Bolt 37

Current Name: Bolt 37

No newer names.

Production IRC Racer

Boat Summary

  • Draft: 2.80
  • Displacement: 4200
  • Project Name: Bolt 37
  • Project Type: Racing, Monohull
  • Build Type: Production
  • Stage: Built
  • Base rating: 1.167

Manufacturing Details

  • ISO Structural: A
  • Construction Material: e-glass/vinylester/foam
  • Manufacturer: CSC Composites

Rig and Equipment

  • Upwind Area: 81
  • Downwind Area: 193
  • Deck hardware: Harken
  • Electrical: B&G
  • Spars: Hall
  • 1st in Class: Long Beach Race Week
  • 1st Overall: Newport to Ensanda Race
  • 1st in Class: Long Point Race Week

Additional Media


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  • Sailboat Guide

Bolt 37 is a 36 ′ 1 ″ / 11 m monohull sailboat designed by Jason Ker and built by CSC Composites (TURKEY) starting in 2013.

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

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Bolt 37 tested in Istanbul

Peter Gustafsson Boats⛵️ bolt 37 , istanbul , jason ker 31

LOA: 11.00 m LWP: 10.13 m BEAM: 3.48 m DRAFT: 2.6 m DISP: 3975 kg KEEL: 2330 kg (2060 kg in bulb) Base price €169000 Full spec.

More detail photos on flickr.

Hull, deck, bulkheads and stiffeners made from multi and unidirectional glass, vinylester, Gurit M foam and infusion in a female mould. All the smaller pieces are also build in moulds from the start. Naturally at a higher initial cost, but build quality is consistent and finish better than I expected.

P: 15.30 m I: 14.85 m J: 4.32 m E: 4.76 m SPL: 5.81 m SPA: 145 m2

The crew have sailed the boat for a few weeks, and still needs time to get the most out of it. The first real test was a race in fluky conditions ( results ), where they managed to beat all the Farr 40s on the water and came second on handicap despite a pretty steep IRC TCC of 1.168.

With 58% of the weight in the keel, and the bulb 2.6 meters down it’s stiff and settles down at a nice heeling angle. On that matter, there’s an excellent interview with Kevin Sproul on Ker 40 Keronimo – much of it can be applied to the Bolt as well.

2nd boat rudder problem was the beakage of the stoper line on the quadrant, when its broken helmsman turned more than enough and our system is chain to vectran, so when its turned more than enough chain is finished and the gear came to vectran and chain jumped out from the gear.

I really like the layout of both boats. Helmsman, main and jib trim end up in a tight group with the tactician behind. The only issue would be backstay trim that ends up in the back if the boat, out of the communication loop.

On boat #1 I had an issue with the rudder pressure. To much even at TWA 150 and loading up enormously at TWA 130 (without loosing grip). Boat #2 was much better, despite identical configurations, so I don’t know what might have caused it.

Bolt 37 is a sweet boat that’s both fast and fun. In the right hands it would feel right at home in most races around the world, especially those with a downwind bias. Competition from bigger boats with longer waterline could be an issue depending on regatta format and handicap rule. But just as the Ker 40 proved that a smaller all out racer can compete with bigger but better rating racer/cruisers, Bolt 37 could as well.

There’s interest from UK, France, Hong-Kong and a number of other places. Hopefully we get to see some ambitious teams getting into the boat.

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Trevligt test!

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Bra test. Man får en känsla av att testet gjorts för tidigt, man triggas ju inte direkt till köp närman ghör om nödstyrning och småsaker som inte är på topp. Verkar inte vara en båt som är skön att dra ut på ett längre havsrace med. Då tappar de mkt tror jag, gissar att många då väljer nåt som kan trailas / eller något större kring 40 fot eller iaf mer bobart.

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Småsakerna är sådant som man ser på de flesta nya båtar, och inget jag skulle oroa mig för.

Just när det gäller interiören håller jag med. Jag är osäker på om man tänkt eller om det bara blivit som det blivit. Nu ter sig Farr 30 eller J/88 som rymliga :-)

Just offshore tillbringar man ju lite tid under däck med att packa spinnakers, laga mat eller navigera. Eller kanske sova lite. Där känns det som att J/111 hamnat mer rätt. Priset man betalar är ett skiov som väger 700 kg mer – och en ballastprocent som går från 58% på Bolt 37 till 40% på J/111.

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Ofta jämförs olika båtar med hur många procent som utgörs av köl. Det är ju rätt ointressant om man inte tar hänsyn till hur kölen ser ut. Jag funderar på att ersätta en fenköl som väger 1350 kilo och sticker 1,6, antar att kölens tyngdpunkt ligger 1,4 ner. En bulb med ett centrum 2 meter ner skulle inte behöva väga mer än 950 kilo om man bortser från att svärdet väger en del. Nackdelar som pitchning är något att väga in, borde var en stor skillnad på Bolt och J/111 om det är hög sjö.

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Hej Du börjar lovande i testet med 2 loft o olika design, 2 båtar.. Men sedan hittade jag inget om hur båtarna gick mot varandra? Så får man ju inte göra…säga A men inte B? Vilken fart o höjd gick ni på? Hur tät var däcksluckan ? hur gick det att röra sig på däcket o riva gennakers Det som oftast efterlyst i tidigare test. Denna gång gör ni 2 båtstest, fördel med rorkult eller ratt? Hade de samma mastlut,prebend osv trots olika segeldesigner? Samma storskotsarr osv..

För mig känns det som vanlig båttest, man vill inte säga något negativt för det kan slå tillbaka senare utan det blir lite urlakat… Men du kan ju ändra på det med att komplettera med mera info :-) så jag(vi) som drömmer om att få segla, blir tillfredsställda!

Tack på förhand Andreas

Jag trodde att avseende styvhet att det borde vara klart märkbar skillnad i styvhet om du har +2 ton 2,6 m ner eller 1,4 ton 2,2 m ner, Kryssfarten borde ju öka o accelerationen bättre? Då de har mer segelyta o totalt lättare båt med smalare vattenlinje osv…?

Peter, det var ett bra test med mycket utförligare reportage än vissa tidningar, så det vill jag du skall veta. Men mer info om jämnförelser osv. Manöverbarhet, körde ni lite matchracing…jag tror du vet vad jag är ute efter

MVH Andreas

Det går inte att göra jämförande tester, om man inte är på en kappsegling där alla har ordning på sina grejer. Sista gången jag såg det i en båttidning var one-of-a-kind på 80-talet… i alla andra fall handlar det om den båt som kommer med bäst segel, renast botten och bäst besättning.

Att göra en jämförande test på ett bra sätt skulle kräva två bra besättningar, en rib och 2-3 dagar. Och jag vet inte vad allt det jobbet skulle ge läsarna på om vi konstaterade att Quantum var 1% snabbare i 10-16 knops vind men att Doyle var lättare att pointa med i det lätta registret. Eller att prebend var 7 respektive 9 cm?

Att jämföra två båtar där den ena har seglat ett enda race och den andra riggades dagen innan ger inte svar på någonting. Mer än att bägge behöver tunas. Och att rorsmännen behöver mer tid i båten :-) Ungefär samma saker som man kan konstatera när Curre och andra båttestare samlar flera båtar.

Både båt mot båt och på min GPS var de lika – med liten fördel för den båt som hade seglat längst. Inte helt oväntat.

Som jag skriver är däckslayouten rätt. Det är en racer och allt sitter där det skall. Allt är lika förutom styrningen. Däcksluckan är så klart inte tät, men det mesta vattnet kommer ner med gennakern. Och som du ser så går det massor av tampar genom däck. Och med låga fribord blir det blött.

Bolt 37 är både styvare och snabbare än J/111. Framförallt når den toppfart i lägre vindstyrka. Sammanfattningsvis levererar båten det man förväntar sig. Och det är rimligt att anta att fartpotentialen relativt din och min båt stämmer med mätetalen.

HP1030 = 1,297 J/111 = 1.383 Bolt 37 = ~1.46

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Trevligt reportage, mycket intressanta däckslösningar!

En grej jag inte lyckas bena ut, vart tar kicken vägen? den går ner genom däck med en kaskad vid masten och bryts bakåt, sedan finns en bild på ett ledat harkenblock med råtta någonstans på durken som jag misstänker är till kicken, men kan inte hitta den på någon av dom andra bilderna.

Korrekt. Sitter på akterdäck precis akter om storskotsskenan.

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Fin båt fint presentation fortfarande ful film. Undrar hur Bolt 37 kan stå sig mot MC38? Snarlikt koncept men ändå med en del olikheter. Har det sålts något MC38 utanför Australien?

Ett test mellan dem hade varit kul att se. Men det kommer aldrig hända. Har själv försökt få till flerbåtstester men importörer/tillverkare drar sig för det. Kan kräva en stor arbetsinsats och ingen vill vara sist. Det är synd, One-of-a-kind var verkligen sitt namn.

Två helt olika målgrupper. MC38 är inshore med fokus på one-design. Ganska mycket kol och kostar som en Ker 40, dvs >50% mer än den här. Ett antal MC38 är sålda till USA för att köra i HPR-serien.

Jo, men det finns en del likheter som sagt, fler än att Bolten kommer vara lika blöt som MC38an från förra fredagsfilmen.

En MC 38 kommer in på IRC TCC på 1.220, alltså >4% snabbare än Bolt 37 och mer lika med Ker 40.

Bra där, tack. En skillnad vi nog aldrig kommer få se. Däremot ska det bli kul att se hur MC38an går mot fyrtiofotarna i HPR. Flerbåtstest! :-)

Just nu verkar J/125 vara det som gäller i HPR

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Snarast Melges 24 som verkar gälla i HPR… ;-) Om den ändå kunde bli en klass på ostkusten i Sverige… 606 i all ära – Melgesen är liiite roligare…

Imponerande. Förutom 125orna verkar MC38 segla hyfsat jämnt mot Farr 400. Får väl mer att jämföra med när det drar igång i Florida. Så många M24or var för att regattan fungerade som tune-up inför VM.

Off topic, i flerskrov möttes bl a en M32 och SL33. Det verkar som om M32an seglade fortare men blev slagen på omräknad tid. Används HPR där också?

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Varför har inte Melges 24 slått i Sverige?

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Svenskarna blir hellre världsmästare i IF, Express eller 606 än att bli 10:a på VM i Melges 24 ;-)

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Viss prisskillnad på att köra if, express eller 606 kontra melges. Kan nog spela in.

På väst- och sydkusten seglas en del M24. En handfull båtar tränar i Kullavik, med fortsättning i november. Starkt!

Undrar om priset spelade roll för kungen!!??

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Inte utan att jag blir sugen….

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En sprayhood ifrån den perfekta semesterbåten!

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Hej Peter Ser jo meget fin ud, sådan en Bolt 37. Jeg har stoppet salg af min Ker 11.3, og kører på igen i 2014. Kan du give et bud på, om jeg skulle gå over i et rent assymetrisk set up på sejl. Jeg har bovspryd på, og med stl på 5,49, og min tanke går på en assymetrisk på 147 kvm, hvad var din oplevelse ?

Låter som en läsarfråga :-)

Personligen tror jag att det hade funkat fint att köra 100% assy på peke, men det skall så klart ställas i relation till vilka race man skall segla och hur DH hanterar denna konfig. Har ni räknat på det?

Ja Peter, vi straffes hårdt på DH i let luft, men det er vi i forvejen, og så kan vi måske få det lidt mere sjovt med en større asymmetrisk, så vi kommer hurtigere ud af vandet og planer, tænker jeg. Tror ikke vi straffes så hårdt på Orci

Hej Per, Lite mer info please; 5,49m är det j-måttet + bogspröt? Hur långt är bogsprötet? Kontakta norrmännen med GP42:an, dom har ju gått från spinnbom till bogspröt. Dom har säkert en del data att delge. PG har säkert tfnr till gänget!

5,49 er STL mål, altså fra mast til ende af bovspryd. Blot 37 har 5,89 og 145 kvm spiler.

Sweet... Next 37 (och Next 45) | BLUR Mar 14, 2014 @ 09:00

[…] man Bolt 37 som jämförelse, så är den 8-10% snabbare än Next […]

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Seahorse Magazine

Fast and fun can be affordable and accessible

W hen introduced a year ago to the marketplace, Jason Ker’s Bolt 37 design seemed like an impossible dream: a manageablesized pure race boat that promised to be fast, fun to sail, offshore-capable, and with all the features expected in a modern race boat, but at a price affordable to a broad marketplace. And nearly a year after the launch of the first boat, its speed on paper and in design renderings have translated into reality, with boat-for-boat horizon jobs achieved against many larger racer and cruiser-racer designs.

But how can this be possible for a production boat, and one fitted with a Hall high-modulus carbon spars and Harken hardware, at a base boat price of only €149,000? Anything else that comes this close in performance is usually twice this price.

The answer is in the careful attention made to choosing the right trade-offs in performance and cost-efficiency in both the design features and the materials and production techniques used in the build. These choices have been made with the extensive experience Ker has had with numerous other performance designs created in both custom and production form from a variety of builders around the world.

‘Our brief was to create a low-cost high-performance boat that could interest the large market of club-based racers who wanted an accessible, easy-to-race design,’ said Jason Ker. ‘Furthermore, this boat had deliver excitement and performance, but also at a modest price and good build quality. We think we have achieved this in the Bolt.’

In design, Ker’s extensive use of Fine-Marine RANS CFD computations on their in-house cluster of computers has produced an attractive low freeboard hull shape that nicely balances the opposing forces of stability and drag. The quite generous sail plan produces plenty of power, and with minimal wetted surface area the hull shape allows impressive boatspeed when other boats are struggling just to move in light air. Yet when the breeze comes on, the hull shape has excellent form stability and sufficient righting moment to continue to harness that power and hit planing speeds sooner than most of the competition.

While offered at a low price, the build process for the Bolt 37 represents the same no-compromise approach using the latest techniques found among any contemporary high-performance production boat builder. The hull, bulkheads, stiffeners and the deck are built in female tooling with E-glass and use of Core-cell M-Foam core, a superior material 40% more expensive than conventional PVC foams, with vinylester resin infused with vacuum assistance to minimize voids and control the amounts of resin to keep the design weight consistent enough for one-design standards and at just under 4000kg. This choice of resin in the laminates takes advantage of the compatibility of vinylester with the gelcoat finish for a further reduction in cost and build time.

CNC-moulded composite skins encase the cast steel keel fin, which supports the antimony-lead alloy bulb cast in CNC-milled plug, then faired with templates and painted. This approach ensures that no additional fairing and finishing is necessary before racing. Static and dynamic loads from the keel are linked to the hull and rig via an internal alloy frame structure bonded to the hull.

At such an impressively low price, the Bolt 37 could be bought in bulk and easily start sprouting one-design fleets. However, an important aspect of the Bolt’s design is in the excellent value for rated performance when racing under ORCi and even IRC handicaps. No doubt the cost-control credits being built in to the HPR rule will also make the Bolt an attractive option for those that want to play among similar-sized high-performance designs but at a fraction of the cost.

‘We are very pleased with the reception we have had among the first several Bolt owners,’ said Karem Ozkan of KA Yachting, developer of the Bolt 37. ‘Even with teams that represent a mixture of talent levels, they are still able to access the high performance levels in this design. In this way we feel the Bolt is truly a breakthrough in its ability to deliver unparalleled performance value to the racing sailor.

‘We look forward to seeing the Bolt come to more racing venues throughout Europe and beyond so that everyone can see that high performance does not have to come at a high price.’

Click here for more information on Bolt 37 »

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bolt 37 yacht


Bolt 37 built in 2014 by Ker Yachts to the designs of Jason Ker Turkish flag CONSTRUCTION: GRP composite hull and deck White hull Fin keel with lead bulb Tiller steering to spade rudder ...

General Information

  • Year Built: 2014
  • Builder: KER
  • Designer: JASON KER


  • Length: 11.00 metres (36.08 ft)
  • Beam: 3.48 metres (11.41 ft)
  • Max Draft: 2.60 metres (8.53 ft)
  • Length Overall: 11.00 metres (36.08 ft)
  • Displacement: 3575 kg


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bolt 37 yacht

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If you would like more information about this KER 37 BOLT, please get in touch using the contact details below, or alternatively by using the contact form on the right.

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British Marine

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Brokers comment

Bolt 37 Due Built in 2013 by CSC Composite in Istanbul the Bolt 37 concept, designed by Ker Design Ltd, was a challenging project from the onset. The design brief was simple enough: • pure race boat that is fast and exciting to race • offshore capable • all the features expected in a modern race boat. • easy to race design • and at a manageable size However, the challenge came in that all the above characteristics had to be at an affordable price to open the Bolt 37 to a wider marketplace. The challenge was ‘Duely’ accepted by Ker Design Ltd and a year after the launch of the first Bolt 37, its design renderings have translated into reality. The Bolt 37 fleet was showing impressive performance against similar sized boats and excellent results when racing in ORCi and IRC regattas. Included in a Bolt 37 package is a Hall Spars high-modulus carbon mast and boom and Harken hardware. Due now comes to the market offering all this performance at a very attractive price. She has sets of Doyle and Olympic Macros Sails and the entire package has been lightly used. Please contact Performance Yacht Brokerage for more information about this opportunity to own a fast little performance boat. Download the brochure for a further details about Due

For further details about the yacht and her inventory, please contact Performance Yacht Brokerage or alternatively download the brochure. Performance Yacht Brokerage offers the details of this yacht in good faith and the details are intended to give a fair description of the vessel, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and they do not constitute part of any contract. Performance Yacht Brokerage strongly advises an interest buyer to check the particulars of the vessel and to have the vessel surveyed by a qualified marine surveyor. The vessel is offered subject to a prior sale being concluded or negotiated and subject to a price change or the vessel being withdrawn without notice. Performance Yacht Brokerage is not the primary listing agent for this vessel, but should you wish for Performance Yacht Brokerage to represent you in further enquiries about this vessel and or in negotiations for the purchase of this vessel in capacity as a buyers broker, then please contact us.

CSC Composite

Ker Yacht Design


Pyb - reference.

bolt 37 yacht

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bolt 37 yacht

Fast and fun can be affordable and accessible

W hen introduced a year ago to the marketplace, Jason Ker’s Bolt 37 design seemed like an impossible dream: a manageablesized pure race boat that promised to be fast, fun to sail, offshore-capable, and with all the features expected in a modern race boat, but at a price affordable to a broad marketplace. And nearly a year after the launch of the first boat, its speed on paper and in design renderings have translated into reality, with boat-for-boat horizon jobs achieved against many larger racer and cruiser-racer designs.

But how can this be possible for a production boat, and one fitted with a Hall high-modulus carbon spars and Harken hardware, at a base boat price of only €149,000? Anything else that comes this close in performance is usually twice this price.

The answer is in the careful attention made to choosing the right trade-offs in performance and cost-efficiency in both the design features and the materials and production techniques used in the build. These choices have been made with the extensive experience Ker has had with numerous other performance designs created in both custom and production form from a variety of builders around the world.

‘Our brief was to create a low-cost high-performance boat that could interest the large market of club-based racers who wanted an accessible, easy-to-race design,’ said Jason Ker. ‘Furthermore, this boat had deliver excitement and performance, but also at a modest price and good build quality. We think we have achieved this in the Bolt.’

In design, Ker’s extensive use of Fine-Marine RANS CFD computations on their in-house cluster of computers has produced an attractive low freeboard hull shape that nicely balances the opposing forces of stability and drag. The quite generous sail plan produces plenty of power, and with minimal wetted surface area the hull shape allows impressive boatspeed when other boats are struggling just to move in light air. Yet when the breeze comes on, the hull shape has excellent form stability and sufficient righting moment to continue to harness that power and hit planing speeds sooner than most of the competition.

While offered at a low price, the build process for the Bolt 37 represents the same no-compromise approach using the latest techniques found among any contemporary high-performance production boat builder. The hull, bulkheads, stiffeners and the deck are built in female tooling with E-glass and use of Core-cell M-Foam core, a superior material 40% more expensive than conventional PVC foams, with vinylester resin infused with vacuum assistance to minimize voids and control the amounts of resin to keep the design weight consistent enough for one-design standards and at just under 4000kg. This choice of resin in the laminates takes advantage of the compatibility of vinylester with the gelcoat finish for a further reduction in cost and build time.

CNC-moulded composite skins encase the cast steel keel fin, which supports the antimony-lead alloy bulb cast in CNC-milled plug, then faired with templates and painted. This approach ensures that no additional fairing and finishing is necessary before racing. Static and dynamic loads from the keel are linked to the hull and rig via an internal alloy frame structure bonded to the hull.

At such an impressively low price, the Bolt 37 could be bought in bulk and easily start sprouting one-design fleets. However, an important aspect of the Bolt’s design is in the excellent value for rated performance when racing under ORCi and even IRC handicaps. No doubt the cost-control credits being built in to the HPR rule will also make the Bolt an attractive option for those that want to play among similar-sized high-performance designs but at a fraction of the cost.

‘We are very pleased with the reception we have had among the first several Bolt owners,’ said Karem Ozkan of KA Yachting, developer of the Bolt 37. ‘Even with teams that represent a mixture of talent levels, they are still able to access the high performance levels in this design. In this way we feel the Bolt is truly a breakthrough in its ability to deliver unparalleled performance value to the racing sailor.

‘We look forward to seeing the Bolt come to more racing venues throughout Europe and beyond so that everyone can see that high performance does not have to come at a high price.’

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Mike Lynch's wife walked on broken glass to escape the sinking superyacht: report

  • Angela Bacares, the wife of the missing tech tycoon Mike Lynch, spoke to Italy's La Repubblica.
  • She described how the yacht she was traveling on with Lynch "tilted" before sinking.
  • Bacares' daughter and Lynch are among the people who were on the vessel and still missing at sea.

Insider Today

The wife of missing UK billionaire Mike Lynch has described how the superyacht they were traveling on tilted before sinking, and reportedly had to walk on broken glass to escape it.

Speaking to Italy's La Repubblica, Angela Bacares said that she and her husband were woken up at 4 a.m. on Monday when the yacht, the Bayesian, "tilted."

The 57-year-old told the publication that they initially weren't worried, and she got out of bed to see what was happening. Glass then shattered, causing confusion.

Bacares sustained injuries to her feet likely caused by walking on broken glass during the sinking, the outlet reported.

The injuries have confined her to a wheelchair, and she also has bandages on other parts of her body, the report said.

The 183ft superyacht was carrying 22 people when it capsized early Monday morning while docked outside the Sicilian port of Porticello. Six people, including Lynch and his daughter, remain missing, while one body has been recovered, local media reported.

Italian news agency Ansa reported that the vessel capsized when a sea tornado, or water spout, hit the area during sudden storms.

It cited witnesses saying that the boat's mast broke while it was anchored in the storm, causing it to lose balance and capsize.

It said that rescuers believe the bodies of the missing are trapped in the vessel, which is about 50 meters below the water's surface.

The director general of Sicily's civil protection agency, Salvatore Cocina,  told the BBC that Hannah Lynch, Mike Lynch's 18-year-old daughter, is among those missing .

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Dr. Domenico Cipolla, who works are the Palermo hospital where some of the survivors are being treated, told Reuters that they are "very tired" and "constantly asking about the missing people."

"We have given the survivors this information, but they are talking and crying all the time because they have realized that there is little hope of finding their friends alive."

Lynch is one of the UK's leading tech entrepreneurs, having founded the software company Autonomy, which was sold to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion.

The sale resulted in a legal battle, with Lynch acquitted on fraud charges in the US in June.

According to reports, Lynch was celebrating the acquittal on the yacht trip before it capsized.

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