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Francis Joyon and IDEC smash Jules Verne crewed round the world record with 26.8 knot average speed

Helen Fretter

  • Helen Fretter
  • January 26, 2017

Francis Joyon and IDEC Sport smash Jules Verne crewed round the world record in 40d 23h 30m and 30s, with a 26.8 knot average speed

trimaran idec nantes

Francis Joyon and his crew of Clément Surtel, Alex Pella, Bernard Stamm, Gwénolé Gahinet and Sébastien Audigane have set a new crewed round the world record of 40d 23h 30m and 30s.

The maxi trimaran Idec Sport set a new record time for the Jules Verne Trophy, the outright round the world sailing record when the team crossed the finish line off Ushant at 0749 (UTC) on Thursday 26 January 2017 having sailed the 22,000-mile theoretical round the world course in 40d 23h 30m and 30s. On the water, they actually sailed 26,412 miles at a blistering average speed of 26.85 knots.

They shattered the previous record set by Loïck Peyron and the crew of the maxi trimaran Banque Populaire V in 2012 by 4d 14h 12m and 23s. During their round the world voyage, they also broke no fewer than six intermediate records with fastest times as they passed Cape Leeuwin, off Tasmania, the International Date Line, Cape Horn, the Equator and off Ushant.

Other impressive statistics include Day 14, when they clocked up 894 miles at an average pace of 37.3 knots. For eight days, they sailed more than 800 miles in 24 hours, and for another seven days their 24 hour mileage was over 700 miles.

While this winter has been dominated by record-breaking round the world courses – Thomas Coville setting a phenomenal sub-50 days solo round the world record last month (smashing Joyon’s own solo round the world record time in the process) and the Vendée Globe leaders also completed the course at an  unprecedented pace for monohull sailors – Joyon and his team did not have an entirely smooth course.

After aborting their first attempt a few days before because of a hold-up in the Doldrums, Joyon and his men set off again, wondering about how the weather systems would evolve in the South Atlantic. “We set sail on 16 December, uncertain about the outcome,” explained the youngest member of the crew, Gwénolé Gahinet.

By the fifth day of racing the red trimaran had gained a lead of more than 210 miles over Peyron’s existing record. But in the Doldrums they suffered in an area of thunderstorms, huge wind shifts and calms. Averaging just 6.4 knots on 21 December, Idec Sport had their worst day, sailing just 186 miles in 24 hours. They dropped further and further behind the pace of their virtual rival, Banque Populaire V and when they entered the Roaring Forties on the eleventh day, were 755 miles behind.

trimaran idec nantes

Training for the maxi tri IDEC Sport , skipper Francis Joyon, and his crew, prior to their circumnavigation crew record attempt for Trophy Jules Verne, off Belle Ile, on october 12, 2016 – Photo Jean-Marie Liot / DPPI / IDEC

Pulling it back

However, in the Southern Ocean Joyon and crew were able to claw back the deficit. They had a good route past the calms of the St. Helena High, hopping onto a Southern low as they exited the Atlantic. Idec remained ahead of that system, taking advantage of strong NW’ly winds for 11 days, when their speed would rarely drop below 30 knots.

With peak boat speeds of more than 44 knots, Joyon’s gang had a fast run right across the Southern Ocean, taking just 4d 9h to sail from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Leeuwin. By 4 January, they had extended their lead over the record to a day and a half, as they passed to the south of Tasmania. Just over a week later, they clocked up another record at Cape Horn, leaving Banque Populaire V 4d 6h behind.

As for Coville and the Vendée leaders, whilst the Southern Ocean provided a fast passage, the South Atlantic dealt a series of classically tricky weather patterns. Once past the Falklands, a deep low appeared off Argentina, creating a nasty head-on swell for Idec . The crew had to find a compromise between pushing hard to make headway north and preserving the boat.

There were three possible routes off the south of Brazil with a series of transition zones. They could look for wind out to the east or sail upwind close to Brazil. Joyon, with the support of his router, Marcel van Triest, chose a middle route to head north, which meant they had decent weather to pass Cape Frio and pick up the south-easterly Tradewinds. The Doldrums again slowed the trimaran, where analysis from van Triest suggested going a long way west and north of Fortaleza to enter the Northern Hemisphere. They pulled it off. “We never got entirely stopped,” exclaimed Joyon when he found the trade winds.

Off the Cape Verde Islands, the wind gradually came around with the Tradewinds offering Idec Sport a good angle and wind speed to approach the south of the Azores. They were back up to high speeds in excess of 30 knots on the final arc towards Brittany.

trimaran idec nantes

Intermediate times

Equator: 5 days, 18 hrs, 59 minutes, 4h 3m behind Banque Populaire V Good Hope: 12 days, 19 hrs, 28 minutes, 21h 40m behind Banque Populaire V Cape Agulhas: 12 days, 21 hrs, 22 minutes, 21h 34m behind Banque Populaire V Cape Leeuwin: 17 days, 6 hrs, 59 minutes, 16h  58m ahead of Banque Populaire V Tasmania: 18 days, 18 hrs, 31 minutes, 1d 12h 43m ahead of Banque Populaire V Cape Horn: 26 days, 15 hrs and 45 minutes, 4d 6h ahead of Banque Populaire V Equator: 35 days 4 hrs and 9 minutes, 2d 22h  36m ahead of Banque Populaire V . Equator – Ushant: 5 days, 19 hrs, 21 minutes

trimaran idec nantes

Jules Verne records

2012 Loick Peyron, Banque Populaire V (trimaran) 45d 13h 42m 53s

2010 Franck Cammas, Groupama 3 (trimaran) 48d 7h 44m 52s

2005 Bruno Peyron, Orange II (catamaran) 50d 16h 20m 4s)

2004 Olivier de Kerauson, Geronimo (trimaran) 63d 13h 59m 46s

2002 Bruno Peyron, Orange (catamaran) 64d 8h 37m 24s

1997 Olivier de Kerauson, Sport Elec (trimaran) 71d 14h 22m 8s

1994 Peter Blake, Enza New Zealand (catamaran) 74d 22h 17m 22s

1993 Bruno Peyron, Explorer (catamaran) 79d 6h 15m 56s

Read more about the amazing head-to-head Jules Verne attempts by Idec Sport and Spindrift 2 last year here .

trimaran idec nantes

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IDEC SPORT et Francis Joyon ambassadeurs de THE ARCH, le maxi trimaran sera au ponton du Belem à Nantes le week-end prochain

Le groupe idec s’associe à the arch pour promouvoir et accélérer la transition écologique. cet événement unique qui sillonnera l’europe avec le maxi-trimaran idec sport à travers dix escales européennes fixe un premier rendez-vous du 17 au 18 mars prochain à nantes (44)..

trimaran idec nantes

THE ARCH, un accélérateur de la transition écologique

Francis joyon embarque la flamme écologique, 10 escales pour embarquer des solutions innovantes.



X-Yachts MPU 6

Francis Joyon and the maxi-trimaran IDEC Sport back on the Discovery Route

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Grand Harbour Marina supports The Arch Sailing Tour of Europe

The arch is a non-profit association with an objective to raise awareness towards solutions that contribute to an ecological shift to decarbonise europe., the arch is supported by a quintet of founders, with exemplary careers in the maritime and economic fields, legitimate to organize maritime-related events..

The Sailing Tour of Europe onboard maxi trimaran IDEC started in Nantes early March. Until the end of May IDEC connected with the cities of Copenhagen, Concarneau, Malaga, Marseille, Ajaccio, Naples, Athens, Malta, Lisbon and Saint-Nazaire. During these stopovers The Arch brought together nearly 1,800 leaders, experts, solution providers, citizens and other associations.


For the Malta stopover IDEC team chose Grand Harbour Marina for its great superyacht facilities. IDEC is a high performance racing trimaran with overall length of 31.5m and a beam of 22.5m. With top speed 44 knots IDEC went around the world in record 40 days. Skippered by Bernard Stamm the yacht easily manoeuvred into its berth on St Angelo Wharf.


Frédéric Vallier, The Arch Europe Ambassador and Patricia Goubard Nautical Operations Manager

“We are very thankful for all the support offered, IDEC has finished its journey around Europe and ‘The Arch’ its presentation of the 100 solutions to the European Parliament. The different meetings and exchanges made possible during our stay in your city contributed greatly to our reflection and the success of our project.”

The Arch visit continues to inspire the team at Grand Harbour Marina towards cleaner solutions more respectful of the environment!

To book a berth at Grand Harbour Marina, click here.

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Around the World in 40 Days

  • By Sailing World Staff
  • Updated: January 26, 2017

IDEC Sport

The Maxi Trimaran IDEC SPORT sailed by Francis Joyon, Clément Surtel, Alex Pella, Bernard Stamm, Gwénolé Gahinet and Sébastien Audigane won the Jules Verne Trophy, the outright round the world sailing record, this morning. They crossed the finish at 0749hrs UTC on Thursday 26th January 2017. Francis Joyon and his crew sailed the 22,461 theoretical miles in 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds, at an average speed of 22.84 knots. Out on the water, they actually sailed 26,412 miles at an average speed of 26.85 knots. They shattered the previous record set by Loïck Peyron and the crew of the maxi trimaran Banque Populaire V by 4 days, 14 hours, 12 minutes and 23 seconds. During this round the world voyage, they smashed no fewer than six intermediate records at Cape Leeuwin, off Tasmania, on the International Date Line, at Cape Horn, at the Equator and off Ushant.

Francis Joyon, Sébastien Audigane, Bernard Stamm, Gwénolé Gahinet, Alex Pella et Clément Surtel have become the fastest round the world sailors in history. Aboard the 31.5m long maxi-trimaran IDEC SPORT , they had a remarkable achievement with some incredible daily performances along the way, such as on the fourteenth day, when they clocked up 894 miles averaging 37.3 knots. For eight days, they sailed more than 800 miles and seven over 700 miles. Aboard the muiltihull designed in 2005 for a crew of twelve, Francis, Clément, Alex, Seb, Gwéno and Bernard have made it all look so simple, working perfectly together.

“We set sail on 16th December, uncertain about the outcome, » explained the youngest member of the crew, Gwénolé Gahinet. After aborting their first attempt a few days before because of a hold-up in the Doldrums, Francis Joyon and his men set off again on 16th December, wondering about how the weather systems would evolve in the South Atlantic. Very early on, they showed what they could do and by the fifth day of racing had gained a lead of more than 210 miles over the record. But in the Doldrums, which never seemed to want to help the red and grey maxi trimaran, they suffered in an area of thunderstorms, huge wind shifts and calms. Averaging just 6.4 knots on 21st December, IDEC SPORT was to have their worst day there, sailing just 186 miles in 24 hours. They got further and further behind the pace of their virtual rival, Banque Populaire V and when they entered the roaring forties on the eleventh day, were 755 miles behind.

A huge achievement in the Southern Ocean

IDEC SPORT managed to find her way around the edge of the calms in the St. Helena high, cutting across the South Atlantic to hop onto a Southern low. They moved towards this system from the north-east and Joyon and his men would stay ahead of that system, taking advantage of strong NW’ly winds for eleven days, when the speed would rarely drop below thirty knots. With peak speeds of more than 44 knots, Joyon’s gang sailed straight across the inhospitable Southern Ocean passing the Cape of Good Hope, then Leeuwin with just 4 days and 9 hours between the two capes. By 4th January, they had extended their lead over the title-holder to a day and a half, as they passed to the south of Tasmania. One Australian fan pointed out that they had taken just two days to pass under Australia, “which you can’t even do in a car!” Just over a week later, Alex, Seb, Gwéno, Francis, Bernard and Clément clocked up another record at Cape Horn leaving Banque Populaire V 4 days and 6 hours behind IDEC SPORT .

Dealing intelligently with the South Atlantic

While Loïck Peyron and his men had a quick climb back up the South Atlantic, IDEC SPORT had to deal with a series of classic weather patterns. Once past the Falklands, a deep low appeared off Argentina, offering Joyon and his crew a nasty swell hitting them head on and SW’ly winds. They had to find a compromise between pushing hard to make headway north and preserving the boat. There were three possible routes off the south of Brazil with a series of transition zones. They could look for wind out to the east or sail upwind close to Brazil. Joyon with the support of his router, Marcel van Triest, chose a middle route to head north, which meant they had decent weather to pass Cape Frio and pick up the SE’ly trade winds. They then had to face the Doldrums again for the fourth time in two months. Living up to its bad reputation, this slowed the maxi-trimaran IDEC SPORT in a calm patch, where although there was no thundery activity, the wind was very light. Once again, the analysis from Francis and Marcel suggested going around the outside a long way west and north of Fortaleza to enter the Northern Hemisphere. They pulled it off. “we never got entirely stopped,” exclaimed Joyon when he found the trade winds.

A final triumphant sprint

Off the Cape Verde Islands, the wind gradually came around with the trade winds offering IDEC SPORT a good angle and wind strength to approach the south of the Azores. Once again, Joyon and Co hopped onto the train and set off at speed for Brittany. They were back up to high speeds in excess of thirty knots to draw a parabola from NE Brazil to Brittany.

Intermediate times:

Equator: 5 days, 18 hrs, 59 minutes, or 4 hrs and 3 minutes behind Banque Populaire V Good Hope: 12 days, 19 hrs, 28 minutes, or 21 hrs and 40 minutes behind Banque Populaire V Cape Agulhas: 12 days, 21 hrs, 22 minutes, or 21 hrs, 34 minutes behind Banque Populaire V Cape Leeuwin: 17 days, 6 hrs, 59 minutes, or 16 hrs and 58 minutes ahead of Banque Populaire V Tasmania: 18 days, 18 hrs and 31 minutes, or 1 day, 12 hrs and 43 minutes ahead of Banque Populaire V Cape Horn: 26 days, 15 hrs and 45 minutes, or 4 days and 6 hrs ahead of Banque Populaire V Equator: 35 days 4 hrs and 9 minutes, or 2 days, 22 hrs and 36 minutes ahead of Banque Populaire V Equator – Ushant: 5 days, 19 hrs, 21 minutes

  • More: idec sport , maxi trimaran , News , record setting , Sailboat Racing
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Retour de tour du monde, Idec, Baie de Quiberon,  28 janvier 2017, 17h32 | by Marc Kermabon

Retour de tour du monde, Idec, Baie de Quiberon, 28 janvier 2017, 17h32

Le maxi-trimaran ultim idec revient dans la baie de quiberon vers son port d'attache de la trinité s/mer à l'issue du trophée jules verne dont il vient d'établir un nouveau record..


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Grand Harbour Marina supports The Arch Sailing Tour of Europe

The arch is a non-profit association with an objective to raise awareness towards solutions that contribute to an ecological shift to decarbonise europe., the arch is supported by a quintet of founders, with exemplary careers in the maritime and economic fields, legitimate to organize maritime-related events..

The Sailing Tour of Europe onboard maxi trimaran IDEC started in Nantes early March. Until the end of May IDEC connected with the cities of Copenhagen, Concarneau, Malaga, Marseille, Ajaccio, Naples, Athens, Malta, Lisbon and Saint-Nazaire. During these stopovers The Arch brought together nearly 1,800 leaders, experts, solution providers, citizens and other associations.


For the Malta stopover IDEC team chose Grand Harbour Marina for its great superyacht facilities. IDEC is a high performance racing trimaran with overall length of 31.5m and a beam of 22.5m. With top speed 44 knots IDEC went around the world in record 40 days. Skippered by Bernard Stamm the yacht easily manoeuvred into its berth on St Angelo Wharf.


Frédéric Vallier, The Arch Europe Ambassador and Patricia Goubard Nautical Operations Manager

“We are very thankful for all the support offered, IDEC has finished its journey around Europe and ‘The Arch’ its presentation of the 100 solutions to the European Parliament. The different meetings and exchanges made possible during our stay in your city contributed greatly to our reflection and the success of our project.”

The Arch visit continues to inspire the team at Grand Harbour Marina towards cleaner solutions more respectful of the environment!

To book a berth at Grand Harbour Marina, click here.

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Fastest cruising trimaran of all time

Nov 05, 2020

less than a min

Fastest cruising trimaran of all time

A trimaran is also known as a double-outrigger . This is a multihull boat that contains a main larger hull and two small outrigger hulls on the sides. Their design originated from the Philippines and Eastern Indonesia, where they are to this day used as the main fishing boats.

Nowadays, however, trimarans are designed as sailing yachts for racing and recreational purposes, which is why the fastest cruising trimaran is of great interest to the world. It is a fact that trimarans are faster than monohulls or catamarans. As such, their world record has managed to beat any other catamarans’ or monohull prior record.

The record for the fastest cruising trimaran is held by Thomas Coville . He used a trimaran called Sodebo Ultim to sail across the world on Christmas 2016 . HIs trip lasted for 49 days and 3 hours . Thomas Coville’s record beat his predecessor, Francis Joyon, who sailed across the world in a trimaran on the20th of January 2008 on a trip that lasted 57 days and 13 hours. Before them, it was Ellen MacArthur to hold this record after having sailed across the world in February 2005, in a trimaran for 71 days.

The fastest cruising trimaran to this day is the Maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT . This vessel is both wind or mechanically powered and has completed a voyage around the world in 40 days 23 hours 30 minutes 30 seconds. The Maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT can reach an average speed of 26.85 knots or 30.71 MPH .

In addition, this boat has covered a distance of 26,412 nautical miles, or 48,915 km (30,394 mi). In 2020, the Maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT managed to sail from Hong Kong to London in 32 days.

While the Maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT has been established as the fastest cruising trimaran of all time due to the journeys it has completed, there are however a few other boats that have managed to reach more speed. These boats however have not been able to withstand such speed and have capsized.

That is exactly what happened to Hydroptère . Hydroptère is an experimental hydrofoil trimaran. This vessel managed to reach 56.3 knots or 104.3 km/h (64.8 mph) near Fos-sur-Mer. However, it capsized a few minutes after.

Fastest cruising trimarans to have made history

There are many more trimarans that have made history due to their speed. Firstly, the giant trimaran by BMW Oracle Racing team represented the Golden Gate Yacht Club in 2010. This trimaran won the 33rd America’s Cup on Valentine’s day 2010 by sailing off the coast of Spain. It managed to beat the Alinghi catamaran by a large margin.

In addition, the Weta dinghies have started to make a good name for themselves. These are trimarans used for performance day sailing. They are fast, light, and very flexible. Also, these trimarans have been used for disabled sailing. The reason being that you do not need to move around the cockpit to maintain stability when on a Weta Dinghy.

You can compare trimarans with TheBoatDB and figure out for yourself whether they are a good fit for your marina. Do not forget that trimarans in general will require more space when parked. If you are a speed junkie, however, these vessels will definitely appeal to you.

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IDEC Sport  / Francis Joyon

Qingdao-china / guo chuan.

trimaran idec nantes

Caractéristiques :

Longueur : 29.70  m

Largeur : 16.50 m

Poids : 11 t

Hauteur du mât : 32 m en solitaire  

Corde du mât :  m

Tirant d'eau :   m

Matériaux : Carbon/Normex

Surface de voile au près : 350 m²  

Surface de voile au portant : 520 m²  

Architectes : Nigel Irens / Benoit Cabaret

Chantier : Marsaudon Composite Lorient  - Mât : Lorima   

Voiles :  Incidence Brest.

Mise à l'eau : juin 2007

trimaran idec nantes

Histoire et palmarès :

Après la perte du premier IDEC (ex Poulain ), l'entreprise Toulousaine, lance la construction d'un trimaran pour les records autour du monde en solitaire. Le trimaran sera à l'image de son skipper, simple et puissant. C'est l'un des trois sister -ship signé par Nigel Irens et Benoit Cabaret avec Sodeb'O et Majan Oman Air .

Et la recette est plutôt réussie vu le nombre de record à l'actif de ce duo.

Février 2015, IDEC rachète Solo Banque Populaire VII, et le trimaran est vendu à Guo Chuan. Premier marin Chinois à avoir effectué un tour du Monde.

Avril 2015, Le bateau est toujours à la Trinité sur Mer, tout les stickers IDEC on disparu et il a été rebaptisé Qindao-China. La première tentative de record devrait se dérouler par le nord entre la Russie et la Chine, avec un équipage international.

En juin, le bateau monte à Lorient, il est sorti de l'eau et rentre au chantier Marsaudon Composites. Il y ressort cinq semaine plus tard sous ses nouvelles couleurs et aménagé pour un équipage. Il rejoint La Trinité qu'il quitte pour le nord de l'Europe le 13 août.

Le 3 septembre, après les derniers préparatifs, l'équipage international se lance pour cette grande première entre l'Europe et la Chine par le Nord/Est. Une grande première, avec ce record par la route nord. S'en suivra un long convoyage jusqu'en Chine et son port d'attache de Qingdao. L'accueil sera triomphant. Après quelqes semaines sur place et la remise en l'état du trimaran. Guo Chuan repart pour un road trip sur la route de la soie, autour de la Chine, Hong-Kong, l'Inde, le canal de Suez, l'Egypte et arrive fin décembre à Monaco. Le 14 janvier 2016, le bateau est de retour à Lorient, pour un chantier, après une escale à Lisbonne.

Il rentre en chantier des Marsaudon Composites pour un refit total. Mi mai, il est remis à l'eau à Lorient sans modification. Après quelques jours le trimaran rejoint la Trinité sur Mer, où l'équipe de Guao Chuan s'entraîne et fiabilise le bateau pour son programme 2016, avec un convoyage de France au Brésil pour les JO et ensuite pour rejoindre Panama et le Pacifique. Une tentative de Trans Pacifique étant au programme entre San Francisco et Shanghai.

Le 16 juillet, le trimaran quitte la Trinité sur Mer pour Rio. Le 31 juillet le trimaran s'amarre à Rio pour les JO 2016. Quelques jours après la fin des JO, Guo Chuan largue les amarres direction Panama et son canal.

Le 16 septembre, le trimaran retrouve l'océan Pacifique et met le cap plein Ouest pour remonter vers San Francisco. Le 30 septembre, le trimaran est amarré dans l'un des bassins de Richmond.

Après 15 jjours de réparation et préparation, Guo Chuan s'élance le 18 octobre pour sa tentative entre San Francisco et Shanghaï.

Le 25 octobre , alors que le trimaran est à 900 milles au N/O d'Hawaï, l'équipe à terre prévient les secours qu'ils n'ont plus de contact avec Guo Chuan. Après un survo l par un avion, un navire est dépêché sur zone et des marins montent à bord et ne trouvent aucune trace du skipper. Les recherches sont arrêtées après 72 heures.

Le trimaran est récupéré mi novembre par l'équipe et convoyé à Hawaï. Début janvier Qingdao-China quitte Honolulu et arrive en baie de San Francisco le 12, il est amarré à la marina de Richmond.

Mi mars 2017, le trimaran est toujours au ponton de Richmond.

Août 2017, le trimaran est toujours au ponton de Richmond.

Avril 2018 toujours à Richmond.

Francis Joyon :

2007 : Record de la traversée de la Manche en Solitaire en 6 h 23m 36 s

2008 : Record de la distance parcourue en 24 h en solitaire avec 616.07 milles

2008 : Record du Tour du Monde en solitaire en 57 j 13 h 34 m 6 s

2008 : Record de la Route de la Découverte en solitaire en 9j 20 h 35 m 3

2009 : 1er du Tour de Belle-île

2009 : Record de la Mauricienne en 26 j 4 h 13 m 29 s

08/2009 : 1er du Tour de l'île de Wight en 4 h et 24 min

11/2010 : 2ème de la Route du Rhum

2012 : Record de distance parcourue en 24 h en solitaire avec 666.20 milles

06/2013 : Record de la Route de la Découverte en solitaire en 8 j 16 h 7 m 5 s

08/2013 : Record de l'Atlantique Nord en solitaire en 5 j 2 h 56 m 10 s

11/2014 : 6ème de la Route du Rhum

02/2015 : Bateau à la Trinité sur Mer

Guo Chuan :

03/2015 : Sorties d'entraînement à la Trinité

05/2015 : Le bateau est toujours amaré à la Trinité

05/2015 : 5ème du Tour de Belle Ile

09/2015 : Etablit un record entre Murmansk et le détroit de Béring en 12 j 2 h et 17 min



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  1. The Maxi-Trimaran

    trimaran idec nantes

  2. The Maxi-Trimaran

    trimaran idec nantes

  3. The Maxi-Trimaran

    trimaran idec nantes

  4. The Maxi-Trimaran

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  5. Le trimaran Idec Sport suit la route de "The Arch"

    trimaran idec nantes

  6. The Maxi-Trimaran

    trimaran idec nantes


  1. The Maxi-Trimaran

    The former Groupama 3 and Banque Populaire VII, the IDEC SPORT maxi-trimaran has had an exceptional list of successes. Winner of the Jules Verne Trophy in 2010 and 2012, and again in 2017, the boat also won the last three editions of the Route du Rhum - and many other events. Thirteen years after she was first launched, this strong all-round ...

  2. The maxi-trimaran IDEC SPORT and Francis Joyon as ambassadors for THE

    The IDEC GROUP is joining forces with THE ARCH to promote and accelerate the ecological transition. This unique event, which will criss-cross Europe with the maxi-trimaran IDEC SPORT through ten European ports of call, will begin on 16 to 18 March in Nantes (44). THE ARCH, an accelerator of the ecological transition How can 100 …


    IDEC SPORT AROUND EUROPE. The sailor Francis Joyon will cast off tomorrow, Saturday 4pm in Nantes, from the maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT, en route for an original tour of Europe in favour of the ecological transition as part of…. Sailing. Clarisse Parmentier 7 March 2023. 3,170.

  4. IDEC Sport Smashes Record

    The Maxi Trimaran IDEC SPORT sailed by Francis Joyon, Clément Surtel, Alex Pella, Bernard Stamm, Gwénolé Gahinet and Sébastien Audigane won the Jules Verne Trophy, the outright round the world sailing record, this morning.. The crew crossed the finish at 0749hrs UTC on Thursday 26th January 2017. Joyon and his crew sailed the 22,461 theoretical miles in 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes and 30 ...

  5. Francis Joyon and IDEC smash Jules Verne crewed round the world record

    The maxi trimaran Idec Sport set a new record time for the Jules Verne Trophy, the outright round the world sailing record when the team crossed the finish line off Ushant at 0749 (UTC) on ...

  6. IDEC SPORT et Francis Joyon ambassadeurs de THE ARCH, le maxi trimaran

    Le GROUPE IDEC s'associe à THE ARCH pour promouvoir et accélérer la transition écologique.

  7. IDEC Sport went around the world in a record 40 days

    The IDEC Sport maxi-trimaran took the Jules Verne trophy by circumnavigating the world in 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds. The six-man trimaran team, led by French skipper Francis Joyon, crossed the finish line between the lighthouses on Wessan Island and Cape Lizard on Thursday 26 January. Francis Joyon, Clément Surter, Alex Pelle, Bernard Stamm, Gwenol Gaina and Sébastien ...

  8. Francis Joyon and the maxi-trimaran IDEC Sport back on the Discovery Route

    Related Articles Joyon and crew complete Tea Route in record time The new reference time is 31 days, 23 hours, 36 minutes and 46 seconds The IDEC SPORT maxi trimaran sailed by Francis Joyon, Bertrand Delesne, Christophe Houdet, Antoine Blouet and Corentin Joyon, set a new record for the Tea Route between Hong Kong and London this morning. Posted on 19 Feb 2020 Joyon and crew shatter Tea Route ...

  9. IDEC Sport

    Groupama 3 in Saint-Malo, 2010. IDEC SPORT (formerly Groupama 3, Banque Populaire VII, Lending Club 2, IDEC 3) is a racing sailing trimaran designed for transoceanic record-setting. She is one of the world's fastest ocean-going sailing vessels and the current holder of the Jules Verne Trophy for circumnavigation of the world. She was originally skippered by French yachtsman Franck Cammas, with ...

  10. Francis Joyon et IDEC la fin d'une longue et belle histoire

    Une information qui indique que Francis Joyon et son sponsor IDEC vont se séparer avant l'été. Francis Joyon et son équipage sont actuellement à Concarneau dans le cadre du The ARCH, le tour de l'Europe pour la collecte de 100 projets innovants pour la planète. A l'issue de ce tour de l'Europe qui aura amené le trimaran IDEC Sport ...

  11. IDEC

    The 29.7m (97ft) ocean racing trimaran IDEC has been an outstanding offshore performer in the very capable hands of Francis Joyon. Since launching in 2007 she has set three world records; a solo circumnavigation in 57 days, six hours, a 24-hour solo run of 666.2 miles averaging 27.75 knots and a solo transatlantic in five days, two hours.

  12. A Fresh New Look for The Idec Sport Maxi-trimaran

    The IDEC SPORT maxi trimaran, which has been out of the water in the Multiplast yard in Vannes since November, is undergoing her first major update since her launch in 2006. Francis Joyon, who showed the full potential of this VPLP designed boat by smashing the Jules Verne Trophy record (40 days), aims to keep his boat competitive this winter ...

  13. CN Marinas

    The Sailing Tour of Europe onboard maxi trimaran IDEC started in Nantes early March. Until the end of May IDEC connected with the cities of Copenhagen, Concarneau, Malaga, Marseille, Ajaccio, Naples, Athens, Malta, Lisbon and Saint-Nazaire. ... IDEC is a high performance racing trimaran with overall length of 31.5m and a beam of 22.5m. With top ...

  14. Idec Sport Moored Up in Nantes

    After setting sail from her home port of la Trinité sur Mer on Friday morning at around nine, the IDEC SPORT maxi-trimaran moored up at the pontoon in Nantes, where the festivities for The Bridge 2017 are beginning. There was not much wind, but the sun was out for the crew, which is almost complete*, …

  15. IDEC SPORT (@idecsport) • Instagram photos and videos

    The Famous Project : du Mod70 au Maxi-trimaran Aux côtés de ses partenaires le groupe IDEC, le CIC, Wipro et Richard Mille, l'équipe de The Famous Project a procédé ce jour, vendredi 31 mai, à la mise à l'eau du Maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT à Vannes, devant le chantier Multiplast, constructeur du trimaran géant en 2006.

  16. Around the World in 40 Days

    The maxi-trimaran IDEC Sport has shattered the Jules Verne Trophy record, making the round-the-world passage in just 40 days.

  17. Retour de tour du monde, Idec, Baie de Quiberon, 28 janvie…

    Retour de tour du monde, Idec, Baie de Quiberon, 28 janvier 2017, 17h32 le maxi-trimaran ultim IDEC revient dans la baie de Quiberon vers son port d'attache de la Trinité s/mer à l'issue du Trophée Jules Verne dont il vient d'établir un nouveau record. Done. 224 views.

  18. Grand Harbour Marina supports The Arch Sailing Tour of Europe

    The Sailing Tour of Europe onboard maxi trimaran IDEC started in Nantes early March. Until the end of May IDEC connected with the cities of Copenhagen, Concarneau, Malaga, Marseille, Ajaccio, Naples, Athens, Malta, Lisbon and Saint-Nazaire. ... IDEC is a high performance racing trimaran with overall length of 31.5m and a beam of 22.5m. With top ...

  19. Fastest cruising trimaran of all time

    The fastest cruising trimaran to this day is the Maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT. This vessel is both wind or mechanically powered and has completed a voyage around the world in 40 days 23 hours 30 minutes 30 seconds. The Maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT can reach an average speed of 26.85 knots or 30.71 MPH. In addition, this boat has covered a distance of ...

  20. Idec Sport Around Europe

    IDEC SPORT AROUND EUROPE. Antoine Marin 17 March 2023. 2,928 2 minutes read. The sailor Francis Joyon will cast off tomorrow, Saturday 4pm in Nantes, from the maxi trimaran IDEC SPORT, en route for an original tour of Europe in favour of the ecological transition as part of The Arch project. Accompanied by his usual crew, he will symbolically ...

  21. IDEC 2

    IDEC 2 is an ocean racing trimaran skippered by Francis Joyon and sponsored by groupe IDEC. She is currently named Qingdao China. As IDEC 2. The main goal of Francis Joyon was to regain the single-handed round-the-world record from Ellen MacArthur. ... By 2016 the IDEC 2 had been sold and renamed Qingdao China.

  22. IDEC Sport

    Histoire et palmarès : Après la perte du premier IDEC (ex Poulain), l'entreprise Toulousaine, lance la construction d'un trimaran pour les records autour du monde en solitaire.Le trimaran sera à l'image de son skipper, simple et puissant. C'est l'un des trois sister -ship signé par Nigel Irens et Benoit Cabaret avec Sodeb'O et Majan Oman Air.. Et la recette est plutôt réussie vu le ...

  23. Archives des Sailing

    The IDEC SPORT maxi trimaran sailed by Francis Joyon, Bertrand Delesne, Christophe Houdet, Antoine Blouet and Corentin Joyon, set a…. Read More ». Fabrice Thomazeau 19 February 2020. 1,641.