Everything The Wolf Of Wall Street Doesn't Tell You About The True Story

Jordan Belfort laughing

Martin Scorsese's film "The Wolf of Wall Street" is an over-the-top celebration of greed and excess, inspired by the memoir of the notorious stockbroker Jordan Belfort, who is played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the film. It tell of the rise of Jordan Belfort from a low-level assistant at L. F. Rothschild to a Long Island penny stock pusher, as well as Belfort's dramatic fall from filthy rich CEO of Stratton Oakmont to a stint in federal prison for stock fraud and money laundering.

Despite being ostensibly based on a true story, many question the veracity of the film because of how absolutely outlandishness of Belfort's claims, and how outrageous the antics at Stratton Oakmont are. Scorsese obviously recognized Belfort is an unreliable narrator with a penchant for exaggeration. In the film, Belfort breaks the fourth wall, addressing the camera and the audience directly. This was a strategic choice by the screenwriter and director. Screenwriter Terence Winter told Esquire , "Jordan is talking directly to you. You are being sold the Jordan Belfort story by Jordan Belfort, and he is a very unreliable narrator. That's very much by design."

Despite how unlikely this story is, most of what transpires in the film actually happened. Winter added, "I assumed he must've been embellishing. But then I did some research, and I talked to the FBI agent who arrested him, who had been tracking Jordan for ten years. And he told me, 'It's all true. Every single thing in his memoir, every insane coincidence and over-the-top perk, it all happened.'" 

That said, this film is Belfort's truth, not necessarily the definitive truth. Keep reading if you want to learn everything "The Wolf of Wall Street" doesn't tell you about the true story of Jordan Belfort's meteoric rise and fall.

Belfort's wives' names were changed for the film

Naomi glancing back at Jordan

Although their real-life counterparts are obvious, the names of Jordan Belfort's ex-wives were changed in the film, giving the filmmaker creative license with the characters. Belfort's first-wife in the film is Teresa Petrillo (Cristin Milioti), but her real-life counterpart is Denise Lombardo. Denise met Belfort in high school, and the childhood sweethearts married in 1985 after Denise graduated from college. Belfort founded Stratton Oakmont while married to Denise, and they divorced after she found out about his affair in 1991 (per The U.S. Sun ). After their divorce, Denise led a low-profile life, staying out of the public eye.

Belfort's second-wife in the film is Naomi Lapaglia (Margot Robbie). Naomi's real-life counterpart is Nadine Macaluso. Like Naomi, Nadine was a model and met Belfort at a party before they married in 1991. Nadine and Belfort had two children together and separated in 1998 as depicted in the film (per the U.S. Sun). Nadine got a Ph.D, becoming a marriage and family therapist. She lives in California with her second husband (per Daily Mail TV ).

Margot Robbie , who played Naomi in the film, met Nadine while preparing for her role. Robbie told IndieWire meeting Nadine helped her understand her character's motivations, saying, "I could do or say any horrible thing and know that my character's motivation was out of protection for her child. Whether or not the audience sees my side of events is another matter, but just to know my motivation can give me an authentic performance." She added how strong Nadine is, saying, "She's has to be, to have put up with Jordan and his shenanigans."

The original crew Belfort recruited from friends are composite characters

Jordan Belfort selling stocks

Although Belfort recruited the original crew for his Long Island brokerage firm from a group of friends; Alden "Sea Otter" Kupferberg (Henry Zebrowski), Robbie "Pinhead" Feinberg (Brian Sacca), Chester Ming (Kenneth Choi), and Nicky "Rugrat" Koskoff (PJ Byrne) are composite characters with fictitious names. These characters are an amalgamation of numerous people who worked at Stratton Oakmont and do not represent actual people.

This didn't stop Andrew Greene, a board member of Stratton Oakmont, from filing a defamation suit against the film's production company. He was offended by the depiction of "Rugrat" in the film, saying the character damaged his reputation. He called the character a "criminal, drug user, degenerate, depraved and devoid of any morals or ethics" (per The Guardian ).

In 2018, Greene lost his suit . In 2020, an appellate court threw the suit out, stating that the filmmakers, by creating composite characters and fictitious names, "took appropriate steps to ensure that no one would be defamed by the Film," (per the Hollywood Reporter ). The filmmaker included the hijinks of the employees at Stratton Oakmont in the film to illustrate the raucous corporate culture of the brokerage firm, rather than defame former employees.

Donnie Azoff doesn't exist, his real-life counterpart is Danny Porush

Donnie eating a goldfish

Jonah Hill 's character Donnie Azoff in "The Wolf of Wall Street" doesn't exist. He is a composite character created to avoid defaming anyone while making the film. To anyone who is familiar with Jordan Belfort and Stratton Oakmont's story, it's obvious Danny Porush is Azoff's real-life counterpart. Porush disputes the veracity of both Belfort's memoir and the film, telling Mother Jones , "The book ... is a distant relative of the truth, and the film is a distant relative of the book." Porush admits to swallowing the goldfish, but under different circumstances than depicted in the film.

As reported by Mother Jones, Porush was Belfort's friend and business partner between 1988 and 1996. Like Belfort, he cooperated with authorities, ultimately serving 39 months in prison for his securities and financial crimes at Stratton Oakmont. Porush disputes the throwing of dwarves, insists there were never animals in Stratton Oakmont — other than the goldfish he ate — but admits to the wild parties and taking part in the depravity and excesses encouraged at the brokerage firm, saying "Stratton was like a fraternity."

Porush told Mother Jones, "My main complaint [regarding the memoir] besides his inaccuracy was his using my real name," something that was remedied when the filmmakers created the composite character of Donnie Azoff. Ultimately, Porush doesn't seem to hold a grudge despite his grievances with the inaccuracies saying, "Hey, it's Hollywood ... I know they want to make a movie that sells. And Jordan wrote whatever he could to make the book sell."

Danny Porush's wife introduced Jordan Belfort to her husband

Donnie and Jordan meeting

In "The Wolf of Wall Street," Donnie Azoff (Danny Porush's fictional counterpart) approaches Belfort at a restaurant about what he does for a living, after seeing Belfort's Jaguar in the parking lot. In reality, Belfort met his future business partner, Danny Porush, through Danny's wife Nancy.

Porush and Nancy lived in the same building in Queens where Belfort lived with his first wife Denise, as Nancy told Doree Lewak with The New York Post in 2013 shortly before "The Wolf of Wall Street" came out. Nancy explained how she took the same bus into the city for work as Belfort, saying, "the commute to the city each day was hard because I became pregnant right away. There was a nice boy from our building on the same bus who always gave up his seat for me. His name was Jordan Belfort, and he worked in finance ... I pushed Danny to talk to Jordan ... After just one conversation, Danny came back and announced he was taking the Series 7 exam to get his stockbroker's license."

In the New York Post article, Nancy detailed how her husband changed once he began working with Belfort and making serious cash, saying, "Up until then, Danny never seemed to care about money ... I saw him morph from a nice wholesome guy into showy narcissist whom I hardly recognized anymore." After being arrested for securities fraud, Porush left Nancy for another woman. They are now divorced, and he lives in Florida with his second wife. We can't help wondering if Nancy ever regrets introducing her ex-husband to Belfort.

Belfort's destroyed yacht once belonged to Coco Chanel

Jordan showing Naomi the yacht

Jordan Belfort bought a yacht and named it after his second wife. In the film, the boat is named Naomi after the character played by Margot Robbie, but in real life the boat was called the Nadine . True to the film, Belfort insisted his boat's captain take the yacht into choppy waters, where the boat happened upon powerful but unpredictable mistrals, leading to the Nadine sinking into the Mediterranean Sea in an event known as Mayday In The Med . Belfort, his guests and crew, were rescued by the Italian coast guard.

What the film doesn't tell you is that Belfort's yacht had an interesting past. Belfort's vintage yacht once belonged to none other than the famous French fashion designer Coco Chanel. Chanel is known for her outspoken nature and is associated with quite a few fiercely female quotes. Chanel is quoted as saying , "As soon as you set foot on a yacht, you belong to some man, not to yourself, and you die of boredom." Rather than avoid luxury yachts all together, Chanel made the boss move of buying her own in 1961, naming her the Matilda (per Boss Hunting ).

As bizarre as this interlude of the film was, it actually happened, with one major difference. In an interview with The Room Live , Belfort explained how the group waiting to be rescued had to push the helicopter off of the boat to make room for a rescue team to lower down onto the yacht. In the film, the waves knock the helicopter off of the yacht. Belfort also explains that although his private jet also crashed, it was 10 days after the yacht sunk, not at the same time, as it was depicted in the film for dramatic effect.

Steve Madden spent time in prison for stock fraud

Donnie, Steve and Jordan smiling

Although they don't talk about it in the movie, Steve Madden also went to prison for stock fraud and money laundering along with Jordan Belfort and Danny Porush. The New York Times reported in 2002 that Madden "was arrested in 2000 as a result of an investigation of a scheme to manipulate 23 initial public stock offerings underwritten by the companies Stratton Oakmont and Monroe Parker Securities ... It included the initial public stock offering of his own company in 1993."

True to the film, Danny Porush, Azoff's real-life counterpart, really was childhood friends with Steve Madden. Like Belfort and Porush, Madden loved debauchery and Quaaludes, so much so he didn't finish college because of how much he was partying. Although Madden wrote about his wild days in his memoir, his time partying with the Stratton Oakmont "fraternity" was not included in the film. Stratton Oakmont took Madden's company public, making him instantly rich ( per The New York Post ).

As reported by the New York Post, Madden wrote about this period of his life in his memoir "The Cobbler: How I Disrupted an Industry, Fell from Grace & Came Back Stronger Than Ever." In his book, Madden wrote, "Jordan was like no one else I have ever met before or since. He became one of the most influential people in my life ... I was pumping and dumping [stocks] right alongside them." Madden wound up serving 31 months for his financial crimes and his involvement with Stratton Oakmont's schemes. Unlike Porush and Belfort, Madden could continue working at his company after being released from prison.

Belfort was ordered to pay restitution to his victims

Jordan Belfort's verdict being read

When Belfort was convicted of money laundering and stock fraud in 2003 for Stratton Oakmont's "pump and dump" schemes, he was sentenced to four years in prison and ordered to pay over $110.4 million in restitution (per Crime Museum ). Belfort only served 22 months for his crimes and a judge ordered him to pay half of his income once he was released from prison.

In 2013, just after the film was released, CNN reported Belfort had only contributed a little over $11 million to the fund for victims, much obtained from confiscated possessions. At the time the film came out, Belfort allegedly stated he would hand over all of his royalties from the film and the book. But in 2018, Fortune Magazine reported government officials claimed Belfort still owed $97 million, meaning that over the previous 5 years, Belfort only contributed an additional $2 million dollars to the victims' fund. $2 million dollars is more than most of us will ever see, but Belfort is still making good money as a motivational speaker.

As reported by Fortune Magazine, there is a disagreement between Belfort's attorneys and prosecutors over what income can be garnished for restitution. Belfort reportedly earned around $9 million dollars between 2013 and 2015, but neglected to pay half of those earnings to the victims' fund. Although Belfort claims he will feel better after he has paid the money back, he doesn't seem to be fulfilling his end of the court order. Belfort obviously still enjoys a life of luxury and it is hard to reconcile his claims of being reformed with his reluctance to pay the restitution to his victims. In her New York Post article Nancy Porush reminded us, "Greed is not good — it's ugly."

Tommy Chong was Belfort's cellmate in prison

Tommy Chong performing on stage

"The Wolf of Wall Street" ends with Jordan Belfort in a cushy white-collar prison with tennis courts, but the film didn't tell us who Belfort's cellmate was. Belfort and Tommy Chong of the comedy duo "Cheech & Chong" were cellmates before Chong was released. In 2014, Belfort spoke to Stephen Galloway with The Hollywood Reporter about his time in prison. He explained, "[Chong] was in the process of writing his book. We used to tell each other stories at night, and I had him rolling hysterically on the floor. The third night he goes, 'You've got to write a book.' So I started writing, and I knew it was bad. It was terrible. I was about to call it quits and then I went into the prison library and stumbled upon 'The Bonfire of the Vanities' by Tom Wolfe, and I was like, 'That's how I want to write!'"

In 2014 Chong spoke with Adrian Lee at Maclean's about how he met Belfort in prison and giving Belfort feed back on his pages, saying "After a while he showed me what he had written, and it was the only time I had critiqued someone really heavy — usually when someone writes something, you say, 'Oh yeah, that's great, keep going.' But I knew instinctively he had a lot more to offer than what he showed me ... I told him ... 'No, you've got to write those stories you've been telling me at night. Your real life is much more exciting than any kind of imaginary story you could come up with.'"

Stratton Oakmont was never on Wall Street

Image of the Wall Street sign

Although the memoir and film are titled "The Wolf of Wall Street," Jordan Belfort only worked on Wall Street for several months in 1987 at L. F. Rothschild. Black Monday put an end to his days at a Manhattan based brokerage firm. As we see in the film, it was on Long Island that Belfort got a job at the Investor's Center selling penny stocks from the pink sheets and found his calling: his get-rich-quick scheme, selling nearly worthless stocks for a 50 percent commission to people who couldn't afford to lose the money (per NY Times ).

Belfort soon went out on his own, founding Stratton Oakmont with Danny Porush, where they began targeting rich investors using a persuasive script and "pump and dump" tactics — making Belfort, Porush and their brokers rich, while leaving their clients broke. As reported by the Washington Post in 1996, Stratton Oakmont was disciplined for securities violations as early as 1989, and continued to be disciplined almost annually.

Jimmy So with The Daily Beast, maintains, "The problem with 'The Wolf of Wall Street' is that the self-fashioned wolf was nowhere near the real Wall Street." The memoir and film made the brokerage firm seem like a much bigger deal than they really were, despite the financial ruin they left in their wake. Stratton Oakmont's offices were on Long Island, not Wall Street.

Jordan Belfort was never called 'The Wolf of Wall Street'

The Forbes article

Scorsese's film makes it seem like Forbes gave Jordan Belfort the nickname, "The Wolf of Wall Street" when they published a takedown about Stratton Oakmont's questionable business practices. Forbes wrote an article about Stratton Oakmont's dirty deeds in 1991, but the article did not call Belfort "the wolf of wall street." In 2013, Forbes revisited Roula Khalaf's original article, where she called Belfort a "twisted Robin Hood who takes from the rich and gives to himself and his merry band of brokers." 

Danny Porush, Belfort's former partner and one-time friend, told Mother Jones  that nobody at the firm ever used the "wolf" moniker. As reported by CNN , Belfort came up with the nickname himself for his memoir. As Porush told Mother Jones, Belfort's "greatest gift was always that of a self-promoter." But as Joe Nocera with the NY Times said, "who would ever buy a ticket to a movie called 'The Wolf of Long Island'?"

Belfort had a head-on collision while driving under the influence of Quaaludes

Jordan opening the car door

When the real Jordan Belfort crashed his car while on Quaaludes, he was in a Mercedes Benz rather than a Lamborghini, and someone was actually injured. Belfort had a head-on collision while driving home from the country club where he used the pay phone, sending the woman he collided with to the hospital (per The Daily Beast ). None of Belfort's crimes are victimless.

This type of discrepancy is central to the complaints about both Belfort's memoir and the film. Although Belfort says he regrets his crimes, he is too busy boasting about the parties, the riches, the drugs, and the sex to sound like he regrets anything except getting caught. Belfort's memoir and the film it inspired might seem like a celebration of greed and excess, but they are also a depiction of the ostentatious behavior that eventually drew the attention of the authorities.

Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" might not tell you everything about the true story, but what it does is reveal how audiences love watching someone else's destructive behavior. We get all the thrills and none of the consequences. As screenwriter Terence Winter told Esquire, "I'd much rather watch somebody who isn't responsible, who makes all the wrong decisions and hangs out with the wrong people. That's more satisfying. We may live like saints, but when it comes to our fantasy life, everybody's got a little larceny in their soul."

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Jordan Belfort's real ex-wife reveals what Margot Robbie scene Wolf of Wall Street actually got right

Jordan Belfort's real ex-wife reveals what Margot Robbie scene Wolf of Wall Street actually got right

It was quite the dramatic moment....

Daisy Phillipson

Daisy Phillipson

The Wolf of Wall Street's ex-wife has revealed the Margot Robbie scene that the film got right about their life. Take a look:

Dr Nadine Caridi, currently known as Nadine Macaluso, is the ex-wife of Jordan Belfort and was depicted as Naomi Lapaglia - aka 'The Duchess' - by Robbie in Martin Scorcese's hit movie.

Meanwhile, her former husband is portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, with the plot following Belfort's rise and fall in a career defined by  drugs, women, and white collar crime .

Now, we know certain aspects of The Wolf of Wall Street aren't true to life, but that hasn't stopped people from making all kinds of assumptions about the pair.

In a bid to get her side of the story out there, Nadine has shared a number of TikTok videos in which she discusses the accuracy of the film.

Earlier this month, she explained that 'if you look at it through Jordan's lens it's really accurate' .

"I think that if you look at it through my lens it wasn’t, and that makes sense because that was actually how our marriage was," she said.

Margot Robbie's character was based on Nadine Caridi.

“However, I went to therapy, I became a therapist, actually got my PhD, and became an expert in relational trauma."

And this is true - Caridi went from her life with Belfort to living in California with what she says was no support from her ex-husband.

She then enrolled at the Pacifica Graduate Institute and earned her Masters in counselling as well as a PhD in Somatic and Depth psychology.

While the film might not be accurate to her side of the story, there is one scene in particular that she says got it right.

She added: "So many people when I go out, and we talk about 'what do you do, what do you do?' And I talk about the fact that I'm a therapist, and then it, you know comes up."

When she tells them it's The Wolf of Wall Street , she says: "everybody's eyes go POP. Yeah, that was me... Margot Robbie played me. And so many people ask me 'was it really true?'"

"A lot of it wasn't exactly true but the boat scene was totally true," she explained, before showing real life footage of the moment they were saved by the Italian Navy.

Nadine showed footage of the moment they were saved from the boat.

"It was horrific, horrifying, we were in a squall for 12 to 18 hours and we lived, thank god, for my kids."

If you remember the scene in question, Naomi, Jordan and his pals are caught in a ferocious storm while aboard a massive yacht and very nearly met their death.

Though it may seem dramatic, it turns out it was very much based on facts.

Topics:  TV and Film , Celebrity , Money

Daisy graduated from Kingston University with a degree in Magazine Journalism, writing a thesis on the move from print to digital publishing. Continuing this theme, she has written for a range of online publications including Digital Spy and Little White Lies, with a particular passion for TV and film. Contact her on [email protected]

@ DaisyWebb77

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Jordan Belfort Yacht: The True Story and The Wolf of Wall Street Version

The true Jordan Belfort yacht story is as strange and unbelievable as the hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street depicts it to be. There are several insider stories behind the sinking of the mighty yacht that are not widely known but are quite interesting and different from the reel version in several ways.

Nadine yacht model

What happened to the Jordan Belfort yacht Nadine?

As the movie, The Wolf of Wall Street shows, the superyacht Nadine sank close to the coast of Sardinia in 1997 while battling what many calls “the storm of the century”. Jordan Belfort narrates the event in detail in the memoir describing his life in the 90s, which is what the Martin Scorsese movie is about.

Before getting into the details of the sinking, it is worth noting that the 37m yacht had a long and interesting history. She carried renowned celebrities like Coco Chanel before reaching Jordan Belfort (played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie) and was one of the largest yachts in the East Coast’s waters.

While the yacht was initially manufactured for a French native and given the name Matilda, he backed out of the deal. This led Coco Chanel to buy the beautiful yacht with the low superstructure that Dutch yachts are famous for.

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The yacht took on different names as it passed through famous hands, even those of the murder trial acquitted Melvin Lane Powers. Belfort named the yacht after his wife and renovated it with the capacity to carry a helicopter, 6 Jetskis, 4 motorbikes, and much more. Under Belfort’s ownership, the yacht witnessed a series of wild parties that were like unlimited glamour and fun in a package until disaster struck unexpectedly.

Jordan belfort yacht sailing

Did the yacht scene in The Wolf of Wall Street actually happen?

The Jordan Belfort yacht sinking scene in The Wolf of Wall Street was heavily inspired by a real-life event, though the movie did take some creative liberties. For one, the yacht was called Naomi in the reel version since the name of Belfort’s wife (played by Margot Robbie ) was changed in the movie. In reality, the yacht was named Nadine.

The movie further depicts Belfort’s helicopter getting thrown off the yacht by strong waves. In reality, the yacht’s crew went up to the deck and pushed off the helicopter so that Italian navy seals would have a space to land. The yacht’s itinerary was altered a bit by the movie’s director Martin Scorsese to add to the drama, though the power of the storm was scarily accurate.

Belfort admitted that the yacht’s captain Mark Elliot explicitly warned them not to sail to Sardinia on that fateful night. But according to the movie, there was a business opportunity in the city that Belfort could not bear to miss out on despite his wife’s protests.

Some sources claim that in reality, the passengers were simply eager to hit the golf course at Sardinia the next morning. They refused to pay heed to the captain’s warning and asked him to go through the storm, which eventually led to the famous Jordan Belfort yacht sinking incident. Therefore, unfortunately, if someone wants to have a yacht rental in Dubai or any other destination, they have missed their chance with this yacht.

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Interesting insights on the sinking as portrayed in the movie

The movie captures the fear and stress that each passenger felt when the yacht got caught up in the 70-knot storm. There is some hilarity when Belfort starts yelling for his drugs to avoid the horror of dying sober.

Several rescue attempts were made, but due to rising risks, each of them was called off. By some twist of luck, the yacht’s engine room remained mostly undamaged for a while, because of which they were able to make their way through the sea.

In the end, everyone survived the incident without any major injuries. At dawn, the Nadine made its way 1000m under the water only 20 miles away from Sardinia’s coast. Now, the movie’s audience gets to watch the Jordan Belfort yacht story unfold on the screen with a pinch of humor.

The Nadine’s captain Mark Elliot’s heroic actions did not go unnoticed. He was praised for leading all the passengers to safety, though he was able to get out of the yacht only 10 minutes before it sank. The captain also admitted that the insurance was granted immediately considering the ferocity of the storm. As for the yacht, many still wonder about the highly expensive equipment that had to be thrown into the water and is probably rusting away at the bottom of the sea.

The best features of the Jordan Belfort yacht Nadine

jordan belfort yacht nadine sail

The 167 ft Nadine, as its former passengers claim, was a beautiful yacht. When owned by Coco Chanel under the name Matilda, the yacht had five staterooms, large dining areas, and a helipad. The interiors were furnished with dark teak paneling. Each new owner customized the yacht’s name and interiors based on their tastes.

Belfort decorated the Nadine lavishly with a variety of mirrors and set a vintage deco theme. He renovated the upper deck to fit a crane that was able to stow his Turbine Seawind seaplane. The yacht carried the best dive gear available in the market plus a variety of Belfort’s ‘toys’ such as his motorbikes and jetskis.

Which model was portrayed as the Jordan Belfort yacht Nadine in the movie?

lady m yacht model

Martin Scorsese got the yacht Lady M to represent Nadine onscreen. While Nadine actually had a luxuriously vintage charm to it, Lady M is a modern vessel with contemporary features. Lady M was manufactured in 2022 by Intermarine Savannah, while Nadine was built in 1961 by Witsen & Wis. The 147 ft Lady M is currently worth $12 million and is similar to Benetti yachts in its glamorous design.

Jordan Belfort’s life today

The entrepreneur and speaker Jordan Belfort’s shenanigans are well-known thanks to his detailed memoir and the hit movie based on some parts of his life. He spent 2 years in prison and now, at 59 years of age, has a practically negative net worth. Yet, his extraordinary motivational speaking skills continue to attract and inspire people even today.

It is easy for anyone watching the movie to wonder if many of the incidents are exaggerated. But considering Belfort’s eccentric life, even the Nadine sinking incident remains another regular anecdote shared in the movie.

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Meet the Real Wolf of Wall Street Superyacht Built for Coco Chanel

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The yachting disaster is one of the most dramatic scenes in Martin Scorsese’s blockbuster The Wolf of Wall Street , and like many of the tales in the Leonardo DiCaprio flick, it’s based on a true story. In real life, predatory tycoon Jordan Belfort bought a yacht in 1993 called Big Eagle and renamed her Nadine , after his English-born second wife. The vessel had been built in 1961 by Witsen & Vis in Holland for fashion icon Coco Chanel, but had undergone many transformations by the time Belfort got his mitts on it. Originally 121 feet long, in the 1970s she was extended by nearly 15 feet, and in 1988 she was cut in half and had another 29-foot section grafted on, finally totaling 167 feet.

The Lady M Yacht

The luxury yacht used in Scorsese’s film actually bears little resemblance to the  Nadine , being a far more modern vessel. The director hired the 148-foot  Lady M , built by Intermarine Savannah in 2002 and refit in 2011, for filming. It features luxury accommodations for 10 guests, and a marble and granite interior with gold accents.

In Coco Chanel’s day the yacht was mainly used to cruise from Monaco to Deauville for the summer horse racing season. The real  Nadine  sank in 1997 during a storm off the east coast of Sardinia while crossing from Porto Cervo to Capri, much as the movie depicts. Belfort has said that his insistence on sailing in a storm caused the yacht to capsize. Luckily, everyone on board at the time was rescued by the Italian coast guard. 

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Jared Paul Stern

Jared Paul Stern, JustLuxe's Editor-at-Large, is the Executive Editor of Maxim magazine and has written for the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, the New York Times' T magazine, GQ, WWD, Vogue, New York magazine, Details, Hamptons magazine, Playboy, BlackBook, the New York Post, Man of the World, and Bergdorf Goodman magazine among others. The founding editor of the Page Six magazine, he has al... (Read More)

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The Wolf of Wall Street: History vs. Hollywood


November 11, 1974

Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA

July 6, 1962
Queens, New York City, New York, USA

December 20, 1983

Los Angeles, California, USA

February 1957
Lawrence, New York, USA

November 4, 1969

Uvalde, Texas, USA

July 2, 1990

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

November 6, 1962
New York, USA

September 17, 1965

Buffalo, New York, USA

March 6, 1947

The Bronx, New York, USA

November 2, 1961

Did Jordan Belfort really meet his future business partner in a restaurant?

Jordan, Nadine, Nancy and Danny

What was the name of Belfort's brokerage house?

The Wolf of Wall Street true story confirms that, like in the movie, Stratton Oakmont was the name of the real Jordan Belfort's Long Island, New York brokerage house. Belfort and co-founder Danny Porush (played by Jonah Hill in the movie) chose the name because it sounded prestigious ( NYTimes.com ). The firm would later be accused of manipulating the IPOs of at least 34 companies, including Steve Madden Ltd. (their biggest deal), Dualstar Technologies, Paramount Financial, D.V.I. Financial, M. H. Meyerson & Co., Czech Industries, M.V.S.I. Technology, Questron Technologies, and Etel Communications.

What exactly did Jordan Belfort do that was illegal?

Belfort's Stratton Oakmont brokerage firm ran a classic "pump and dump" operation. Belfort and several of his executives would buy up a particular company's stock and then have an army of brokers (following a script he had prepared) sell it to unsuspecting investors. This would cause the stock to rise, pretty much guaranteeing Belfort and his associates a substantial profit. Soon, the stock would fall back to reality, with the investors bearing a significant loss. -NYTimes.com

How many employees worked for Jordan Belfort's brokerage firm?

At its peak in the 1990s, Stratton Oakmont, Belfort's firm that he co-founded with Danny Porush, employed more than 1,000 brokers. -TheDailyBeast.com

Danny Porush says the movie's dwarf-tossing scene (above) never happened. Even Belfort's book only discusses it as a possibility. Did Jordan Belfort really host an in-office dwarf-tossing competition?

No. "We never abused [or threw] the midgets in the office; we were friendly to them," Danny Porush (the real Donnie Azoff) says. "There was no physical abuse." Porush does admit that the firm hired little people to attend at least one party. Jordan Belfort's memoir The Wolf of Wall Street only discusses the tossing of little people as a possibility, not something that actually happened. -MotherJones.com

During what years did the events in the movie take place?

The events in The Wolf of Wall Street movie took place during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Jordan Belfort and Danny Porush founded the brokerage firm of Stratton Oakmont in the late 1980s. The securities fraud and money laundering charges brought against the firm involved companies that Stratton Oakmont helped raise money for in public stock offerings from 1990 through 1997. In 1996, Stratton Oakmont was banned from the brokerage industry, which eventually forced the company to close its doors. -NYTimes.com

Was Jordan Belfort really known as the "wolf" of Wall Street?

No, at least not according to the former co-founder and president of the Stratton Oakmont brokerage firm, Danny Porush (portrayed by Jonah Hill in the movie). The real Porush says that he is not aware of anyone at the firm calling Jordan the "wolf." Porush says that it's just one of a number of exaggerations and inventions in both Belfort's book and the movie. -MotherJones.com

Is Matthew McConaughey's character, Mark Hanna, based on a real person?

Yes. In exploring The Wolf of Wall Street true story, we learned that Jordan Belfort claims to have met Matthew McConaughey's character's real-life counterpart, Mark Hanna, in 1987 when he was working at the old-money trading firm of L.F. Rothschild. His new acquaintance was an uproarious senior broker at the firm and introduced Belfort to the excess and debauchery that Belfort would later make a daily staple at Stratton Oakmont. Like in the movie, the real Mark Hanna behind McConaughey's character told Belfort that the key to success was masturbation, cocaine and hookers, in addition to making your customers reinvest their winnings so you can collect the commissions. -TheDailyBeast.com

Did Jordan Belfort really abuse cocaine and other drugs?

Yes. In The Wolf of Wall Street movie, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) is shown snorting cocaine off a prostitute's backside and nearly crashing his private helicopter while high on a cocktail of prescription drugs, including Quaaludes, morphine and Xanax. In researching The Wolf of Wall Street true story, it quickly became clear that Belfort used drugs heavily in real life too. In his memoir, he states that at times he had enough "running through my circulatory system to sedate Guatemala."

Jordan Belfort did give speeches like DiCaprio in the movie (left). Right: The real Belfort speaks at a 1994 Stratton Oakmont Christmas party (right). Did Belfort really stand in front of his employees and give riling speeches with a microphone?

Yes. Belfort was known to stir his troops into action by belting out words of motivation through a microphone. However, his speeches were often filled with more self-adulation than DiCaprio's speeches in the movie.

Did a female employee really let them shave her head for $10,000 to pay for breast implants?

The real Jordan Belfort claims this is true in his memoir. The female employee let them shave off her blonde hair for $10,000, which she used to pay for D-cup breast implants. Co-founder Danny Porush also says that the shaving took place, "...the worst we ever did was shave somebody's head and then pay 'em ten grand for it," says Porush. -MotherJones.com

Was Jordan Belfort's Quaalude dealer in the movie, Brad Bodnick (Jon Bernthal), based on a real person?

Yes. The character in the movie, Brad Bodnick, who has a goatee and is portrayed by The Walking Dead 's Jon Bernthal, is based on Jordan Belfort's real-life Quaalude supplier, Todd Garret. In his memoir, the real Jordan Belfort claims that Garret sold him approximately 10,000 Quaaludes.

Was there ever a chimpanzee in the office?

No. According to co-founder Danny Porush (played by Jonah Hill in the movie), the scene where Leonardo DiCaprio's character pals around with a chimp is pure monkey business. "There was never a chimpanzee in the office," says Porush. "There were no animals in the office...I would also never abuse an animal in any way" (though he does admit to eating the goldfish, see below). -MotherJones.com

Did he really almost crash his helicopter in his yard?

Jordan Belfort helicopter

Did Danny Porush really marry his own first cousin?

Yes. According to Jordan Belfort's memoir, the real Donnie Azoff (whose actual name is Danny Porush) did marry his first cousin Nancy "because she was a real piece of ass." After twelve years of marriage, the couple divorced in 1998 after Danny told Nancy that he was in love with another woman ( NYPost.com ). Danny and his ex-wife share three children together.

Did Belfort and his colleagues really have drug-addled nights and sexcapades with prostitutes on a near daily basis?

Though the movie and Belfort's memoir might seem like gross exaggerations of the truth, depicting heavy drug use and sexcapades in the office during trading hours, they're not exaggerations at all says the F.B.I. agent who finally took Belfort into custody, "I tracked this guy for ten years, and everything he wrote is true." Kyle Chandler portrays the agent in the Martin Scorsese movie. -NYTimes.com

Was Belfort really arrested for crashing his Lamborghini while high on expired Quaaludes?

Yes, but according to Belfort the car wasn't a Lamborghini like in the movie, it was a Mercedes. He was so high in a drug daze that he couldn't remember causing several different accidents as he tried to make his way home. In real life, one of the accidents was a head-on collision that actually sent a woman to the hospital. -TheDailyBeast.com

The real Donnie Azoff, Daniel Porush, says that he really did swallow a goldfish like Jonah Hill (pictured). Did Danny Porush really swallow a goldfish?

Yes. According to the real Donnie Azoff, whose actual name is Danny Porush, the scene where Jonah Hill's character eats a goldfish is based on a true story. "I said to one of the brokers, 'If you don't do more business, I'm gonna eat your goldfish!'" Porush recalls. "So I did." -MotherJones.com

Did they really tape money to a woman's body?

In one scene of The Wolf of Wall Street movie, bricks of cash are taped to a Swiss woman's body. "[I] never taped money to boobs," the real Danny Porush says (played by Jonah Hill in the movie). According to Jordan Belfort's memoir, the event did happen but his partner Porush wasn't there. -MotherJones.com

Was footwear mogul Steve Madden really involved in Belfort's scheme?

Yes. As shown in The Wolf of Wall Street movie, Steve Madden had been a childhood friend of Belfort's partner Danny Porush (renamed Donnie Azoff in the movie and portrayed by actor Jonah Hill). Their fondness for drugs and alcohol reunited the two of them. During the initial public offering of his footwear company, Steve Madden Ltd., Madden acquired a large number of shares of his company, which were actually being controlled by Belfort and his firm, Stratton Oakmont. Once shares became available to the public, Stratton Oakmont got down to the business of selling them to unsuspecting suckers. Billing Madden's company as the hottest issue on Wall Street, Belfort's brokers in turn drove up the price. Eventually, Steve Madden was to sell off his shares when the hype was at its peak, just before the stock began its inevitable decline. Similar to what is seen in the movie, Belfort still maintains that Steve Madden tried to steal his Steve Madden shares from him. However, Jordan Belfort did make approximately $23 million in two hours as part of the deal with Steve Madden, who would later be charged as an accomplice to Belfort's scheme. -NYTimes.com For his part, Steve Madden was sentenced to 41 months in prison and was forced to resign as CEO of Steve Madden Ltd. He also resigned from the company's board of directors. However, he did not leave the company entirely. He kept his foot (or shoe) in the door by giving himself the title of creative consultant, for which he was well-compensated even while he was in prison. -Slate.com

Did Jordan Belfort really name his yacht after his wife?

Jordan and Nadine movie and real life

Did Belfort's yacht really sink in a Mediterranean storm?

Yes. In real life, Belfort's 167-foot yacht, which was originally owned by Coco Chanel, sunk off the coast of Italy when Belfort, who was high on drugs at the time, insisted that the captain take the boat through a storm ( TheDailyBeast.com ). Listen to Belfort tell the story during The Room Live 's Jordan Belfort interview . As he states in the interview, his helicopter didn't fall off the boat during the storm like in the movie. Instead, they had to push the helicopter off of the top deck of the boat to make room for the rescue chopper to drop down an Italian Navy commando.

How long did FBI agent Gregory Coleman spend tracking Jordan Belfort and his firm?

FBI agent Gregory Coleman, renamed Patrick Denham for the film and portrayed by actor Kyle Chandler, made tracking Belfort and his firm, Stratton Oakmont, a top priority for six years. In an interview ( watch here ), Coleman says that the factors that drew his attention to the firm were "the flashiness, the brashness of their activities, the blatantness of the way they were soliciting people and cold calling people, and the number of victims that were complaining on a daily basis." -CNBC

Did Jordan really strike his wife?

Yes. The Wolf of Wall Street movie shows Jordan (Leonardo DiCaprio) hitting his wife (Margot Robbie) with his hand and fist. According to his memoir, he actually kicked his wife Nadine down the stairs while he was holding his daughter. She landed on her right side with "tremendous force."

Did Belfort really endanger his 3-year-old daughter's life by crashing his car through the garage door?

Yes. In real life, he put his daughter Chandler in the front seat of the car without a seat belt on, before crashing it through the garage door and then driving full speed into a six-foot-high limestone pillar at the edge of the driveway. Like in the movie, he was high at the time.

Tommy Chong was Jordan Belfort's cellmate in prison and encouraged him to write the book. What was Jordan Belfort's punishment?

When he was finally arrested in 1998 for money laundering and securities fraud, Jordan Belfort was sentenced to four years in prison. This was after agreeing to wear a wire and provide the FBI with information to help prosecute various friends and associates. In the end, the true story reveals that he served only 22 months in a California federal prison. His cellmate in prison was Tommy Chong of "Cheech and Chong" fame, who was serving a nine month sentence for selling bongs. -TheDailyBeast.com

What inspired Jordan Belfort to write his memoir?

It wasn't so much a what as it was a who. Tommy Chong (one half of "Cheech and Chong") was Jordan Belfort's cellmate in prison. After laughing at some of Belfort's stories from his days running the firm, Chong encouraged him to write a book. -TheDailyBeast.com

Why is Jordan Belfort's memoir filled with so many exclamations?

Jordan Belfort attempted to model his writing after Hunter S. Thompson ( Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ), who was known for using plenty of exclamation points.

What happened to Belfort's partner, Danny Porush, portrayed by Jonah Hill in the movie?

Danny Porush, renamed Donnie Azoff for the movie and played by actor Jonah Hill, served 39 months in prison for his part in the corrupt dealings of Stratton Oakmont, the firm that he co-founded with Jordan Belfort. Porush currently runs a medical supply business in Florida, where he lives with his second wife Lisa in a $4 million mansion. A 2008 Forbes article pointed out his company's fraudulent tactics, which included trying to persuade people to order diabetic supplies and getting them to provide information about their physicians that could be used to bill Medicare. A number of complaints surfaced accusing Porush's company of sending unsolicited packages that were accompanied by unexpected Medicare charges. Back in 2001, Porush was arrested in connection to a fraud scheme surrounding Noble & Perrault Collectibles, a company that sold commemorative coins over the phone. Victims saw their credit cards charged repeatedly, at times for thousands of dollars, while often never receiving any merchandise for purchases that were largely unauthorized to begin with. -Sun Sentinel Enjoying a well-to-do life in Florida, Daniel Porush and his wife drive matching Rolls-Royce Corniche convertibles. With regard to The Wolf of Wall Street movie, Porush said, "I really have no comment other than to say I would never try to profit from a crime I'm so remorseful for." -NYPost.com

I heard that Jordan Belfort is a motivational speaker, is that true?

Jordan Belfort Motivational Speaker

How much did Jordan Belfort earn from his books and the movie?

Catching the Wolf of Wall Street includes more of Belfort's outrageous stories that were not included in his first book. As we investigated The Wolf of Wall Street true story, we discovered that Jordan's books, The Wolf of Wall Street and Catching the Wolf of Wall Street , netted him a $1 million advance from Random House. He also earned $1 million for the film rights to his story ( TheDailyBeast.com ). In a response to criticism over these profits and future profits from the movie, Jordan Belfort said the following via his Facebook page, "I am not turning over 50% of the profits of the books and the movie, which was what the government had wanted me to do. Instead, I insisted on turning over 100% of the profits of both books and the movie, which is to say, I am not making a single dime on any of this." According to Jordan, the money is being used to pay back the millions still owed to those who were scammed by his brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont.

Does Jordan Belfort have a cameo in The Wolf of Wall Street movie?

Yes, the real Jordan Belfort appears at the end of the movie as the person who introduces Leonardo DiCaprio's character before he takes the stage at his Straight Line seminar.

Have any other movies been based on Jordan Belfort's story?

Yes, but only loosely. The brokerage firm in the movie Boiler Room , released in 2000, was inspired by the illegal practices of Jordan Belfort's Stratton Oakmont firm. In the movie, actor Ben Affleck portrays Jim Young, the Belfort-esque co-founder of the firm, who, like Jordan Belfort, trains his brokers in the "pump and dump" scheme. -NYTimes.com

Watch The Wolf of Wall Street movie trailer. Also, view Jordan Belfort interviews and home video footage of him speaking at a Stratton Oakmont party in the 1990s.

 Jordan Belfort Speaks at the Stratton Oakmont Christmas Party (1994)

The real Jordan Belfort speaks at the 1994 Stratton Oakmont Christmas party. He tells the firm's employees that he is "proud" of what he has accomplished and that the employees should also be proud of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity they have been given. At the end, he shares a moment with co-founder Danny Porush (Jonah Hill in the movie). The video was posted by Mary Detres, author of the book , which provides an insider's account of what it was like to work at the notorious brokerage firm.

 Jordan Belfort Interview

Grant Lewers interviews Jordan Belfort on in 2010 about his memoir . Belfort talks about his life and what led him to start his firm. He offers his four keys to success that he teaches during his seminars and he recounts various stories, including his drug addiction, the story about his yacht sinking from the book, and trying to commit suicide.

 FBI Agent Gregory Coleman Interview (2007)

This CNBC interview is from 2007, around the time of the release of Jordan Belfort's first memoir . Following a brief interview with Belfort, during which he describes himself as an "arch-criminal" who was in a way a "cult leader," FBI agent Gregory Coleman speaks about why he was so determined to catch Belfort.

 The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer 2

The second trailer for the Martin Scorsese movie , based on the autobiography of the same name by Jordan Belfort. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey and Jonah Hill.

 The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer

Martin Scorsese directs Leonardo DiCaprio in the film adaptation of Jordan Belfort's memoir chronicling his life as a fast-living, corrupt stockbroker during the 1990s. Belfort's criminal ways caught up with him in 1998 when he was convicted of securities fraud and money laundering for which he spent 22 months in Federal Prison.

  • Jordan Belfort's Website
  • Danny Porush's Website (played by Jonah Hill)
  • Mark Hanna's Website (played by Matthew McConaughey)
  • The Wolf of Wall Street Official Paramount Movie Site

Lady in the Lake movie

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The Ridiculous True Story Behind Wolf Of Wall Street’s Yacht

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Jordan Belfort Yacht: The True Story and The Wolf of Wall Street Version

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Jordan Belfort Yacht

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The true Jordan Belfort yacht story is as strange and unbelievable as the hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street depicts it to be. There are several insider stories behind the sinking of the mighty yacht that are not widely known but are quite interesting and different from the reel version in several ways.

Nadine yacht model

What happened to the Jordan Belfort yacht Nadine? As the movie, The Wolf of Wall Street shows, the superyacht Nadine sank close to the coast of Sardinia in 1997 while battling what many calls “the storm of the century”. Jordan Belfort narrates the event in detail in the memoir describing his life in the 90s, which is what the Martin Scorsese movie is about.

Jordan belfort yacht sailing

Did the yacht scene in The Wolf of Wall Street actually happen? The Jordan Belfort yacht sinking scene in The Wolf of Wall Street was heavily inspired by a real-life event, though the movie did take some creative liberties. For one, the yacht was called Naomi in the reel version since the name of Belfort’s wife (played by Margot Robbie) was changed in the movie. In reality, the yacht was named Nadine.

Interesting insights on the sinking as portrayed in the movie

The movie captured each passenger’s fear and stress when the yacht got caught up in the 70-knot storm. There is some hilarity when Belfort starts yelling for his drugs to avoid the horror of dying sober. Several rescue attempts were made, but each was called off due to rising risks. By some twist of luck, the yacht’s engine room remained undamaged primarily for a while, because of which they were able to make their way through the sea.

The best features of the Jordan Belfort yacht Nadine

The 167 ft Nadine, as its former passengers claim, was beautiful. When owned by Coco Chanel under the name Matilda, the yacht had five staterooms, large dining areas, and a helipad. The interiors were furnished with dark teak paneling. Each new owner customized the yacht’s name and interiors based on their tastes.

Which model was portrayed as the Jordan Belfort yacht Nadine in the movie?

Martin Scorsese got the yacht Lady M to represent Nadine onscreen. While Nadine had a luxuriously vintage charm, Lady M is a modern vessel with contemporary features. Lady M was manufactured in 2022 by Intermarine Savannah, while Nadine was built in 1961 by Witsen & Wis. The 147 ft Lady M is currently worth $12 million and is similar to Benetti yachts in its glamorous design.

Jordan Belfort’s life today

The entrepreneur and speaker Jordan Belfort’s shenanigans are well-known thanks to his detailed memoir and the hit movie based on some parts of his life. He spent 2 years in prison and now has practically negative net worth at 59 years of age. Yet, his extraordinary motivational speaking skills continue to attract and inspire people even today. It is easy for anyone watching the movie to wonder if many of the incidents are exaggerated. But considering Belfort’s eccentric life, even the Nadine sinking incident remains another regular anecdote shared in the movie.

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Naomi Lapaglia

  • Edit source
  • 1.1 South Hampton Party
  • 1.2 Mrs. Belfort
  • 1.3 Belfort Estate
  • 1.4 Switzerland
  • 1.5 Sinking of the Naomi

History [ ]

South hampton party [ ].

In 1992, Naomi Lapaglia was dating Blair Hollingsworth, where both attended a party hosted by Jordan. It was unknown how either were connected to Jordan at this time although it could be surmised somehow they knew a Stratton Oakmont employee as the intent of the party was to celebrate the firm. When arriving to the beach house, she catches the attention of Jordan Belfort, the host of the party, who is immediately infatuated with her. A friend of hers at the party, Cristy , initiate their conversation by introducing the couple to Jordan. Jordan pays no attention to her date Blair, as the two converse with each other, with her being specifically invited to jet ski with Jordan. Blair, seeing Jordan's true intentions, tries to get Naomi to leave with him. This is also noticed by Hildy Azoff, who approaches Jordan and announces that his wife has been looking for him in front of Naomi and Blair. The attention turns to a more evident situation, as Donnie Azoff is publicly masturbating while saying aloud his lust for Naomi, which the other partygoers laugh derisively or egg him on. Hildy realizes what her own husband is doing and drags him out of the situation with a tirade about his filthy behavior. During the commotion, Blair says he has had enough of this scene and ushers Naomi out. Naomi goes with Blair, but her looking longingly at Jordan suggests that her relationship with Blair is on the skids.

However, Jordan becomes obsessed with Naomi and manages to convince Cristy to give him Naomi's telephone number. The two flirt with each other over dinner, though Naomi is slightly reluctant due to Jordan being married. Jordan dispelled the notion, as he said that they can be friends, but Naomi simply rebuts with a very suggestive comment, of them "Not going to be friends". The two later leave, heading towards her apartment and discussing her new line of women's lingerie. As the duo reach the apartment, Naomi invites him up for tea, after Jordan is unable to make the first move. In her apartment, she introduces him to her dog, Rocky, and asks Jordan to light a fire as she freshens up. Jordan in the meantime is contemplating on whether or not to leave, after being paged by his wife, but Naomi comes back out in nothing but high heels and stockings, presenting herself seductively to him. She and Jordan proceed to have sex, though Jordan initially finishes in eleven seconds and her dog Rocky interrupts them, but they are able to go on for another round.

Mrs. Belfort [ ]

After their initial hook up, Naomi begins a passionate affair with Jordan, meeting each other on a fairly regular basis behind his wife's back. This all comes to a boiling point, when one afternoon, Jordan and Naomi ride a limousine back to Jordan's apartment. While in the process of fondling each other and Jordan sniffing cocaine off her body, his wife Teresa catches them in the act, yanking Jordan out of the limo, and leaving Naomi utterly shocked. Teresa berates Jordan for cheating on her and finally questions if Jordan is in love with Naomi, with Jordan's silence affirming his feelings for her, breaking Teresa down completely. Jordan afterwards divorces Teresa and moves Naomi up into his apartment in a matter of a few weeks.

Naomi settles into Jordan's loft very well, decorating and furnishing it extravagantly, while as well bringing in her butler, Nicholas, who provides a manner of class. But, after an afternoon of shopping, Naomi comes home early to Nicholas in the middle of a gay orgy, traumatizing her. She discloses the events prior to Jordan the next day, but as well informs him that all their money and jewelry in their bedroom is gone. Jordan and his pals interrogate and beat Nicholas, after his unwillingness to give up information on the attendees, and is subsequently arrested by Jordan's bribed police.

Jordan secures an IPO on Steve Madden's company, resulting in a heavy payday for himself and his company. With the money being so fluid, Jordan plans an extravagant proposal and wedding for Naomi. During a date in a private restaurant, Jordan proposes to her with a yellow canary diamond ring. In her disbelief, she asks Jordan if he's sure about all of this, with him rather rebutting back if she's sure that she wants to be his wife, with Naomi joyfully accepting and embracing him in the middle of the empty night.

The two are soon wedded in the Bahamas, as the wedding is described akin to a fairy tale by Jordan. In the after party, Naomi introduces Jordan to her Aunt Emma , from Britain, whom she adores and was glad could make it after hearing that her flight from England was delayed. After the wedding, Jordan presents Naomi a luxury yacht, named after her, which amazes and delights her, as she hugs and kisses Jordan for his gift, telling him that she loves it. The two set sail across the Caribbean, concluding their trip by heading towards New York. The couple buy a house in Long Island, complete with two retired military personnel as a security team and a complete domestic staff to include a middle-aged black woman named Violet , who serves as housekeeper and nursemaid to the future Belfort children. Naomi eventually becomes pregnant after the wedding and gives birth to a little girl named Skylar .

Belfort Estate [ ]

In the 18 month period since their wedding in 1992, Naomi's relationship with Jordan starts to crack, as Jordan's constant drug use and late nighters with hookers, has caused a noticeable rift between them. On one occasion, after coming home from a dangerous helicopter ride in the night, Jordan apparently uttered the name of a hooker, "Venice", in his sleep. Naomi, furious about who Venice is, throws a cup of water at Jordan to wake him up and questions him about this infidelity. Jordan tries lying to her, saying he is talking about investing in condominiums in Venice, California, to only get splashed in the face with water again by a seriously doubtful Naomi. The two continue to rant at each other, as Naomi berates him on wrecking the yard the night before, as he had the helicopter land in the middle of their backyard. Jordan as well rather mocks her uptight nagging nature and obliviousness to her luxurious lifestyle, that he is paying for her. Naomi retaliates by going to splash another cup of water at his face, but Jordan tries to appease Naomi, asking for a kiss and them to make up, which Naomi is disgusted by, and splashes his face with water yet again.

After their morning fight, the two calm down and play with Skylar in her nursery, though Naomi is still disgruntled with Jordan. Jordan tries to make another attempt to apologize to Naomi, again asking for a kiss. Naomi cuts him short, telling him "daddy" won't be touching "mommy" for a long time, in a playfully frustrated matter. Jordan tries to apologize again, telling her he didn't mean the things he said to her in their bedroom, but Naomi continues to tease him, as she says that she's going to be wearing nothing but short skirts around the house, attracting Jordan's full attention. She further reveals seductively that she is tired of wearing panties around the house and has thrown them all away, while spreading her legs. Jordan crawls down to his legs, enamored, and tries to get closer, but is stopped by Naomi, telling him that he can only look, not touch. Jordan lays down, defeated, as Naomi begins masturbating in front of him, playfully teasing her dominance over him. Jordan in his moments of ruin, realizes that Skylar's room has a teddy bear that is disguised as a security camera, meaning that their security team has been watching everything. Jordan begins to tease Naomi, telling her if she notices something off with the teddy bear on the cabinet. Jordan then waves enthusiastically at his security, to Naomi's absolute embarrassment, as she shuts her legs and tries to conceal herself. She immediately gets up and smacks Jordan, leaving the room as Jordan lays happily triumphant.

Switzerland [ ]

After Jordan's meeting goes sour with Agent Denham of the FBI , Jordan and Naomi need to hide their money from the federal agency in 1993. Jordan sparks a deal with Swiss banker, Jean-Jacques Saurel , and gets Naomi's Aunt Emma to sign the account with her name. Jordan returns to Naomi, where they must pack their money to ship out to Switzerland, and they do so, but take some time to have sex on the pile of cash.

Naomi is present when Jordan plans with Brad Bodnick and Donnie to move the money with Brad's wife, Chantalle , having the money taped onto her, to fly over with no intervention by the FBI. The plan is mostly successful, as the account is secure with their money. Donnie later plans to due some ludes with Jordan in their house, after accidentally getting Brad arrested, much to Naomi's suspected disappointment. As the duo waits for the drugs to kick in, Naomi tells Jordan that Bo Dietl is on the line for him. Jordan rapidly leaves for the local clubhouse a few miles down from the house, to talk privately. During this period, Donnie became extremely high, as the drugs had a late fuse to activation. Donnie begins to call Saurel, to set up an account incoherently, with Naomi scared to do anything to stop him. She frantically calls Jordan, who as well is hit with a heavy intoxication by the drugs, telling him to come over quickly. Jordan haphazardly drives home, busting his car, as he is led into the kitchen by Naomi, and the two fight over the phone deliriously, due to Jordan finding out the phones have been tapped. She takes Skylar, crying over the sight, out of the room, rushing her away from the scene. When she comes back, Donnie is choking on food, going into a wild state, as she tries to save Donnie. She yells for Jordan's help, as he snorts a small stash of cocaine to sober up and saves Donnie with CPR. The two proceed to doze off, as Naomi is left to look on over the scene.

The next morning, Naomi answers the door to be greeted by two police officers. She is mortified by this and is told that they are investigating charges against her husband for driving under the influence the night before. Jordan is taken in for questioning, but it is later revealed that the charges were dismissed due to no witnesses and lack of evidence. Naomi soon gives birth to the couple's second child, Parker , taking both children out for pony lessons as Jordan looks on. Jordan realizes that the only way to make sure they are safe is by leaving the firm, much to Jordan's chagrin, but uneasy acceptance. Jordan however, backtracks on his retirement from Stratton Oakmont, staying on to continue his work and putting his case back on the FBI's watch.

Sinking of the Naomi [ ]

The two escape the drama around the FBI enclosing on Jordan's firm and coworkers by decamping in Italy, where Donnie and Jordan are calling the shots out of the immediate sight of the FBI, with Rugrat acting as a puppet ruler of Stratton Oakmont back in the States. However, during their trip, Naomi returns back to Jordan in tears as she has just received news that her aunt Emma died of a heart attack. Jordan is also distraught over Emma's death, but rather because her ownership of the account in Saurel's bank could be seized by the Swiss government. Saurel says that this is the case but claims that Emma named Jordan as an heir. The paperwork needs to get to Zurich within three days and Saurel will make arrangements for them to meet with a calligrapher, strongly suggesting Emma did not in fact make Jordan her heir and Saurel is employing a forger. Upon finding out that Jordan plans to sail towards Monaco, Naomi is saddened by this and believes they should rather be heading to England for the funeral. Jordan blindly and insensitively tells her that Emma will still be dead by the time they arrive, and right now, they should go to Monaco, where they can head out to Switzerland. He does not explain why it is so important to get to Switzerland this instant, but assures her that once he is done they will go right to England. Jordan then orders Captain Ted to proceed to Monaco, despite the captain's warning that he got reports of a storm in that area.

The storm hits the "Naomi" head on, as the yacht sails through dangerously destructive waves. Jordan and Naomi are in the front, holding on from the whiplash of the boat, while Donnie tries to hold out as well. As the captain calls for assistance, Jordan wants Donnie to get the ludes downstairs, so Jordan can relax. Jordan jeopardizes Naomi's safety, leaving her for a time, as he takes some of the drugs as Donnie returns with a bag full of them. The yacht eventually capsizes from a massive wave, with the group heading out into a raft. Luckily, a cruiser comes to save them, being relatively nearby, saving the group from the storm. Naomi and Hildy dance with the Italian sailors, being happy and thankful for their help.

Jordan tries to sober up his act, with the events prior really sobering him up, as he tries to rebuild his relationship with Naomi and his children, though Naomi is starting to doubt her love for Jordan as well in this period. She appears in his newly branded infomercials, but after Saurel is arrested on American soil, Jordan is ratted out for his money laundering and put on trial. Jordan for the time, is placed under house arrest and must sell many of his valuables, and possibly his house, to just possibly pay bail. Naomi's feelings for Jordan start to sink, as she becomes more distant to Jordan as he falls into despair. Jordan eventually strikes an uneasy deal with the FBI, as he needs to rat out his friends, in exchange for a lighter sentence. Naomi never expressly states why her love for Jordan is cooling, though it could be that she realizes she never knew Jordan before marrying him, or that she sees the writing on the wall in that he will soon be penniless and unable to afford to pamper her as he did during the start of their marriage.

Jordan discusses the matter with Naomi in the night, who is very emotionally detached from everything he going through, as Jordan tries to soothe her worries on the matter. He tries to play it as a menial matter and that they will get their money back, but Naomi is unfeeling to his attempts at appeasing her. As she folds her clothes, Jordan tries to get Naomi to make love to him, by kissing and embracing her, much to Naomi's outright refusal. Jordan pulls her down to the bed, forcing himself onto her, as she tries to get him off of her. Jordan however is able to overpower and gets himself on top of her and begins to rape her, being in absolute bliss while Naomi is absolutely disgusted. Naomi tells Jordan that she hates him, berating him to Jordan's denial of the subject, as he continues to rape her. Naomi, realizing that she won't be able to get Jordan off of her, plays into his advances, telling him to cum for her and grinds herself against him, so they can end this quickly. Jordan plays into her insistence, as he thrusts deep into her, climaxing inside her, much to her visible loathing. While the pair lay on the bed, Naomi finally informs him that this will be the last time they will have sex, as she wants a divorce. Jordan confused, as the two just had sex together, tries to reason with her, but Naomi is simply nonreciprocal to his pleas, telling him that she doesn't love him anymore. She tells him that she will allow visitation for their kids if he agrees to her demands, but Jordan, betrayed and enraged, tells her that he will not allow her to take custody of his children and that she can't do this to him. As Naomi tries to escape the conflict, by continuing to pack her clothes, Jordan slaps Naomi to the ground and proceeds to wreck the house, with a Naomi emotionally degrading Jordan for being a lunatic, telling him that she won't ever let her kids near him ever again. Jordan, still in a fit of anger, goes to Skylar's room to take her away, to punish Naomi on her threats. As Naomi tries to pull him back, Jordan knocks her to the ground once again, with a blunt punch to the stomach. Jordan carries his scared daughter out of her bed, racing along the stairs towards his car, much to Naomi's pain ridden screams for Jordan to stop. Naomi, with the help of Violet, try to stop Jordan and get Skylar back, but Jordan reaches his car in time to reverse the car out of the garage, but loses control and crashes into a concrete slab. Naomi quickly runs towards the wreckage, pulling her daughter out to safety, comforting her as Jordan laid in the car, hurting from the crash. After Jordan's reckless attempt to kidnap and almost seriously injure Skylar, Naomi leaves with the kids and divorces Jordan, as he is left to face his troubles, alone.

Relationships [ ]

  • Jordan Belfort - Husband; divorced
  • Skylar Belfort  - Daughter
  • Parker Belfort  - Son
  • Max Belfort  - Father-in-law
  • Leah Belfort - Mother-in-law
  • Aunt Emma - Aunt

Gallery [ ]

The Duchess of Bay Ridge

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) clip — "What's wrong, daddy?"

  • 1 Naomi Lapaglia
  • 2 Donnie Azoff
  • 3 Mark Hanna

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where is the naomi yacht now

NAOMI S. is a 24.96 m Motor Yacht, built in the United Kingdom by Princess and delivered in 2003. She is one of 8 25M models.

Her top speed is 32.0 kn and she boasts a maximum range of 500.0 nm when navigating at cruising speed, with power coming from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 staterooms, with 3 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 66.0 GT and a 6.1 m beam.

She was designed by Bernard Olesinski , who also completed the naval architecture. Bernard Olesinski has designed 295 yachts and created the naval architecture for 252 yachts for yachts above 24 metres.

Her interior was designed by Princess , who has 183 other superyacht interiors designed in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a GRP and Teak deck, a GRP hull, and GRP superstructure.

NAOMI S. is in the top 30% by speed in the world. She is one of 5872 motor yachts in the 24-30m size range, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her cruising speed is 3.8 kn above the average, and her top speed 5.49 kn above the average.

NAOMI S. is currently sailing under the United Kingdom flag, the 4th most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 887 yachts registered. She is known to be an active superyacht and has most recently been spotted cruising near Greece. For more information regarding NAOMI S.'s movements, find out more about BOATPro AIS .


  • Name: NAOMI S.
  • Previous Names: MIMI LA SARDINE,ALBA
  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Planing Fast Yacht
  • Builder: Princess
  • Naval Architect: Bernard Olesinski
  • Exterior Designer: Bernard Olesinski
  • Interior Designer: Princess

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The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Shea whigham: captain ted beecham, quotes .

Jordan Belfort : [whispering]  Donnie. Hold on baby. Donnie.


Jordan Belfort : Donnie!

Donnie Azoff : What?

Jordan Belfort : Get the fucking ludes.

Donnie Azoff : I don't wanna die, Jordan! I did a lot of bad shit. I'm going to hell, Jordan! I fucked up! I fucked up so bad.

Jordan Belfort : Get the ludes downstairs!

Donnie Azoff : What are you saying?

Jordan Belfort : Fuck. Get the ludes!

Donnie Azoff : I can't go down there, Jordan. It's flooded! It's three feet of water down there.

Jordan Belfort : I will not die sober! Get those fucking ludes!

Naomi Lapaglia : Where's he going?

Jordan Belfort : Hold on, baby!

Naomi Lapaglia : Donnie! Is he fucking crazy?

Jordan Belfort : He's just warning everybody.

Captain Ted Beecham : Jesus Christ. Hold on! Get away from the window! Rogue wave!

[on radio] 

Captain Ted Beecham : Mayday! This is Captain Ted Beecham aboard the yacht Naomi! We are going down!

Donnie Azoff : I got 'em!

Jordan Belfort : Give me one for the nerves!

Naomi Lapaglia : You're doing fucking drugs right now?

Captain Ted Beecham : This is a fucking mayday! We require immediate assistance!

Jordan Belfort : [narration]  The nice thing about getting rescued by Italians is that they feed you, make you drink red wine, then you get to dance.

Captain Ted Beecham : Hold on!

Jordan Belfort : What the fuck is going on out here?

Captain Ted Beecham : The jet skis just went overboard!

Jordan Belfort : Oh, Jesus Christ. Honey, you okay?

Captain Ted Beecham : The waves are 20 feet high and building!

Jordan Belfort : Turn around! Let's go the other fucking way!

Captain Ted Beecham : We can't! We'll get broad-sided and tip over.

Jordan Belfort : I am a master diver, you hear that? A master diver! No one's gonna fucking die! I got you, baby. I got you. Trust me, okay? I love you.

[kisses Naomi] 

Jordan Belfort : I love you, baby. Just hold on tight.

Naomi Lapaglia : Okay!

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California yacht loaded with 1,000 rounds of ammo, fireworks bursts into flames and sinks at popular marina.

A luxurious California yacht filled with fireworks and 1,000 rounds of ammunition burst into a fiery inferno before sinking into the Marina del Rey on Wednesday night.

The Admiral, a 100-foot, twin-diesel-engine boat, was docked in the man-made harbor when it erupted into flames, leading to a large-scale response from the LA Fire Department.

Only two hours after catching fire, the nearly million-dollar boat sank into the 800-acre marina 5 miles south of Santa Monica.

The Admiral yacht is pictured engulfed in flames.

Two people escaped the blaze without injuries, the fire department reported.

Witnesses captured the flames tearing through the 100-foot yacht as fireworks illuminated the black smoke and flew across the sky.

Efforts to extinguish the flames appeared successful from the outside, but the fire burning on the inside seemed to be resistant to the water hoses as the blaze continued to destroy the interior, according to KTLA.

Dozens of first responders and intrigued community members watched the fallen boat lying in the marina while crews continued to douse the wreckage with water.

Witnesses captured the flames tearing through the 100-foot yacht as fireworks illuminated the black smoke and flew across the sky.

Neighbors grew fearful that the blaze would extend into nearby boats and potentially set off a chain reaction.

“I saw it fully engulfed in flames and like many of us living here, heard an explosion and saw fireworks coming off it, and more flames and then walked down here and captured video of it,” resident Lynn Rose told NBC Los Angeles .

The boat was reportedly being fueled by a propane source “complicating” firefighting efforts. Officials set up a floating physical barrier known as a boom to prevent debris, including diesel fuel, from polluting the waters.

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It began listing to its side, forcing officials to evacuate everyone from the dock. The destroyed yacht sank around 10:30 p.m. while the fire continued to burn below deck.

Officials did not indicate how the fire started as of Thursday morning.

The Admiral, built by Broward Marine in 1986, featured four cabins including the master suite, could hold 10 guests with three crew members, and was last listed in 2018 for $985,000, according to Boat International.

It began listing to its side, forcing officials to evacuate everyone from the dock.

Before its fiery destruction, the boat could reach a top speed of 18 knots (20 mph).

The owner’s identity was not immediately revealed.

The Admiral yacht is pictured engulfed in flames.


where is the naomi yacht now

2023   Privilege Yard    51ft  /  15.5m


where is the naomi yacht now

NAOMI private yacht

The luxury sailing yacht NAOMI is a private yacht and is not available to charter.

NAOMI was built by Privilege Yard and delivered to her owner in 2023.

NAOMI can accommodate 6 guests in 3 cabins consisting of a primary suite with a king size bed and en-suite bathroom facilities located forward, a cabin with a double bed and en-suite bathroom facilities and a cabin with a double bed and en-suite bathroom facilities.

Amenities on board include Air Conditioning, BBQ, Light fishing gear, Ice maker, Indoor audio system, Outdoor audio system, Sun loungers, TV saloon, Water maker and Wi-Fi.

An extensive list of further amenities and water toys can be seen under the features and amenities section.

You can view alternative similar sailing yachts for charter , or alternatively contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting an alternative luxury charter yacht.

  • Windward Islands
  • Leeward Islands

West Mediterranean

  • Corsica & Sardinia
  • Sicily & Aeolian Islands
  • Amalfi Coast
  • French Riviera
  • South of France
  • Air Conditioning
  • Light fishing gear
  • Indoor audio system
  • Outdoor audio system
  • Sun loungers
  • Water maker
  • Paddleboard
  • Water skis - adult
  • Underwater scooter
  • 40hp engine 3.3m rib



where is the naomi yacht now

Frequently Asked Questions

How much to charter naomi.

NAOMI has a weekly charter price starting at €16,500 and an estimated daily charter price of €2,750.

How many guests on board NAOMI?

NAOMI can accommodate 6 sleeping guests on board in 3 cabins, with the ability to cruise with up to 6 guests and entertain groups up to 6 guests while at anchor or moored at a marina.

Legal Disclaimer

Sailing Yacht NAOMI is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

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The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


Yacht nameNAOMI
Speed (cruising)11.1kph / 6kn
Engine80hp Yanmar engines x 2
BuilderPrivilege Yard

Popular related yachts


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Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell Party On a Yacht in Ibiza in True Supermodel Style

Image may contain Human Person Acrobatic and Leisure Activities

It is no secret that Givenchy’s **Riccardo Tisci’**s 40th Ibiza birthday bash was nothing short of epic. The star-studded event was attended by fashion favorites like model Joan Smalls, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian , Kendall Jenner , and the Brant brothers. But what really makes a party a true reason to celebrate? The supermodels. Longtime joined-at-the-hip best friends Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell attended the bash as well, and in true Moss-Campbell fashion, they kept the party going almost a week later. Earlier today, Campbell posted an iconic moment on her Instagram of her and Moss (plus Moss’ daughter Lila Grace ) frolicking on a yacht. At first sight, the photo seems as if it is from an editorial, or taken in their partying days in the nineties, but really, it’s just two besties having fun—in Ibiza, and on a yacht.

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  1. Wolf Of Wall Street Naomi Yacht

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  4. Naomi Wolf Of Wall Street Yacht

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  5. NAOMI S. Yacht

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    Jordan Belfort bought a yacht and named it after his second wife. In the film, the boat is named Naomi after the character played by Margot Robbie, but in real life the boat was called the Nadine .

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    Not now OK. Updated 10:35 1 Oct ... is the ex-wife of Jordan Belfort and was depicted as Naomi Lapaglia - aka ... Jordan and his pals are caught in a ferocious storm while aboard a massive yacht ...

  5. Jordan Belfort Yacht

    The Jordan Belfort yacht sinking scene in The Wolf of Wall Street was heavily inspired by a real-life event, though the movie did take some creative liberties. For one, the yacht was called Naomi in the reel version since the name of Belfort's wife (played by Margot Robbie) was changed in the movie. In reality, the yacht was named Nadine.

  6. Meet the Real Wolf of Wall Street Superyacht Built for Coco Chanel

    The luxury yacht used in Scorsese's film actually bears little resemblance to the Nadine, being a far more modern vessel. The director hired the 148-foot Lady M, built by Intermarine Savannah in ...

  7. Wolf of Wall Street True Story

    Yes. The real-life yacht was named "The Nadine" after Belfort's wife, who, like in the movie, he affectionately referred to as "The Duchess of Bay Ridge." In the movie, the yacht bears the name "Naomi" after the character portrayed by Margot Robbie (Belfort's wife's name was changed for the film).

  8. The Ridiculous True Story Behind Wolf Of Wall Street's Yacht

    Jordan Belfort's seshes were so legendary that sinking a multi-million-dollar yacht was simply another act of depravity that Martin Scorsese could weave into The Wolf of Wall Street's preposterous film adaptation. Those familiar with The Wolf of Wall Street book will have read Belfort's account of this in closer detail, but the backstory of the superyacht Nadine is a lesser-known tale ...

  9. The True Jordan Belfort Yacht Story: Fact vs. Fiction

    For one, the yacht was called Naomi in the reel version since the name of Belfort's wife (played by Margot Robbie) was changed in the movie. In reality, the yacht was named Nadine. Interesting insights on the sinking as portrayed in the movie. The movie captured each passenger's fear and stress when the yacht got caught up in the 70-knot storm.

  10. The Megayacht in The Wolf of Wall Street Movie

    August 13, 2013By: Diane M. Byrne. To be fair, The Wolf of Wall Street, hitting theaters in November, stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, and Jonah Hill. But to those of us in yachting, the megayacht in The Wolf of Wall Street movie is the real star. She's Lady M, and she plays the role of a well-known yacht from the 1990s, Nadine.

  11. Mayday In The Med

    The real story of the sinking of the Wolf of Wall Street's yacht. In 2000, Doug Hoogs interviewed Capt. Mark Elliott about the sinking of the motoryacht Nadine.Elliott was in command of Nadine on the fateful day in 1996 when she encountered a powerful mistral in the Mediterranean between the Italian mainland and Sardinia. All guests and crew survived, but the real story of the sinking, which ...

  12. Was the Naomi yacht real?

    Step aboard the luxurious Naomi yacht and discover the truth behind its existence. From its stunning design to its top-of-the-line amenities, this 50-meter m...

  13. Naomi Lapaglia

    Naomi Lapaglia-Belfort was a former model and the second wife of stockbroker Jordan Belfort. In 1992, Naomi Lapaglia was dating Blair Hollingsworth, where both attended a party hosted by Jordan. It was unknown how either were connected to Jordan at this time although it could be surmised somehow they knew a Stratton Oakmont employee as the intent of the party was to celebrate the firm. When ...

  14. The Wolf of Yacht Street

    Named after the love of his life Naomi (Nadine in reality), the film features a 44.8 metre Intermarine super yacht known in the real world as LADY M. Belfort is seen onboard in the beautiful Italian Riviera town of Portofino, surrounded by his deck jacuzzi and lavish flowers.. If you're looking to live the luxury lifestyle of Jordan Belfort, we too have a fantastic Intermarine creation for you.

  15. Naomi Yacht

    Tribute to the super yacht Nadine. Nadine sunk off the coast of sardinia on 23 of June 1996. At that time owned by the wolf of the wall street, Jordan Belfor...

  16. Nadine Macaluso

    Nadine Macaluso (née Caridi; born December 24, 1967), formerly Belfort, is a British-born American psychotherapist, author, internet personality, and former model.She was the second wife of the stockbroker and financial criminal Jordan Belfort, to whom she was married from 1991 to 2005.Throughout her marriage, she was referred to in the press as the "Duchess of Bay Ridge".

  17. NAOMI S. yacht (Princess, 24.96m, 2003)

    NAOMI S. is a 24.96 m Motor Yacht, built in the United Kingdom by Princess and delivered in 2003. She is one of 8 25M models. Her top speed is 32.0 kn and she boasts a maximum range of 500.0 nm when navigating at cruising speed, with power coming from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 staterooms, with 3 crew ...

  18. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

    Captain Ted Beecham : Jesus Christ. Hold on! Get away from the window! Rogue wave! Captain Ted Beecham : Mayday! This is Captain Ted Beecham aboard the yacht Naomi! We are going down! Donnie Azoff : I got 'em! Jordan Belfort : Give me one for the nerves!

  19. California yacht bursts into flames in Marina del Rey

    A luxurious California yacht filled with fireworks and 1,000 rounds of ammunition burst into a fiery inferno before eventually sinking into the waters of Marina del Rey Wednesday night. The ...

  20. This Is Not for Tears

    Logan asks Kendall to have Naomi leave the yacht, surmising that she is enabling his drug abuse; before departing, Naomi tells Kendall that Logan only favors him in his broken state. At breakfast the next day, Logan nonchalantly offers to take the fall for the cruises misconduct, but the others immediately begin debating other options as they ...

  21. NAOMI

    NAOMI private yacht. The luxury sailing yacht NAOMI is a private yacht and is not available to charter. NAOMI was built by Privilege Yard and delivered to her owner in 2023. NAOMI can accommodate 6 guests in 3 cabins consisting of a primary suite with a king size bed and en-suite bathroom facilities located forward, a cabin with a double bed ...

  22. Naomi Campbell and Michelle Rodriguez Kick Off Hot Girl ...

    The yacht is Zazzazu (ex-Reveil), a 28.2-meter (92.5-feet) motor yacht built in Italy by AB Yachts and delivered in 2009. ... and they're now being put to excellent use by Naomi & Co. Hot girl ...

  23. Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell's Yacht Instagram in Ibiza

    The supermodels. Longtime joined-at-the-hip best friends Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell attended the bash as well, and in true Moss-Campbell fashion, they kept the party going almost a week later ...