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Everything You Want To Know About Neel Trimarans

  • Post Written By: Boater Jer
  • Published: November 14, 2022
  • Updated: November 14, 2022

Neel Trimarans

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Neel Trimarans are luxurious and fast vessels.

You can determine Neel Trimarans by the number of its hulls. A hull is the lower part of a boat that meets the water; it is that part of a ship that projects into the water. In monohulls, the hull has a keel attached to its hull. Monohulls have only one hull; as the “mono” suggests, Catamarans have two hulls and trimarans have three hulls.

A trimaran has two hulls attached to its central hull; the three hulls give the vessels more stability and seaworthiness than their counterparts with fewer hulls.

What Is A Neel Trimaran?

Neel trimarans is a luxurious version of cruising catamarans, with innovations in construction and techniques fitted to get a strong structure. The different parts of a Neel trimaran contain superior materials and adequate reinforcement in the right places; they are so strong and unique that Norpol yachting described Neel trimarans as ‘unsinkable’. Norpol yachting wrote, “The hulls, bridge deck, and superstructure are sandwich constructions-fiberglass with PVC foam cores vacuum bonded using Isophthalic Polyester Resin. The interior bulkheads and furniture are also constructed this way and together with collision bulkheads all ensuring that the boats are unsinkable’. ( source )

Emergence Of Neel Trimaran

Neel trimaran is the brainchild of Eric Bruneel, with the prototype being Neel 50, which sold the Neel trimarans to the boating world with its unique design. 

Neel trimarans brought about significant changes in the cruise trimarans setup. For instance, the accommodation area is now situated on the main deck and no longer within the hulls, as seen in catamarans and regular trimarans. The accommodations qualify with state-of-the-art designs.

Catamarans are fast, but Neel trimarans are faster. Neel trimarans are fast to the extent that they can move at more than 10knots in average weather, and this is a result of the unique setup of the boat and the outstanding outputs from its engine and sail. The Neel trimaran boasts of the unique hull setup in the boating industry, as it moves with its main hull acting as the main balance and its wing hulls just touching the water lightly, causing weak drag in movement. It explains how Neel trimarans came to be very fast. ( source )

Advantage Of Neel Trimarans Over Catamarans

In terms of quality and seaworthiness, among other factors to be considered in boats, only Catamarans come close to the Neel trimarans. Their differences and edge above each other are discussed below:

Neel trimarans have more width than a Catamaran; hence it’s more stable than a catamaran on water, just like the same way that the catamaran has this edge over monohulls. It brings the weight distribution of the boats into question; the catamarans distribute the weight along the whole deck, while Neel trimarans have a centralized hull system, i.e., the heavy installations and engines in the central hull, which gives it more balance.

  • Seaworthiness

Using seaworthiness as a quality parameter, Catamarans can only reach an angle of inclination exceeding 12º. At the same time, Neel trimarans can get inclined on the sea at 32º. This angle of inclination, which shows the maximum restoring moment, shows how smooth the vehicle will be on the sea, especially when winds are rocking it. This inclination angle says a lot about a boat and how much resistance it can put up against capsizing. 

Another outlook on the seaworthiness of both boats shows that: catamarans whose weight is distributed throughout the whole deck, while a Neel trimaran or even regular cruise trimarans have their heavy equipment installed in the central hull, which has proven to be an innovation that gives trimarans the air of being unsinkable, as the heavier central hull uses the wing-hulls as floats.  

  • Faster Speed

Based on speed, the two boats are fast and stable on the water, but the trimaran is the quicker of the pair. The trimarans are more rapid than monohulls and catamarans, as proven in an open race. Reports state that the superior speed of the trimaran is most apparent when it sails in the direction of the wind; on such occasions, it can attain a speed of up to 15 knots or more. In normal weather, a trimaran can travel at 10knots and up to 200 nautical miles per day. Imagine how fast they can run. ( source )

Example Of Neel Trimarans And Their Features

Neel 43Neel 47Neel 51
43 feet47 feet51 feet
24,60 feet27 feet29,18 feet
4,95 feet5,2 feet5,9 feet
62 feet62,3 feet76,4 feet
9 T10,60 T14 T
630 square feet735,5 square feet1039 square feet
466 square feet538 square feet760 square feet
215 square feet332 square feet
132 US Gallons158,5 US gallons160 US Gallons
80 US Gallons80 US gallons160 US Gallons
Diesel sail drive 50 HP1x diesel 60 HPVolvo 75 HP sail drive
Neel TrimaranNeel TrimaranNeel Trimaran

There are other variants of Neel trimarans. Still, three common ones like Neel 43, 47, and 51 were representatives of the Neel trimarans. 

  • Neel 51 is the most recently decorated trimaran of the trio; it bagged the best multi-hull yacht in Europe.
  • CE ICNN – Trimarans are certified for European CE standards through French Institute for Nautical Certification and Standardisation. ( source )

Frequently Asked Questions About Neel Trimarans

Are neel trimarans fast.

Yes! Neel trimarans are faster than most boats. Earlier in this article, we stated that Neel trimarans could attain a speed of 10 knots on a normal day without wind, and with the wind, they can travel at a speed of 15 knots and above.

How Much Are Trimarans?

According to one of the UK’s top trimaran-selling sites, Yatchworld, trimarans cost between £1,700 and £5 million. A Neel 51 is listed for sale on Boats.com for $850,000, while a Neel 43 costs $395,000. ( source ) The prices depend on the quality of the boat, size, year manufactured, and other specifications. 

Where Are Neel Trimarans Manufactured?

Neel trimarans are made in La Rochelle in France. ( source )

Which Is Better, Catamaran Or Trimaran?

Depending on the user’s preference, you can choose any of the two vessels. However, based on general specifications, the trimaran is faster, easier to handle, and more seaworthy than a catamaran. Catamarans, in turn, have these advantages over a monohull. 

Why Are Trimarans So Fast?

The trimaran is faster than most boats due to the configuration of its hulls. The trimaran’s central hull’s prismatic co-efficient aids its movement in water without much resistance. In addition, the adjoining hulls can touch water lightly, thereby reducing drags in movement.  The prismatic coefficient refers to the smoothness or fullness of the end of a hull. It determines the speed of a vessel. ( source )

What Are Trimarans Built With?

In the past, people make trimarans from wood. It uses timber as hulls and bamboo as beams. Nowadays, trimarans made from wood look like regular sailing monohull boats. You should also note that modern trimarans had an upgrade, and wood as a significant component of its body is no longer common. Manufacturers also incorporate materials like fiberglass and polyester resin into the building process of parts like the hulls, bridge deck, and interior construction. Many say that Neel trimarans are unsinkable because of the techniques and materials used in their hull. The hull of a Neel trimaran is vacuum-like, with polyester and vinyl resins as its primary building materials; its floors and bulkheads are padded by foams and made into vacuums. ( source ) This whole structural setup renders this vessel nearly unsinkable.

Concerns About Trimarans

Over the years, there have been arguments about trimarans and their low patronage despite their obvious advantages over their closest competitors, catamarans. Boat racers have cited the reason for the low patronage of the trimarans to be their lack of enough space aboard. 

A user at the cruisers forum cited an observation about trimarans with more significant engines and speed capacity but not having enough space aboard. The user suggested that it may be the reason for the low patronage of trimarans in the market. In response to the last observation, another boat lover on the cruisers forum reminded the other users that there is a variant of trimarans with enough space and a speed merchant, the Neel trimaran. 

So with this observation on this forum, it’s safe to say Neel trimarans are a new breed of modern trimarans that is a head taller than the rest of the trimarans and as fast as the other trimarans can be too. 

They have the obvious advantage over Catamarans and monohulls, in terms of seaworthiness and speed, among other factors. A like or dislike should be a personal opinion, but its quality and advantage over others should be more of a fact. Neel trimarans are fast, stable, and spacious. What more does a boat cruiser want? ( source )

Ahoy, The Final Thought

In the water cruising field or offshore exploration, some qualities are valued in cruising boats . They include seaworthiness, speed, and accommodation aboard. Monohulls, catamarans, and trimarans have these features, but none of them have it all. They edge out one another in different capacities. 

In 2010, the Neel trimaran was produced, with Neel 50 as the prototype; and they became the vessels that can deliver top-level seaworthiness, stability, and spacious setup. This new entrant into the sea cruising area promises enough stability to be unsinkable, fast enough to outrun most sea vessels, enough space onboard, and at least more space than its equivalent in other boat variants (monohulls, catamarans, and regular trimarans).

Every boating enthusiast must choose between monohulls, catamarans, regular trimarans, and Neel trimarans. One needs to assess every option available, the quality of each boat variant, the service they promise, and one’s expectations for a memorable sea cruise.

Enjoy the air offshore!

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  • Trimaran Definition, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/trimaran
  • Neel Trimaran, N https://norpol-yachting.com/neel-trimarans/
  • Neel Trimaran, History and Values, https://neel-trimarans-group.com/company/history-values/
  • What Is The Difference Between A Neel Trimaran And A Good Catamaran? https://interparus.com/en/neel-trimarans-vs-catamarans/
  • The Neel Trimarans, https://trimaran-yacht-charter.com/the-neel-trimarans/
  • Trimaran Sailboats For Sale https://www.yachtworld.co.uk/boats-for-sale/type-sail/class-sail-trimaran/
  • Neel Trimarans, Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neel_Trimarans#:~:text=Neel%20Trimarans%20is%20a%20manufacturer,based%20in%20La%20Rochelle%2C%20France .
  • Understanding the Prismatic Coefficient in Yacht Design, https://www.sailboat-cruising.com/prismatic-coefficient.html
  • No love for trimarans – why?  https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f48/no-love-for-trimarans-why-187056.html


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Two years after presenting a resolutely innovative 50-foot cruising trimaran at the La Rochelle boat show, with a nacelle extending over practically the entire width of the platform, in 2012, NEEL Trimarans launched a brand new 45-footer at a much more attractive price - and success was not long in coming!

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While the Neel 50 took multihull enthusiasts by surprise back in 2010, it was undoubtedly for the better, clearing the way for the concept of this large cruising multihull with an imposing nacelle - worthy of a catamaran. The 45 benefits fully from the running-in period of the 50, and it is this model, which appeared in 2012, that launched the La Rochelle-based manufacturer on the road to success. The NEEL 45 has indeed been pretty successful, with 26 units built. In 2018, the manufacturer launched, in the wake of its new NEEL 51, a version called the Evolution. This 45 “plus” features sugarscoops at the rear of each float, making it very practical to step aboard from the dock. Until this point, only the central hull was fitted with one. The bimini was also extended aft to facilitate access to the boom. A “Performance” version with a central daggerboard and carbon rigging was also on offer.

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The rig is a classic fully battened mainsail and a large genoa - almost a gennaker – backed up by a self-tacking staysail. You therefore operate on an “all or not...

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Trimaran Neel 43 Review

This review is dedicated to the unique three-hull yacht Neel 43 trimaran , which has collected all possible prizes in its category since its release in 2021 by the Neel Trimarans shipyard. Here's what impressed the selection committees when determining the winner, and what attracts sailing enthusiasts and businessmen to Neel 43.

Traditionally, in addition to the review from the topRik team, we present the opinion of the leading yachting media, whose journalists participated in testing this unique catamaran. What makes it unique? Find out in our review!

neel 43 review

To avoid tormenting the most impatient, we will hint at the main signs by which you can recognize a sought-after Neel 43 at a glance.

This is a loft-style deck - here, on one level, you can find all the main areas where the owner of the trimaran and his guests stay.

This common space without any frills is subject to the main thing: the optimal ratio between the performance of the boat, the ease of management, on the one hand, and the sufficient comfort of life on board, on the other.

TopRik team, before offering the Neel 43 trimaran to you, intends to check all the claims of the shipyard about its advantages on board this three-hull yacht. Follow us on this endeavor!

neel 43 review

Features of Neel 43 Trimaran

  • Brand: Neel Trimarans
  • Hull type: Trimaran
  • Overall length, m: 13.1
  • Width, m: 7.5
  • Displacement, t: 9
  • Air draft, m: 19
  • Water tanks, l: 500
  • Exterior design (Architect): Marc Lombard/Yacht Design Group
  • CE Certification: ICNN
  • Mainsail type: Fully battened
  • Jib type: Furling genoa
  • Mainsail area, m²: 58
  • Jib area, m²: 43.2
  • Engine: diesel sail drive 50 hp
  • Fuel tanks l: 300

Max speed Neel 43

The maximum speed of the Neel 43 trimaran depends on various factors such as wind conditions, sea state, sail configuration, and the weight of the vessel, crew, and equipment. However, the manufacturer states that the Neel 43 has a maximum speed of around 20 knots (23 mph or 37 km/h) under ideal conditions.

It's worth noting that cruising trimarans like the Neel 43 are typically designed for comfort and stability rather than speed, so their top speeds are usually lower than those of racing trimarans.

Review Neel 43 by topRik Team

neel 43 review

No, no, the photo above is not the topRik team, we do not look so romantic, we do not wear bikinis, and we do not mix yacht testing with cocktails. We just have a good imagination - and we immediately imagined how this transom might look in a "busy" state. Note that a good third of the transom on the starboard side is not even included in this photo. Let's take a closer look at one of the ladders - this is the one where the girl in the blue bathing suit stands, on the port side.

neel 43 review

You can see that this is not just a ladder , but at the same time a rather extensive swim platform - this is hinted at by the onboard ladder and common sense. Exactly the same platform, or gangway, is located on the starboard side.

And between these two ladders there is a huge main platform, which can serve as a boathouse for a PVC motorboat, jet ski, folding bikes, kiteboards, windsurfers and other useful things. Especially when you consider that under it you can find a very roomy locker for a life raft.

neel 43 review

A Bit of Theory at a Glance

From the pier, we have a view of the massive roof over the cockpit, low lowered boom, slightly sloping mast and bimini over the helm station. The ribbed contours of the hulls attract attention - this will limit the rocking of the trimaran. A very wide vaka with a normal amas width may indicate that a large amount of equipment is placed in the central body to balance the weight distribution for high performance.

Although, as far as we know, the weight of this trimaran is even less than most catamarans of the same size. This was achieved through the use of technologies that have already proven themselves to be reliable in hull manufacturing process, as well as through innovative technologies used in making non-structural elements. In the first case, sandwiches made of foam and glass reinforced with a polymer fabric are used, in the second, a cork core is used.

The reduction in weight also reduces the wetted surface area, which makes it easier to control the trimaran when maneuvering and tacking under sail.

While there are enough theories, it's time to climb the ladder to the cockpit. While our skipper moved straight from the transom steps to the steps leading to the helm station, the rest of the topRik team decided to test the capacity of the cockpit and, of course, the capabilities of the aft galley.

neel 43 review

Loft Is Such a Loft

Let's not forget that the Neel 43 is billed as a 10-passenger boat, which is important not only to those future owners who plan to bring as many friends on the cruise as possible or take the whole extended family on the trip. The maximum capacity of the yachts is also important for entrepreneurs who rent them out.

So, we inform all interested parties: the yacht will freely accommodate 10 passengers, even without the skipper and crew - this ten will have enough space even in the cockpit.

neel 43 review

And if suddenly someone does not have enough space, you can always move to the saloon. Moreover, the shipyard has remained true to itself and has retained this deck in the loft style, where the cockpit almost imperceptibly merges with the saloon. Yes, this is the famous “cockloon”, where the cockpit and saloon are separated or, more correctly, united by large sliding doors.

We have already shown the view from the cockpit to the saloon: both tables are practically adjacent, passengers can freely communicate through a large open window. Through it, you can also transfer dishes cooked in the galley.

neel 43 review

And in the photo below there’s a good view from the saloon to the cockpit - you can appreciate the galley and its linear arrangement. More than one cook can handle it at the same time, since the approaches and aisles are very open. You see plenty of seating around the table and on the double sofa. What is behind the curtain? Bed? Exactly! It’s the loft.

neel 43 review

But wait to be surprised and perplexed. Everything is very logical if you see the rest of the cabin. There is a full-fledged charting table - the second control post after the one our skipper has already taken at the helm. And when he is replaced after the night watch, he can immediately go to rest on this comfortable large bed, taking some time out from the navigation table, marine tools and chartplotter .

neel 43 review

And if you are traveling with your family, this is a great place for children to sleep or play – it can always be under the supervision of adults, both day and night.

Some may be surprised by the amount of storage space for food and kitchen utensils, but we were struck by the spaciousness, which seems simply immense due to the large area of glazing. Panoramic views and natural light add to this feeling of freedom on board Neel 43.

The height of the rooms on the test yachts, as usual, was tested by our expert, whose height reaches 2 meters. In the cockpit and saloon, he didn’t even need to bow his head - he walked, proudly straightening up all the way, and there was still a lot of free space above his head.

neel 43 review

Always on Duty

– What are you doing here?

In our fascination with the “cockloon” and the possibilities of the grill and galley, we somehow forgot about our skipper, who stayed to study the helm station.

– Testing, - the team mumbled indistinctly with their mouths full. - We decided to share the responsibilities: since you are on duty, we’ll cover this area just fine...

After everyone paid tribute to dinner, they went to inspect... no, not the cabins, but the control station in the cockpit. We studied the charting table quite well - nothing unexpected: a large chart plotter, communication equipment, radio, electrical panel, tool indicators that control all the equipment of the trimaran.

neel 43 review

Located on a raised platform on the starboard side, the helm station has an entrance from the transom side and from the cockpit side. In front of the helm there is a skipper's chair, where an assistant will comfortably fit.

neel 43 review

All lines, except for spinnaker sheets, are brought to the winches located at arm's length or within walking distance. The staysail sheets pass through one fixed hawse. Our trimaran had an electric winch, which makes it much easier to work with the rigging.

neel 43 review

The control panel is practically a double of the saloon control panel in terms of the set of instruments. To the right you get your throttle.

From the helmsman's seat there was an excellent view of all three bows of Neel 43’s hulls until the sails were raised. There are some problems here depending on the rig used. Later we found out that the front view is still blocked when the headsail is raised on the starboard tack or an asymmetric spinnaker is raised on both tacks.

In the Engine Compartment

Spacious and with a high ceiling - everyone liked this compartment, even the aforementioned crewman, who still had more than 10 centimeters of space left above his head. The compartment is located in the central float, the entrance to it opens from the cabin.

neel 43 review

In the photo you can see that the engine and steering gear are shifted to the stern, and in the center there are water and fuel tanks, batteries and other equipment. We liked that most of the equipment is concentrated in one place, and not distributed throughout the yacht. Of course, this was done not so much for our convenience in service, but to achieve the most productive balance of the vessel, and this perfectly coincided with yachtsmen's ideas about serviceability.

In Cabins and Forepeak

On this boat, the forepeaks can be used for more than just storing fenders if the Neel 43 is intended for charters. There is plenty of room for the crew. Ten passengers can be perfectly accommodated in a trimaran if all the options for sleeping places are well utilized.

To visualize these options, let’s take a look at the Neel 43 passenger and crew layouts.

neel 43 review

The first schematic shows the bedding option suitable for a cruise with 2-4 people. These can't even be called cabins - just places fenced off for sleeping on the loft deck. One of these places, at the navigator's table, we have already shown - it is fenced off only by a curtain.

The second one can be called the owner's cabin variation – you get a high and roomy space with a large double bed and many windows.

neel 43 review

On the second schematic you see how it is possible to equip additional berths in the bow of the central hull and fore peaks.

The first berth is quite spacious, although it narrows somewhat towards the headboard, but the ceilings are high, and natural light is provided through the skylight and side porthole.

neel 43 review

Living spaces in the forepeak are reserved for crew members - one berth per one person. And no, we were not mistaken: although there are only 8 beds on the diagrams, do not forget about the folding table in the cabin, which can be transformed into 2 beds.

Since we were examining the forepeak, we could not help but pay attention to the bow of the Neel 43.

This is how you can characterize the bow of this trimaran. Everything here is subject to expediency. The bowsprit is used to shift the center of sail and carry the sail armament forward.

neel 43 review

The nets between the noses of the hulls are not for the sake of sunbathing area here. They perform their direct function - they dampen the waves and do not allow the trimaran to bury its nose into the wave.

Advantages of Neel 43

Since we didn’t find much shortcomings, we will immediately announce the main one - there is no signaling equipment whatsoever warning you about the ingress of water into the engine compartment. So, it is necessary to either order such equipment on your own, or simply check the condition of the compartment more often. And here are the pros:

  • High performance, excellent maneuverability.
  • Obedience to the steering wheel and rudder.
  • One rudder and an obedient helm provide a great helmsman's feel to control the sails.
  • The quality of the hulls, which ensures the reliability and safety of being on board.
  • Enough comfort for a cruise as a couple, as part of a family, with friends or a charter flight.
  • Affordable price with great features.

The last point allows you to actively use this boat for commercial purposes.

Another advantage that we have noticed is that an experienced skipper is able to manage this beauty alone.

neel 43 review

Reviews of Neel 43 from Professionals

Rupert Holmes and Dave Reed are well-known yachtsmen and journalists, who participated in the testing of the Neel 43 trimaran. And Dave did it as part of the Sailing World Magazine team, which conducted its annual test, seeking out the 2023 Boat of the Year nominees.

Rupert Holmes

From the very first lines of his review Rupert Holmes immediately offers a solution for those who hesitate between a monohull yacht and a catamaran. Cruising trimaran Neel 43, according to the author, can be an ideal option. Rupert goes on to substantiate his claim.

A well-known journalist and yachtsman remembered the trimarans of the 60-70s, which did not quite justify their title of "cruising". In contrast, Rupert picks light and fast three-hull yachts of the last decades, the credit of the revival of which largely belongs to the Neel shipyard from La Rochelle with its cruising models with spacious rooms. Neel 43 trimaran designed by Marc Lombard is the discovery of 2021.

Test team with active participation of Rupert Holmes tested the Neel 43 at La Rochelle in light to moderate seas and 12-16 knots offshore wind.

neel 43 review

The journalist specifically noted that despite the spacious deck and massive roof, the Neel 43 is three tons lighter than most 42-foot catamarans. He was surprised by the low wetted area during maneuvers when windward ama rises out of the water. This area is several times smaller than that of a catamaran of the same size. In addition, the Neel 43 has a low displacement. Together, this makes the trimaran remarkably fast.

Then the author described in detail the trials of the boat under sail. The crew turned off the engine, hoisted the mainsail, turned the staysail downwind on the beam, and with a true wind of 14 knots, quickly accelerated the trimaran to a stable speed of 10 knots.

The change in true (65°) and apparent (40°) wind angles reduced the speed by just one knot. Rupert noted that if they had more advanced rigging rather than Dacron sails, it would add a few useful degrees closer to the wind without sacrificing speed.

The helm is connected to one rudder by straight cables. The steering was remarkably responsive during testing. At the same time, the direct sensations from handling it were much brighter compared to a catamaran.

Maneuvering was as easy as navigating a monohull. The trimaran turned deftly into the wind, and the speed rarely dropped below five knots.

Rupert Holmes explained how the developers achieved light and smooth movement of such a seemingly bulky vessel. They did an excellent job with the distribution of heavy equipment in the central building, concentrating it in the middle. Under the central hull of the trimaran, they placed one keel instead of two, as in most cats.

But in order to heel the trimaran at angles of more than 14°, great efforts are required - the boat quickly reaches stability. The high freeboards also provide a large margin of buoyancy in the amas, even with a strong gust of wind or a squall.

A single fin keel makes it impossible to beach the trimaran like most cruising boats.

Since the trimaran was heading towards the wind from the canal into the open sea, we found out how easily controlled underwater elements behave during motor navigation. With one 50 hp engine and 2400 rpm the boat was moving at a speed of 8 knots.

When turning downwind the asymmetric kite was raised, since the speed at a true wind angle of 150° began to decrease. This maneuver made it possible to raise the speed to 9 knots, and the best VMG downwind was 7 knots.

When the wind increased to a true speed of 15-16 knots, the crew deviated from the true wind up to 115°. The boat accelerated to 10.5-11 knots. At the same time, Neel 43 demonstrated excellent stability: no change in roll was noticed.

Concluding his review, the journalist and yachtsman noted that the Neel 43 has become a cruising trimaran concept for the mass market. The popularity of triple-hulled vessels is evidenced by the fact that the shipyard produces at least two trimarans every month.

Dave Reed

Test team loved the new concept of Neel's latest trimarans, which consists of one large connected living space that is visible from float to float. Wherever you are on this ship, you feel your involvement in the overall life process, as in any residential family building.

There is only one "sunken" living space for passengers - in the bow of the central float. All other berths are located on the same level as the saloon and cockpit, which distinguishes the Neel 43 from most catamarans and many trimarans from other manufacturers.

Although the trimaran is primarily intended for family sailing, it should be the family of the yachtsman who prefers high performance boats.

It was no coincidence that the gigantic, according to the shipyard, mechanical compartment below was especially noted. It is only necessary to open the hatch in the saloon and descend into a spacious and well-lit area, where free access to all trimaran systems is provided.

Dave Reed quotes Chuck Allen, the senior judge of this competition, who notes that the trimaran is more stable and faster than a catamaran, as a result of which the pleasure of driving it is much higher. Riding a trimaran is a great experience. The adjustment of the amas becomes similar to balancing, which is provided by the rudder, mast and keel in the central hull. At the same time, there is no strong roll, the trimaran is very stable. "It's an adventure platform," Chuck Allen summed up.

He was surprised that a trimaran sails against the wind like a monohull sailboat, and when it glides over a wave, it simply takes off. “I got the impression that you can really sail on the coast with the right selection of sails,” Chuck jokes.

He noted that this trimaran was easily handled by two people at high speed and expressed his confidence that the crew of 4 would be great in a coastal race.

The team of judges noted the good location of the steering wheel on a starboard raised platform, which ensured good visibility. They also liked the fact that all reefs and sail control cables run close to the helm and are folded into special bags.

It was noted separately that the shipyard commits to environment protection technologies through the use of environmentally friendly and recyclable materials, in particular, epoxy resins, foam plastic, and cork. To power the refrigerator and electronic devices, solar panels are provided on the roof of the trimaran.

Video Reviews of Neel 43

Prepare to enjoy the trimarans beauty in video format!

Let’s start with well-known Multihull Solutions – their video review in comprehensive and interesting at the same time:

Moving on to Aeroyacht and their in-depth 22-minute-long review:

Another great yachting test at the sea by Multihull World:

And, if you are not interested in commentary, here’s a silent interior review of this roomy boat:

All of the above information leads us to the following conclusion: Neel 43's affordable price, its excellent seaworthiness, stability and reliability, ease of handling make it desirable for many sailors, including:

  • couples who love the speed and challenges of sailing;
  • friends ready to strengthen the bonds of friendship in sea trials;
  • families with or without children who want to spend time together without the presence of strangers on board;
  • lovers of the sea, speed and sails;
  • yachtsmen who do not like excessive luxury, but do not want to completely deprive themselves of comfort.

In addition to private ownership, this trimaran is ideal for commercial purposes. It can be successfully rented out both to passengers who never met each other before the charter, and to groups of friends or colleagues.

neel 43 review

Price calculator

Where to buy neel 43 at a bargain price.

If you are reading this, you already know the place where you can buy the Neel 43 for a low price without the risk of receiving services or accessories that you do not need.

All marketplace employees topRik have been and regularly go to sea on motor and sailing yachts , monohulls and multihulls. We all know perfectly well what needs to be done so that your boat fully meets your requirements, and also that you do not overpay for imposed options.

If you put your trust in us, then all you have to do is state your requirements, consult our team and wait for us to deliver your yacht to its destination.

We will take on:

  • negotiations with the manufacturer;
  • control over the package options of the boat;
  • trimaran delivery;
  • providing the missing equipment and accessories from rigging equipment to a watermaker ;
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Cruiser Wiki

The Neel Trimaran, manufactured in La Rochelle, France, is the first cruising trimaran in the market in lengths of 45' and 51' with a 47' to debut later in 2019. The Neel tagline is 'Just Makes Sense'. The purpose of this group is to share thoughts and experiences with the Neel trimarans as they are relatively new on the market.

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Three hulls, one planet: Neel 51 owner explains how he went self-sustainable

Yachting World

  • May 28, 2020

A Swiss sailor and organic farmer has customised his Neel 51 to prove that boats can be completely self-sustaining. Sam Fortescue reports


Wolf chose a Neel 51 trimaran for speed and comfort

Bluewater sailing stories usually start with someone who has been around boats all their life. But not this one. A Swiss man who goes only by the name ‘Wolf’ freely admits he came late to the sailing party when he started to spec out a new Neel 51 trimaran in 2016.

“I came to the boating world in an accident of life after a medical problem that made me think about how to spend the rest of my life,” he tells me before listing his new aspirations. “The first one was living on a boat, like a child’s dream.”

Coming to boat ownership without any of the preconceptions or traditional constraints that inform many of our choices, Wolf knew straight away that he wanted a multihull . “I wanted a fast and comfortable boat,” he says. But he also wanted something a bit more than that. “I wanted autonomy and environmental sustainability.”


Plans for sustainable sailing include growing crops on board as well as making use of zero carbon renewable energy

This is where Wolf’s story takes a really interesting turn, because he wasn’t prepared to settle for standard ‘greening’ measures such as synthetic teak decks or a few solar panels . “Usually with boats, your life is based on a diesel engine . I thought ‘I’m not prepared to be dependent on fossil fuels’.”

So he looked at the design of a boat’s systems in a fundamental way to determine how he could live aboard with the lowest possible carbon footprint. It led him to develop his own straightforward solutions to harvesting fresh water, electric propulsion , growing food on board and managing waste – all interconnected.

“I didn’t want to do a concept boat, just one that I agreed with and understood,” he says. Now he wants to use his experience to prove to boatbuilders and other sailors that boating doesn’t have to pollute.

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Going electric

The first thing was to install an alternative to the standard 75hp Volvo engine of the Neel 51. “An electric motor seemed to be promising because I could also produce that energy as I went along,” Wolf says.

After some research, he decided to install a 50kW Deep Blue electric motor from Torqeedo to drive the boat, hooked up to six i8 lithium batteries , each containing 10kWh of energy. These batteries have their own dedicated shelves in the mechanical space usually given over to the diesel engine.

As is possible with all electric drives, the prop can generate electricity as the boat sails to recharge the batteries and run house loads, like the induction hob, electric cooker and the instruments. “I made some calculations and strangely it was quite easy to produce enough energy to cover all my needs. The Torqeedo system should produce 1kW at around 7-8 knots boat speed.


Engineroom space is mostly given over to batteries

“It could be much more, though, so I am also considering an independent hydrogenerator that you could lift out of the water when you don’t need it. This would be interesting because then there is more power available at a slower speed.”

Solar panels naturally cover part of his overall power equation, with the potential to dwarf the generating capacity of the propeller. He reckons that his 3kW of flexible DAS panels glued to the coachroof can generate 6-13kWh per day and estimates his demand to be 8kWh. The final piece of the jigsaw is two wind turbines that will help charge the batteries day and night.

Getting supplies of fresh water on board is a regular chore for bluewater cruisers. Most boats will install a watermaker to free them somewhat from the tyranny of the water tank and provide peace of mind in case of unexpectedly long passages.


Harvesting and waste recycling systems conserve water

Wolf has also put in a watermaker, a Katadyn PowerSurvivor 40E capable of producing five litres per hour. After all, he, “didn’t want to make any compromise on safety on board, or on comfort. I want to live on the boat for long periods of the year.”

Saving water

But the watermaker is a back-up – there just in case. He tries not to use it. “I didn’t want to depend on a watermaker, because it’s a very complex piece of technology,” he explains. “Desalination puts brine back into the sea, which contributes to the eutrophication of the marine environment. What’s more, they require a lot of energy, usually fossil fuels, reducing the range of the boat and increasing its environmental impact.”

His solution was to turn to a system that has been keeping mariners in fresh water since man first took to the sea: rainwater collection. By installing a small fiddle around the edge of the coachroof, which drains to a central point, it is easy to collect, filter and store fresh water.


Solar panels are used for electricity and heating water, while a fiddle surrounding the coachroof collects rainwater

By the simple expedient of rejecting the first few minutes’ worth of water, all the salt and any impurities caught by the sails or the coachroof are purged, he says. The first yard he approached just looked at him blankly when he outlined his project, but Neel was more responsive, readying the boat for all his subsequent modifications.

Wolf is an organic farmer in his other life, and also plans to grow food aboard Noos . He will make use of the “many wasted spaces” on the boat and apply intensive indoor growing techniques to cultivate simple greens such as lettuce, radish and herbs, as well as courgettes, tomatoes and even aubergine.

“As an organic farmer, I know it’s possible to produce quite a lot in a very small space,” he says. “My expectation is to cover the vegetable needs for four people all year round. This requires selecting the right vegetables, and always starting the next crop before the old crop is finished.”


Corridors between cabins have built-in troughs that are lined with plastic, troughs are then filled with a lightweight soil growing medium so lettuce, radish, herbs, courgettes and tomatoes can be grown

Special racks fill the corridor between the cabins, and what would normally be guest heads in the outer hulls. They are lined with a kind of plastic to keep the lightweight ‘soil’ and water in. Then a perforated fabric is buttoned over the top of the plants to stop things coming loose in rough conditions. Wolf has laid 400 litres of soil.

Some further adjustments will be necessary – such as removing the anti-UV coating on some hatches and windows, to allow the plants to photosynthesise. He plans to install some additional hatches to bring in more natural light, and top the whole system up with greenhouse-standard LED lighting as needed. The darker nooks and crannies will be perfect for growing mushrooms, he says.

Waste disposal

Of course, boats don’t just take on supplies; they also have to get rid of waste. And here again Wolf has some novel ideas. Already a mandatory feature on superyachts , water treatment systems are a key part of Noos ’ equipment.


Button-down covers reflect light and help keep soil in place around the plants

By keeping so-called black water separate from other wastewater, it is possible to filter and reuse the grey water from showers and basins. This is re-circulated in a closed system that supplies the vacuum heads (which flush with just 0.2 litres), washing machine and showers – everything except for drinking water, in fact. In this way, around 75% of grey water is recycled.

All organic waste on board, whether from cooking, growing food or from the black water system, is collected in a Clivus composter containing woodchip and worms. This produces a rich humus and liquid compost, which will be applied to the growing racks as organic fertiliser. “The waste that goes overboard is biologically neutral,” Wolf insists. “It can produce bad smells when the black water arrives in the composting tank, but a carbon filter solves that problem completely.”

Despite all of this renewable technology and the sustainable systems, Wolf has also put in a diesel-powered generator from Torqeedo. “Its advantage is to store a great amount of energy for a long period, which can be given up instantly on demand,” he admits with a sigh. “At the end it’s always about security.”


From boat garden to galley… produce doesn’t have to travel far

The aim is not to use the system at all, but he knows that may not be possible. “There may be some conditions in which you really need power and you haven’t generated enough – when you have cloudy weather without wind, for instance. During two weeks off Palma de Mallorca, I didn’t use the generator at all and from my calculations, I shouldn’t need it. With just 4-6 hours of sailing per day, I should still be able to do 1-2 hours with electric propulsion.”

For high-latitude sailing, he plans to install a small Refleks-style woodburning stove. “Burning driftwood, which is abundant on many beaches, offers a source of complementary energy. Depending on where it is positioned on board, it can also be used for cooking.”

The cost of pioneering

Wolf calculates that his modifications may have cost an extra €120,000 compared to a standard diesel-powered boat. But he believes that lower maintenance and almost no fuel costs will help to amortise the difference. “ Noos is maybe the first boat to fully integrate that new approach; so let’s bet on the fact that in a few years, the systems will cost a lot less and that the difference will be smaller and smaller,” he says. “In the end, it may be even cheaper than a diesel-based boat.”


Noos is novice sailor Wolf’s first yacht

He plans to refine his systems during the coming season in the Mediterranean , before striking out to sail across the Atlantic and explore the Caribbean . And though he’s fulfilling his dream of living aboard, he has a more serious purpose too: to showcase a sustainable way of sailing. It is all in line with the concept of ‘noos’ or awareness, which he has embraced.

“We as humanity have knowledge about everything, from particle reactions to the limits of the universe. Yet we are not able to solve some very simple issues like water and food for everyone, and an ethical society. What is missing is awareness. Noos means rationality, intelligence. The boat is a materialisation of that concept.”

Noos, or ‘nous’ as the Anglo-Saxon world styles it, is a concept from Greek philosophy that refers to the ability of the human mind to understand what is true or real. These days, Wolf and others use it to describe the sharing of information and awareness to break down silo mentality and solve the problems facing humanity.


He is launching a website called ‘Permaboat’, which will detail the systems he has developed to reduce the environmental impact of sailing, and he plans to use his boat as demonstrator. There will be seminars and practical events aimed at spreading his findings more widely.

But he hopes that his example will reach further than just the sailing world. “We won’t change agriculture by bringing agriculture on a boat. But what it will show is that we can use a small space for growing; if it applies to a boat, it could also apply in a city.

“In a closed cell and a hostile environment, it is possible to feed people. Imagine if half of every urban roof space was planted? And if we collected rainwater in cities?”


About the owner

Although Wolf recalls a few minor brushes with sailing when he was growing up, he’d be the first to admit that he has very little experience. The 52-year-old pursued other interests, running an organic farm near the Swiss-French border and an IT security business, until a health scare brought him to the sea.

He chose a trimaran from Neel because he felt it combined the safety of a monohull with the comfort of a multi. He took delivery of Noos in June 2019 and hired professional skipper Timothé Bruneel, the son of the yard’s founders, to get him up to speed during the four month cruise round to Palma. Since then he has lived sporadically on board as he finishes fitting out the boat.

First published in the May 2020 edition of Yachting World.

Cruising Sea

Neel 45 Trimaran Review – What to Expect?

Neel 45

French sailor Eric Bruneel worked for a catamaran company overseeing the building of sailing vessels for years before starting his own sailboat-building venture. Brunell is the innovative force behind the tri-hulled sailboat dubbed a trimaran.

This Neel 45 Trimaran review, along with others, has discovered that this design is considered too futuristic or bizarre for some sailors, while others embrace the multihulled vessel with open arms and the passionate eagerness of a sailor waiting to set out on a voyage.

Table of Contents


The Neel 45 Trimaran was designed to look and feel modern. The furnishings are comfortable but serviceable and made from a lightweight material that won’t bog down the vessel.

Cabins feature double beds and large windows that offer a spectacular view from any angle. The boat is stripped down to bare essentials without compromising comfort. The spare accommodations allow for the boat to reach higher speeds.

One of the highlights below deck is the galley which gives you lots of counter space for cooking and is located in a central area that keeps you part of the action on board.

The advantage of having a champion sailor design a boat is that he has a deep understanding of what is needed to keep a vessel and her passengers safe.

The three hulls provide the boat with greater stability and balance, making sailing a smoother experience no matter what your destination.

Even down to the choice of furnishings, the Neel 45 has kept one eye on safety. The entire boat was kept to a minimum weight to keep it light, fast, and responsive.

Averaging 10 knots, the Neel 45 reaches speeds that would otherwise require a crew to run about to perform adjustments. This isn’t so on the 45, where controlling and maneuvering the vessel is kept on an even keel.

The power of the 45 is enough to take even experienced sailors aback in surprise. Under sail, the Neel 45 packs a punch that is nearly unmatched by its contemporaries.

The modernized look of the boat extends into the interior of the boat. Below deck is lined with a laminate that gives the interior a decidedly futuristic look that may or may not appeal to your particular tastes.

Sticklers for a boat to look like a boat inside, or to have the wood and snowy white paneling throughout the interior, will probably dislike the appearance below deck.

On the plus side, the headroom accommodates tall people easily, there is plenty of space for lounging, and there are numerous windows to let in natural light.

A three-hulled boat can still garner double-takes by unsuspecting passers-by and can be something the sailor will have to become used to over time.

The boat’s look has been compared to a spaceship and, much like the interior, the appeal is debatable and largely left to individual tastes.

Why Sail the Neel 45

  • The three-hulled design allows for greater control, power, and speed
  • Furnishings are minimalistic and lightweight
  • The three-hull design makes the vessel safer and more stable
  • Easy to control and sail
  • Modern design makes it stand out
  • Comfortable living spaces

In Conclusion

The Neel 45 Trimaran is a new experience for many sailors devoted to a single or double-hulled sailboat. The difference in designs, however, is worth the learning curve required for sailing this spaceship of the water.

The sheer speed and power are magnificent and exhilarating! If the aesthetics are displeasing to you, just bring a few colorful throws to toss around to add a splash of color. The performance strongly outweighs any offense to your inner decorator!


  • Overall length: 44 ft
  • Overall width: 28 ft
  • Draft: 4 ft
  • Air draft: 63 ft
  • Displacement: 8.5 T
  • Furling genoa: 495 sqft
  • Inboard engine: Volvo 55 hp sail drive
  • Freshwater: 160 us gallons
  • Diesel: 80 us gallons
  • Bathroom: 2

Picture of Daniella

Daniella has been passionate about travel, the sea, and nature for many years. As a child, she frequently traveled throughout the Mediterranean and continued with her journeys throughout her adult life.

Her experiences have created the desire within her to share her love for traveling with other passionate and adventurers who want to discover beautiful horizons and new cultures.

16 thoughts on “Neel 45 Trimaran Review – What to Expect?”

This looks really good. I like how the trimaran can be taken for a cruise holiday as it is a totally different experience from travelling and staying in luxury hotels.

A great getaway from city life as you can explore the world through this amazing trimaran. Now we just need to open up some wine bottles in the lower cabin and celebrate!

Yes, it is an awesome way to travel and visit beautiful islands. The trimaran is fast and comfortable, thus allows you to explore more places!

If you open up wine bottles, then cheers!

Thank you for the comment and wish you to a nice day

Hi and thanks for posting about the Neel 45 Trimaran. I really like your reviews because you always use good big clear photos to illustrate your points and also you always include the plans so I can see what is where – helps me visualise it. I’m off to Split this summer so will take a look at these.

Nice to hear from you again.

Thank you for the compliment. Split is an awesome starting point to begin your sailing trip.Here is a nice article about yacht charters in Croatia that could interest you.

Have a nice journey

Hi Daniella,

Very cool catamaran and thank you for your great review. I was always interested in doing sailing, but never had the possibility to do so until now. When I look at the price for this catamaran it is not possible at the moment to rent it 😉 Maybe in the future.

What do I have to do to become an official sailor, where I’m allowed to sail in different countries? Are you a sailor?

If you are interested to become a sailor then I am sure this article will help you a lot! Please read this if you want to know more about me

Hello Daniella, You always have something special to tell about yachts. I do love the way you place the pictures. They just put you in the yacht, thank you for the experience. I think the Neel 45 is futuristic in design, it looks stable and sturdy. I do not find it exterior attractive. I love its interior though. But if I may ask you between the Neel 45 and the Lagoon 560, which one will you choose for a cruise or probably own?

Hi Emmanuel,

To answer to your question, it really depends on your preferences . If you like speed , the Trimaran will be the perfect boat to choose , but if you want to cruise , then a catamaran like the lagoon 560 would be a better choice. Don’t take me wrong, catamarans are fast , but not as a Trimaran !

I hope it helped.

Thank you for the comment and wish you a nice day!

Going on a Yacht Cruise has always been a dream of mine, as it brings about a different set of travelling experiences. Can’t wait to go on a Yacht Vacation soon as The Trimaran looks like a cook sailboat to be on. Is it expensive to rent one though? Do you have to sail it on your own or it is possible to hire a sailor to do it for you?

This boat is not as expensive as you think it is. The price is 906 Euro per person for a period of 7 days. The price of an hotel is much higher !You can not sail this boat on your own especially if you don’t possess a skipper license.I hope it helped and if you any other question, I will be more than happy to help you

Have a nice day

This is sweet. I remember I went on a catamaran a couple times in the virgin islands and it was a blast. it was our friends so we didn’t have to pay for it which was nice. I had a hard time understanding your payment number. what is 7.25 pounds in American dollars?

That’s nice ,especially when it’s free!

The price is 8.248$ per week

I hope it helped and don’t hesitate to contact me for any other questions.

Have a nice:)

Hey, really good review, it really got me pumped up to go on vacations pretty soon, hopefully I can before winter though, I will keep updated on your site to check out your latest reviews, hopefully find a good place or service, let me tell my wife about your page so she can also check it out.

I am glad you liked the review . No problem, I am here to to help 🙂

Thank you for passing by and wish you a great day

Hey Daniella, thanks for the great article. I believe I’ve seen other trihulled vessels about before but don’t think I have ever seen a Trimaran. I can certainly see why it would have some advantages, but do prefer the look of a classic monohull. That certainly is subjective, though.

My sister did a tour of the Caribbean a few years ago on a dual hulled boat. I might like to do something similar and was wondering if you knew of anyone that might be offering something like that with a trihull.

Hi Christian,

Tri hulls were very popular in the 70s and 80s, these little boats are more for racing.

I never tried them though.

A monohull is a great boat as well, it is a question of personal choice. I have sailed a lot on monohulls, but today my favorite yachts are Cats.

We don’t rent Tri Hulls, but there is, for example, the Trimaran just above in the article:) This Trimaran Neel 45 is only avalable in Croatia in July and August.

I hope it helped and if you need to know any further information, please don’t hesitate to ask, I’ll be more than happy to help

Thank you for the comment and I wish you an awesome day!

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neel trimaran wikipedia

Neel 45 Trimaran Review

Neel 45 trimaran

The 645-square-foot mainsail is simple to manage. The block-and-tackle mainsheets offer full sail-shaping control without a traveler; A self-tacking jib and a bow-thruster simplify sail-handling and maneuvering in tight spaces. In 15 knots of breeze, we reached at just over 11 knots boat speed, in 1-2ft sea state. With a 55-hp Volvo pushing us at 2600 rpm, we made about 8.5 knots; The boat can reach speeds as high as 20 knots but a comfortable cruising speed is about 10 knots. Continue reading for Neel 45 reviews and a video.

YouTube video

Neel 45 Reviews

Below are a couple of top-notch reviews that really help you get a feel for the Neel. Plus, check out the video at right to help you make your own opinions.

Read the Cruising World Review of the Neel 45 .

Neel 45 Trimaran Specifications

  • Overall length 44 ft
  • Overall width 28 ft
  • Air draft 63 ft
  • Light displacement 6.5 T
  • Full load displacement 9 T
  • Self tacking staysail 65 sq ft

neel45 plan

  • Battened gaff mainsail 645 sq ft
  • Engine Volvo 55 hp sail drive
  • Freshwater 160 us gallons
  • Diesel 80 US gallons
  • Designer: Joubert Nivelt Mercier
  • Concept: Eric Bruneel

Neel 45 Layout Plan

Owner’s version.

  • Three double cabins
  • Two bathrooms

Charter Version

  • Two tween cabins
  • Main cabin bench also converts into double bed

Neel 45 Construction

  • Structural calculations by finite element modelling and loading dimension case study.
  • Glass / Isophthalic Polyester Resin / closed-cell foam and honeycomb PVC sandwich construction.

Picture of Estelle Cockcroft

Estelle Cockcroft

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The flagship of the range

Sail in a new way with the neel 65... a new and unique angle on cruise-oriented navigation, in “sport-chic” mode. the furniture design code, in a highly contemporary style using simple and refined materials. the saloon with its sleek lines, enjoys a wide panoramic view., photos and videos, neel 65 sailing, the neel 65 has inherited all the qualities of neel-trimarans in terms of comfort, excellent sailing characteristics, the finesse of its steering and its high performance..


NEEL 65 interior

This flagship model is astounding, in particular by virtue of its voluminous living space. the living space, all on a single level allows the esasy circulationof people and gear, unique for a cruising multihull..


NEEL 65 exterior

Its huge cockloon (the successful marriage of the cockpit and the saloon) offers a breathtaking living space half-inside and half-outdoors..



65 ft Lwl 63,2 ft Overall width 39,50 ft Standard air draught 88,56 ft Draught 5,9 ft Half load displacement 49 600 lbs Full battened mainsail 1 227 sq ft Furling genoa 1000 sq ft Self tacking, furling staysail 430 sq ft Genaker 1 722 sq ft Freshwater tank 263 US gallons Diesel tank 263 US gallons Engine Diesel 150 HP / 113 kW
Design and conception Joubert, Nivelt Interior Design Franck Darnet Certification CE ICNN Conception NEEL-TRIMARANS


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  1. NEEL 52 6

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  2. Three hulls, one planet: Neel 51 owner explains how he went self

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  3. The NEEL trimarans

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  5. NEEL 43

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  6. Neel 47 : les premières images du nouveau trimaran

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  1. Neel Trimarans

    The Neel Trimarans Facility in La Rochelle, France. Photographed April 27, 2015. Neel Trimarans is a manufacturer of trimarans based in La Rochelle, France. [1] [2] The company was founded and is managed by Eric Bruneel, formerly of Fountaine-Pajot, a large and established manufacturer in the same area with a catamaran focus.

  2. History and values

    The NEEL 45 "La Caravelle" is the winner of the ARC (Transatlantic Rally-Race). It demonstrates the performance of a trimaran against carbon catamarans. 2017. Launch of NEEL 51; 2018. The NEEL 51 is three-time awarded (European Yacht of the Year, Multihull of the Year, USA Best Boat) Construction of the 2nd plant and new NEEL-TRIMARANS offices

  3. Neel 45

    Neel 45 is a cruising trimaran designed by Joubert-Nivelt and produced by Neel Trimarans. Reception. The boat was selected among the Best Boats of 2013 by Sail Magazine and praised for its speed, comfort, construction quality and ergonomics, but criticized for its learning curve and a need for power winches. It was also ...

  4. Neel 52 trimaran review

    00:00. 01:31. Our test Neel 52 was set up with just under 2kW of solar panels on the coachroof. Neel says this is almost enough for complete autonomy while cruising when combined with the boat's ...

  5. Neel-trimarans

    NEEL-TRIMARANS and its dealer network are organising the PRIVATE DAYS in La Rochelle from March 2, to March 4, 2023 Awards News Uncategorized NEEL 43 elected among the top 10 boats of 2023 by SAIL Magazine

  6. Why a trimaran NEEL

    NEEL trimarans are an innovative and new concept: a new aesthetic in naval architecture. By covering more than 200 miles per 24 hours and winning prestigious regattas, NEEL trimarans ensure a real performance. Concepts worked out with high-performance design offices to achieve an efficient and optimised construction. Thanks to their ...

  7. NEEL 43 Trimaran Review: Life On Three Hulls

    Above: A 2023 NEEL 43 Trimaran Sailing Yacht underway. Photo by Olivier Blanchet / NEEL-Trimarans. The NEEL 43 is a Marc Lombard design with a Z-Spar fractional rig and a five-foot fixed keel. The construction includes a vinylester sandwich with carbon reinforcements in high-load areas. A new twist is the use of flax cloth in the layup.

  8. Neel 43

    The NEEL 43, Lombard-designed, is even more innovative and impressive, and with a marked move towards the use of bio-sourced and recyclable materials, NEEL-TRIMARANS has confirmed its determined commitment to respecting the environment.

  9. Neel 43 on test: Is three the magic number?

    However, the past decade has seen a resurgence of lightweight fast cruising designs, with spacious accommodation, led by La Rochelle-based yard Neel who recently launched their Neel 43 trimaran ...

  10. Neel-trimarans Group

    Private area. NEEL-TRIMARANS ©. 4 rue Virginie Hériot - Plateau nautique 17000 La Rochelle Cedex - France. Tel. : +33 546 290 871. The NEEL-TRIMARANS GROUP is the world leader in cruise trimarans. Discover the NEEL-TRIMARANS range and LEEN-TRIMARANS range wich offer incredible cruises.

  11. Three hulls better than two

    This new trimaran, the Neel 51, was the most talked-about multihull at La Grand-Motte boat show in April, and of the year so far. The La Rochelle company argues its trimarans are more stable than ...

  12. Everything You Want To Know About Neel Trimarans

    According to one of the UK's top trimaran-selling sites, Yatchworld, trimarans cost between £1,700 and £5 million. A Neel 51 is listed for sale on Boats.com for $850,000, while a Neel 43 costs $395,000. ( source) The prices depend on the quality of the boat, size, year manufactured, and other specifications.

  13. Boat Review: NEEL 51

    Cruising trimarans remain a niche-within-a-niche. But if boats like the Neel 51 are anything to go by, the virtues of three hulls will quickly become apparent to a wider audience as well. The 51 follows the successful Neel 45, one of which won the multihull class in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) a couple of years back.

  14. Boat Review by Multihulls World of: Trimaran Neel 45 Evolution

    The NEEL 45 has indeed been pretty successful, with 26 units built. In 2018, the manufacturer launched, in the wake of its new NEEL 51, a version called the Evolution. This 45 "plus" features sugarscoops at the rear of each float, making it very practical to step aboard from the dock. Until this point, only the central hull was fitted with one.

  15. Neel 43 Review

    Neel 43 trimaran designed by Marc Lombard is the discovery of 2021. Test team with active participation of Rupert Holmes tested the Neel 43 at La Rochelle in light to moderate seas and 12-16 knots offshore wind. The journalist specifically noted that despite the spacious deck and massive roof, the Neel 43 is three tons lighter than most 42-foot ...

  16. Neel 45 Evolution

    NEEL-TRIMARANS GROUP. NEEL OWNERS COMMUNITY. Receive an offer. Rent a NEEL. NEEL 45 EVOLUTION. NEEL-TRIMARANS > Range > NEEL 45 EVOLUTION. NEEL 45 production stop in June 2020. Comfort living and performance. Specially designed for blue water cruising, its size and maneuverability make her the perfect couple and family boat.

  17. Cruisers & Sailing Forums

    The Neel Trimaran, manufactured in La Rochelle, France, is the first cruising trimaran in the market in lengths of 45' and 51' with a 47' to debut later in 2019. The Neel tagline is 'Just Makes Sense'. The purpose of this group is to share thoughts and experiences with the Neel trimarans as they are relatively new on the market.

  18. Three hulls, one planet: Neel 51 owner explains how he went self

    May 28, 2020. 0 shares. A Swiss sailor and organic farmer has customised his Neel 51 to prove that boats can be completely self-sustaining. Sam Fortescue reports. Wolf chose a Neel 51 trimaran for ...

  19. Neel 45 Trimaran Review

    The Neel 45 Trimaran is a new experience for many sailors devoted to a single or double-hulled sailboat. The difference in designs, however, is worth the learning curve required for sailing this spaceship of the water. The sheer speed and power are magnificent and exhilarating! If the aesthetics are displeasing to you, just bring a few colorful ...

  20. Performance

    NEEL trimarans are conceived for fast cruising. With an average cruising speed of around 10 knots, over 200 nautical miles are easily achievable each 24 hours. Speeds from 15 to 18 knots are often reached when the breeze freshens. Weight centering is managed in order to limit pitching. The centre hull is rockered to facilitate tacking.

  21. Neel 45 Trimaran Review

    Neel 45 Trimaran Review. The Neel 45 Trimaran is one of the coolest boats introduced in 2013 and is an absolute blast to sail. It was voted Best Boat in 2013 by Cruising World and Sail magazines and they had good reason to do so. Joubert-Nivelt designed and built by French offshore racer Eric Bruneel, the boat is a great combination of ...

  22. Boat Review: Neel 45 Trimaran

    Boat Review: Neel 45 Trimaran. Our reviewers have flocked to the NEEL 45. Tim Murphy explains why this boat has stuck with him, several months after stepping aboard. There are many boats today that promise 200-mile days. But among monohulls such boats pose two serious problems for cruising couples. Since speed is a function of waterline length ...

  23. Neel 65

    The flagship of the range Sail in a new way with the NEEL 65… A new and unique angle on cruise-oriented navigation, in "Sport-Chic" mode. The furniture design code, in a highly contemporary style using simple and refined materials. The saloon with its sleek lines, enjoys a wide panoramic view. GALlERY Photos and videos NEEL […]