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L’ex yacht di Briatore “Force Blue” è di nuovo in vendita

In passato era finito al centro della cronaca per un presunto caso di evasione fiscale. adesso il “force blue” appartenuto a flavio briatore è finito di nuovo sul mercato.

Force Blue

Force Blue, lusso e comfort senza limiti  

Layout esterno e interno, interni del force blue, scheda tecnica – force blue, fotogallery 6 immagini.

yacht briatore metri

Argomenti: Daily Nautica , tasse-&-fisco

Lusben Sailing ITA

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Il quotidiano online del mercato super yacht

Il quotidiano online del mercato super yacht

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Consegnato dopo il refit “by Giangrasso” il nuovo Force Blue

Il super yacht che fu di Briatore è stato allungato a 70 metri dal cantiere toscano

Force Blue (1)

Il Force Blue è stato finalmente consegnato al suo nuovo armatore e si trova già ormeggiato a Montecarlo, dove “assisterà” al Gran Premio di Monaco di Formula 1 previsto in questo weekend.

Il megayacht, che fu di proprietà di Flavio Briatore ed è passato poi a Bernie Ecclestone, è stato profondamente rivisto dopo un importante piano di refit curato dal cantiere viareggino di Bartolomeo Giangrasso , che si è appoggiato alle aree Lusben di Livorno per le lavorazioni.

Il Force Blue quando è uscito dal cantiere danese Royal Denship nel 2002 era lungo 64 metri ma in Italia è “cresciuto” fino a 70 grazie soprattutto all’allungamento del blocco di poppa.

Superyacht 24 ha appreso in esclusiva che il refit ha incluso la completa revisione di tutti gli impianti di bordo, oltre ad assi, eliche e timoni. Sulla barca sono state installate pinne stabilizzatrici “high speed” di CMC Marine, in cantiere è stato costruito ex novo l’albero di prora, mentre scafo e sovrastrutture sono state interamente ripitturate.

Internamente è stato realizzato un nuovo bar nella scala del blocco poppiero, tutti i ponti in teak sono stati livellati e infine sono state revisionate le valvole fuoribordo e il sistema antincendio.

I lavori, durati in tutto poco meno di otto mesi, erano iniziati a fine ottobre e l’intero progetto è stato gestito internamente dal cantiere Giangrasso, compresi i calcoli di stabilità e struttura.

“Lo yacht ha avuto l’approvazione del Rina: questo refit è stato uno dei nostri lavori più belli, grazie anche all’otttima intesa con i fratelli Tarquini, rispettivamente comandante e direttore di macchina di Force Blue, che ne hanno seguito meticolosamente tutte le sue fasi, insieme al resto dell’equipaggio” sintetizza soddisfatto Giangrasso.

Il megayacht è già disponibile per charter, per chi avrà la fortuna di permetterselo.


Force Blue allungato (1)

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  • Superyachts

FORCE BLUE Yacht – Remarkable $20M Superyacht

FORCE BLUE yacht is Bernie Eccelstone’s $20 Million superyacht. The striking yacht was delivered in 2002 from the Danish shipyard, Royal Denship, and features interior design from Rune Design, Laura Sessa Romboli, and Celeste Dell`Anna.

The sticking exterior of the yacht was developed by Tom Fexas Yacht Design and Ole Steen Knudsen.

The vessel is perfectly designed for entertainment on the water, with plenty of family-friendly spaces for a true superyacht lifestyle experience.

Force Blue
63 m (207 ft)
12 in 6 cabins
10 in 5 cabins
Royal Denship
Tom Fexas Yacht Design Inc
Celeste Dell’Anna
16 knots
1,325 ton
US$ 20 million
US$ 1-2 million

force blue

FORCE BLUE yacht interior

The interior of the FORCE BLUE yacht features magnificent designs from Rune Design, Laura Sessa Romboli , and Celeste Dell`Anna .

The vessel has accommodation for 12 guests in 6 cabins one VIP cabin, three double cabins, and one twin cabin.

There are crew accommodations for 17 crew members. The superyacht is packed with luxury features, from a well-appointed library that offers a relaxing spot, the movie theatre to wind down after a long day, or the dance floor where guests can dance the night away.

The extravagance continues in a full spa with a sauna and a dip in the jacuzzi. The spa includes a hammam, mud bath, and sauna pool.

There is also a gym for guests to catch a workout. The FORCE BLUE is packed with water toys for fun on the water.

These toys include a collection of towable toys, diving equipment, a sea bob, paddleboards, and much more. The FORCE BLUE yacht is also wheelchair friendly.

She features extensive exterior spaces for the perfect event charter and has a light and refreshing interior that guests can enjoy.

FORCE BLUE is the perfect yacht to hold events on as the aft bridge deck has a full bar and reception area for 60 guests.

force blue yacht image

FORCE BLUE yacht exterior

The exterior of the FORCE BLUE yacht was designed by Tom Fexas Yacht Design and Ole Steen Knudsen .

She features a royal blue steel hull in a white aluminum superstructure. Her hull is a full displacement hull, making her more stable while at anchor.

She was first built in 2002 by the Danish shipyard, Royal Denship. She later went through a refit at the beginning of 2022.

She was built as a part of Royal Densip’s expedition series, which include the yachts, TURMOIL, and BIG ARON. The shape of the yacht is a trawler expedition-style for adventure purposes.

force blue superyacht

FORCE BLUE yacht specifications

The FORCE BLUE yacht has a length of 63.3m, a beam of 11.38m, and a draft of 2.95m. She has a displacement of 1325 gross tons and is fitted with twin Caterpillar engines .

She comfortably cruises at 14 knots and reaches a maximum speed of 18 knots.

She has a range of up to 8000 nautical miles. She features an onboard stabilization system that ensures comfort for guests while at sea.

force blue yacht photo

Do you have anything to add to this listing?

  • Caterpillar
  • Flavio Briatore
  • Force Blue Yacht
  • Royal Denship
  • Tom Fexas Yacht Design Inc

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Flavio Briatore’s Force Blue superyacht ends up at auction

  • Gioacchino Ferrari
  • January 11, 2021

Seized in 2010 for tax evasion, Briatore’s Force Blue superyacht will be auctioned in late January

, between the search for a new owner and the announcement of a final verdict that has been awaited for over a decade.

Actually, the legal issues related to Flavio Briatore ‘s superyacht , seized in 2010 off the coast of La Spezia, seemed to be resolved with the limitation on appeal. The boat, however, has remained in the care of the judicial guardian and will be put up for sale on January 27th , before the Supreme Court expresses itself in this regard: the hearing is set for February 12th.

The reasons why the Force Blue will be auctioned (the auction is authorized by the Appeal Court of Genoa) would be represented by the potential loss of the superyacht overall value and the management of maintenance costs, deemed too high by the keeper. A difficulty that would have worsened last year due to the lockdown, which inevitably interrupted the charter activities, however authorized on board the Force Blue since May 2010, when the Italian Financial Police seized the boat in the waters of La Spezia.

Flavio Briatore’s Force Blue superyacht ends up at auction: confiscation, restitution or compensation?

briatore force blue 62-meter superyacht auction

The boat, built by Royal Denship in 2002, is 62 meters long, has three decks and weighs 1,325 tons . It is owned by Briatore’s Autumn Sailing society and is one among the 100 largest superyachts in the world, as well as one among the most famous boats belonging to VIPs.

What is striking is the fact that the sale will take place two weeks before the final decision by the Supreme Court, which could return the pleasure boat to the Italian businessman or confirm the seizure. if the boat has already passed into the hands of the new owner, Briatore would only be entitled to a cash compensation . We’ll see. What is certain is that the long journey of the Force Blue is now coming to an end.

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Monaco Tribune

Prince Albert II, Flavio Briatore, Robbie Williams, Charles Leclerc… all attend unforgettable evening at Yacht Club de Monaco

yacht briatore metri

There was a perfect blend of yachting, music and glamour on Saturday 7 September at Monaco’s Yacht Club. The Ferretti group held its annual private event there, combining an exclusive yacht preview with a fiery performance by British superstar Robbie Williams. A unique concert surrounded by the world’s most beautiful boats and the international elite.

yacht briatore metri

Prince Albert II attended the exclusive event, along with celebrities such as Formula 1 drivers Charles Leclerc and George Russell, entrepreneur Flavio Briatore, designer Domenico Dolce and actor Pierfrancesco Favino, fresh from the Venice Film Festival.

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Each model, from the innovative Riva El-Iseo – the brand’s first electric boat – to the high-performance cruiser wallywind110 , is a technical feat and a tribute to maritime elegance.

Guests had the privilege of exploring the fabulous vessels on private tours, and even test runs at sea, for a total immersion in the world of floating luxury.

Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Ferretti Group Official (@ferrettigroup) Advertising »

A Michelin-star dinner to top off the evening

But seeing and hearing weren’t the only senses that were being spoiled! Antonio Mellino, recently awarded his third Michelin star, had concocted an exclusive dinner for the guests. Each of the gastronomic creations served during the evening was a tribute to haute cuisine, adding an extra touch of refinement to an already exceptional night.

An exclusive after-party on Flavio Briatore’s yacht

As if the Robbie Williams show wasn’t enough, the evening continued in a more intimate and private setting.  Flavio Briatore , always at the centre of the most exclusive events, welcomed a number of VIP guests on to his personal yacht.

Among those attending the after-party were Formula 1’s CEO Stefano Domenicali and the two drivers. Robbie Williams also joined the party, joking with Briatore in a relaxed atmosphere. “Party on the boat with friends,”   wrote the Italian entrepreneur in the caption to his Instagram post.

The evening was all about elegance and entertainment, and once again proved that Monte-Carlo remains the world’s capital when it comes to luxury and exclusivity.

Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Flavio Briatore (@briatoreflavio) Advertising »

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Charles Leclerc and Girlfriend Alexandra Saint Mleux spotted at Crashgate mastermind Flavio Briatore’s yacht party

Flavio Briatore is a renowned face in F1 and Charles Leclerc with his girlfriend Alexandra Saint Mleux were spotted at a party with him.

yacht briatore metri

Charles Leclerc with Alexandra Saint Mleux and Flavio Briatore(background image via programme TV and Screenshot via X/NFFormula)

Flavio Briatore recently made an unexpected return to F1. He joined Alpine and got to work on rebuilding the team to its former glory. This increased his attendance at F1 events and his relationship grew stronger with drivers such as Charles Leclerc and also his girlfriend, Alexandra Saint Mleux . They both were spotted at the 74-year-old’s yacht party.

The former team principal was responsible for helping young prodigies get their chance at the sharp end of the grid. He closely followed Michael Schumacher and Fernando Alonso who later became world champions under his reign. However, 2008’s Crashgate scandal left a taint on his vast career which later earned him a ban from the FIA.

The Man Formula 1 BANNED For Life

Despite this, the ban was later overturned and Flavio Briatore returned to the sport as special supervisor for the Renault (Alpine) project. Subsequently, his close ties with the F1 world were witnessed at a yacht party he hosted where multiple F1 drivers and faces graced the event.

George Russell, Stefano Domenicali, Charles Leclerc ve Alexandra; Flavio Briatore’nin yat partisine katılmış. 🤩 pic.twitter.com/dnv5a7NwoU — NF Formula (@NFFormula) September 8, 2024

Notably, Charles Leclerc was present with his partner, Alexandra Saint Mleux. Moreover, George Russell and Stefano Domenicali were also in attendance which led fans to speculate regarding the discussions that took place at the party.

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Charles Leclerc seems weary of Ferrari’s pace in the upcoming rounds

While Briatore hosted his yacht party, his team has been having a tough time in the lower F1 pack. On the other hand, Ferrari emerged victorious at Monza causing the grid to be weary of the Scuderia’s pace at the upcoming rounds.

Ferrari' Charles Leclerc

However, the Monegasque remained realistic and claimed that McLaren was still the benchmark as one race cannot spell a huge change in the standings.

We had also another upgrade, which I think definitely brought us closer to McLaren, but I don't think it's enough to be the car to beat for the rest of the season on other tracks. I think we still have a lot of work to do, but I'm really happy anyway to have one here in Italy. Charles Leclerc said in an interview with F1

Leclerc revealed that despite an extra upgrade on the SF-24 in Monza, the papaya cars still had a delta on them. Moreover, he asserted that the latter is a more all-round car and Ferrari might witness some surges in performance at one track while other circuits might spell a different story.

Apart from this, Ferrari currently stands third in the constructor’s standings with a 39-point gap. Thus, they could pounce past Red Bull in the standings if they have a great weekend like Monza in the upcoming rounds.

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Geetansh Pasricha

(506 Articles Published)

Wave Watermark




















2022 Azimut 27 METRI

The 2022 Azimut 27 METRI is currently available for sale in Naples Florida. This boat has a price of $6,990,000. Our team at Seattle Yachts is here to help you find the right boat for your needs, budget, and style. We have access to boats off the market that will never be seen online, so contact us today with your interest.

Price: $6,990,000

Azimut 27 METRI Yacht For Sale


Price: $6,990,000
Boat Name: --
Make: Azimut
Model: 27 METRI
Year: 2022
Condition: Used
Category: Unspecified
Construction: Fiberglass
Length: 88 ft
Display Length: 88 ft
Beam: 21 ft 7 in
Max Draft: 6 ft 4 in
Min Draft: 4 ft 9 in
Fuel Capacity (Gallons): 2,509
Fuel Type: --
Fresh Water Capacity (Gallons): 528
Max Speed: 28 kn
Displacement: --
Number of Engines: 0
Engine Make --
Engine Model --
Engine Power --
City: Naples
State: Florida
Country: United States

This Azimut Grande 27 Metri, hull #48, was delivered in 2022 and is currently residing with her second owner.

Featuring a sleek and modern design, the yacht offers generously appointed interior and exterior spaces that can comfortably accomodate up to 10 guests.

A 5-stateroom layout, complete with an on-deck master suite, is perfectly situated for private use or charter.

A vertical bow and oversized full-height windows, which rise from the hull and extend up into the superstructure, give the boat a sporty, edgy character, and are its signature features.

Daybreak is professionally maintained by a full-time captain and crew for a meticulous owner.

All annual services are up to date on the engines, generators and components. The bottom paint is refreshed yearly.

Several valuable upgrades and additions include a SpotZero Watermaker (with speed scoop), Starlink, Williams 435 JetTender, and added EPIRB.

Options include underwater lighting, joystick docking system, nightvision camera, extra sized bed in master, stabilizing fins, and upgraded anchor and chain.

Daybreak features powerful MAN 1900 HP engines with only 354 hours.

Located in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Listing MLS by Yachtr.com

For more information on this yacht, please contact us..


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CRN Megayachts

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62.00 m / 203 ft


CRN Engineering


Omega Architects


Pulina Exclusive Interiors

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An icon of creativity and bespoke quality

CRN M/Y RIO is an entirely bespoke nautical work of art. The taut, flowing hull lines and near-vertical bow bear striking testament to her remarkable elegance and dynamic, sporty personality. The new 62-metre beauty is the fullest expression of the Ancona yard’s artisanal skill, design expertise and fine construction quality. She was designed and built by CRN in close collaboration with design and architecture studio Omega Architects, who created the exterior concept, and designers Pulina Exclusive Interiors for the styling inside. The yacht is IMO Tier III-certified, assuring drastic reductions of 70% in harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the engine exhaust.

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Giovanni Costantino, ceo e fondatore di Tisg, sarà a Cannes con i suoi gioielli del mare unici al mondo

The Italian Sea Group vara il nuovo superyacht Adm 67 della flotta Admiral. Lo yacht raggiunge ben 67 metri di lunghezza e nasce dalla collaborazione tra il centro stile di The Italian Sea Group, che firma il design delle linee esterne unitamente al layout interno, e il designer inglese Mark Berryman, cui si deve il concept stilistico degli interni, realizzato da Celi 1920, ebanisteria del gruppo.

"Questo superyacht è caratterizzato da un’estetica con uno stile forte e deciso, quasi maschile, con proporzioni eleganti e raffinati dettagli che esprimono armonia e audacia, come tutta la flotta Admiral - commenta Giovanni Costantino, Founder e ceo di The Italian Sea Group – e lo presenteremo in anteprima mondiale durante il Monaco Yacht Show dal 25 al 28 Settembre". Le linee sono scultoree e profonde ma allo stesso tempo leggere e filanti, i dettagli ricercati e disegnati con estrema cura; il bianco di scafo e sovrastruttura insieme con il nero delle ampie vetrate scandiscono e sottolineano l’architettura dell’intero yacht. Il layout degli interni, strutturato su cinque ponti, segue uno schema innovativo. "Dopo il grande successo del superyacht Admiral Life Saga consegnato nel 2019, è stato un piacere collaborare nuovamente con The Italian Sea Group a questo nuovo progetto - aggiunge l’architetto Mark Berryman -. Il brief originale era di avere interni ed esterni dalle linee pulite e contemporanee, con un forte carattere identificativo dell’armatore". Il concept è un nuovo rapporto tra spazio interno ed esterno, con zone ibride versatili e adattabili alle esigenze di ospiti, orari e condizioni meteo. Grandi pareti vetrate a tutta altezza cambiano la percezione dell’ambiente, dando l’opportunità di sentirsi al contempo all’interno e all’esterno, per una esperienza in mare che non ha eguali su altri yachts. Ampi portelloni e balconi abbattibili rappresentano un valore aggiunto, aumentando la superficie disponibile e creando zone dedicate a specifiche funzioni, dall’attività fisica all’aperto al relax totale sugli ampi sunpads, al comodo accesso al mare e ai diversi watertoys.

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  1. "Titan", "Galactica" e "Force Blue", nello Stretto i 3 super-yacht di

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  2. Il super yacht di Briatore all'asta. Si parte da 7 milioni, ma vale

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  4. Il mega yatch di Briatore avvistato al largo di Tropea

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  5. Il meraviglioso yacht di Flavio Briatore: il Force Blue che incanta le

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  6. Force Blue Briatore: la Cassazione annulla la confisca dello yacht

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  1. FORCE BLUE Yacht • Flavio Briatore $20M Superyacht

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  2. L'ex yacht di Briatore "Force Blue" è di nuovo in vendita

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  3. Consegnato dopo il refit "by Giangrasso" il nuovo Force Blue

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  4. BLU FORZA Yacht • Flavio Briatore $20M Superyacht

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  5. Force Blue

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  6. FLAVIO BRIATORE • Net Worth $200 million • Yacht • House

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  8. FORCE BLUE Yacht

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  9. Flavio Briatore Yacht FORCE BLUE • Royal Denship • 2002 • Value $30

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  10. Flavio Briatore's Force Blue superyacht ends up at auction

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  11. La Spezia

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