Hotel "PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S" (El Quisco, Chile)

Hotel "PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S" (El Quisco, Chile)

About "PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S"

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All amenities

Property amenities.

  • Arcade/Video games
  • Pets allowed
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Direct beach access
  • Sun umbrellas
  • Room service
  • Doctor on site
  • Airport shuttle
  • Luggage storage
  • Kids' pool
  • Hand sanitizer provided
  • Temperature screening
  • Masks provided
  • Safe distance
  • Online check in/check out
  • New safety protocols
  • Cashless payment

Wellness / Spa


  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Accessible parking

Room amenities

  • Central heating
  • Outdoor grill

Sports facilities

  • Table tennis

For children

Food and beverage.

  • Diabetic food

Frequently Asked Questions about "PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S"

Yes, "PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S" offers 2 pool areas.

Yes, "PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S" has a pet policy that may vary based on the room type or availability. Please check with the hotel directly to learn about their pet policy.

Yes, "PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S" provides Parking, Accessible parking for guests.

"PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S" is located in Avenida Isidoro Dubournais 886 Comunidad Los Escritores, , El Quisco, Chile.

"PINARES DEL MAR" Pequeñas cabañas ECO rusticas sello "S" Nearby attractions include Puerto de San Antonio , Cartagena , Playa El Quisco , Casino Viña del Mar , Quinta Vergara , Canelo y Canelillos , Puerto de Valparaiso , Cerro Alegre .

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Explore nearby attractions

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  • Playa El Quisco
  • Casino Viña del Mar
  • Quinta Vergara
  • Canelo y Canelillos
  • Puerto de Valparaiso
  • Cerro Alegre
  • Plaza San Martín
  • Avenida Libertad
  • Muelle Vergara
  • Parque Costero
  • Festival Internacional de la Canción
  • Playa Acapulco
  • Laguna Sausalito
  • Casa Museo de Pablo Neruda
  • Plaza Sotomayor
  • Playa el Sol
  • Parque Italia
  • Arco Británico
  • Valparaíso Sporting Club
  • Paseo Bellamar
  • Paseo Dimalow
  • Islote Peñablanca
  • Caleta Abarca
  • Jardín Botánico
  • Plaza Libertador Bernardo OHiggins
  • Castillo Wulff
  • Teatro Municipal
  • Museo de Arqueologia e Historia Francisco Fonck
  • Iglesia Santa Teresita
  • Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • Plaza José Francisco Vergara
  • Club Viña del Mar
  • Parque Reloj de Flores
  • Palacio Rioja
  • Estadio Sausalito
  • Mall Marina Arauco

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7 mejores cosas que hacer y que visitar en El Quisco, Chile

Qué hacer y qué visitar en El Quisco, Chile

Chile cuenta con variedad de lugares preciosos y paradisíacos, es uno de los destinos favoritos por visitar en Sudamérica, hay lugares para todos los gustos. Sin embargo, en esta ocasión queremos presentarte El Quisco, un destino que pocos extranjeros conocen, pero que merece la pena visitar. El Quisco ofrece paisajes hemosos, playas bonitas, deportes acuáticos y variedad de actividades al aire libre.

Acá te estaremos contando qué hacer y qué visitar en El Quisco. Si deseas que tu estadía sea perfecta y acogedora, también puedes hospedarte en las cabañas El Quisco , una excelente opción para alejarse del bullicio de la capital, disfrutar el contacto con la naturaleza, de cada amanecer y atardecer. ¡Querrás quedarte viviendo en esas preciosas cabañas!

Un dato importante es que El Quisco es cuna de los poetas chilenos más importantes a nivel mundial, como Pablo Neruda, Vicente Huidoro y Nicanor Parra. Y además, la región cuenta con algunas de las mejores playas de Chile : playa de Isla Negra, Punta de Tralca, Las Conchitas y playa los Corsarios. Sin tanto preámbulo, empecemos a descubrir las mejores cosas que hacer en El Quisco:

Darse un chapuzón en Playa El Quisco

La Playa El Quisco está ubicada en la región de Valparaíso y es una de las playas más bonitas de Chile . Es considerada por muchos la playa ideal para ir con familia y amigos durante el verano, cuando hay buen clima tropical y se siente la calidez en la temperatura. Es de aguas azules traquilas, ideales para que los más pequeños jueguen en la orilla con pelota. Se recomienda usar calzado, ya que la arena suele ser un poco rocosa.

Alrededor de la playa hay muy buenos restaurantes de comida típica e internacional y muchas tiendas para dar un paseo y hacer compras antes o después del chapuzón en el balnario.

Visitar Playa Los Corsarios

Qué hacer y qué visitar en El Quisco, Chile

El Quisco tiene variedad de playa, por lo que escoger a veces puede ser un poco complejo, sin embargo, acá te estaremos dejando las 2  mejores playas de El Quisco. Playa Los Corsarios es una de ellas, es además la playa principal del pueblo de El Quisco, por ende, la más popular.

La playa cuenta con hermosos paisajes gracias a sus aguas azules turquesa y su arena clara. Cuenta con las comodidades básicas de una playa para poder disfrutar de un día o una tarde tranquila en el lugar, además tiene gran variedad de restaurantes de comida chilena, hoteles, posadas y cabañas.

Actividades y deportes acuáticos

Es sin duda uno de los planes imperdibles que hacer en El Quisco . El Quisco al tener variedad de playas es ideal para practicar buceo, kayak, surf, pesca deportiva, entre otros. En las distintas playas es posible encontrar empresas que ofrezcan sus servicios, equipos y acompañamiento para conocer por medio del buceo la naturaleza marina y las distintas especies de animales acuáticos. Así como empresas dedicadas especialmente a la práctica de kayak o pesca deportiva.

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Un tour por Isla Negra

Isla Negra se ubica en la comuna de El Quisco  y es uno de los lugares más visitados en El Quisco, Chile gracias a todo lo que tiene por ofrecer y por su belleza singular. La mayoría de las casas están hechas en piedra y madera, tienen jardines preciosos y árboles por doquier en sus alrededores. De allí que Isla Negra se distinga por sus construcciones de cierta rusticidad y por sus bellos paisajes.

El Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales declaró al sector costero de Isla Negra como Monumento Nacional en la categoría de Zona Típica, esto después que los vecinos hicieran la solicitud con el fin de resguardar el entorno de la casa de Pablo Neruda.

En Isla Negra hay variedad de tours para disfrutar un día divertido e interesantes, es bastante común que los tours incluyan Cata de Vinos y visitas a las vinotecas.

Conocer la casa de Pablo Neruda

Entre los principales atractivos de Isla Negra en El Quisco está la casa del famoso poeta Pablo Neruda, ganador del Premio Nobel. La casa tiene vistas al mar, lo que le da un plus cuando locales y turistas la visitan, a tener en cuenta que la Casa de Neruda es Monumento Histórico desde 1990.

La casa tiene un diseño similar al de un barco, tiene techos bajos, pasillos estrechos y pisos de madera. En este emblemático lugar Pablo Neruda escribió gran parte de algunas de sus obras más importantes. El mismo poeta fue quien bautizo la zona como Isla Negra. Un dato relevante es que en la casa descansan los restos de Pablo Neruda y los de su esposa.

Visitar las Ferias de Artesanías

La feria de artesanías tiene lugar en la explanada de la localidad y funciona los sábados y domingos, así como días festivos. Mientras que, en la temporada estival está abierta todos los días. Es el lugar ideal para comprar productos hechos por los artesanos, se pueden conseguir licores artesanales, dulces chilenos, tejidos, mermerladas, artesanía de cuero y más. Es el plan perfecto si se quiere conocer la cultura y tradición local.

También puedes leer:  Qué lugares visitar y qué hacer en Valdivia, Chile [🥇2022]

Mirador Cantalao

Mirador Cantalao en El Quisco Chile

Otro de los lugares que visitar en El Quisco es el Mirador Cantalao. Se trata de un lugar de libre acceso que pertenece a la fundación Neruda, y que funciona como mirador, desde donde se puede tener una vista den 360° del océano y que en el interior alberga distintas esculturas en piedra realizadas por artistas en honor a Neruda. El mirador era anteriormente un pequeño estudio mirador que el escritor y poeta usaba para escribir sus poemas.

¡Esperamos disfrutes tu estadía y paseo en El Quisco, Chile!

Begin twilight

Sunrise time

Sunset time

End twilight

The time difference between: El Quisco (Chile) and Moscow (Russia)

  • Time difference
  • Meeting Planner
  • Difference table with other cities
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Welcome! On this page you can find out what is the time difference between El Quisco and Moscow. If you are planning a trip, keep in mind that the time difference between El Quisco (Chile) and Moscow (Russia) is +6 hours 00 mins. It means when in El Quisco it’s 09:26:37 , in Moscow it’s 15:26:37 . This data can be explained by the distance between the cities. It’s 8,818 miles. If cities have air links, direct flight El Quisco — Moscow will last approximately 16 hours 42 mins. If you are planning a tour, please note that when it is midnight in El Quisco, it is 06:00:00 of the next day in Moscow.

  • tabsAdvertisement
  • tabsDifference
  • 12 September 2024
  • Thursday, Morning
  • Sunrise: 07:49:30
  • Sunset: 07:38:32
  • Timezone difference between El Quisco and Moscow is +6 hours 00 mins
  • Thursday, Day
  • Sunrise: 05:57:12
  • Sunset: 06:57:15
  • tabsDifference Table

Time Difference Between Multiple Cities (Time Zone Converter, Appointment Planner)

El Quisco Moscow
Th 12:00 AM Th 06:00 AM
Th 01:00 AM Th 07:00 AM
Th 02:00 AM Th 08:00 AM
Th 03:00 AM Th 09:00 AM
Th 04:00 AM Th 10:00 AM
Th 05:00 AM Th 11:00 AM
Th 06:00 AM Th 12:00 PM
Th 07:00 AM Th 01:00 PM
Th 08:00 AM Th 02:00 PM
Th 09:00 AM Th 03:00 PM
Th 10:00 AM Th 04:00 PM
Th 11:00 AM Th 05:00 PM
Th 12:00 PM Th 06:00 PM
Th 01:00 PM Th 07:00 PM
Th 02:00 PM Th 08:00 PM
Th 03:00 PM Th 09:00 PM
Th 04:00 PM Th 10:00 PM
Th 05:00 PM Th 11:00 PM
Th 06:00 PM Fr 12:00 AM
Th 07:00 PM Fr 01:00 AM
Th 08:00 PM Fr 02:00 AM
Th 09:00 PM Fr 03:00 AM
Th 10:00 PM Fr 04:00 AM
Th 11:00 PM Fr 05:00 AM
  • tabsCapitals list

Time difference between El Quisco (Región de Valparaíso, Chile) and the capitals of the world

16:26 +07:00

13:26 +04:00

12:26 +03:00

15:26 +06:00

15:26 +05:00

14:26 +04:00

17:26 +08:00

17:26 +09:00

08:26 −01:00

00:26 +15:00

20:26 +11:00

19:26 +10:00

06:26 −03:00

18:26 +09:00

07:26 −02:00

09:26 00:00

14:26 +05:00

22:26 +13:00

13:26 +03:00

08:26 −02:00

16:56 +07:30

18:11 +08:45

17:56 +08:30

01:26 −08:00

23:26 +14:00

11:26 +02:00

21:26 +11:30

09:26 −01:00

21:26 +12:00

15:56 +06:30

08:26 +07:00

Additional information about cities El Quisco — Moscow

  • Coordinates: Latitude −33°23′59″ , Longitude −71°42′00″
  • Cities which has same time zone as El Quisco : Algarrobo , Ancud , Angol , Angostura , Antofagasta , Arauco , Arica , Buin
  • Sunset and sunrise times in El Quisco
  • Moon phase in El Quisco
  • Lunar day in El Quisco
  • Namaz prayer times in El Quisco
  • Exact local time in El Quisco
  • Weather in El Quisco
  • Location of El Quisco
  • Earthquakes in El Quisco
  • Coordinates: Latitude +55°45′07″ , Longitude +37°36′57″
  • Sunset and sunrise times in Moscow
  • Moon phase in Moscow
  • Lunar day in Moscow
  • Namaz prayer times in Moscow
  • Exact local time in Moscow
  • Weather in Moscow
  • Location of Moscow
  • Earthquakes in Moscow
  • Timezone difference between cities El Quisco and Moscow is 8,818 miles
  • In El Quisco is 6 hours 00 mins longer than in Moscow

Photos of El Quisco

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Sunken Russian warship Moskva: What do we know?

yachting el quisco

Russia's flagship Black Sea missile cruiser, the Moskva, has sunk after being "seriously damaged".

That is as far as the warring sides may agree on - not what caused the sinking.

The Russian defence ministry said ammunition onboard exploded in an unexplained fire and the ship tipped over while being towed back to port.

Ukraine claims it struck the vessel with its Neptune missiles. Unnamed US officials have told US media they believe the Ukrainian version.

The 510-crew warship had led Russia's naval assault on Ukraine, which made it an important symbolic and military target.

Earlier in the conflict the Moskva gained notoriety after calling on Ukrainian border troops defending Snake Island in the Black Sea to surrender - to which they memorably radioed a message of refusal which loosely translates as "go to hell" .

Unexplained fire or a missile attack?

Prior to the sinking, Russia's defence ministry issued a statement saying "the vessel is seriously damaged. The entire crew have been evacuated".

Naval officials said they were towing the warship back to port.

But a later statement the same day announced that on its journey back to port the ship "lost its balance".

"Given the choppy seas, the vessel sank," it said.

Moscow again blamed the blast on an unexplained fire, making no mention of any missile strike.

But Ukraine says it is responsible for an attack on the cruiser, which it claims it targeted with recently-introduced Ukrainian-made missiles.

In a Facebook post before the ship sank, Ukrainian officials said Russian rescue efforts were being hampered by ammunition exploding on board and bad weather.

On Friday, US officials said two Ukrainian Neptune missiles had struck the vessel, killing an unknown number of sailors.

The BBC has not been able to verify the claims.

Billowing black smoke

MIKE RIGHT/TWITTER Image shows smoking ship

Dramatic pictures and a credible video appearing to show the Russian warship listing heavily and billowing smoke have since appeared.

Military experts told the BBC the footage most likely showed the Moskva cruiser and was probably recorded on 14 April.

The damage that can be seen in the footage is consistent with the type that a Neptune-style missile attack would inflict , they agreed.

Rear Admiral Chris Parry, who previously commanded a Royal Navy destroyer, said that after looking at the image he was left in "no doubt it's been hit by one or two missiles".

But other experts said the footage didn't provide enough proof to definitively rule out another explanation not involving a missile strike.

Reported casualties

Russia has not admitted any casualties. On Saturday the Russian defence ministry published footage showing what it described as the crew of the Moskva, on parade in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol.

The commander-in-chief of the Russian navy said the officers and crew would "continue their service".

The video showing around 100 sailors is the only evidence that's been offered of any survivors from the 510-crew warship.

Maxar Technologies Image shows satellite view of Moskva

The history of the Moskva cruiser

Originally built in Ukraine in the Soviet-era, the vessel entered service in the early 1980s according to Russian media.

The missile cruiser was previously deployed by Moscow in the Syria conflict where it supplied Russian forces in the country with naval protection.

It carried over a dozen Vulkan anti-ship missiles and an array of anti-submarine and mine-torpedo weapons, the reports said.

The Moskva is the second major Russian ship known to have been destroyed since the invasion began.


What defences did the Moskva have?

The Slava-class cruiser was the third largest vessel in Russia's active fleet and one of its most heavily defended assets, naval expert Jonathan Bentham from the International Institute for Strategic Studies told the BBC.

The cruiser was equipped with a triple-tiered air defence system that if operating properly should have made it very hard to hit.

In addition to medium- and short-range defences, it could engage six short-range close-in weapon systems (CIWS) as a last resort.

"The CIWS system can fire 5,000 rounds in a minute, essentially creating a wall of flak around the cruiser, its last line of defence," Mr Bentham said.

If the strike is proven to have come from a missile it "raises questions over the capabilities of the modernisation of the Russian surface fleet: whether it had enough ammunition, whether it had engineering issues".


Neptune missiles

Kyiv military officials say they struck the Moskva with a Ukrainian-made Neptune missile.

The cruise missile system was designed by Ukrainian military engineers in response to the growing naval threat posed by Russia in the Black Sea, following its annexation of Crimea in 2014.

According to the Kyiv Post , the Ukrainian navy only received its first delivery of the 300km-range (186 miles) Neptune missiles in March last year.

Since the invasion began Ukraine has received an influx of military aid from Western allies, including £100m worth of anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles that the UK announced it would be sending last week .

Image shows information about Neptune missile

The Russian military has been dominant in the Black Sea since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, and has used its presence there to launch and supply the invasion.

Its Black Sea fleet has supported the war with the capacity to launch cruise missiles anywhere in Ukraine, and has been important in supporting Russian attempts to seize Mariupol.

MAX DELANY/AFP Image shows the Moskva

Snake Island

"The Moskva had been a thorn in the side of the Ukrainians since the beginning of this conflict," Michael Petersen, of the Russia Maritime Studies Institute, told the BBC.

In the early days of Russia's invasion, the Moskva made global headlines after it ordered a group of Ukrainian soldiers on an outpost in the Black Sea to surrender.

When the troops defiantly refused in a radio message, it was initially believed that the border troops had been killed. However, in fact they had been taken captive.

The soldiers were eventually released as part of a prisoner swap with Russia in late March and their commander was honoured with a medal by the Ukrainian military.

The tale of their bravery became such a boost to Ukraine's morale that that the country's postal service commemorated their encounter on Snake Island with a special illustrated stamp.

Ukraine Postal Service Image shows postal stamp

War in Ukraine: More coverage

  • RUSSIA: Grieving families can't believe talk of war crimes
  • WATCH: Finding our parents in a warzone
  • ANALYSIS: Why is Russia losing so many tanks?
  • READ MORE: Full coverage of the crisis

Ukraine's battle for justice over alleged Russian war crimes

Us accuses putin of genocide but france reluctant.


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    Feb 2024 • Family. El Quisco is a beach on the central coast of the V region of Chile. There are many places to stay and hotels, but you should not book on the MarketPlace page for any reason. There are ill-intentioned people who are going to steal from you when you make a bank transfer to reserve the cabin.

  15. The BEST El Quisco Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best indoor activities in El Quisco for rainy days are: Full-Day Tour to Isla Negra, Algarrobo & Undurraga Winery. From Santiago: Isla Negra, Pablo Neruda Museum & Winery Tour. Santiago: Private Pomaire, Isla Negra, and Pablo Neruda Tour. Undurraga + Isla Negra + San Afonso del Mar ----- Full day.

  16. Yandex

    Watch a video of family naturist moscow group vol 1 on Yandex, the leading search engine in Russia. Enjoy the freedom and beauty of naturism with Yandex.

  17. El Quisco

    El Quisco is a Chilean city and commune in San Antonio Province, Valparaíso Region. Located in the country's central coast, it serves as a popular summer resort for the population of Santiago and forms part of the Coast of Poets, a cultural space named after four world-renowned Chilean poets: ...

  18. Watch this story by Yachting

    4,919 Followers, 71 Following, 158 Posts

  19. The time difference between: El Quisco (Chile) and Moscow (Russia)

    What is the time difference between El Quisco (Región de Valparaíso, Chile) and Moscow (Russia). Distance between cities, difference between the time zones. 12

  20. THE 10 BEST El Quisco Hotels with a Pool

    Best El Quisco Hotels with a Swimming Pool on Tripadvisor: Find 172 traveler reviews, 268 candid photos, and prices for 10 hotels with a swimming pool in El Quisco, Chile.

  21. About PROyachting • PROyachting

    PROyachting yacht club is modern and dynamic yacht club founded by world and European sailing champion Ekaterina Skudina in 2013. PROyachting is located in Royal Yacht Club on the territory of historical Water Stadium in Moscow. PROyachting has at its and members disposal a fleet of 29 J/70 boats and 10 Beneteau Platu as well as Elliott 6 m and ...

  22. Yachting El Quico (@yachting_elquisco)

    8 Followers, 0 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Yachting El Quico (@yachting_elquisco)

  23. Sunken Russian warship Moskva: What do we know?

    Reuters. The guided missile cruiser pictured sailing through Istanbul in June 2021. Russia's flagship Black Sea missile cruiser, the Moskva, has sunk after being "seriously damaged". That is as ...