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Dragonfly 920

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trimaran dragonfly 920

Trailerable Offshore Sport Cruiser or Trailerable Offshore High-Tech Racer -  it's your freedom of choice.

The Dragonfly 920 Cruiser was built from 1996 - later the Dragonfly 920 was built in a Racing version also. It was the same boat but with longer boom and larger mainsail. The new Dragonfly 920 Extreme was launched back in 2003. it was still the same bot, but with new wider beams and longer floats.

Dragonfly 920 Swing Wing Cruising and Racing version was built between 1996 - 2008. In total 165 boats were built, including the later Extreme version.

trimaran dragonfly 920

Dragonfly 920 Videos

The Dragonfly 920 Touring model, produced since 2005, is based on the well known Dragonfly 920 Cruising and Racing version which was first launched in 1996. The Touring version is equipped with a new design of curved beams similar to the Extreme version and the longer mainsail boom of the previous Dragonfly 920 Racing version.

The Dragonfly 920 Extreme model was introduced in 2003. It is based on the same centre hull as the Touring version, but has wider curved beams in a new modern design and also longer floats, a taller rig and a deeper full carbon rudder and centerboard to improve performance. The Dragonfly 920 Extreme is approx. 15 % faster than the standard Touring version.

For people who focus more on cruising, the Dragonfly 920 Touring offers less heeling and shallow draft wich are very important, making it the perfect boat for newcommers in the multihull scene. The Extreme version is for the keen sailor, who wants more speed and fun in the fast lane. 

The Dragonfly 920 sleeps 4 people, has a separate head and offers a nice pleasant main cabin with very good visibility. With the sprayhood, cockpit tent and the cockpit table, you will find ample living space in all weathers.

Reviews, articles & awards

trimaran dragonfly 920

Multihulls World

Text and photos: Philippe Echelle

PDF icon

Yacths & Yachting

Text and photos: Jeremy Evans

trimaran dragonfly 920

Segeln - August 2004

Text and photos: Thorsten Höge

(Test in German)

trimaran dragonfly 920

Bådnyt - June 2003

Text and photos: Henrik Hansen

(Test in Danish)

To inform and illustrate recommended service, maintenance, and refitting on an older Dragonfly, we have drawn this general information sheet. Rough elements, like strong winds and wave conditions, strong saltwater and UV do have some impact on the boat after a long sailing life.

We strongly recommend servicing and changing vital parts on your boat according to our recommendations. This information overrules any other former information you may have, as the following is based on updated knowledge.

RIGGING Visual check of all cables is still required when changing the rigging. When trailering the boat, we strongly recommend focusing on side stay cables, as these easily bend when stepping the mast. Bended side stay cables near the terminal may cause the side stay cable to break.

On all Dragonflys, please regularly check the forestay cable in the top by the terminal. When furling, the spinnaker halyard may block the forestay, which can cause failure of the forestay.

TRAMOLINES On all Dragonflys, we recommend re-stitching (sewing) along the seems of the trampolines every 6-7 years (in climates with strong UV, every 5 years). Normally, our clients change their trampolines after 10-12 years use.

FLOAT DECK TEFLON PAD RINGS On Dragonflys built after 1989, the white 5 mm Teflon pad rings on the float deck need to be changed every 13-15 years – this is neither critical nor structural. For easy change of these pads/rings, you just bolt off the floats from the wings.

QUICK-LINKS Over the years, Quorning Boats has used the riggings links, so-called Quick-Links, in the Dragonfly production. When replacing these, it is of utmost importance to purchase links of same high quality or similar products carrying same strength (working load). Many products look the same, but do not carry the same strength.

ORDERING PARTS Original parts can be ordered at Quorning Boats at  [email protected]

Common spare parts can be shipped within two weeks, whereas special parts and/or custom-made parts usually are served within 6-8 weeks.

For orders below EUR 100.- excl. VAT, we charge a handling fee of EUR 15.-

IMPORTANT Parts ordered at Quorning Boats Denmark, will be produced in originally designed materials. Should you choose to order from other suppliers, please check that the same kind of materials are used – especially on the waterstays and other rigging parts, where stronger Dyeform cables are needed.

DRAGONFLY 920 EXTREME (built 2003-2008) Waterstays – every 5 years (max), or by max 10,000 NM Side stays and forestay – every 7 years, or by max 10,000 NM Diamond spreader stays on the mast – every 15 years Forward safety cables – every 7 years Center hull wing base, wing beam 18 mm pivot bolt (made of high-grade stainless steel) – every 7 years, or, by max 15,000 NM

DRAGONFLY 920 CRUISING, RACING & TOURING (built 1996-2008) Waterstays – every 7 years, or by max 10,000 NM Side stays and forestay – every 7 years, or by max 15,000 NM Diamond spreader stays on the mast – every 15 years Rudder downhaul cable – every 7 years

We recommend changing the original stainless 16 mm wing/beam pivot hull to one of 18 mm (made of high-grade stainless steel)

Length overall centre hull 9.20 m 9.20 m
Length waterline centre hull 8.75 m  8.75 m
Length folded 10.50 m 11.10 m
Beam max 6.80 m 7.80 m
Beam folded 3.25 m 3.25 m
Draft incl. centerboard 1.55 m 1.55 m
Draft excl. centerboard 0.45 m 0.45 m
Weight of standardboat incl.sails 2,150 kgs 2,200 kgs
Payload max. incl. crew 700 kgs 700 kgs
Max. total weight excl. crew 2,500 kgs 2,500 kgs
Water capacity 60 l 60 l
Fuel tank 20 l 20 l
Holding tank (optional) 50 l 50 l
Engine outboard 10 hp/7.3 kw 10 hp/7.3 kw
Max engine hp 15 hp/11 kw 15 hp/11 kw
Mast section in total, excl antennas 13.10 m 14.60 m
Max mast height over water level 14.60 m 16.10 m
Mainsail  38 m    44 m  
Standard genoa 22.5 m    26 m   
Spinnaker, asymmetric 70 m    90 m   
Lightwind genoa, furling on bowsprit 40 m    45 m   
Bowsprit, length  1.40 m 1.75 m 
Trailer weight, galvanized  875 kgs 875 kgs 
Total max trailer weight, incl boat and trolley  3,500 kgs 3,500 kgs 
Total max trailer weight, incl boat, excl trolley  3,000 kgs 3,000 kgs 

Designed by Børge and Jens Quorning

trimaran dragonfly 920

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trimaran dragonfly 920

Dragonfly 25

trimaran dragonfly 920

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Quorning Boats ApS

Skærbækvej 101 7000 Fredericia Denmark

+45 7556 2626

[email protected]

VAT No DK 18 88 83 78

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></center></p><h2>DRAGONFLY  920 – DF 920</h2><p>The Dragonfly folding trimarans are built in Denmark by Quorning Boats: Dragonfly.dk</p><p>There where three versions of the DF920 a Touring, a Racing and an Extreme version. Details for the Extreme version are in brackets. The DF920 has been replaced by the DF28.</p><p>Dragonfly 920 FOR SALE</p><p><center><img style=

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English French German
abaft sur l’arrière de heckwärts
abaft the beam vers l’arrière achterlicher als querab
abeam par le travers rechtwinklig zum Kiel
abeam the wind en travers querab
about (going …) virer wenden
abreast en ligne de front nebeneinander
adrift à la dérive driften
afloat (to be) être à flot schwimmend
aft à l’arrière Hinten
aground échoué auf Grund
ahead en avant vorwärts
air l’air Luft
aka (cross-beam) bras Arm
alternator alternateur Lichtmaschiene
ama flotteur Schwimmer
amateur sailor plaisancier Sportschiffer
amidships au milieu du navire mittschiffs
amp(ere) ampère Ampere
anchor cre Anker
anchor chain chaîne d’ancre Ankerkette
anchor warp orin Ankerleine
anchor winch guindeau Ankerwinde
anchorage mouillage Ankerplatz
Anemometer anémomètre Windmessgerät
angle of attack angle du vent sur une voile Anstellwinkel (Segel/Wind)
anticyclone anticyclone Hoch
apparent wind vent apparent Scheinbarer Wind
armature induit Armaturen(-brett)
ashore à terre landwärts
astern à l’arrière achtern
athwart par le travers querab
Atlantic (ocean) Atlantique (océan) Atlantik
attachment point (of sheet) point de tire Schothorn
back contre Sail gegen den Wind
backing wind vent contraire back stehen (Wind)
backstay bastaque Achterstag
bad weather mauvais temps Schlechtwetter
bail écoper l’eau lenzen
bailer écopeur Lenzer
ballast (weight) lest Ballast
ballasted lesté ballastet
barberhauler barberhaule Barberhauler
barge barge Kahn
barge (goods) péniche Lastkahn
barometer baromètre Barometer
basin bassin Becken
batten latte Latte
battery batterie, pile Batterie
bay baie Bucht
beach plage Strand
beaching leg béquille Bootstütze
beam (dimension) largeur Breite
beam on travers raumschots
beam reach vent de travers raumschots
bear away abattre abfallen
bear down courir sur abdrehen
bearing relèvement Peilung
beat to (windward) bon plein Aufkreuzen
beating au près kreuzen
Beaufort (wind scale) Echelle de Beaufort Beaufort (windstärke)
becoming (trend) devenant Trend
becoming (wind direction) s’orientant (vent) dreht nach (Wind)
before the wind au portant (vent) achterlicher Wind
bend (to) noeud (faire un) anbendseln
berth couchette Koje
bight anse Los (Leine)
bilge cale Bilge
bilge keel biquille Kimmkiel
bilge pump pompe de cale Lenzpumpe
bitt bitte Poller
block poulie Block
board (to) aborder entern
boat bateau Boot
boat yard chantier naval Schiffswerft
boat-hoist grue roulante Bootskran
boat-hook gaffe Bootshacken
bollard bitte d’amarrage Belegpoller
bolt boulon Bolzen
boom bôme Baum (Mast-)
bottle screw ridoir (à vis) Wantenspanner
bow avant, étrave Bug
bow wave lame d’étrave Bugwelle
bowline bouline, noeud de chaise Palstek
bowsprit beaupré Bugsprit
brace bras Brasse
brass cuivre jaune, laiton Messing
breaker vague déferlante Brecher
breakwater brise-lames Wellenbrecher
breeze brise Briese
breeze (light) brise légère Leichte Briese
breeze (moderate) brise jolie Mässiger Wind
breeze (strong) vent frais Steifer Wind
bright interval éclaircie Zwischezeitlich klar
broach gieren
broad reach grand largue achterlicher als querab Wind
bronze bronze Bronze
brush (electric) balai (electrique) Bürsten (elektrisch)
brush holder (electric) porte-balais (electrique) Bürstenhalter (elektrisch)
bucket seau Eimer
bulb ampoule Lampe
bulkhead cloison Schott
bunting pavillons Flaggenschmuck
buoy bouée Boje
buoyage balisage Bojen-Markierung
buoyancy flottabilité Auftrieb
buoyancy aid aide à flottabilité Auftriebshilfe
buoyancy bag/tank réservoir de flottabilité Auftriebs-tank
cabin cabine Kabine
cable (608ft or 20yrd) câble Kabel (185,2m)
cable (anker chain) chaîne Ankertau
cable (electric) câble (electrique) Kabel (elektrisch)
calm calme ruhig
cap shroud gal-hauban Wanten
cape cap Kap
capsize chavirer kentern
capstan cabestan Spill (Ankerwinde)
captain capitaine Kapitän
casing boîte Gehäuse
centre-board dérive (quille de) Schwert
centre-board casing puits de dérive Schwertkasten
certificate of registry acte de francisation Flaggenzertifikat
chain chaîne Kette
chain locker compartement de la chain Kettenkasten
chain-plate cadène Pütting
chandler shipchandler Schiffsausrüster
change course changer de cap Kursänderung
change tack virer de bord kreuzen
channel chenal Kanal
charger chargeur Ladegerät
chart carte marine Karte
chart datum zéro des cartes Bezugsdatum
chart table table du carte Kartentisch
chine bouchain Knickspante
choppy moutonneux kabbelig
cirrus cirrus cirrus
clear spell éclaircie klarer Intervall
cleat taquet Klampe
clew point d’écoute Schothorn
close reach petit largue am Wind
close-hauled au près hart am Wind
cloud nuage Wolke
cloudy nuageux wolkig
clove hitch noeud de cabestan Webleinenstek
coaming hiloire Süllrand
coast côte Küste
coastal navigation cabotage Küstennavigation
coastguard garde-côte Küstenwache
cockpit cockpit Plicht
cold front front froid Kaltfront
commercial port port de commerce Handels-Hafen
commission armer (une bateau) in Betrieb nehmen
committee boat bateau de comité Boot der Rennleitung
commodore commodore Präsident
companionway descente Niedergang
compass compas (de mer) Kompass
compass course cap compas Kompasskurs
continuous continu andauernd
convoy convoi Konvoy
copper cuivre Kupfer
copper flic Bulle
course route Kurs
courtesy flag pavillon de courtoisie Gastlandflagge
cranage grueage Krangebühr
crane grue Kran
crew équipage Mannschaft
crew(man) equipier Sailor
crossbeam bras Verbindungsträger
crossing cruise croisièr Kreuzfahrt
cruising chute spi asymétrique Spinnaker asymetrisch
cumulus cumulus cumulus
current (electric) courant (electric) Strom (elektrisch)
current (water) courant (mer) Strömung
customs douanes Zoll
cutter stay étai intermédiaire Kutterstag
cyclone cyclone Tief
dagger-board dérive-sabre Schwert
dagger-board casing puits de dérive Schertkasten
daily rate taux par jour Preis pro Tag
davit bossoir Davit
dead against us en plein contre nous genau gegen uns
dead ahead droit debout genau vorwärts
dead astern droit à l’arrière genau rückwärts
dead reckoning estime genau in die Richtung
dead running plein vent arrière voll achterlicher Wind
deck pont Deck
deck equipment accastillage Deckausrüstung
declination déclinaison Missweisung
decommission désarmer Ausserbetriebnahme
decrease diminution verringern
deep profond tief
deepening s’approfondissant vertiefend
degree degré Grad
depression dépression Tiefdruckgebiet (Mulde)
depth profondeur Tiefe
deviation déviation Fehlweisung (Abweichung)
diesel diesel Diesel
dinghy annexe Beiboot
dinghy (inflatable) zodiac Sclauchboot
dinghy (sailing) dériveur Jolle
diode diode Diode
direction sens Richtung
dismasted démâté entmasted
dispersing se dispersant verteilend
displacement déplacement Verdrängung
displacement (weight) poids Tonnage
distress rocket fusée de détresse Signalrakete
disturbance perturbation Störung
dive plonger tauchen
dock dock Dock
dock (dry) bassin de radoub Trockendock
dock (side) quai Kai
dock (to) se mettre à quai festmachen
downhaul corde de chute avant Luffleine
down-river en aval flussabwärts
downstream en aval flussabwärts
draft tirant d’eau Tiefgang
drag résistance Widerstand
drainage hole trou de nable Abfluss
draught tirant d’eau Tiefgang
drinking water l’eau potable Trinkwasser
drive belt courroie Keilriemen
drizzle bruine Nieseregen
drogue cône-ancre Schleppanker
drop anchor mouiller ankern
drown noyer ertrinken
dry dock cale sèche Trockendock
dry suit combinaison sèche Taucheranzug
drying port port d’échouage Trockenhafen
dynamo dynamo Lichtmaschine
ease off détendre,lâcher nachlassen
East est Ost
ebb tide marée descendante, jusant Ebbe
echo sounder écho-sondeur Echolot
electrical storm orage avec des éclaires Gewitter
electricity électricité Elektrizität
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) balise satellite ERIP
engine moteur Motor
engineer ingénieur-mécanicien Mechaniker
English Channel Manche Der Kanal
ensign (flag) pavillon Flagge
EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) balise satellite ERIP
equator équateur Äquator
estimated position point estimé Geschätzte Position
estuary estuaire Fluss mündung
extending s’étendant verlängern
eye oeil Auge
fair weather beau temps Gutes Wetter
fairlead filoir Schotdurchfürung
falling descendant fallend
falling tide jusant ebben
fan ventilateur Ventilator
fast rapide schnell
fathom brasse 6 fuss (1.83m)
fender défense Fender
ferry bac, ferry Fähre
fibreglass fibre de verre Glasfiber
fiddle Schlingerleiste
field (electric) excitation El. Feld
figure of eight (knot) noeud en huit Achterknoten
filling (weather) se comblant füllend
filter filtre Filter
fin keel quille profonde Kurzkiel
finish fin Ende, Vollendung
finishing line ligne d’arrivé Zielgerade
fire extinguisher extincteur Feuerlöscher
first aid premier secours Erste Hilfe
fisherman’s knot noeud de pêcheur
fishing pêche angeln
fishing harbour/port port de pêche Fischerhafen
fishing smack smack Fischkutter
flag (in general) drapeau Fahne
flag (on boat) pavillon Flagge
flare artifice éclairant Leuchtrakete
fleet flotte Flotte
float floteur Schwimmer
float (to) flotter schwimmen
floe iceberg Treibeis
flood (to) noyer fluten
flood tide flot Flut
flotilla flottile Flotille
flow (of water) écoulement Strömung
fluke aile, patte Flunke
flush deck pont continu Flachdeck
foam écume Schaum
fog brouillard Nebel
fog bank banc de brouillard Nebelbank
fog-horn corne de brume Nebelhorn
foil aile Tragfläche
foot (distance) pied (anglais) Fuss (30,5cm)
foot (sail) bordure Fussliek
forecast météo, prévision Wettervorhersage
forecastle (focsle) pont de l’équipage Vorderdeck
foredeck avant-pont Vorderdeck
foremast mât de misaine Fockmast
forepeak Vorpiek
foresail voile de misaine Fock
forestay étai Vorstag
formation formation Formation
foul weather gros temps Sclechtwetter
freeboard franc-bord Freibord
fresh (weather) frais Frisch
fresh water eau douce süsskwasser
fresh wind vent frais Frischer Wind
freshening affraîchissant auffrischend
front (weather) front Front
frost gel Frost
fuel carburant Treibstoff
furl (to) ferler (ein-)rollen
fuse (-wire) fusible Sicherung
gale coup de vent Sturm
gale (near) grand frais Steife Briese
gale (strong) fort coup de vent Sturmwind
gale warning avis de coup de vent Sturmwarnung
gally cuisine Kombüse
gang-plank passerelle Landungssteg
gangway passerelle Fallreep
gearbox boîte de vitesses Getriebe
genaker (cruising chute) genaker Genaker
genny génois Genua
genoa génois Genua
gig yole Ruderboot
Glass-Reinforced Plastic (GRP) fibre de verre Glasfieber
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) temps universel Greenwich Zeit
go about virer de bord wenden
good weather beau temps Schönwetter
gooseneck vit de mulet
goosewinged en ciseaux Schmetterling
GPS (Global Positioning System) GPS GPS
granny knot noeud de vache Einfachknoten
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) temps universel Greenwich Zeit
ground (to) s’échouer volontairement auf Grund gehen
ground tackle apparaux de mouillage Grundgeschirr
groundswell lame de fond Grundsee
GRP (Glass-Reinforced Plastic) fibre de verre Glasfiber
gudgeon fémelot Ruderöse
gulf golfe Golf
Gulf Stream Gulf Stream Golfstrom
gunwale plat-bord Stromboard
gust rafale
gybe empannage Halse
gybe (to) empanner halsen
hail (cry, shout) appel rufen
hail (weather) grêle Hagel
half hitch noeud en demi-clé Halber-Schlag Knoten
halyard drisse Fall
handbearing compass compas de relèvement Peilkompass
handle manche Stiel
harbour port Hafen
harbour guide guide du port Hafenpilot
harbourmaster capitaine de port Hafenmeister
harbourmaster’s office capitainerie Hafenmeisterbüro
harden up (sail) tirer dichtholen (Segel)
harness harnais Lifebelt
hatch écoutille Luke
haul in haler einholen
hawser haussière Trosse
haze brume Dunstschleier
head latrine Tolette
head for mettre le cap sur nach … steuern
head up lofer anluven
headland point Landspitze
headroom hauteur sous barrots lichte Höhe
head-sail foc Vorsegel (Fock)
headway erre Vorwärtsfahrt
heating chauffage Heizung
heave to en vire ?? beidrehen
heavy (humid) lourd stickich
heavy (rain) abondant stark
heavy shower grain Starkregen
heel gîte Krängung
heel (to) gîter krängen
height hauteur Höhe
helm(sman) barre(ur) Steuer(-man)
high and dry échoué à sec gestrandet
high pressure anticyclone Hoch
high tide marée haute Tide
high voltage haute tension Hochspannung
high water pleine mer Hochwasser
hinge charnière Scharnier
hire location Vermietung
hire (to) louer mieten
hitch noeud Knoten
hoist hisser hissen
hold cale Laderaum
hold one’s course suivre tout droit le chemin Kurs halten
horizon horizon Horizont
horn corne Horn, Sirene
horsepower(hp of engine) chevaux PS
hour heure Stunde
hp (horsepower of engine) CV (chevaux) PS
hull coque Rumpf
hull length longeur coque Rumpflänge
hurricane ouragan Orkan
hypothermia hypothermie Unterkülung
ice glace Eis
ice floe iceberg Eisscholle
iceberg iceberg Eisberg
improve améliorer verbessern
inboard inboard innerbords
inch (distance) pouce Zoll (2,54cm)
increasing augmentant ansteigend
inflatable (dinghy) zodiac Schlauchboot
instruction instruction Anweisung
instructor maître Ausbilder
insulated return masse isolée Isolierte Masse
insurance assurance Versicherung
intermittent intermittent unterbrochen
iron fer Eisen
island île Insel
islet îlot Kleine Insel
isobar isobare Isobar
isolated isolé isoliert
isolating switch coupe batterie Hauptschalter
jackstay contre-étai
jamming cleat cabrion à serrement Schotklemme
jetty jetée Pier
jib foc Fock
jibe (to) empanner halsen
jibsheet écoute de foc Fockschot
jumper stay guignol
jury rig greement e fortune Notsegel
keel quille Kiel
keel (lifting) dériveur Schwert
ketch ketch Ketsch
kicking strap hale-bas Baumniederholer
knot (rope) noeud Knoten
knot (speed) noeud Knoten
knot (to) faire un noeud knoten
lake lac See
laminar flow écoulement laminaire laminare Strömung
land terre Land
land breeze brise de terre Landwind
landing place point d’accostage Landungsplatz
landmark amers Landmarke
lanyard amarrage Taljereep
lash amarrer anbinden
lashing aiguillette Zeising
latitude latitude Breitengrad
lay up désarmer, déséquiper, mettre en rade abtakeln
lazy jack lazy jacks Lazy Jack
leading light feu d’alignement Richtfeuer
lee helm ardent leegierig
leeboard aile Seitenschwert
leech chute Achterliek
leeward (of) sous le vent leewärts
leeway dérive Abdrift
length (hull) longeur coque Rumpflänge
length (overall) longeur Länge üer Alles
length (waterline) longeur flottaison Länge Wasserlinie
life-boat canot de sauvetage Rettungsboot
life-buoy bouée de sauvetage Rettungsboje
life-jacket gilet de sauvetage Rettungsweste
life-raft radeau de sauvetage Rettungsinsel
lift (of foil) portance Auftrieb
lifting keel dériveur Schwert
light (illum.) feu Licht
light (weight) léger leicht
light air très légère brise Leichtwind
light breeze brise légère Leichte Brise
lighter péniche Leichter
lighthouse phare Leuchtturm
lighthouse keeper gardien de phare Leuchtturmwärter
lightning éclair, foudre Blitz
light-ship bateau-feu Leuchtschiff
local locale örtlich
local time heure locale Ortszeit
loch (Scotland) lac See
lock écluse Schleuse
lock-nut contre-écrou Stoppmutter
log (-book) journal de bord, livre de bord Logbuch
log (speed) loch Logge
longitude longitude Lägengrad
lough (Ireland) lac See
low pressure basse pression Tief
low tide basse mer, marée basse Ebbe
low voltage basse tension Niederspannung
low water basse mer Niedrigwasser
lower shroud bas hauban Unterwante
luff (sail) guindant Vorliek
luff (to) lofer anluven
lugger lougre Lugger
lugsail voile à bourcet Luggersegel
lull accalmie Windstille
magnetic North Nord magnétique Magnetischer Nordpol
mainmast grand mât Hauptmast
mainsail grande voile Gross-segel
mainsheet écoute de grand-voile gross-schot
man overboard homme à la mer Mann über Bord
map carte Karte
marine marin Meeres- . . .
marina port plaisance Yachthafen
marine surveyor expert maritime Bootsexperte
mariner marin Seemann
maritime maritime Schiffahrts betreffend
mark (buoy) marque Tonne
mast mât Mast
mast crane grue Mastkran
mast head tête de mât Masttopp
master mariner capitaine de long cours Kapitän
mean (sea) level niveau moyen Höhe des Mittlewassers
medium air brise Briese
Mercator projection projection de Mercator Mercatorentwurf
merchant navy marine marchande Berufsschiffahrt
merchant ship navire de commerce Komerz. Schiff
meridian méridien Meridian
midship au milieu du navire mittschiffs
minute (of arc) minute Minute (Kreis-)
mist brume légère Nebel
mizzenmast mât d’artimon Besanmast
mizzensail voile d’artimon Besanstagsegel
moderate modéré gemässigt
moderate (sea) agitée mässiger Wellengang
moderate breeze brise jolie mässige Briese
moderating décroissant, molissant abschwächend
moor (to) amarrer anlegen
mooring mouillage, poste d’amarrage Mooring
mooring line câble d’amarre Festmacher
motor moteur Motor
motorsailer voilier mixte Motorsegler
moving se déplaçant bewegen
nail clou Nagel
nautical almanac almanach nautique Nautisches Jahrbuch
nautical mile (1852m) mille nautique Nautische Meile
navigate naviguer, piloter navigieren
navigation lights feu de navigation Navigationslichter
navigator navigateur Navigateur
neap tide morte-eau Nippflut
near gale grand frais fast Orkanstärke
nimbus nimbus Nimbus
North nord Nord
North Pole Pôle Nord Nordpol
North-East nord-est Nord-Ost
North-North-East nord-nord-est Nord-Nord=Ost
North-North-West nord-nord-ouest Nort-Nord-West
North-West nord-ouest Nord-West
nut écrou Mutter (f. Schraube)
oar rame Ruder, Riemen
oarlock (rowlock) tolet Dolle
occasional épars zeitweise
occluded couvert bedeckt
occluded front front occlus Okklusionsfront
ocean océan Ozean
offshore (geographic) au large Offene See
offshore category (yacht) première categorie Hochsee Kategorie
offshore wind vent de terre Landwind
one-design course-croisière Klassenboot
onshore proche de littoral Küstennähe
open sea large Hochsee
outboard hors-bord ausserboard
outboard motor moteur hors-bors Aussenborder
outhaul bosse d’empointure Unterliekstrecker
outlook tendance ultérieure Aussicht
outrigger arc boutant Ausleger
overall length longeur Länge üer Alles
overboard par-dessus bord überbord
Pacific (Ocean) (Océan) Pacifique Pazifischer Ozean
paddle pagaie Paddel
paddle (to) pagayer paddeln
painter bosse Fangleine
parallel (geography) parallèle parallel
peninsula péninsule, presqu’île Halbinsel
pennant flamme, (pavillon) Stander, Wimpel
petrol essence Benzin
pier jetée Pier
pilot pilote Pilot
pilotage book instructions nautiques Törnführer
pin goupille Splint
pinched to au près zu hard am Wind
pitch (motion) tanguer stampfen
pitch (tar) poix Pech
pitch pole sancir kopfüber (kentern)
plank planche Planke
planking planches Beplankung
plastic plastique Plastik
plate plaque Platte
pleasure sailing plaisance Hobby-segeln
pleasure sailor plaisancier Hobby-Segler
plywood contre-plaqué Sperrholz
point (land) point Spitze (Land-)
point (of sailing) allure richten (auf)
pole pôle Pol
pole (long and round) flèche Stange, Pfahl
polyester polyester Polyester
pontoon ponton Pnton
poor (weather) mauvais Schlecht
port (direction) sabord Backbord (links)
port (side) bâbord Backbord
port (town) port Hafen
port tack bâbord amures Wind auf Backbord
port-hole hublot Luke
power puissance Leistung
practise pratique praktizieren
precipitation précipitation Niederschlag
pre-heating (diesel) préchauffage vorheizen
pressure pression Druck
proa proa Proa
propeller hélice Propeller
propeller shaft arbre d’hélice Antriebswelle
prow proue Bugüberhang
pull taut (rope) raidir anziehen
pulley (block) poulie Block
pulpit chaire Bugkorb
pump pompe Pumpe
pushpit balcon arrière Heck-korb
quadrant (for rudder) octant Quadrant (Ruder-)
quarter à l’arrière Bootsende
quay quai Kai
race (competition) course Regatta
race (tidal) raz de courant Stromschnelle
race committee comité de la course Regattaleitung
race officer officier de la course Regatta-Angestellter
racing yacht course-croisière Rennboot
radar radar Radar
radio radio Radio (Funk etc)
Radio Direction Finder (RDF) radio gonio Peilempfänger
radio receiver récepteur radio Radioempfänger
radio transmitter émetteur radio Radiosender
rain pluie Regen
rainy pleuvoir regnerisch
ratline enfelchûre Webleine
rawl nut cheville en néoprène Poly-Stoppmutter
RDF (Radio Direction Finder) radio gonio Peilempfänger
reach (to) largue raumwindig
reaching vent de travers raumwindig segeln
rectifier pont de diodes Gleichrichter
reef (rock) récif Riff
reef (sail) ris Reff
reef (to) prendre un ris reffen
reef knot noeud plat Kreuzknoten
reef-band bande de ris Reffbändsel
reefing point ris Reffpunkt
regatta régate Regatta
relay (electric) relais Relais
rent louer Miete
rent (to) louer mieten
rental location Vermietung
repair kit trousse de réparations Reperaturkit
rescue sauvetage Rettung
rescue boat bateau de sauvetage Lebensrettungsboot
rib membre Spant
rig / rigging gréement Takelage
ripple ondulation kleine Wellen
rise (of tide) montée ansteigen
rising tide marée montante steigende Tide (Flut)
risk (of) menace (de) Risiko
river rivière Fluss
river (large) fleuve Fluss
roach chute Achterliekskrümmung
roads rades Schiffahrtsweg
rock roche Felsen
roll (to) rouler rollen
roller furling foc enroule Fockroller
roller reefing voils enroule Rollreffanlage
rope bout Tauwerk
ropework cordage Tauwerk
rotor rotor Rotor
rough (sea) agité unruhige See
round (a mark) passer une bouée umrunden
row (to) faire aller à la rame rudern
rowing (sport) aviron Rudern
rowing bench banc de nagem Ruderbank
rowing boat canot à rames Ruderboot
rowlock (British) dame de nage Rudergabel
rubber dinghy canot pneumatique Schlauchboot
rudder safran Ruder
run vent arrière Wind achterlich
running vent arrière mit achterlichem Wind
running before the wind au portant mit achterlichem Wind
running lights feu de navigation Fahrtlichter
running rigging gréement courant Fallen und Schoten
sail voile Segel
sail area surface voile Segelfläche
sail plan gréement Segelauslegung
sailboard (windsurfer) planche à voile Windsurfer
sailing navigation Segeln
sailing boat voilier Segelboot
sailing centre centre nautique Segelcenter
sailing club club nautique Segelklub
sailing dinghy dériveur Segeljolle
sailing school école de voile Segelschule
sailing ship grand voilier Grossegler
sailmaker maître voilier Segelmacher
sailor marin Segler/-in
salt water eau de mer Meerwasser
sand sable Sand
sand bar banc de sable Sandbank
sandy sablonneux sandig
scattered (weather) épars vereinzelt
schooner goelette Schoner
screw vis Schraube
scupper dalot Speigatt
sea mer Meer
sea bed fond de la mer Meeresboden
sea bottom fond de la mer Meeresboden
sea breeze brise (de mer) Seewind
sea front bord de mer Küste
sea level niveau de la mer Meereshöhe
sea spray embruns Seemist
sea state état de la mer Zustand des Meeres
seacock vanne Seeventil
seafaring de marin seefahrend
seagoing de haute mer Hochseetüchtig
seashore bord de (la) mer Meeresküste
seasick (to be) avoir mal de mer seekrank
seasickness mal de mer Seekrankheit
seat siège Sitz
seaworthy en état de naviguer seetüchtig
second (of arc) seconde Sekunde
self-bailer vide-vite selbstlenzend
series (circuit) série Reihe (in)
series (races) série Reihe
severe weather warning avis de coup de vent Stumwarnung
sextant sextant Sextant
shackle manille Schäkel
shackle spanner démanilleur Schäkelöffner
shallow peu profond flach
shallow draft petit tirant d’eau kleiner Tiefgang
shallow low marais barométrique flaches Tief
shallows hauts-fonds Untiefen
sheet écoute Schot
sheet bend (single) noeud découte Schotstek
sheet in tirer dichtholen
sheet out lâcher lose geben
shingle galets Kies
ship navire Schiff
ship’s chandler shipchandler Schiffsausrüster
ship’s log livre de bord Logbuch
ship’s papers papiers de bateau Schiffspapiere
shoal hauts-fonds flach
shore rivage Ufer
short wave BLU Kurzwelle
shower (heavy) ondée Schauer (heftig)
shower (rain) averse Schauer
shroud hauban Want
shunt (elec.) shunt Nebenwiderstand
signal signal Signal
sink (to) couler sinken
sinking en train de couler sinkend
skeg Skeg
skein écheveau Strang
skipper chef de bord Skipper
slacken arquée fieren
sleet neige et pluie Schneeeregen
slight faible, un peu schwach
slip cale Slip
sloop sloop Slup
slow lent langsam
smooth (sea) belle glatt
snap hook mousqueton Karabienerhacken
snap shackle mousqueton automatique Schnappschäkel
snatch block poulie ouvrante Klappblock
snow neige Schnee
solenoid contacteur Relais
sounding sondage Tiefenmessung
South sud Süd
South Pole Pôle Sud Südpol
South-East sud-est Süd-Ost
South-South-East sud-sud-est Süd-Süd-Ost
South-South-West sud-sud-ouest Süd-Süd-West
South-West sud-ouest Süd-West
sou’wester (hat) chapeau imperméable (de marin) Südwester (Hut)
sou’wester (wind) vent de sud-ouest Südwester
spar espar Holm
spare part pièce détachée Ersatzteil
spinnaker (spi) spi(-nnaker) Spinnaker
spinnaker pole tangon Spinnakerbaum
splice épissure Spleiss
split pin goupille fendue Splint
spray embruns Gischt
spreader barre de flèche Saling
spring tide(s) vives eaux Springflut
squall rafale, grain Böe
stainless steel inox rostfreier Stahl
stanchion chandelier Seerelingsstützen
standing rigging gréement dormant Stehendes Gut
starboard tribord Steuerbord
starboard tack tribord amures Wind an Steuerbord
start (race) départ, partir Start
starter (motor) démarreur Anlasser
starter (official) starter Starter
stator stator Stator
stay étai Stag
staysail trinquette Stagfock
steel acier Stahl
stem étrave Vordersteven
stern poupe, arrière Heck
storm tempête Sturm
storm jib tourmentin Sturmfock
storm trysail voile de cap Sturmsegel
storm warning avis de tempête Sturmwarnung
stratus stratus Stratus
strip (flat) latte Latte
strong breeze vent frais Starkwind
strong gale fort coup de vent Sturm
strop estrope Stropp
sun soleil Sonne
sunny interval éclaircie teilweise sonnig
surf ressac Brandung
swell houle Dünung
swim nager schwimmen
swing bridge pont tournant Schwingbrücke
tack (to) virer wenden
tack (zig-zag) louvoyer kreuzen
tackle palan Flaschenzug
tank réservoir Tank
tell-tale révélateur Trimmfäden
temperature température Temperatur
tender annexe Beiboot
thermometer thermomètre Thermometer
thunder tonnerre Donner
thunderstorm orage Gewitter
thundery orageux gewitterig
thwart (bench) banc Ducht, Ruderbank
tidal race raz de courant Gezeitenstrom
tide marée Gezeiten
tide table annuaire des marées Tidenkalender
tighten (rope) raidir anspannen
tiller barre (du gouvernail) Pinne
tiller extension stick Pinnenausleger
time temps Zeit
time zone fuseau horaire Zeitzone
toe rail rail de fargue Fussreling
toggel mousqueton a emerillion Wirbelschäkel
tonnage jauge Verdrängung
topmast mât de flèche Toppmast
topping lift balancine Hänger
topsides oeuvres mortes Deck
tow (to pull) haler, remorquer schleppen
towline filin de remorque Schleppleine
trailer sailer habitation transportable trailerbare Yacht
training instruction Ausbildung
transom tableau Heckspiegel
traveller (track) barre d’écoute Traveller
trim régler Trimm
true course vrai cap Wahrer Kurs
true North Nord géographique rechtweisendes Nord
true wind vent réel wahrer Wind
twine ficelle Zwirn
twin-keel biquille Kimmkiel
typhoon typhon Wirbelsturm
unballasted non-lesté ohne Ballast
underside oeuvres vives Unterseite
underwater sous-marin unter Wasser
universal joint cardan Kardangelenk
unsinkable insubmersible unsinkbar
upstream vers l’amont stromaufwärts
upwind au vent Windaufwärts
vang hale-bas Baumniederholer
variable (wind) variable veränderlich
variation déclinaison Abweichung
v-bottom v-coque V-Rumpf
veering tournant, virant drehend
vessel vaisseau Schiff
volt volt Volt
voltage tension Spannung
voltage regulator regulateur de tension Spannungsregler
wake sillage Kielwasser, Heckwelle
warm front front chaud Warmluftfront
warp orin Warp
watch (crew) hommes de quart Wachman
watch (period) quart Wache
water eau Wasser
water (fresh) eau douce Frischwasser
water (salt) eau de mer Meerwasser
water lighter bateau citerne Wassertransportschiff
water tank réservoir à eau Wassertank
waterline ligne de flottaison Wasserlinie
waterline length longeur flottaison Länge Wasserlinie
watermaker dessalinsateur Desalinationsanlage
waterproof imper(méable) wasserdicht
wave vague Welle
waypoint point de route Wegpunkt
weather temps Wetter
weather report météo Wetterbericht
weekly rate taux par semaine Wochentarif
weight (displacement) poids Gewicht
West ouest West
wet suit combinaison Neoprenanzug
wharf quai Kai
wheel (ship’s) barre à roue Steuerrad
whipping twine gros fil Garnumwicklung
white horse mouton Schaumkrone
widespread étendu weit verbreited
winch winch Winsch
winch-handle manivelle Winschkurbel
wind vent Wind
wind force force du vent Windstärke
wind surfer planche à voile Windsurfer
winding bobine Wicklung
windlass guindeau Ankerwinde
windward (of) au vent de windwärts
wire (cable) fil (de fer) Kabel
wire (electric) fil (électrique) Kabel
wood bois Holz
wreck épave Wreck
x-ray radiografie Röntgenbild
yacht croisière Yacht
yacht (motor) bateau moteur Motorboot
yacht club club nautique Segelklub
yacht harbour port de plaisance Segelhafen
yard (boat-) chantier naval Werft
yard (measure) yard Yard (0,9m)
yawl yawl Yawl
year année Jahr
zero zero Null

Français Anglais Allemand
à la dérive adrift driften
à l’arrière aft Hinten
à l’arrière astern achtern
à l’arrière quarter Bootsende
à terre ashore landwärts
abattre bear away abfallen
abondant heavy (rain) stark
aborder board (to) entern
accalmie lull Windstille
accastillage deck equipment Deckausrüstung
acier steel Stahl
acte de francisation certificate of registry Flaggenzertifikat
affraîchissant freshening auffrischend
agité rough (sea) unruhige See
agitée moderate (sea) mässiger Wellengang
aide à flottabilité buoyancy aid Auftriebshilfe
aiguillette lashing Zeising
aile foil Tragfläche
aile leeboard Seitenschwert
aile patte fluke,Flunke
allure point (of sailing) richten (auf)
almanach nautique nautical almanac Nautisches Jahrbuch
alternateur alternator Lichtmaschiene
amarrage lanyard Taljereep
amarrer lash anbinden
amarrer moor (to) anlegen
améliorer improve verbessern
amers landmark Landmarke
ampère amp(ere) Ampere
ampoule bulb Lampe
ancre anchor Anker
anémomètre Anemometer Windmessgerät
angle du vent sur une voile angle of attack Anstellwinkel (Segel, Wind)
année year Jahr
annexe dinghy Beiboot
annexe tender Beiboot
annuaire des marées tide table Tidenkalender
anse bight Los (Leine)
anticyclone anticyclone Hoch
anticyclone high pressure Hoch
apparaux de mouillage ground tackle Grundgeschirr
appel hail (cry shout),rufen
arbre d’hélice propeller shaft Antriebswelle
arc boutant outrigger Ausleger
ardent lee helm leegierig
armer (une bateau) commission in Betrieb nehmen
arquée slacken fieren
artifice éclairant flare Leuchtrakete
assurance insurance Versicherung
Atlantique (océan) Atlantic (ocean) Atlantik
au large offshore (geographic) Offene See
au milieu du navire amidships mittschiffs
au milieu du navire midship mittschiffs
au portant running before the wind mit achterlichem Wind
au portant (vent) before the wind achterlicher Wind
au près beating kreuzen
au près close-hauled hart am Wind
au près pinched to zu hard am Wind
au vent upwind Windaufwärts
au vent de windward (of) windwärts
augmentant increasing ansteigend
avant étrave bow,Bug
avant-pont foredeck Vorderdeck
averse shower (rain) Schauer
aviron rowing (sport) Rudern
avis de coup de vent gale, storm warning Sturmwarnung
avoir mal de mer seasick (to be) seekrank
bâbord port (side) Backbord
bâbord amures port tack Wind auf Backbord
bac ferry ferry,Fähre
baie bay Bucht
balai (electrique) brush (electric) Bürsten (elektrisch)
balancine topping lift Hänger
balcon arrière pushpit Heck-korb
balisage buoyage Bojen-Markierung
balise satellite Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) ERIP
balise satellite EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) ERIP
banc thwart (bench) Ducht, Ruderbank
banc de brouillard fog bank Nebelbank
banc de nagem rowing bench Ruderbank
banc de sable sand bar Sandbank
bande de ris reef-band Reffbändsel
barberhaule barberhauler Barberhauler
barge barge Kahn
baromètre barometer Barometer
barre (du gouvernail) tiller Pinne
barre à roue wheel (ship’s) Steuerrad
barre de flèche spreader Saling
barre d’écoute traveller (track) Traveller
barreur helm(sman) Steuer(-man)
bas hauban lower shroud Unterwante
basse mer low water Niedrigwasser
basse mer marée basse low tide,Ebbe
basse pression low pressure Tief
basse tension low voltage Niederspannung
bassin basin Becken
bassin de radoub dock (dry) Trockendock
bastaque backstay Backstag
bateau boat Boot
bateau citerne water lighter Wassertransportschiff
bateau de comité committee boat Boot der Rennleitung
bateau de sauvetage rescue boat Lebensrettungsboot
bateau moteur yacht (motor) Motorboot
bateau-feu light-ship Leuchtschiff
batterie pile battery,Batterie
beau temps fair weather Gutes Wetter
beau temps good weather Schönwetter
beaupré bowsprit Bugsprit
belle smooth (sea) glatt
béquille beaching leg Bootstütze
biquille bilge, twin keel Kimmkiel
bitte bitt Poller
bitte d’amarrage bollard Belegpoller
BLU short wave Kurzwelle
bobine winding Wicklung
bois wood Holz
boîte casing Gehäuse
boîte de vitesses gearbox Getriebe
bôme boom Baum (Mast-)
bon plein beat to (windward) Aufkreuzen
bord de (la) mer seashore Meeresküste
bord de mer sea front Küste
bordure foot (sail) Fussliek
bosse painter Fangleine
bosse d’empointure outhaul Unterliekstrecker
bossoir davit Davit
bouchain chine Knickspante
bouée buoy Boje
bouée de sauvetage life-buoy Rettungsboje
bouline noeud de chaise bowline,Palstek
boulon bolt Bolzen
bout rope Tauwerk
bras aka (cross-beam) Arm
bras brace Brasse
bras crossbeam Verbindungsträger
brasse fathom 6 fuss (1.83m)
brise breeze Briese
brise (de mer) sea breeze Seewind
brise de terre land breeze Landwind
brise jolie breeze (moderate) Mässiger Wind
brise légère light breeze Leichte Brise
brise-lames breakwater Wellenbrecher
bronze bronze Bronze
brouillard fog Nebel
bruine drizzle Nieseregen
brume haze Dunstschleier
brume légère mist Nebel
cabestan capstan Spill (Ankerwinde)
cabine cabin Kabine
câble cable (608ft or 20yrd) Kabel (185,2m)
câble (electrique) cable (electric) Kabel (elektrisch)
câble d’amarre mooring line Festmacher
cabotage coastal navigation Küstennavigation
cabrion à serrement jamming cleat Schotklemme
cadène chain-plate Pütting
cale bilge Bilge
cale hold Laderaum
cale slip Slip
cale sèche dry dock Trockendock
calme calm ruhig
canot à rames rowing boat Ruderboot
canot de sauvetage life-boat Rettungsboot
canot pneumatique rubber dinghy Schlauchboot
cap cape Kap
cap compas compass course Kompasskurs
capitaine captain Kapitän
capitaine de long cours master mariner Kapitän
capitaine de port harbourmaster Hafenmeister
capitainerie harbourmaster’s office Hafenmeisterbüro
carburant fuel Treibstoff
cardan universal joint Kardangelenk
carte map Karte
carte marine chart Karte
centre nautique sailing centre Segelcenter
chaîne cable (anker chain) Ankertau
chaîne chain Kette
chaîne d’ancre anchor chain Ankerkette
chaire pulpit Bugkorb
chandelier stanchion Seerelingsstützen
changer de cap change course Kursänderung
chantier naval boat yard Schiffswerft
chantier naval yard (boat-) Werft
chapeau imperméable (de marin) sou’wester (hat) Südwester (Hut)
chargeur charger Ladegerät
charnière hinge Scharnier
chauffage heating Heizung
chavirer capsize kentern
chef de bord skipper Skipper
chenal channel Kanal
chevaux horsepower(hp of engine) PS
cheville en néoprène rawl nut Poly-Stoppmutter
chute leech Achterliek
chute roach Achterliekskrümmung
cirrus cirrus cirrus
cloison bulkhead Schott
clou nail Nagel
club nautique yacht club Segelklub
cockpit cockpit Plicht
combinaison wet suit Neoprenanzug
combinaison sèche dry suit Taucheranzug
comité de la course race committee Regattaleitung
commodore commodore Präsident
compartement de la chain chain locker Kettenkasten
compas (de mer) compass Kompass
compas de relèvement handbearing compass Peilkompass
cône-ancre drogue Schleppanker
contacteur solenoid Relais
continu continuous andauernd
contre back Sail gegen den Wind
contre-écrou lock-nut Stoppmutter
contre-étai jackstay
contre-plaqué plywood Sperrholz
convoi convoy Konvoy
coque hull Rumpf
cordage ropework Tauwerk
corde de chute avant downhaul Luffleine
corne horn Horn, Sirene
corne de brume fog-horn Nebelhorn
côte coast Küste
couchette berth Koje
couler sink (to) sinken
coup de vent gale Sturm
coupe batterie isolating switch Hauptschalter
courant (electric) current (electric) Strom (elektrisch)
courant (mer) current (water) Strömung
courir sur bear down abdrehen
courroie drive belt Keilriemen
course race (competition) Regatta
course-croisière one-design Klassenboot
course-croisière racing yacht Rennboot
couvert occluded bedeckt
croisière yacht Yacht
cruise croisièr crossing Kreuzfahrt
cuisine gally Kombüse
cuivre copper Kupfer
cuivre jaune laiton brass,Messing
cumulus cumulus cumulus
CV (chevaux) hp (horsepower of engine) PS
cyclone cyclone Tief
dalot scupper Speigatt
dame de nage rowlock (British) Rudergabel
de haute mer seagoing Hochseetüchtig
de marin seafaring seefahrend
déclinaison declination Missweisung
décroissant molissant moderating,abschwächend
défense fender Fender
degré degree Grad
démanilleur shackle spanner Schäkelöffner
démarreur starter (motor) Anlasser
démâté dismasted entmasted
départ partir start (race),Start
déplacement displacement Verdrängung
dépression depression Tiefdruckgebiet (Mulde)
dérive leeway Abdrift
dérive (quille de) centre-board Schwert
dérive-sabre dagger-board Schwert
dériveur dinghy (sailing) Jolle
désarmer decommission Ausserbetriebnahme
désarmer déséquiper mettre en rade,lay up,abtakeln
descendant falling fallend
descente companionway Niedergang
dessalinsateur watermaker Desalinationsanlage
détendre lâcher ease off,nachlassen
devenant becoming (trend) Trend
déviation deviation Fehlweisung (Abweichung)
diesel diesel Diesel
diminution decrease verringern
diode diode Diode
dock dock Dock
douanes customs Zoll
drapeau flag (in general) Fahne
drisse halyard Fall
droit à l’arrière dead astern genau rückwärts
droit debout dead ahead genau vorwärts
dynamo dynamo Lichtmaschine
eau water Wasser
eau de mer salt water Meerwasser
eau douce fresh water süsskwasser
eau douce water (fresh) Frischwasser
Echelle de Beaufort Beaufort (wind scale) Beaufort (windstärke)
écheveau skein Strang
écho-sondeur echo sounder Echolot
échoué aground auf Grund
échoué à sec high and dry gestrandet
éclair foudre lightning,Blitz
éclaircie bright interval Zwischezeitlich klar
écluse lock Schleuse
école de voile sailing school Segelschule
écoper l’eau bail lenzen
écopeur bailer Lenzer
écoulement flow (of water) Strömung
écoulement laminaire laminar flow Laminare Strömung
écoute sheet Schot
écoute de foc jibsheet Fockschot
écoute de grand-voile mainsheet gross-schot
écoutille hatch Luke
écrou nut Mutter (f. Schraube)
écume foam Schaum
électricité electricity Elektrizität
embruns sea mist Seemist
émetteur radio radio transmitter Radiosender
empannage gybe Halse
empanner gybe (to) halsen
en aval down-river flussabwärts
en avant ahead vorwärts
en ciseaux goosewinged Schmetterling
en état de naviguer seaworthy seetüchtig
en ligne de front abreast nebeneinander
en plein contre nous dead against us genau gegen uns
en train de couler sinking sinkend
en travers abeam the wind querab
en vire ?? heave to beidrehen
enfelchûre ratline Webleine
épars occasional zeitweise
épars scattered (weather) vereinzelt
épave wreck Wreck
épissure splice Spleiss
équateur equator Äquator
équipage crew Mannschaft
equipier crew(man) Sailor
erre headway Vorwärtsfahrt
espar spar Holm
essence petrol Benzin
est East Ost
estime dead reckoning genau in die Richtung
estrope strop Stropp
estuaire estuary Fluss mündung
étai forestay Vorstag
étai stay Stag
étai intermédiaire cutter stay Kutterstag
état de la mer sea state Zustand des Meeres
étendu widespread weit verbreited
étrave stem Vordersteven
être à flot afloat (to be) schwimmend
excitation field (electric) El. Feld
expert maritime marine surveyor Bootsexperte
extincteur fire extinguisher Feuerlöscher
faible un peu slight,schwach
faire aller à la rame row (to) rudern
faire un noeud knot (to) knoten
fémelot gudgeon Ruderöse
fer iron Eisen
ferler furl (to) (ein-)rollen
feu light (illum.) Licht
feu d’alignement leading light Richtfeuer
feu de navigation navigation lights Navigationslichter
fibre de verre fibreglass Glasfiber
fibre de verre GRP (Glass-Reinforced Plastic) Glasfiber
ficelle twine Zwirn
fil (de fer) wire (cable) Kabel
fil (électrique) wire (electric) Kabel
filin de remorque towline Schleppleine
filoir fairlead Schotdurchfürung
filtre filter Filter
fin finish Ende, Vollendung
flamme (pavillon) pennant,Stander, Wimpel
flèche pole (long and round) Stange, Pfahl
fleuve river (large) Fluss
flic copper Bulle
flot flood tide Flut
floteur float Schwimmer
flottabilité buoyancy Auftrieb
flotte fleet Flotte
flotter float (to) schwimmen
flotteur ama Schwimmer
flottile flotilla Flotille
foc jib Fock
foc enroule roller furling Fockroller
fond de la mer sea bed Meeresboden
force du vent wind force Windstärke
formation formation Formation
fort coup de vent strong gale Sturm
frais fresh (weather) Frisch
franc-bord freeboard Freibord
front front (weather) Front
front chaud warm front Warmluftfront
front froid cold front Kaltfront
front occlus occluded front Okklusionsfront
fuseau horaire time zone Zeitzone
fusée de détresse distress rocket Signalrakete
fusible fuse (-wire) Sicherung
gaffe boat-hook Bootshacken
galets shingle Kies
gal-hauban cap shroud Wanten
garde-côte coastguard Küstenwache
gardien de phare lighthouse keeper Leuchtturmwärter
gel frost Frost
genaker genaker (cruising chute) Genaker
génois genoa Genua
gilet de sauvetage life-jacket Rettungsweste
gîte heel Krängung
gîter heel (to) krängen
glace ice Eis
goelette schooner Schoner
golfe gulf Golf
goupille pin Splint
goupille fendue split pin Splint
GPS GPS (Global Positioning System) GPS
grain heavy shower Starkregen
grand frais near gale fast Orkanstärke
grand largue broad reach achterlicher als querab Wind
grand mât mainmast Hauptmast
grand voilier sailing ship Grossegler
grande voile mainsail Gross-segel
gréement rig , rigging Takelage
gréement sail plan Segelauslegung
gréement courant running rigging Fallen und Schoten
greement de fortune jury rig Notsegel
gréement dormant standing rigging Stehendes Gut
grêle hail (weather) Hagel
gros fil whipping twine Garnumwicklung
gros temps foul weather Sclechtwetter
grue crane Kran
grue roulante boat-hoist Bootskran
grueage cranage Krangebühr
guide du port harbour guide Hafenpilot
guignol jumper stay
guindant luff (sail) Vorliek
guindeau anchor winch, windlass Ankerwinde
Gulf Stream Gulf Stream Golfstrom
habitation transportable trailer sailer trailerbare Yacht
hale-bas kicking strap, vang Baumniederholer
haler haul in einholen
haler remorquer tow (to pull),schleppen
harnais harness Lifebelt
hauban shroud Want
haussière hawser Trosse
haute tension high voltage Hochspannung
hauteur height Höhe
hauteur sous barrots headroom lichte Höhe
hauts-fonds shallows Untiefen
hélice propeller Propeller
heure hour Stunde
heure locale local time Ortszeit
hiloire coaming Süllrand
hisser hoist hissen
homme à la mer man overboard Mann über Bord
hommes de quart watch (crew) Wachman
horizon horizon Horizont
hors-bord outboard ausserboard
houle swell Dünung
hublot port-hole Luke
hypothermie hypothermia Unterkülung
iceberg floe Treibeis
île island Insel
îlot islet Kleine Insel
imper(méable) waterproof wasserdicht
inboard inboard innerbords
induit armature Armaturen(-brett)
ingénieur-mécanicien engineer Mechaniker
inox stainless steel rostfreier Stahl
instruction instruction Anweisung
instructions nautiques pilotage book Törnführer
insubmersible unsinkable unsinkbar
intermittent intermittent unterbrochen
isobare isobar Isobar
isolé isolated isoliert
jauge tonnage Verdrängung
jetée jetty, pier Pier
journal de bord livre de bord log (-book),Logbuch
jusant falling tide ebben
ketch ketch Ketsch
lac lake See
lac loch (Scotland) See
lac lough (Ireland) See
lâcher sheet out lose geben
l’air air Luft
lame de fond groundswell Grundsee
lame d’étrave bow wave Bugwelle
large open sea Hochsee
largeur beam (dimension) Breite
largue reach (to) raumwindig
latitude latitude Breitengrad
latrine head Tolette
latte (voile) batten Latte
latte strip (flat) Latte
lazy jacks lazy jack Lazy Jack
l’eau potable drinking water Trinkwasser
léger light (weight) leicht
lent slow langsam
lest ballast (weight) Ballast
lesté ballasted ballastet
ligne d’arrivé finishing line Zielgerade
ligne de flottaison waterline Wasserlinie
livre de bord ship’s log Logbuch
locale local örtlich
location hire, rental Vermietung
loch log (speed) Logge
lofer luff (to) anluven
longeur length (overall) Länge üer Alles
longeur coque hull length Rumpflänge
longeur flottaison waterline length Länge Wasserlinie
longitude longitude Lägengrad
louer hire (to) mieten
louer rent Miete
lougre lugger Lugger
lourd heavy (humid) stickich
louvoyer tack (zig-zag) kreuzen
maître instructor Ausbilder
maître voilier sailmaker Segelmacher
mal de mer seasickness Seekrankheit
Manche English Channel Der Kanal
manche handle Stiel
manille shackle Schäkel
manivelle winch-handle Winschkurbel
marais barométrique shallow low flaches Tief
marée tide Gezeiten
marée descendante jusant ebb tide,Ebbe
marée haute high tide Tide
marée montante rising tide steigende Tide (Flut)
marin marine Meeres- . . .
marin mariner, sailor Seemann
marine marchande merchant navy Berufsschiffahrt
maritime maritime Schiffahrts betreffend
marque mark (buoy) Tonne
masse isolée insulated return Isolierte Masse
mât mast Mast
mât d’artimon mizzenmast Besanmast
mât de flèche topmast Toppmast
mât de misaine foremast Fockmast
mauvais poor (weather) Schlecht
mauvais temps bad weather Schlechtwetter
membre rib Spant
menace (de) risk (of) Risiko
mer sea Meer
méridien meridian Meridian
météo weather report Wetterbericht
météo prévision forecast,Wettervorhersage
mettre le cap sur head for nach … steuern
mille nautique nautical mile (1852m) Nautische Meile
minute minute (of arc) Minute (Kreis-)
modéré moderate gemässigt
montée rise (of tide) ansteigen
morte-eau neap tide Nippflut
moteur engine, motor Motor
moteur hors-bors outboard motor Aussenborder
mouillage anchorage Ankerplatz
mouillage poste d’amarrage mooring,Mooring
mouiller drop anchor ankern
mousqueton snap hook Karabienerhacken
mousqueton a emerillion toggel Wirbelschäkel
mousqueton automatique snap shackle Schnappschäkel
mouton white horse Schaumkrone
moutonneux choppy kabbelig
nager swim schwimmen
navigateur navigator Navigateur
navigation sailing Segeln
naviguer piloter navigate,navigieren
navire ship Schiff
navire de commerce merchant ship Komerz. Schiff
neige snow Schnee
neige et pluie sleet Schneeeregen
nimbus nimbus Nimbus
niveau de la mer sea level Meereshöhe
niveau moyen mean (sea) level Höhe des Mittlewassers
noeud knot Knoten
noeud (faire un) bend (to) anbendseln
noeud de cabestan clove hitch Webleinenstek
noeud de pêcheur fisherman’s knot
noeud de vache granny knot Einfachknoten
noeud découte sheet bend (single) Schotstek
noeud en demi-clé half hitch Halber-Schlag Knoten
noeud en huit figure of eight (knot) Achterknoten
noeud plat reef knot Kreuzknoten
non-lesté unballasted ohne Ballast
nord North Nord
Nord géographique true North rechtweisendes Nord
Nord magnétique magnetic North Magnetischer Nordpol
nord-est North-East Nord-Ost
nord-nord-est North-North-East Nord-Nord=Ost
nord-nord-ouest North-North-West Nort-Nord-West
nord-ouest North-West Nord-West
noyer drown ertrinken
noyer flood (to) fluten
nuage cloud Wolke
nuageux cloudy wolkig
océan ocean Ozean
octant quadrant (for rudder) Quadrant (Ruder-)
oeil eye Auge
oeuvres mortes topsides Deck
oeuvres vives underside Unterseite
officier de la course race officer Regatta-Angestellter
ondée shower (heavy) Schauer (heftig)
ondulation ripple kleine Wellen
orage thunderstorm Gewitter
orage avec des éclaires electrical storm Gewitter
orageux thundery gewitterig
orin anchor warp Ankerleine
ouest West West
ouragan hurricane Orkan
Pacifique Océan Pacific (Ocean) Pazifischer Ozean
pagaie paddle Paddel
pagayer paddle (to) paddeln
palan tackle Flaschenzug
papiers de bateau ship’s papers Schiffspapiere
par le travers athwart querab
parallèle parallel (geography) parallel
par-dessus bord overboard überbord
passer une bouée round (a mark) umrunden
passerelle gang-plank Landungssteg
pavillon ensign (flag) Flagge
pavillon de courtoisie courtesy flag Gastlandflagge
pavillons bunting Flaggenschmuck
pêche fishing angeln
péniche barge (goods) Lastkahn
péniche lighter Leichter
péninsule presqu’île peninsula,Halbinsel
perturbation disturbance Störung
petit largue close reach am Wind
petit tirant d’eau shallow draft kleiner Tiefgang
peu profond shallow flach
phare lighthouse Leuchtturm
pièce détachée spare part Ersatzteil
pied (anglais) foot (distance) Fuss (30,5cm)
pilote pilot Pilot
plage beach Strand
plaisance pleasure sailing Hobby-segeln
plaisancier amateur sailor Sportschiffer
planche plank Planke
planche à voile sailboard (windsurfer) Windsurfer
planches planking Beplankung
plaque plate Platte
plastique plastic Plastik
plat-bord gunwale Stromboard
plein vent arrière dead running voll achterlicher Wind
pleine mer high water Hochwasser
pleuvoir rainy regnerisch
plonger dive tauchen
pluie rain Regen
poids displacement (weight) Tonnage
poids weight (displacement) Gewicht
point headland Landspitze
point point (land) Spitze (Land-)
point d’accostage landing place Landungsplatz
point de route waypoint Wegpunkt
point de tire attachment point (of sheet) Schothorn
point d’écoute clew Schothorn
point estimé estimated position Geschätzte Position
poix pitch (tar) Pech
pôle pole Pol
Pôle Nord North Pole Nordpol
Pôle Sud South Pole Südpol
polyester polyester Polyester
pompe pump Pumpe
pompe de cale bilge pump Lenzpumpe
pont deck Deck
pont continu flush deck Flachdeck
pont de diodes rectifier Gleichrichter
pont de l’équipage forecastle (focsle) Vorderdeck
pont tournant swing bridge Schwingbrücke
ponton pontoon Pnton
port harbour, port Hafen
port de commerce commercial port Handels-Hafen
port de pêche fishing harbour, port Fischerhafen
port de plaisance marina Yachthafen
port d’échouage drying port Trockenhafen
portance lift (of foil) Auftrieb
porte-balais (electrique) brush holder (electric) Bürstenhalter (elektrisch)
pouce inch (distance) Zoll (2,54cm)
poulie block Block
poulie ouvrante snatch block Klappblock
poupe arrière stern,Heck
pratique practise praktizieren
préchauffage pre-heating (diesel) vorheizen
précipitation precipitation Niederschlag
premier secours first aid Erste Hilfe
première categorie offshore category (yacht) Hochsee Kategorie
prendre un ris reef (to) reffen
pression pressure Druck
proa proa Proa
proche de littoral onshore Küstennähe
profond deep tief
profondeur depth Tiefe
projection de Mercator Mercator projection Mercatorentwurf
proue prow Bugüberhang
puissance power Leistung
puits de dérive centre-board casing Schwertkasten
quai quay Kai
quart watch (period) Wache
quille keel Kiel
quille profonde fin keel Kurzkiel
radar radar Radar
radeau de sauvetage life-raft Rettungsinsel
rades roads Schiffahrtsweg
radio radio Radio (Funk etc)
radio gonio RDF (Radio Direction Finder) Peilempfänger
radiographi x-ray Röntgenbild
rafale gust
rafale grain squall,Böe
raidir tighten (rope) anspannen
rail de fargue toe rail Fussreling
rame oar Ruder, Riemen
rapide fast schnell
raz de courant tidal race Gezeitenstrom
récepteur radio radio receiver Radioempfänger
récif reef (rock) Riff
régate regatta Regatta
régler trim Trimm
regulateur de tension voltage regulator Spannungsregler
relais relay (electric) Relais
relèvement bearing Peilung
réservoir tank Tank
réservoir à eau water tank Wassertank
réservoir de flottabilité buoyancy bag, tank Auftriebs-tank
résistance drag Widerstand
ressac surf Brandung
révélateur tell-tale Trimmfäden
ridoir (à vis) bottle screw Wantenspanner
ris reef (sail) Reff
rivage shore Ufer
rivière river Fluss
roche rock Felsen
rotor rotor Rotor
rouler roll (to) rollen
route course Kurs
sable sand Sand
sablonneux sandy sandig
sabord port (direction) Backbord (links)
safran rudder Ruder
sancir pitch pole kopfüber (kentern)
s’approfondissant deepening vertiefend
sauvetage rescue Rettung
se comblant filling (weather) füllend
se déplaçant moving bewegen
se dispersant dispersing verteilend
se mettre à quai dock (to) festmachen
seau bucket Eimer
s’échouer volontairement ground (to) auf Grund gehen
seconde second (of arc) Sekunde
sens direction Richtung
série series (circuit) Reihe (in)
s’étendant extending verlängern
sextant sextant Sextant
shipchandler ship’s chandler Schiffsausrüster
shunt shunt (elec.) Nebenwiderstand
siège seat Sitz
signal signal Signal
sillage wake Kielwasser, Heckwelle
sloop sloop Slup
smack fishing smack Fischkutter
soleil sun Sonne
sondage sounding Tiefenmessung
s’orientant (vent) becoming (wind direction) dreht nach (Wind)
sous le vent leeward (of) leewärts
sous-marin underwater unter Wasser
spi asymétrique cruising chute Spinnaker asymetrisch
spi(-nnaker) spinnaker (spi) Spinnaker
starter starter (official) Starter
stator stator Stator
stick tiller extension Pinnenausleger
stratus stratus Stratus
sud South Süd
sud-est South-East Süd-Ost
sud-ouest South-West Süd-West
sud-sud-est South-South-East Süd-Süd-Ost
sud-sud-ouest South-South-West Süd-Süd-West
suivre tout droit le chemin hold one’s course Kurs halten
sur l’arrière de abaft heckwärts
surface voile sail area Segelfläche
table du carte chart table Kartentisch
tableau transom Heckspiegel
tangon spinnaker pole Spinnakerbaum
tanguer pitch (motion) stampfen
taquet cleat Klampe
taux par jour daily rate Preis pro Tag
taux par semaine weekly rate Wochentarif
température temperature Temperatur
tempête storm Sturm
temps time Zeit
temps weather Wetter
temps universel GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) Greenwich Zeit
tendance ultérieure outlook Aussicht
tension voltage Spannung
terre land Land
tête de mât mast head Masttopp
thermomètre thermometer Thermometer
tirant d’eau draft Tiefgang
tirer sheet in dichtholen
tolet oarlock (rowlock) Dolle
tonnerre thunder Donner
tourmentin storm jib Sturmfock
tournant virant veering,drehend
travers beam on raumschots
très légère brise light air Leichtwind
tribord starboard Steuerbord
tribord amures starboard tack Wind an Steuerbord
trinquette staysail Stagfock
trou de nable drainage hole Abfluss
trousse de réparations repair kit Reperaturkit
typhon typhoon Wirbelsturm
vague wave Welle
vague déferlante breaker Brecher
vaisseau vessel Schiff
vanne seacock Seeventil
variable variable (wind) veränderlich
v-coque v-bottom V-Rumpf
vent wind Wind
vent apparent apparent wind Scheinbarer Wind
vent arrière running mit achterlichem Wind
vent contraire backing wind back stehen (Wind)
vent de sud-ouest sou’wester (wind) Südwester
vent de terre offshore wind Landwind
vent de travers reaching raumwindig segeln
vent frais strong breeze Starkwind
vent réel true wind wahrer Wind
ventilateur fan Ventilator
vers l’amont upstream stromaufwärts
vers l’arrière abaft the beam achterlicher als querab
vide-vite self-bailer selbstlenzend
virer about (going …) wenden
virer tack (to) wenden
virer de bord change tack kreuzen
virer de bord go about wenden
vis screw Schraube
vit de mulet gooseneck
vives eaux spring tide(s) Springflut
voile sail Segel
voile à bourcet lugsail Luggersegel
voile d’artimon mizzensail Besanstagsegel
voile de cap storm trysail Sturmsegel
voile de misaine foresail Fock
voilier sailing boat Segelboot
voilier mixe motorsailer Motorsegler
voils enroule roller reefing Rollreffanlage
volt volt Volt
vrai cap true course Wahrer Kurs
winch winch Winsch
yard yard (measure) Yard (0,9m)
yawl yawl Yawl
yole gig Ruderboot
zero zero Null
zéro des cartes chart datum Bezugsdatum
zodiac inflatable (dinghy) Schlauchboot

Deutsch Englisch Französisch
6 fuss (1.83m) fathom brasse
abdrehen bear down courir sur
Abdrift leeway dérive
abfallen bear away abattre
Abfluss drainage hole trou de nable
abschwächend moderating décroissant, molissant
abtakeln lay up désarmer, déséquiper, mettre en rade
Abweichung variation déclinaison
Achterknoten figure of eight (knot) noeud en huit
achterlicher als querab abaft the beam vers l’arrière
achterlicher als querab Wind broad reach grand largue
achterlicher Wind before the wind au portant (vent)
Achterliek leech chute
Achterliekskrümmung roach chute
achtern astern à l’arrière
am Wind close reach petit largue
Ampere amp(ere) ampère
anbendseln bend (to) noeud (faire un)
anbinden lash amarrer
andauernd continuous continu
angeln fishing pêche
Anker anchor ancre
Ankerkette anchor chain chaîne d’ancre
Ankerleine anchor warp orin
ankern drop anchor mouiller
Ankerplatz anchorage mouillage
Ankertau cable (anker chain) chaîne
Ankerwinde anchor winch/windlass guindeau
Anlasser starter (motor) démarreur
anlegen moor (to) amarrer
anluven head up lofer
anluven luff (to) lofer
anspannen tighten (rope) raidir
ansteigen rise (of tide) montée
ansteigend increasing augmentant
Anstellwinkel (Segel/Wind) angle of attack angle du vent sur une voile
Antriebswelle propeller shaft arbre d’hélice
Anweisung instruction instruction
anziehen pull taut (rope) raidir
Äquator equator équateur
Arm aka (cross-beam) bras
Armaturen(-brett) armature induit
Atlantik Atlantic (ocean) Atlantique (océan)
auf Grund aground échoué
auf Grund gehen ground (to) s’échouer volontairement
auffrischend freshening affraîchissant
Aufkreuzen beat to (windward) bon plein
Auftrieb buoyancy flottabilité
Auftrieb lift (of foil) portance
Auftriebshilfe buoyancy aid aide à flottabilité
Auftriebs-tank buoyancy bag/tank réservoir de flottabilité
Auge eye oeil
Ausbilder instructor maître
Ausbildung training instruction
Ausleger outrigger arc boutant
Aussenborder outboard motor moteur hors-bors
Ausserbetriebnahme decommission désarmer
ausserboard outboard hors-bord
Aussicht outlook tendance ultérieure
back stehen (Wind) backing wind vent contraire
Backbord port (side) bâbord
Backbord (links) port (direction) sabord
Backstag backstay bastaque
Ballast ballast (weight) lest
ballastet ballasted lesté
Barberhauler barberhauler barberhaule
Barometer barometer baromètre
Batterie battery batterie, pile
Baum (Mast-) boom bôme
Baumniederholer kicking strap/vang hale-bas
Beaufort (windstärke) Beaufort (wind scale) Echelle de Beaufort
Becken basin bassin
bedeckt occluded couvert
Beiboot dinghy annexe
Beiboot tender annexe
beidrehen heave to en vire ??
Belegpoller bollard bitte d’amarrage
Benzin petrol essence
Beplankung planking planches
Berufsschiffahrt merchant navy marine marchande
Besanmast mizzenmast mât d’artimon
Besanstagsegel mizzensail voile d’artimon
bewegen moving se déplaçant
Bezugsdatum chart datum zéro des cartes
Bilge bilge cale
Blitz lightning éclair, foudre
Block block poulie
Block pulley (block) poulie
Bö/Boe gust/squall rafale/grain
Boje buoy bouée
Bojen-Markierung buoyage balisage
Bolzen bolt boulon
Boot boat bateau
Boot der Rennleitung committee boat bateau de comité
Bootsende quarter à l’arrière
Bootsexperte marine surveyor expert maritime
Bootshacken boat-hook gaffe
Bootskran boat-hoist grue roulante
Bootstütze beaching leg béquille
Brandung surf ressac
Brasse brace bras
Brecher breaker vague déferlante
Breite beam (dimension) largeur
Breitengrad latitude latitude
Briese breeze brise
Bronze bronze bronze
Bucht bay baie
Bug bow avant, étrave
Bugkorb pulpit chaire
Bugsprit bowsprit beaupré
Bugüberhang prow proue
Bugwelle bow wave lame d’étrave
Bulle copper flic
Bürsten (elektrisch) brush (electric) balai (electrique)
Bürstenhalter (elektrisch) brush holder (electric) porte-balais (electrique)
cirrus cirrus cirrus
cumulus cumulus cumulus
Davit davit bossoir
Deck topsides oeuvres mortes
Deck deck pont
Deckausrüstung deck equipment accastillage
Der Kanal English Channel Manche
Desalinationsanlage watermaker dessalinsateur
dichtholen sheet in tirer
dichtholen (Segel) harden up (sail) tirer
Diesel diesel diesel
Diode diode diode
Dock dock dock
Dolle oarlock (rowlock) tolet
Donner thunder tonnerre
drehend veering tournant, virant
dreht nach (Wind) becoming (wind direction) s’orientant (vent)
driften adrift à la dérive
Druck pressure pression
Ducht Ruderbank thwart (bench),banc
Dunstschleier haze brume
Dünung swell houle
Ebbe low tide basse mer, marée basse
Ebbe ebb tide marée descendante, jusant
ebben falling tide jusant
Echolot echo sounder écho-sondeur
Eimer bucket seau
Einfachknoten granny knot noeud de vache
einholen haul in haler
einrollen furl (to) ferler
Eis ice glace
Eisberg iceberg iceberg
Eisen iron fer
Eisscholle ice floe iceberg
El. Feld field (electric) excitation
Elektrizität electricity électricité
Ende Vollendung finish,fin
entern board (to) aborder
entmasted dismasted démâté
ERIP EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) balise satellite
Ersatzteil spare part pièce détachée
Erste Hilfe first aid premier secours
ertrinken drown noyer
Fahne flag (in general) drapeau
Fähre ferry bac, ferry
Fahrtlichter running lights feu de navigation
Fall halyard drisse
Fallen und Schoten running rigging gréement courant
fallend falling descendant
Fallreep gangway passerelle
Fangleine painter bosse
fast Orkanstärke near gale grand frais
Fehlweisung (Abweichung) deviation déviation
Felsen rock roche
Fender fender défense
festmachen dock (to) se mettre à quai
Festmacher mooring line câble d’amarre
Feuerlöscher fire extinguisher extincteur
fieren slacken arquée
Filter filter filtre
Fischerhafen fishing harbour/port port de pêche
Fischkutter fishing smack smack
flach shoal/shallow hauts-fonds/peu profond
Flachdeck flush deck pont continu
flaches Tief shallow low marais barométrique
Flagge ensign (flag) pavillon
Flagge flag (on boat) pavillon
Flaggenschmuck bunting pavillons
Flaggenzertifikat certificate of registry acte de francisation
Flaschenzug tackle palan
Flotille flotilla flottile
Flotte fleet flotte
Flunke fluke aile, patte
Fluss river rivière
Fluss mündung estuary estuaire
flussabwärts down-river/downstream en aval
Flut flood tide flot
fluten flood (to) noyer
Fock jib foc
Fockmast foremast mât de misaine
Fockroller roller furling foc enroule
Fockschot jibsheet écoute de foc
Formation formation formation
Freibord freeboard franc-bord
Frisch fresh (weather) frais
Frischer Wind fresh wind vent frais
Frischwasser water (fresh) eau douce
Front front (weather) front
Frost frost gel
füllend filling (weather) se comblant
Fuss (30 5cm) foot (distance),pied (anglais)
Fussliek foot (sail) bordure
Fussreling toe rail rail de fargue
Garnumwicklung whipping twine gros fil
Gastlandflagge courtesy flag pavillon de courtoisie
Gehäuse casing boîte
gemässigt moderate modéré
Genaker genaker (cruising chute) genaker
genau gegen uns dead against us en plein contre nous
genau in die Richtung dead reckoning estime
genau rückwärts dead astern droit à l’arrière
genau vorwärts dead ahead droit debout
Genua genoa/genny génois
Geschätzte Position estimated position point estimé
gestrandet high and dry échoué à sec
Getriebe gearbox boîte de vitesses
Gewicht weight (displacement) poids
Gewitter thunderstorm orage
gewitterig thundery orageux
Gezeiten tide marée
Gezeitenstrom tidal race raz de courant
gieren broach
Gischt spray embruns
Glasfiber fibreglass/GRP fibre de verre
glatt smooth (sea) belle
Gleichrichter rectifier pont de diodes
Golf gulf golfe
Golfstrom Gulf Stream Gulf Stream
GPS GPS (Global Positioning System) GPS
Grad degree degré
Greenwich Zeit GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) temps universel
Grossegler sailing ship grand voilier
gross-schot mainsheet écoute de grand-voile
Gross-segel mainsail grande voile
Grundgeschirr ground tackle apparaux de mouillage
Grundsee groundswell lame de fond
Gutes Wetter fair weather beau temps
Hafen harbour/port port
Hafenmeister harbourmaster capitaine de port
Hafenmeisterbüro harbourmaster’s office capitainerie
Hafenpilot harbour guide guide du port
Hagel hail (weather) grêle
Halber-Schlag Knoten half hitch noeud en demi-clé
Halbinsel peninsula péninsule, presqu’île
Halse gybe empannage
halsen gybe (to) empanner
Handels-Hafen commercial port port de commerce
Hänger topping lift balancine
hart am Wind close-hauled au près
Hauptmast mainmast grand mât
Hauptschalter isolating switch coupe batterie
Heck stern poupe, arrière
Heck-korb pushpit balcon arrière
Heckspiegel transom tableau
heckwärts abaft sur l’arrière de
Heizung heating chauffage
Hinten aft à l’arrière
hissen hoist hisser
Hobby-segeln pleasure sailing plaisance
Hobby-Segler pleasure sailor plaisancier
Hoch anticyclone/high pressure anticyclone
Hochsee open sea large
Hochsee Kategorie offshore category (yacht) première categorie
Hochseetüchtig seagoing de haute mer
Hochspannung high voltage haute tension
Hochwasser high water pleine mer
Höhe height hauteur
Höhe des Mittlewassers mean (sea) level niveau moyen
Holm spar espar
Holz wood bois
Horizont horizon horizon
Horn Sirene horn,corne
in Betrieb nehmen commission armer (une bateau)
innerbords inboard inboard
Insel island île
Isobar isobar isobare
isoliert isolated isolé
Isolierte Masse insulated return masse isolée
Jahr year année
Jolle dinghy (sailing) dériveur
kabbelig choppy moutonneux
Kabel wire (cable) fil (de fer)
Kabel (185 2m) cable (608ft or 20yrd),câble
Kabel (elektrisch) cable (electric) câble (electrique)
Kabine cabin cabine
Kahn barge barge
Kai dock (side)/quay/wharf quai
Kaltfront cold front front froid
Kanal channel chenal
Kap cape cap
Kapitän captain/master mariner capitaine
Karabienerhacken snap hook mousqueton
Kardangelenk universal joint cardan
Karte map/chart carte/charte marine
Kartentisch chart table table du carte
Keilriemen drive belt courroie
kentern capsize chavirer
Ketsch ketch ketch
Kette chain chaîne
Kettenkasten chain locker compartement de la chain
Kiel keel quille
Kielwasser Heckwelle wake,sillage
Kies shingle galets
Kimmkiel bilge/twin keel biquille
Klampe cleat taquet
Klappblock snatch block poulie ouvrante
klarer Intervall clear spell éclaircie
Klassenboot one-design course-croisière
Kleine Insel islet îlot
kleine Wellen ripple ondulation
kleiner Tiefgang shallow draft petit tirant d’eau
Knickspante chine bouchain
knoten knot (to) faire un noeud
Knoten knot noeud
Koje berth couchette
Kombüse gally cuisine
Komerz. Schiff merchant ship navire de commerce
Kompass compass compas (de mer)
Kompasskurs compass course cap compas
Konvoy convoy convoi
kopfüber (kentern) pitch pole sancir
Kran crane grue
Krangebühr cranage grueage
krängen heel (to) gîter
Krängung heel gîte
kreuzen tack (zig-zag) louvoyer
kreuzen change tack virer de bord
kreuzen beating au près
Kreuzfahrt crossing cruise croisièr
Kreuzknoten reef knot noeud plat
Kupfer copper cuivre
Kurs course route
Kurs halten hold one’s course suivre tout droit le chemin
Kursänderung change course changer de cap
Kurzkiel fin keel quille profonde
Kurzwelle short wave BLU
Küste coast/sea front côte/bord de mer
Küstennähe onshore proche de littoral
Küstennavigation coastal navigation cabotage
Küstenwache coastguard garde-côte
Kutterstag cutter stay étai intermédiaire
Ladegerät charger chargeur
Laderaum hold cale
Lägengrad longitude longitude
Laminare Strömung laminar flow écoulement laminaire
Lampe bulb ampoule
Land land terre
Landmarke landmark amers
Landspitze headland point
Landungsplatz landing place point d’accostage
Landungssteg gang-plank passerelle
landwärts ashore à terre
Landwind land breeze brise de terre
Landwind offshore wind vent de terre
Länge über Alles length (overall) longeur
Länge Wasserlinie length (waterline) longeur flottaison
langsam slow lent
Lastkahn barge (goods) péniche
Latte batten/strip (flat) latte
Lazy Jack lazy jack lazy jacks
Lebensrettungsboot rescue boat bateau de sauvetage
leegierig lee helm ardent
leewärts leeward (of) sous le vent
leicht light (weight) léger
Leichte Brise light breeze brise légère
Leichter lighter péniche
Leichtwind light air très légère brise
Leistung power puissance
lenzen bail écoper l’eau
Lenzer bailer écopeur
Lenzpumpe bilge pump pompe de cale
Leuchtrakete flare artifice éclairant
Leuchtschiff light-ship bateau-feu
Leuchtturm lighthouse phare
Leuchtturmwärter lighthouse keeper gardien de phare
Licht light (illum.) feu
lichte Höhe headroom hauteur sous barrots
Lichtmaschiene alternator/dynamo alternateur
Lifebelt harness harnais
Logbuch log (-book)/ships log journal de bord/livre de bord
Logge log (speed) loch
Los (Leine) bight anse
lose geben sheet out lâcher
Luffleine downhaul corde de chute avant
Luft air l’air
Lugger lugger lougre
Luggersegel lugsail voile à bourcet
Luke hatch/port-hole hublot/écoutille
Magnetischer Nordpol magnetic North Nord magnétique
Mann über Bord man overboard homme à la mer
Mannschaft crew équipage
mässige Briese moderate breeze brise jolie
mässiger Wellengang moderate (sea) agitée
Mässiger Wind breeze (moderate) brise jolie
Mast mast mât
Mastkran mast crane grue
Masttopp mast head tête de mât
Mechaniker engineer ingénieur-mécanicien
Meer sea mer
Meeres- . . . marine marin
Meeresboden sea bed fond de la mer
Meereshöhe sea level niveau de la mer
Meeresküste seashore bord de (la) mer
Meerwasser salt water eau de mer
Mercatorentwurf Mercator projection projection de Mercator
Meridian meridian méridien
Messing brass cuivre jaune, laiton
Miete rent louer
mieten hire (to)/rent (to) louer
Minute (Kreis-) minute (of arc) minute
Missweisung declination déclinaison
mit achterlichem Wind running (before the wind) au portant
mittschiffs amidships au milieu du navire
mittschiffs midship au milieu du navire
Mooring mooring mouillage, poste d’amarrage
Motor engine/motor moteur
Motorboot yacht (motor) bateau moteur
Motorsegler motorsailer voilier mixe
Mutter (f. Schraube) nut écrou
nach … steuern head for mettre le cap sur
nachlassen ease off détendre,lâcher
Nagel nail clou
Nautische Meile nautical mile (1852m) mille nautique
Nautisches Jahrbuch nautical almanac almanach nautique
Navigateur navigator navigateur
Navigationslichter navigation lights feu de navigation
navigieren navigate naviguer, piloter
Nebel fog brouillard
Nebel (leicht) mist brume légère
Nebelbank fog bank banc de brouillard
Nebelhorn fog-horn corne de brume
nebeneinander abreast en ligne de front
Nebenwiderstand shunt (elec.) shunt
Neoprenanzug wet suit combinaison
Niedergang companionway descente
Niederschlag precipitation précipitation
Niederspannung low voltage basse tension
Niedrigwasser low water basse mer
Nieseregen drizzle bruine
Nimbus nimbus nimbus
Nippflut neap tide morte-eau
Nord North nord
Nord-Nord-Ost North-North-East nord-nord-est
Nord-Ost North-East nord-est
Nordpol North Pole Pôle Nord
Nord-West North-West nord-ouest
Nort-Nord-West North-North-West nord-nord-ouest
Notsegel jury rig greement de fortune
Null zero zero
Offene See offshore (geographic) au large
ohne Ballast unballasted non-lesté
Okklusionsfront occluded front front occlus
Orkan hurricane ouragan
örtlich local locale
Ortszeit local time heure locale
Ost East est
Ozean ocean océan
Paddel paddle pagaie
paddeln paddle (to) pagayer
Palstek bowline bouline, noeud de chaise
parallel parallel (geography) parallèle
Pazifischer Ozean Pacific (Ocean) Pacifique Océan
Pech pitch (tar) poix
Peilempfänger Radio Direction Finder (RDF) radio gonio
Peilkompass handbearing compass compas de relèvement
Peilung bearing relèvement
Pier jetty/pier jetée
Pilot pilot pilote
Pinne tiller barre (du gouvernail)
Pinnenausleger tiller extension stick
Planke plank planche
Plastik plastic plastique
Platte plate(sheet of wood) plaque
Plicht cockpit cockpit
Pnton pontoon ponton
Pol pole pôle
Poller bitt bitte
Polyester polyester polyester
Poly-Stoppmutter rawl nut cheville en néoprène
praktizieren practise pratique
Präsident commodore commodore
Preis pro Tag daily rate taux par jour
Proa proa proa
Propeller propeller hélice
PS horsepower(hp of engine) chevaux (CV)
Pumpe pump pompe
Pütting chain-plate cadène
Quadrant (Ruder-) quadrant (for rudder) octant
querab abeam the wind en travers
querab athwart par le travers
Radar radar radar
Radio (Funk etc) radio radio
Radioempfänger radio receiver récepteur radio
Radiosender radio transmitter émetteur radio
raumschots beam reach vent de travers
raumwindig reach (to) largue
raumwindig segeln reaching vent de travers
rechtweisendes Nord true North Nord géographique
rechtwinklig zum Kiel abeam par le travers
Reff reef (sail) ris
Reffbändsel reef-band bande de ris
reffen reef (to) prendre un ris
Reffpunkt reefing point ris
Regatta race (competition)/regatta régate/course
Regatta-Angestellter race officer officier de la course
Regattaleitung race committee comité de la course
Regen rain pluie
regnerisch rainy pleuvoir
Reihe series série
Relais solenoid/relay contacteur/relais
Rennboot racing yacht course-croisière
Reperaturkit repair kit trousse de réparations
Rettung rescue sauvetage
Rettungsboje life-buoy bouée de sauvetage
Rettungsboot life-boat canot de sauvetage
Rettungsinsel life-raft radeau de sauvetage
Rettungsweste life-jacket gilet de sauvetage
richten (auf) point (of sailing) allure
Richtfeuer leading light feu d’alignement
Richtung direction sens
Riff reef (rock) récif
Risiko risk (of) menace (de)
rollen roll (to) rouler
(ein-)rollen furl (to) ferler
Rollreffanlage roller reefing voils enroule
Röntgenbild x-ray radiographi
rostfreier Stahl stainless steel inox
Rotor rotor rotor
Ruder rudder safran
Ruder Riemen oar,rame
Ruderbank rowing bench banc de nagem
Ruderboot rowing boat/gig canot à rames/yole
Rudergabel rowlock (British) dame de nage
Rudern rowing (sport) aviron
rudern row (to) faire aller à la rame
Ruderöse gudgeon fémelot
rufen hail (cry shout),appel
ruhig calm calme
Rumpf hull coque
Rumpflänge hull length longeur coque
Rumpflänge length (hull) longeur coque
Sail gegen den Wind back contre
Sailor crew(man) equipier
Saling spreader barre de flèche
Sand sand sable
Sandbank sand bar banc de sable
sandig sandy sablonneux
Schäkel shackle manille
Schäkelöffner shackle spanner démanilleur
Scharnier hinge charnière
Schauer shower (rain) averse
Schauer (heftig) shower (heavy) ondée
Schaum foam écume
Schaumkrone white horse mouton
Scheinbarer Wind apparent wind vent apparent
Schertkasten dagger-board casing puits de dérive
Schiff ship/vessel navire/vaisseau
Schiffahrts betreffend maritime maritime
Schiffahrtsweg roads rades
Schiffsausrüster ship’s chandler shipchandler
Schiffspapiere ship’s papers papiers de bateau
Schiffswerft boat yard chantier naval
Schlauchboot inflatable (rubber dinghy) zodiac/canot pneumatique
Schlecht poor (weather) mauvais
Schlechtwetter bad weather mauvais temps
Schleppanker drogue cône-ancre
schleppen tow (to pull) haler, remorquer
Schleppleine towline filin de remorque
Schleuse lock écluse
Schlingerleiste fiddle
Schmetterling goosewinged en ciseaux
Schnappschäkel snap shackle mousqueton automatique
Schnee snow neige
Schneeeregen sleet neige et pluie
schnell fast rapide
Schoner schooner goelette
Schönwetter good weather beau temps
Schot sheet écoute
Schotdurchfürung fairlead filoir
Schothorn clew point d’écoute
Schotklemme jamming cleat cabrion à serrement
Schotstek sheet bend (single) noeud découte
Schott bulkhead cloison
Schraube screw vis
schwach weak/slight faible, un peu
Schwert centre-board/dagger-board dérive (quille de)
Schwert (Hebe-) lifting keel dériveur
Schwertkasten centre-board casing puits de dérive
schwimmen (Gegenstand) float (to) flotter
schwimmen (Person geht..) swim nager
schwimmend afloat (to be) être à flot
Schwimmer ama/float floteur
Schwingbrücke swing bridge pont tournant
Sclauchboot dinghy (inflatable) zodiac
Sclechtwetter foul weather gros temps
See lake lac
See loch (Scotland) lac
See lough (Ireland) lac
seefahrend seafaring de marin
seekrank seasick (to be) avoir mal de mer
Seekrankheit seasickness mal de mer
Seemann mariner marin
Seemist sea mist embruns
Seerelingsstützen stanchion chandelier
seetüchtig seaworthy en état de naviguer
Seeventil seacock vanne
Seewind sea breeze brise (de mer)
Segel sail voile
Segelauslegung sail plan gréement
Segelboot sailing boat voilier
Segelcenter sailing centre centre nautique
Segelfläche sail area surface voile
Segelhafen yacht harbour port de plaisance
Segeljolle sailing dinghy dériveur
Segelklub sailing club/yacht club club nautique
Segellatte batten latte
Segelmacher sailmaker maître voilier
Segeln sailing navigation
Segelschule sailing school école de voile
Segler/-in sailor marin
Seitenschwert leeboard aile
Sekunde second (of arc) seconde
selbstlenzend self-bailer vide-vite
Sextant sextant sextant
Sicherung fuse (-wire) fusible
Signal signal signal
Signalrakete distress rocket fusée de détresse
sinken sink (to) couler
sinkend sinking en train de couler
Sitz seat siège
Skeg skeg
Skipper skipper chef de bord
Slip slip cale
Slup sloop sloop
Sonne sun soleil
Spannung voltage tension
Spannungsregler voltage regulator regulateur de tension
Spant rib membre
Speigatt scupper dalot
Sperrholz plywood contre-plaqué
Spill (Ankerwinde) capstan cabestan
Spinnaker spinnaker (spi) spi(-nnaker)
Spinnaker asymetrisch cruising chute spi asymétrique
Spinnakerbaum spinnaker pole tangon
Spitze (Land-) point (land) point
Spleiss splice épissure
Splint pin goupille
Splint split pin goupille fendue
Sportschiffer amateur sailor plaisancier
Springflut spring tide(s) vives eaux
Stag stay étai
Stagfock staysail trinquette
Stahl steel acier
stampfen pitch (motion) tanguer
Stander Wimpel pennant,flamme, (pavillon)
Stange Pfahl pole (long and round),flèche
stark heavy (rain) abondant
Starkregen heavy shower grain
Starkwind strong breeze vent frais
Start start (race) départ, partir
Starter starter (official) starter
Stator stator stator
Stehendes Gut standing rigging gréement dormant
Steife Briese gale (near) grand frais
Steifer Wind breeze (strong) vent frais
steigende Tide (Flut) rising tide marée montante
Steuer(-man) helm(sman) barreur
Steuerbord starboard tribord
Steuerrad wheel (ship’s) barre à roue
stickich heavy (humid) lourd
Stiel handle manche
Stoppmutter lock-nut contre-écrou
Störung disturbance perturbation
Strand beach plage
Strang skein écheveau
Stratus stratus stratus
Strom (elektrisch) current (electric) courant (electric)
stromaufwärts upstream vers l’amont
Stromboard gunwale plat-bord
Stromschnelle race (tidal) raz de courant
Strömung current (water) courant (mer)
Stropp strop estrope
Stunde hour heure
Sturm gale/storm coup de vent
Sturmfock storm jib tourmentin
Sturmsegel storm trysail voile de cap
Sturmwarnung gale/storm warning avis de coup de vent
Sturmwind gale (strong) fort coup de vent
Süd South sud
Süd-Ost South-East sud-est
Südpol South Pole Pôle Sud
Süd-Süd-Ost South-South-East sud-sud-est
Süd-Süd-West South-South-West sud-sud-ouest
Süd-West South-West sud-ouest
Südwester sou’wester (wind) vent de sud-ouest
Südwester (Hut) sou’wester (hat) chapeau imperméable (de marin)
Süllrand coaming hiloire
Süsskwasser fresh water eau douce
Takelage rig / rigging gréement
Taljereep lanyard amarrage
Tank tank réservoir
tauchen dive plonger
Taucheranzug dry suit combinaison sèche
Tauwerk rope bout
Tauwerk ropework cordage
teilweise sonnig sunny interval éclaircie
Temperatur temperature température
Thermometer thermometer thermomètre
Tide high tide marée haute
Tidenkalender tide table annuaire des marées
Tief low pressure/cyclone basse pression/cyclone
tief deep profond
Tiefdruckgebiet (Mulde) depression dépression
Tiefe depth profondeur
Tiefenmessung sounding sondage
Tiefgang draft/draught tirant d’eau
Tolette head latrine
Tonnage displacement (weight) poids
Tonne mark (buoy) marque
Toppmast topmast mât de flèche
Törnführer pilotage book instructions nautiques
Tragfläche foil aile
trailerbare Yacht trailer sailer habitation transportable
Traveller traveller (track) barre d’écoute
Treibeis floe iceberg
Treibstoff fuel carburant
Trend becoming (trend) devenant
Trimm trim régler
Trimmfäden tell-tale révélateur
Trinkwasser drinking water l’eau potable
Trockendock dry dock cale sèche/bassin de radoub
Trockenhafen drying port port d’échouage
Trosse hawser haussière
überbord overboard par-dessus bord
Ufer shore rivage
umrunden round (a mark) passer une bouée
unruhige See rough (sea) agité
unsinkbar unsinkable insubmersible
unter Wasser underwater sous-marin
unterbrochen intermittent intermittent
Unterkülung hypothermia hypothermie
Unterliekstrecker outhaul bosse d’empointure
Unterseite underside oeuvres vives
Unterwante lower shroud bas hauban
Untiefen shallows hauts-fonds
Ventilator fan ventilateur
veränderlich variable (wind) variable
verbessern improve améliorer
Verbindungsträger crossbeam bras
Verdrängung displacement/tonnage déplacement
vereinzelt scattered (weather) épars
verlängern extending s’étendant
Vermietung hire/rental location
verringern decrease diminution
Versicherung insurance assurance
verteilend dispersing se dispersant
vertiefend deepening s’approfondissant
voll achterlicher Wind dead running plein vent arrière
Volt volt volt
Vorderdeck foredeck (focsle) avant-pont
Vordersteven stem étrave
vorheizen pre-heating (diesel) préchauffage
Vorliek luff (sail) guindant
Vorpiek forepeak
Vorsegel (Fock) head-sail foc
Vorstag forestay étai
vorwärts ahead en avant
Vorwärtsfahrt headway erre
V-Rumpf v-bottom v-coque
Wache watch (period) quart
Wachman watch (crew) hommes de quart
Wahrer Kurs true course vrai cap
wahrer Wind true wind vent réel
Want shroud hauban
Wanten cap shroud gal-hauban
Wantenspanner bottle screw ridoir (à vis)
Warmluftfront warm front front chaud
Warp warp orin
Wasser water eau
wasserdicht waterproof imper(méable)
Wasserlinie waterline ligne de flottaison
Wassertank water tank réservoir à eau
Wassertransportschiff water lighter bateau citerne
Webleine ratline enfelchûre
Webleinenstek clove hitch noeud de cabestan
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Dragonfly 920 Swing-Wing

  • By Quentin Warren
  • Updated: July 31, 2002

trimaran dragonfly 920

Single-handed multihuller, offshore pace-setter and Cruising World Boat Of The Year judge Peter Hogg said, “I like this boat. She’s a very good pocket cruiser, trailerable and nicely detailed.” Fellow panelist Bill Lee said, “This boat is fun to sail, with no real faults for her intended purpose.” And circumnavigator Mark Schrader said, “She’s a great pocket cruiser, one that sails really well and offers truly amazing accommodations for her size”. They were all talking about the new Borge Quorning-designed Dragonfly 920 Swing Wing trimaran.

Quality and refinement are not strangers to Denmark’s Quorning Boats where the 920 and three swing-wing siblings – the 1000, 800 and 600 – are built. Not too long ago the 33-foot Dragonfly 1000 took honors in the multihull categories of both Cruising World and Sailing WorldÕs 1994 Boat Of The Year competitions. At a little over 30 feet, the 920 offers virtually the same sailing package in a slightly smaller wrapper. The highlights: spry performance; safe, secure, on-the-level multihull cruising; wide beam easily reduced to ten feet for access to marinas and slips (and further reduced to 8’4″ for trailering); a kick-up centerboard; a kick-up rudder; and truly remarkable finished accommodations.

The newest Dragonfly mimics her predecessors with sandwich construction hand laid using polyester resin and PVC closed-cell foam core throughout the main hull, amas and deck. Each ama is divided by a pair of structural bulkheads designed to promote rigidity and create three separate watertight compartments, any one of which is said to have enough positive buoyancy to float the whole vessel (reassuring to say the least, though our scrutiny fell shy of putting that claim to the test). The main hull includes a crash bulkhead forward to contain collision spoil. The boat’s pivoting akas are fabricated of solid glass with unidirectional fabric oriented to optimize strength and rigidity; at the critical pivot points, stainless steel inserts spread the load and commit to a unified structural network once the whole operation is locked into place. The combination of finely tuned torsion cables, rigid aluminum locking struts and tensioned running backs ensures that the 920 when unfolded and secured in its sailing configuration has the overall integrity of a monocoque tri. Our sea trials aboard the boat supported this very notion; indeed, it felt solid and moved as one, a hardy trimaran unfettered by any apparent weaknesses in its various articulating limbs or points of attachment.

Deck, cockpit and rig are developed for convenient if not easy shorthanded sailing. The cockpit itself is smallish by wide-stern monohull standards, but virtually every control line you need to sail upwind, downwind or sideways runs back to it and remains at the helmspersonÕs fingertips. This includes adjustable jib lead pendants on the cabintop and some cleverly led runner tails that follow the after akas inboard and secure at rope clutches just outside the cockpit coaming. Standard are a pair of Andersen 28 self-tailing winches for halyards, reefing and other cabintop running rigging. A pair of Andersen 40 self-tailing winches serve primary duty on the cockpit coamings. The rig is a high-performance, two-spreader section of carbon fiber fully outfitted with Frederiksen gear, from the ballslide system at the luff of the full-batten mainsail to the two-speed block system and traveler running the mainsheet. The jib is on a furler and it pretty much owns the narrow foredeck; this relegates anchor deployment to an unobtrusive roller fitting on the starboard aka inboard.

The Dragonfly people have been complimented before on the success of their cabinetwork and interior execution and they deserve it yet again. Despite the obvious space constraints of a sleek 30-foot tri, they have managed to work wonders in the main hull of this one. All the elements are there: private sleeping quarters in the V-berth forward, a fully enclosed head, a working galley efficiency with its own dedicated sink and space for an optional alcohol or kerosene stove, a cozy saloon with longitudinal settees port and starboard flanking a fold-up dinette, and even a sizable hanging locker. The look incorporates satin-finished mahogany, white ceilings and upholstered seats.

There is standing headroom in the main cabin and ambient light by way of fixed glass windows. Twelve-volt electrical distribution is handled through a fused panel; two batteries offer a total of 144 amp-hours of DC power, while an AC shorepower package is available optionally. Provisioning and storage are addressed in a variety of bins, cubbies, lockers and nooks.

Sailing the 920 is effortless and fun. It’s a very quick boat but it’s also very stable, two qualities that combine to take the trepidation out of performance and allow an active family to indulge itself without feeling overwhelmed by the machine. In our light-air testing we churned along to weather aided by good sails and a sizable centerboard; off the wind we accelerated in total control, set a rather large asymmetrical kite, jibed it neatly from one windward ama to the next, and reveled in the boat’s speed and spunk. In the true spirit of lightweight, powered-up trimarans, this one moves out and stays on her feet – really a trip to sail.

And you reap huge dividends in versatility when the sails come down and it’s time to take her home. With the turn of a cockpit winch, the amas nest against the main hull in a matter of minutes, turning 22 feet of sailing beam into a marina-friendly 10 feet. A 9.9-horsepower four-stroke Yamaha outboard deploys off a bracket on the stern and powers the light craft away at six-plus knots. Shipped draft at 1’6″ gets you close to shore. Should you want to hit the highways, with a little more effort you can disassemble the boat and put her on a trailer with a road-legal 8’4″ beam.

In the end what you’ve got is a nifty little cruiser with good jets, shallow draft and complete albeit diminutive accommodations. The options list is extensive and worth studying: Everything from lifelines to a holding tank is apt to require your signature. When you come right down to it, however, Dragonfly trimarans in this country are treated on what amounts to a custom basis in the first place, which means that you specify yours to suit your needs for a few extra dollars. You’re not looking at a big old Swan that’s going to take you around the southern capes, but in the world of small boats and spiffy performance cruisers capable of bona fide cruising, the Dragonfly 920 is a real find. A day on the bay and you’re hooked.

Dragonfly 920 Swing-Wing Specifications

  • LOA: 30’3″ (9.2 m.)
  • LWL: 28’6″ (8.5 m.)
  • Beam (max): 21’11” (6.68 m.)
  • Beam (folded): 10’0″ (3.0 m.)
  • Beam (trailered): 8’4″ (2.5 m.)
  • Draft (c’bd dn): 4’10” (1.5 m.)
  • Draft (c’bd up): 1’5″ (0.43 m.)
  • Disp: 3,968 lbs. (1,800 kgs.)
  • Sail area: 581 sq.ft. (54 sq.m.)
  • Mast above water: 47’6″ (14.5 m.)
  • Disp/Length: 77
  • SA/Disp: 37
  • Fuel: 7 gal. (27 ltr.)
  • Water: 18.5 gal. (70 ltr.)
  • Holding: 16 gal. (60 ltr.)
  • Auxiliary: 9.9-hp outboard 4-stroke gas
  • Designer: Borge Quorning
  • Base price: $107,000

Dragonfly Sailboats Inc. 69 Hamilton Avenue Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Phone (516) 624-8405 Fax (516) 624-8009

  • More: 2001 - 2010 , 21 - 30 ft , Coastal Cruising , dragonfly , multihull , racer / cruiser , Sailboat Reviews , Sailboats , trimaran
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Dragonfly 920 Extreme Review

trimaran dragonfly 920

Jeremy Evans takes a ride in a Dragonfly 920 Extreme, the kind of yacht that does 18 knots to windward or 23 knots offwind, and is so well behaved you could brew a cup of tea at the same time.

Dragonfly 920  Review

So, you want a boat with civilised accommodation? A boat with some of the power and response of a high performance dinghy or catamaran? A boat that can be cruised with the family anywhere you want, raced round the cans with a crew or further afield short-handed, and even taken offshore if you fancy an RORC event? Look no further. A top class trimaran has it all. In fact it’s a mystery why we don’t all sail them.

The Dragonfly 920 Extreme is fast, in fact it’s very fast. We took it out on Southampton Water with the wind up and down from 12 to 20 knots and got consistent speed readings in the high teens — sailing to windward, without trying. Offwind on a reach we clocked a best 23.3 knots (GPS approved) and there’s no reason to suppose the boat couldn’t make 25 knots with a little more knowledge. For a monohull to do that you’d be looking at twice the length, more than twice the crew and much more than twice the money.

Design and development

Dragonfly trimarans are built in Denmark by the family firm of Quorning Boats, which was founded in 1967 and has been building them ever since. The oldest model in the range is the 26ft Dragonfly 800, of which more than 300 have been sold. It’s been a long time favourite with enthusiastic British owners who have formed the backbone of the MOCRA (Multihull Offshore Cruiser Racer Association) fleet. Borge Quorning and his son Jens developed the swingwing folding beam system, which was introduced on the Dragonfly 800 in 1989 and is now common to all the range. This allows the Dragonfly to berth in a monohull space in a marina, as well as being fully trailable. The system is used on the very latest 920 Extreme, billed as a boat for hi-tech cruising and racing, first launched in January 2003.

The Extreme is a development of the standard Dragonfly 920 with a taller rig, more sail area, deeper carbon rudder blade and centreboard, wider beam, longer and more buoyant floats, and curved beams that arch higher over the water so they are less likely to smack waves. The beams are folded back with an overlap at the stern, which explains why the boat becomes a little longer, and also looks a bit curious when parked in a marina. The rule is that you can motor with one or both beams folded in protected water. Once outside, both beams should be fully extended and locked, a simple ‘wind them out’ operation that takes not much more than a minute, either side.

The Dragonfly is unsinkable with plenty of foam and separate buoyancy compartments in its main hull and floats, plus no lead mine to drag your boat down. You don’t need to moor in deep water, half a mile off the beach with all the yachts. The 920 has a draft of less than half a metre with its carbon centreboard pulled right up, allowing you to literally park on the beach with no problems about drying out. You can pop the Dragonfly on a trailer and tow it where you want to go. The West Country, Scottish islands or South of France? No problem, though importer Mick Welch advises that you do need a hefty car — preferably 4WD — to tow the three ton load of the 920 Extreme plus trailer, and 55mph is about as fast as you want to go. He also recommends allowing half a day to get a 920 from trailer to ready to sail on the water, though the Danes who make them can do it in 75 minutes. Two people — perhaps the typical husband and wife sailing together — can do everything with the exception of lifting on the floats. This is a five minute operation that needs two extra pairs of hands which can invariably be found among bystanders on the slipway. At the end of the season you can park it at home. No need to pay those boatyard and marina fees.

Dragonfly 920 review

The 920 Extreme we tested had only been raced once, in the 2003 Round the Island race when it won the multihull cruiser class by a clear hour. It came complete with trimmings that range from central heating in the cabins to a stylish set of Kevlar Tape Drive sails. The accommodation looks comfortable enough for four, with two cabins, separate heads compartment, galley and the type of high level finish you associate with Scandinavian boats.

We sailed with Mick Welch, Dick Batt (who made the spinnaker) and James Stewart who has won most things on the MOCRA circuit with a Dragonfly 800, but is currently proving unbeatable with his new standard 920. Sailing the Extreme felt a little curious for all of us, because it was not dramatic. The speedo just stayed consistently in the high teens upwind, and then went to 20 knots plus offwind with a best speed of 23.3 knots for the day and a fine plume of spray off the float indicating plenty of forward progress. At that moment I could have wandered below to make a cup of tea or read the paper. The boat felt stable and unfussed, with everything channeled into sailing unreasonably fast. It’s easy on the tiller, easy to gybe or tack, with no problems. You obviously need to watch where you’re going, and you also need a grip on high performance multihull characteristics which relate closely to handling an asymmetric dinghy.

What about sailing through waves in a boat that could do 25 knots? Mick Welch reckons it’s not a problem downwind. While monohulls are rolling and broaching, you can sail pretty much as fast as the waves which helps smooth them out. However, upwind you would need to back off to prevent the boat flying off wave tops, cutting your speed to suit the conditions and to stop anything breaking.

Any drawbacks?

There must be drawbacks. With three hulls, four beams and a sophisticated structure that needs to be as light as possible to make it go, trimarans are expensive to build. The one we sailed (with extras including heating, canopy, and spinnaker gear) is yours for £120,000, which sounds like a load of money if you’re looking at nine metre monohulls. But there’s no comparison since the Dragonfly 920 Extreme is a totally different boat. Then there’s the indoor accommodation, which frankly can’t compete with the wide open spaces of a modern cruiser. The main hull of a trimaran needs to be slim for maximum performance; on the Dragonfly 920 width is also constrained by the maximum legal beam for towing and 3.2 metres puts it right on the limit.

Some people also criticise multihulls for turning over. Well, they can. Some years ago the legendary Danish sailor Paul Elvström ran his Dragonfly 800 into a UFO at speed. It ruptured the leeward float, which flooded and capsized the boat. The designers set to work to redesign the floats which now have more separate compartments and have passed all ‘unsinkabilty’ tests. A 920 Extreme could still capsize through crew error. To give an example, another Dragonfly 800 capsized in English waters, sailing in waves with full main and kite in 25 knots of wind. The owner went below, leaving one guy alone in the cockpit who had no experience of sailing a trimaran at speed. So when a big gust came he luffed rather than bearing away and the boat was blown over sideways. It’s just a question of having the right experience, and going carefully while you acquire it.

I would be delighted to own a 920 Extreme, but there are a few good reasons why it won’t happen: £120,000 sounds like a lot for a 30- footer, but you can pay more — one happy owner has opted for carbon sails and blue hulls which helped elevate the price by another £5,000. However, it is a fantastic boat and such fun. Two people could cruise it confidently and the big rig is ideal for lighter wind locations with virtually instant reefing available. In addition to single line control, the ball car system on the mainsail luff has so little friction that you can reef with the boom out, sailing downwind.

Mick Welch says the optimum 920 Extreme racing crew would be just three people — though there’s room for a fourth to join the fun — with pretty much everything done from the cockpit apart from launching and landing the kite off the trampoline on either side. The accommodation may appear a little tight, but a huge cockpit tent creates a complete extra cabin. You can even use the companionway hatch as a stylish cockpit table — the Danes have really been clever.

Dragonfly 920 review


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Dragonfly 920 extreme

Boat test from the Multihulls World #75 (may/june 2004)

Is the "folding attitude" a purely anglo-saxon concept whose sphere of influence is restricted tp us and baltic waters? We may wish that this was not the case, but it must be recognised that in spite of all their incontrovertible advantages, these boats are not making inroads into the market in southern Europe.

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trimaran dragonfly 920

Dragonfly 920 Extreme Review

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This swing-winged racer is full of surprises.

The first swing-wing trimaran I ever saw was built in England in the 1960s, designed by John Westell who gave us the 505 dinghy. The trimaran’s floats swung aft when at rest and settled under the flare in the main hull, like chicks snuggling under mum’s feathers. 

But the crossbeams were a lattice of tubular metal and looked like a Meccano set. Remember Meccano ? No ? Oh, well. The Farrier vertically-folding system has held sway ever since, used on home-built tris to Farrier’s designs and later on bigger Farrier production tris built in the US. 

How many remember the Farrier-designed Tramp day sailer built by Haines Hunter ? No one ? Oh, well.  In the late 1980s, Danish trimaran builder Borge Quorning and his son Jens developed a new horizontal-swinging system for their Dragonfly 800. They now build four models, the 800, 920, the new 35, and the 1200, a cruiser.  Local yacht importers Windcraft have the Dragonfly agency here and landed their first tri, a 920 Extreme. The Extreme means it has more sail and wider beam than the standard 920. In modern trimaran terms this boat is far from extreme, more a cruiser/racer with plenty of sail. Both models have carbon masts and alloy booms.

Swing-wing system The Dragonfly’s swing-wing system is based on fairly simple gate hinges at the inboard ends of the crossbeams, and swivels in the floats. There’s a trick, though; as the floats swing inboard they lower in relation to the main hull to stabilise the folded boat. 

The folded craft is 3.2m wide. The boat is supplied with a shipping cradle, so it can be trucked easily. Or you can order a trailer (expensive, says Windcraft’s Peter Hrones). 

How do the swing-wings work ? We will get to that in a minute. 

The Dragonfly Extreme is extreme only in that it has more sail and wider overall beam than the standard model. Hull and floats are quite conservative in design and specification and below decks the main hull is nicely trimmed in traditional style, white mouldings with teak trim. 

There’s a double bed up front and the two saloon settees fold out to make single beds. The head contains a manually operated toilet; there is no shower. A black-water holding tank is optional. 

The two-burner cook top, aft on the starboard side, is hidden beneath a tinted panel; opposite is a sink. The interior is neat and comfortable for a family for a weekend, a couple for longer. It is not as roomy as a monohull of the same length, to state the bleedin’ obvious, but for the right people the accommodation is appropriate in a country where we live outside when we go boating. I do, anyway. 

How does it all work ? We fire up the 9.9hp Yamama four-stroke and motor out of the marina’s innermost berth where water depth is limited. The motor is attached to the tiller by a strut, so that when you turn the rudder you turn the motor. 

Kick-up cleat We lower the centreboard (carbon, like the rudder blade, on the Extreme), which has a kick-up cleat, which releases if we hit anything. Then our skipper runs a line to one of the winches on the gunwale and winches away until the float is fully extended. He locks it in place with a diagonal strut. He does the same thing the other side.

Then he goes forward and runs out from the main hull bow a cable, which attaches to the outboard end of the forward beam. There is one each side. So, there’s a restraint both forward and aft each side which will prevent the wings from folding up and, presumably, leaving you swimming. 

Then you tension the two backstays. If this sounds like a rigmarole, there is no urgency to the procedure as the boat sits quietly, like a well-disciplined hound waiting patiently to be unleashed. 

We raise the main, on a 2:1 halyard, unfurl the jib (after removing its protective sock) and sail away. This boat has the optional folding seats, which get you outboard where you can see the headsail and you get a better feel for the angle of heel and for the boat’s responses. 

And respond she does. Cats have their attributes but good tris are more responsive and more tactile to sail, not as good as a refined mono but good enough. The headsail sheets very close so the boat points high, up to 30 degrees Apparent, but no multis are happy pinching. 

There’s a barber hauler system for the jib, which maintains good sail shape when the sheets are eased, and there’s a vang system for holding down the boom when the mainsheet is sprung. 

An extension of the barber hauler system allows you to haul the tack of the spinnaker out to the windward hull, so you can run square. You can also fly it from the bowsprit in the conventional way. The sprit, by the way, I forgot to mention it folds up to save marina space. 

How does she go ? The breeze was up and down and light. We squeezed her up to 7 knots upwind in 10 knots or so, then as we bore away we got a little gust and she jumped to 11 knots in a second or two, with enough acceleration to give us a buzz. Under two sails the builders reckon she will give you 11 knots in 15 of breeze on a tight reach, 17 knots if you bear away. 

Hoist the kite Hoist the kite and the fun starts. They reckon 10 knots of wind will give you 15 of boat speed, 12-15 knots should generate 19 knots. The highest speed they have seen is 25 knots. 

Our skipper has had her out in 25 knots of breeze and reckons the lee hull had plenty of reserve buoyancy when pushed hard. 

So she is equipped to race well but she will succeed as a social sailer because she is both responsive and docile, and the low angles of heel (5-8 degrees say the builders) mean novices won’t panic as they do on a mono when the world tilts beyond their imaginings. I watch her sailing at the same time as the Pittwater multi-hull fleet, and she sails at a lower angle of heel than the F28R tris, the production boats nearest in concept to the Dragonfly.

Like the insect it is named after, this Dragonfly has two distinct travelling modes. It is capable of a gentle hovering pace for those who like to cruise, but if you pull a few ropes, it is suddenly capable of rapid acceleration. This a nicely built craft, very cleverly designed and detailed, which is the Scandinavian way. She is fast and handy, and the narrow beam overcomes any storage problems. 

Who will buy her ? The only rule about predicting boat ownership these days is that you cannot predict it. People are happy to spend a millon dollars on their first boat. They buy $500,000 yachts as their second boat, when their first was a dinghy 30 years before. 

David, who owns this boat, may or may not be a typical Dragonfly customer. He sold his 48ft fast catamaran to take on the Dragonfly. He no longer wants to cruise long distances and will use the tri for day-sailing and racing, partly because his kids are no longer available for long periods of time.

Will she attract only multi-hull devotees or is she versatile enough, attractive enough and so well built she will convert the uninitiated ? Time will tell. 

What about price ? Multi-hull prices can make you wince because a lot of material is involved in their construction.  I expected the worst but was pleasantly surprised. The 920 Extreme costs $329,400. The 920 Touring returns $100 change from $300k; $299,900. You could compare that figure with cats and monohulls but there is no point. For what this boat has to offer, speed with refinement, it is good value. There is nothing quite like it, a quick and handy boat with this level of interior trim. 

As I walked back to the car I remembered the first modern tri I sailed on, a 31ft Kelsall design in Britain. Then it struck that was almost 40 years ago! 



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  • Sailboat Guide

Dragonfly 920 Extreme

Dragonfly 920 Extreme is a 30 ′ 2 ″ / 9.2 m trimaran sailboat designed by Børge Quorning and built by Quorning Boats starting in 2003.

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Beam folded: 3.1m. Similar to DRAGONFLY 920 but with more beam and sail area.

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Dragonfly 920 Touring

Sailboat specifications.

  • Last update: 20th March 2020

Dragonfly 920's main features

  • 2004: European Yacht of the Year: Multihulls

Dragonfly 920's main dimensions

Dragonfly 920's rig and sails, dragonfly 920's performances, dragonfly 920's auxiliary engine, dragonfly 920's accommodations and layout, dragonfly 920's saloon, dragonfly 920's fore cabin.

Quorning Boats Dragonfly 920  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Quorning Boats

Similar sailboats that may interest you:

    Beam:  24'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  15'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  11.5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  11.5'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  5'6'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  22'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  19'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  23'    Draft:  5.6'
    Beam:  12.9'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  19.5'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  19.75'    Draft:  4.9'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  11.6'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  2'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  1' 2"'
    Beam:  37.7'    Draft:  2.6-7'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  1.3-5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  .8'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1'6'
    Beam:  18.44'    Draft:  3.3'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  10.25'    Draft:  0.5'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  28'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  17'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  19.2'    Draft:  1.2''
    Beam:  27'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  0.5'
    Beam:  11'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  1 4'
    Beam:  19'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  4.8'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  27'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  22.5'    Draft:  1-5.5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7.9'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  2110'    Draft:  46'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  14.75'    Draft:  4.00'
    Beam:  11.6'    Draft:  3.6'
    Beam:  21'    Draft:  3.1'

trimaran dragonfly 920

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  • Boats for Sale
  • 35 Ultimate

Boats similar to Dragonfly 35 Ultimate

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Dragonfly 35 Ultimate

Dragonfly 35 Ultimate for sale in Enkhuizen ( Netherlands

Enkhuizen ( Netherlands

Make & Model

Dragonfly 35 Ultimate



Engine Count

Engine Horse Power

30 pk 22 kW

67 m2, top uitgebouwd


Deck Construction

polyester antislip

Quorning Boats, Denmark

Hull Material

multihull rondspant

Super Structure Construction


Depth Instrument

Navigation Lights

Speed Instrument

Wind Instrument


Battery Charger

Bow Thruster


Fire Extinguisher


Degree Reefsystem

Mainsail Reefsystem

2x geïntegreerd+1handmatig

Sailing Equipment

Elvstrom Technora black


The Dragonfly 35 Ultimate is 35 feet long and has a 27 feet beam. This 2009 diesel Dragonfly 35 Ultimate with 30 pk 22 kW horsepower. The Dragonfly 35 Ultimate is made of polyester. This vessel comes equipped with anchor, battery, battery charger, bilge pump, bow thruster, cd player, dvd player, fire extinguisher, heating, spray hood, tv as well as being equipped with autopilot, compass, depth instrument, gps, navigation lights, plotter, speed instrument, vhf, wind instrument.


  • Boats in Netherlands


  1. trimarans for sale Dragonfly 920 Cruising N° 42 DRAGONFLY /QUORNING

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  2. Pre-owned Dragonfly trimarans for sale

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  3. Achat -vente Trimarans occasion

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  4. 2006 Dragonfly Dragonfly 920 Extreme Trimarans te koop- YachtWorld

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  5. Achat -vente Trimarans occasion

    trimaran dragonfly 920

  6. Dragonfly 920 extreme (Quorning Boats) sailboat specifications and

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  1. Dragonfly 920 Spinnaker bei Leichtwind, Norderney-Helgoland

  2. Dragonfly 32 Teaser

  3. Dragonfly 920 vs Windsurfer

  4. Dragonfly 920 Extrem Original Werftfilm

  5. Passing Baggensstäket with a trimaran Dragonfly 920 Extreme

  6. Trimaran Dragonfly 920 E snails regatta


  1. Dragonfly 920

    The Dragonfly 920 Cruiser was built from 1996 - later the Dragonfly 920 was built in a Racing version also. It was the same boat but with longer boom and larger mainsail. The new Dragonfly 920 Extreme was launched back in 2003. it was still the same bot, but with new wider beams and longer floats. Dragonfly 920 Swing Wing Cruising and Racing ...

  2. DRAGONFLY 920

    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).

  3. Specification of Dragonfly 920

    DRAGONFLY 920 - DF 920. The Dragonfly folding trimarans are built in Denmark by Quorning Boats: Dragonfly.dk. There where three versions of the DF920 a Touring, a Racing and an Extreme version. Details for the Extreme version are in brackets. The DF920 has been replaced by the DF28. Dragonfly 920 FOR SALE.

  4. Dragonfly 920 Sailboat Review

    They were all talking about the new Borge Quorning-designed Dragonfly 920 Swing Wing trimaran. Quality and refinement are not strangers to Denmark's Quorning Boats where the 920 and three swing-wing siblings - the 1000, 800 and 600 - are built. Not too long ago the 33-foot Dragonfly 1000 took honors in the multihull categories of both ...

  5. Why a trimaran? Let us show you our dragonfly 920 extreme

    We often get asked why a trimaran? On this video we share some of the benefits of trimaran sailing and some of the features of our dragonfly 920 extreme. #dr...

  6. Dragonfly 920 Extreme Review

    Dragonfly trimarans are built in Denmark by the family firm of Quorning Boats, which was founded in 1967 and has been building them ever since. ... The Extreme is a development of the standard Dragonfly 920 with a taller rig, more sail area, deeper carbon rudder blade and centreboard, wider beam, longer and more buoyant floats, and curved beams ...

  7. Boat Test: The Dragonfly 920

    Light, Wide, Fast and Open. A day out on the Dragonfly 920 proves a pretty persuasive argument in favour of the light, wide, fast option so beloved of multi hull enthusiasts. Designed and built by Quorning Boats in Denmark, the Dragonfly 920 is more than just a simple development of her smaller, the 800. Utilising the extra size and space in an ...

  8. Dragonfly 920

    Dragonfly 920 is a 30′ 2″ / 9.2 m trimaran sailboat designed by Borge Quorning/Jens Quorning and built by Quorning Boats between 1996 and 2008. Great choice! Your favorites are temporarily saved for this session. Sign in to save them permanently, access them on any device, and receive relevant alerts. ... Dragonfly 920 is a 30 ...

  9. Boat Review by Multihulls World of: Trimaran Dragonfly 920 Touring

    Folded in the harbor, the Dragonfly 920 occupies a space which is no bigger than that of a monohull of the same size. It only takes four minutes, and no effort, to fold or unfold the arms, and give the boat the power of a real trimaran. The saloon is not wide (compared to a cat) but everything is in its place; good ergonomics and many clever ...

  10. Dragonfly 920 Extreme (Quorning Boats)

    The Dragonfly 920 is a 30'2" (9.2m) fast cruising trimaran designed by Børge Quorning (Denmark) and Jens Quorning (Denmark). She was built between 1996 and 2008 by Quorning Boats (Denmark). The Extreme version features a taller carbon leading to a larger sail area. To bring extra power she also longer cross arm making her wider. She has been awarded "2004 - European Yacht of the Year ...

  11. We've bought a trimaran! Dragonfly 920 'Extreme'

    After dreaming of sailing a trimaran, it's now become a reality. Join us on our journey with our new trimaran Dragonfly 920 'Extreme'. #dragonfly #920 #trima...

  12. Dragonfly 920 Trimaran

    The Dragonfly 920 is an older model which I believe is no longer in production by the builder and designer Jens Quorning and was replaced by the Dragonfly 28...

  13. Boat Review by Multihulls World of: Trimaran Dragonfly 920 Extreme

    Discover the boat review of Trimaran Dragonfly 920 Extreme, its technical specifications, and all the classified ads for a pre-owned Dragonfly 920 Extreme with Multihulls World.(...) 0. langue. Home; The magazine; Current issue; All the issues; ... Dragonfly 920 extreme Fast is fun .

  14. Dragonfly 920 Extreme Review

    In the late 1980s, Danish trimaran builder Borge Quorning and his son Jens developed a new horizontal-swinging system for their Dragonfly 800. They now build four models, the 800, 920, the new 35, and the 1200, a cruiser. Local yacht importers Windcraft have the Dragonfly agency here and landed their first tri, a 920 Extreme.

  15. Dragonfly 920 Extreme

    Dragonfly 920 Extreme is a 30′ 2″ / 9.2 m trimaran sailboat designed by Børge Quorning and built by Quorning Boats starting in 2003. Great choice! Your favorites are temporarily saved for this session. ... Similar to DRAGONFLY 920 but with more beam and sail area. Suggest Improvements Source: sailboatdata.com / CC BY. Embed Embed.

  16. Used Dragonfly Trimaran boats for sale in United States

    2024 Neel 52. US$1,216,591. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of transaction. Find Used Dragonfly Trimaran boats for sale in United States.

  17. Dragonfly boats for sale

    Dragonfly boats for sale on YachtWorld are listed for a swath of prices from $545 on the lower-cost segment, with costs up to $1,381,718 for the most extravagant model yachts. What Dragonfly model is the best? Some of the most widely-known Dragonfly models currently listed include: 28, 25, 28 Performance, 32 and 32 Supreme.

  18. trimaran

    31' Mariner Ketch - Major Restoration & Repower - New Rigging & Sails Tenants Harbor Maine, Maine Asking $45,000

  19. 2023 Helgoland to Schlei Sailing with Dragonfly 920 Extreme Trimaran

    Sailing from Helgoland (DE) to the Schlei (Baltic) with our Dragonfly 920 Extreme Trimaran.Including passage of Kielcanal and overnigth stop in Gieselau.This...

  20. Trimaran sailboats for sale by owner.

    Trimaran preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Trimaran used sailboats for sale by owner.

  21. Dragonfly 920 Touring (Quorning Boats)

    The Dragonfly 920 is a 30'2" (9.2m) fast cruising trimaran designed by Børge Quorning (Denmark) and Jens Quorning (Denmark). She was built between 1996 and 2008 by Quorning Boats (Denmark). The Touring version is offered with an equipment and sail plan suitable for cruising. She has been awarded "2004 - European Yacht of the Year: Multihulls".The Dragonfly 920 is as well listed, on Boat ...

  22. trimaran

    trimaran preowned sailboats for sale by owner. 31' Mariner Ketch - Major Restoration & Repower - New Rigging & Sails Tenants Harbor Maine, Maine

  23. Dragonfly 35 Ultimate for sale

    well maintained trimaran, first owner The Dragonfly 35 Ultimate we offer you is from 1st private owner and in very good condition. For many monohull sailors, this is an ideal design to make a transition to a multihull and get to know the benefits of a much faster way of sailing and also reaching a much larger sailing area thanks to the shallow draught.