and classes) copied from that regatta into this newly defined regatta. The 'Entries' section of SailPro's primary screen becomes a display-table of entries, and can also be used for direct competitor entry.

Using the internet, competitors can self-enter into any SailPro regatta. After creating a new regatta, a line will appear at the bottom of the main regatta menu screen which states 'NOR hot-link for Open Registration...' This line shows a web-link that can be copied into any web-page for providing a hot-link to the SailPro self-entry screen for the new regatta.

Check-it Out Please feel free to fully exercise and review SailPro, and your feedback would be welcome and appreciated. We look forward to any comments and suggestions, and will expediently respond to any questions at: [email protected]

sailboat racing scoring software

Advanced iOS race scoring software for your sailing club

sailboat racing scoring software

What's New?

Support for Portsmouth Yardstick (PY), Small Catamaran Handicap Rating System (SCHRS) and custom handicap rating systems.

Improved export/import functionality for transferring boats, sailors, classes and even events between devices.

Easy to Use!

Easy to use, familiar, touch interface for iPhone and iPad with many hand-crafted elements to make scoring simple and intuitive.

Field tested with easy to use, animated displays and custom controls to make scoring quick and consistent for volunteers and race officials alike.

In app help tips and intu i tive icons make scoring your first race a snap!

arcSail provides support for complex scoring configurations:

Score individual races, multi-day regattas and season long series.

Score uncorrected (one-design) fleets or handicapped (mixed) fleets using Portsmouth Yardstick (PY), wind-strength corrected North American Portsmouth Yardstick (NAPY), Small Catamaran Handicap Rating System (SCHRS) or PHRF Time-on-Time / Time-on-Distance .

Simultaneous short and long series calculations are supported.

Multiple simultaneous fleet starts and finishes can be tracked and scored using Low Point, Bonus Point, High Point Percentage, Low Point Average or Chips3.

With the in-app purchase, databases can be swapped between devices.

Sailors, Boats, Boat Classes, Clubs, Events, Series and Fleets can all be setup directly on your device or off the water using CSV file imports.

Calculations follow the RRS & Appendix A guidelines.


arcSail calculates complex wind and time based handicaps for short and long series instantaneously when the race is completed.

Results can be emailed or Air Printed right from your iPad or iPhone to the shore committee for printing, publishing, or protesting with in-app purchase!

Getting Started with arcSail ...

Setup your regatta....

With arcSail, you will be able to get up and running quickly! Before heading out on the water, it helps if you can complete the following two tasks:

Add your club, sailors & boats

Create your event and setup its fleets

sailboat racing scoring software

Scor e your first race...

With the Events and Fleets setup, Running the start sequence is a breeze. From there, you can monitor the race as it runs and prepare to score the boats as they return to be finished:

Starting your first race

Finishing the boats

sailboat racing scoring software

Shar e the results...

Event and Series results are immediately computed when each fleet race is completed and can be viewed on your iOS device. With an in App purchase, results can be emailed so they can be more easily shared on your club website:

Sharing the results

sailboat racing scoring software

Regatta Scoring Solutions

Regatta Scoring Solutions is sailboat race scoring program for one-design and handicap regattas. The software has the ability to score multiple fleets (handicap and one design) as well as a full implementation of the 2017 - 2020 RRS Scoring. RSS is an easy to use program for One Design Finish Position, PHRF Time-On-Distance, PHRF Time on Time, ORR, ORC, IRC and Portsmouth scoring.

Finish Files

Program Files

RSS 3.6 PC.zip

RSS 3.6 MAC.zip

RSS 3.7 DPYC PC.zip

RSS 3.6 HR PC.zip

Finish 4.5 PC.zip

Finish 4.6 CYC PC.zip

Finish 4.6 CYC MAC.zip

Finish 4.6 PC.zip

RSS Long Distance

RSS LD 1.0 PC.zip

Filemaker Files

RSS 3.6.zip

Download Instructions

Click on the link you want to download. When you open the .zip file, extract a folder that contains all of the program files, there is no installation. Inside the folder double click on the RSS file to start the application.

iPad: Download the Filemaker files (RSS 3.6.zip) onto your computer. Load Filemaker Go 15 from the app store to your iPad. Connect your iPad to the computer and open iTunes. On your computer, unzip and transfer all the files in the folder through iTunes to Filemaker Go 16. To start scoring, open Filemaker Go on your iPad, click on the Regatta file.

Contact Regatta Scoring Solutions

Score a race longer than 24 hours with the new RSS LD 1.0. Handicap systems are PHRF, PHRF TOT, IRC, ORR and Portsmouth.

Version 3.6

Updated for the new 2017 - 2020 Rule book.

Run Regatta Scoring Solutions on your iPad!

Download the Filemaker files, and transfer them to your iPad from your computer using Filemaker Go 16  which can be downloaded free from the app store.

Import registration records and trap finish positions and finish times using the computer’s internal clock.

Regatta Scoring Solutions - © Copyright Tom Fisher, All rights reserved

We need your support! We want to keep this site completely free and create tools to lower the cost of our sport. A small monthly donation can go a long way.

View multidimensional statistical data.

Data to prepare you for the next event.

Crew management tools.

Previous Next

sailboat racing scoring software


Simple straight forward pricing. FREE. Our goal is to keep scoring free to build the sport of sailboat racing.


Our site uses Paypal as do many other regatta management tools.


Create events with ease. Schedule your regattas around others by seeing what is available within our events calender.


Our platform is not only fast but can scale quickly. We have the capability to serve any number of users and events at the same time throughout the world.


Access sailboat racers through the system. Teams can leverage a crew rolodex across the world. See who is racing or available based on position, class, and past scores.


Search regattas, boats, crew and other dimensional data. Drill into results by boat, crew position and events.


Filter your search results by regatta, class, boat names, skippers and even crew. Find the data you have been looking for easily and seamlessly.


Manage crew check in and weigh-ins through the site. Crew can manage weight over time periods.


Send notifications to participants via text, email, or messenger. Send alerts to past participants within a radius who have registered through sailing scores. One click marketing.


Our platform allows you to manage your team and event coordination from whatever platform you are using. The ability to log on from anywhere and from any device

sailboat racing scoring software



sailboat racing scoring software

Sailwave - Free Sailing Scoring Software

Sailwave - Free Sailing Scoring Software

Where to buy

Simpli Sail

The Future of Sailboat Racing – Live iOS Scoring from simplisail™ – our goal is to improve the sport of sailing by making scoring sailboat races faster and easier

simplisail™ is coming soon and will feature everything needed to score every type of sailboat racing from one design to PHRF handicap to team racing. Our goal is to make it easy for race officials to run and score races and for sailors to be able to get their results live. Our mission at simplisail™ is to make scoring so easy that someone who’s never been on a sailboat before could score a regatta.

Username or email address *

Login Remember me

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Catalogue of Yacht Race Scoring Programs

Catalog index:.

We attempt keep this up-to-date however cannot be responsible for changes made by listed sites

Laser Scoring

Mac scoring program.

  • Snipe Scoring Program
  • Yacht Scoring Web

Regatta Network

  • Race Log Web
  • Race Log PC

St Petes Scorer

Us sailing association review of scoring programs, eroica regatta manager, "snipe" one-design scoring program, yacht scoring, racelog web new.


  1. Download Sailscore sail race scoring Google Play softwares

    sailboat racing scoring software

  2. Building an embedded device for sailboat racing: the software

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  3. Sail Score by Star Tip Software

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  4. Sailboat Race Analysis

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  5. Sailboat races, Series Scoring is made easy with the Klexy Soft Series Scoring program

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  6. Deep dive into scoring systems >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News: Providing

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  1. MultiSurf Quick Sailboat Hull

  2. Sailboat Racing Tips: Pressure vs Shift

  3. Sailboat racing!!!⛵️ #Washington #sailing #pnw


  5. MASTS COLLIDE ⛵️⛵️ Who Had Right of Way? #lasersailing #ILCA #sailing

  6. Two Capes Passed, One To Go


  1. Sailwave

    This page was last updated by Jon on 20th June 2024. Sailwave is a popular, fully-featured, easy-to-use, multi-lingual, sailing results/scoring application for Windows from XP to Windows 11 - running on other platforms including Apple Mac via Windows emulation software. Sailwave was created by Colin Jenkins in 2001, who was joined by Jon ...

  2. Sail Scoring Made Easy

    ABOUT. Sail scoring with the Afleet app makes it easy, and it takes less time. Using an Android tablet or phone we can typically score a race (single fleet) in less than one minute. If you're like us you love radio sailing. You attend club days. You might attend regattas. And (lucky you) you might be responsible for scoring some of these events.

  3. Scoring Programs

    These programs are listed as a service to members of US Sailing and the sailing community. Programs listed on this site have been tested to ensure that they conform to the scoring requirements of The Racing Rules of Sailing. Each was subject to a one-design low-point scoring test, including Appendix A8.1 and A8.2 tie-breaking.

  4. Tactiqs Performance System

    The Tactiqs® Performance System was designed by a team of sail boat racers from the US and Europe as the ultimate comprehensive boat performance system. It will substantially improve your understanding of the conditions and the race course, and help you make better decisions and win more races. Post-race analysis tools give you the details on ...

  5. Yacht Scoring

    Yacht Scoring is a featured packed 100% web based Yacht Racing Management and Scoring system that simplifies the task of competitor registration, event management, competitor and media communications while providing complete results in near-real time to competitors and the Sailing World following your event on the internet.

  6. New Race Log for Sailboat Racing, Race Log Web

    Race Log is a comprehensive and easy to use One-Design yacht race scoring program. email race results, Easily score individual regattas or a whole season of races. 1) regatta registration, 2) scoring, 3) publish results to the internet upload racing results.., new racelog web, save fleet data on the web in the cloud, Active score results page ...

  7. Hal Sailing Regatta Results Scoring

    Hal provides free sailing regatta results and scoring software for Windows and an online app using the same format. Hal - Sailing results made easy. Hal provides the best software to score sailing races. It lets you compute, display and store your results. Hal's great strength is its ease of use. Race officers have to get results out quickly ...

  8. SailScores

    Optional speech recognition to make things really easy. Support for Appendix A Low Point Scoring including 2021-2024 codes, High Point Percentage, Cox-Sprague, and customized club scoring codes. Easy to bookmark and link to club, series, and regatta results. Competitor statistics across multiple series. Count a single race in multiple series.

  9. SAILPro Yacht Race Scoring

    A New Concept in YACHT RACE SCORING. SailPro is a unique yacht race scoring system designed to handle all on-the-water Race Committee computing needs while being accessible via any smart phone or tablet computer. Like all newer scoring systems, it is used and operated via a browser. However, SailPro need not be internet based and thereby is not ...

  10. arcSail.com

    arcSail - advanced iOS race scoring software for your sailing club. Fully interactive race monitor capable of scoring multiple simultaneous fleet finishes. Clear, concise reporting at the race, regattta fleet or long series levels. Ability to instantly email, export or Air Print results with in-app purchase. Support for one-design fleet scoring ...

  11. Race Log for Sailboat Racing

    Race Log is a comprehensive and easy to use One-Design yacht race scoring program. Easily score individual regattas or a whole season of races. Race Log provides tools for.... 1) regatta registration, 2) scoring, 3) publish results to the internet. download - shareware version 3.6 with new Windows 7, 10 installer. purchase current Pro version 3.8

  12. PDF User Guide & Reference Manual

    Sailwave is a popular easy-to-use multi-lingual sailing regatta scoring program written for Microsoft Windows systems. There are no plans develop the software in a native format for other computer ... Functionality is based on World Sailing [WS] Racing Rules of Sailing [RRS] Appendix A with additional multi-fleet and Appendix LE Addendum ...

  13. Race Log for Sailboat Racing

    Race Log is a comprehensive and easy to use One-Design yacht race scoring program. Easily score individual regattas or a whole season of races. Race Log provides tools for.... 1) regatta registration, 2) scoring, 3) publish results to the internet. Check out the "Features" link for a complete description of Race Log capabilites, and then download a fully functional copy of Race Log.

  14. Regatta Scoring Solutions

    Regatta Scoring Solutions is sailboat race scoring program for one-design and handicap regattas. The software has the ability to score multiple fleets (handicap and one design) as well as a full implementation of the 2017 - 2020 RRS Scoring. RSS is an easy to use program for One Design Finish Position, PHRF Time-On-Distance, PHRF Time on Time ...

  15. Race Scoring Software

    Super Anarchist. 2,599. 855. Long Island Sound, Connecticut USA. Feb 7, 2011. #2. Our club is contemplating entering the 20th century with scoring software that will enable us to post results onto our website. The RC's run several hundred races each season, including several large one-design regattas (40 to 80 boats), one-design club series ...

  16. Apps for Sailors: Five of the Coolest Racing Apps Afloat

    Mar 18, 2015. Given the wealth of available apps, it's not surprising there is plenty of sailing-specific software that can shave time off your racing results. Here's a look at five of the coolest racing apps afloat: SailCoach Pro ($21.99 at the Apple App store) was designed to help sailors of all ability levels—as well as their coaches ...

  17. Sailboat Race Scoring Programs from SailOk Software

    SailOK Race Management Software was developed by a professional programmer, US Sailing Senior Race Officer and Certified Club Race Officer. They have been thoroughly tested and proven by continuous use at the Oklahoma City Boat Club, scoring all its series and regattas and managing Lake Hefner PHRF handicap data since the 2002 racing season.

  18. ezTrap Home

    ezTrap. ezTrap is a Microsoft Excel®-based PC application developed in 2009 that enables sailboat Race Officers anywhere in the world to quickly design and set accurate race courses, especially the Trapezoid.. ezTrap V21 is the latest release of this unique software product, which is now available for FREE download from . ezTrap V21 will also be available from this website until early 2021.

  19. Sailing Scores

    Sailing Scores - Race management and yacht racing statistics for any size regatta and fleet. Monthly $2.99. Yearly $19.99. Any Amount. We need your support! We want to keep this site completely free and create tools to lower the cost of our sport. A small monthly donation can go a long way.

  20. Sailwave

    Sailwave - Free Sailing Scoring Software. Sailwave is a popular easy-to-use multi-lingual sailing regatta scoring program for Windows. It is used internationally at all levels of the sport; from club racing to regional and world championships. Flexible publishing tools allow results to be targeted to web browsers, web-sites and email destinations.

  21. ‎Sail Score on the App Store

    Screenshots. Sail Score is your solution for scoring regattas. Quickly and easily enter regatta information and then email the generated results report. Setup teams. Enter sailors. Sit/Stand whatever you want and enter the results of your regatta as it is happening. Then email the generated results. **** Please see our You Tube Channel below ...

  22. Simpli Sail

    The Future of Sailboat Racing - Live iOS Scoring from simplisail™ - our goal is to improve the sport of sailing by making scoring sailboat races faster and easier. simplisail™ is coming soon and will feature everything needed to score every type of sailboat racing from one design to PHRF handicap to team racing. Our goal is to make it ...

  23. Catalogue of Yacht Race Scoring Programs

    RaceLog Web New. Resigned for the web including mobile. One design scoring, regatta registration, email results, data extract, and more. Check out the all new Race Log Web. Same scoring ideas as in Race Log, completely redesigned from ground up as a Web application. Use on your phone (iOS, Android), tablet (iPad, Android), PC or Mac.