Meet Vladimir Potanin, the richest man in Russia. He's worth $25 billion, plays ice hockey with Vladimir Putin, and hasn't been sanctioned by the West.

  • Vladimir Potanin is the richest man in Russia, worth an estimated $25 billion.
  • He's been known to vacation on yachts and play ice hockey with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  • Potanin has not been named on US or European sanctions lists.

Vladimir Potanin is the richest documented person in Russia. He's worth $24.9 billion, the Bloomberg Billionaires Index shows.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin was named in the infamous 2018 "Putin list" of prominent Russian political figures and oligarchs with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Despite those close ties , Potanin is not on the growing list of Russian oligarchs — which includes Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska — who have been sanctioned by the West.

His net worth, however, has taken a massive hit since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine: He had seen a loss of nearly a quarter of his initial wealth, bringing it down to $25 billion per Bloomberg. Potanin's wealth hovered at $30 billion at the beginning of 2022, according to the publication.

Here's a look at how Vladimir Potanin makes and spends his fortune.

Katie Warren contributed to an earlier version of this article.

Potanin, 61, is the majority shareholder and the CEO of Nornickel, the world's largest producer of refined nickel.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin owns 34.6% of Nornickel, according to Reuters.  Nornickel is responsible for almost 22% of the world's high-grade nickel production and about 40% of its palladium. The company pulled in $17.9 billion in revenue in 2021, according to Bloomberg.

In 1990, Potanin founded Interros, a conglomerate with stakes in industries including mining, energy, and real estate. Open Investments was a real estate company under Interros, founded in 2002. Its market cap peaked at $5.1 billion in 2018, the company website shows. Potanin sold his shares in the company in 2010.

Potanin controls Russian pharmaceutical company Petrovax, which developed a drug called Polyoxidonium in 2020, according to Bloomberg.

The billionaire also has a sizable real-estate portfolio. He reportedly owns office spaces , hotel property in Moscow, land in central Russia, and a country club in the Moscow region.

Nornickel did not reply to Insider's request for comment.

Born in Moscow in 1961, Potanin is the son of a diplomat and a doctor. He studied international relations and went on to spend eight years working at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

When he was 30, Potanin met Mikhail Prokhorov , who would become his future business partner. The pair founded the International Company for Finance & Investments and then Onexim Bank, which became Russia's largest private bank at the time.

Potanin became president of the bank in 1992 , at age 32.

In 1996, not long after Boris Yeltsin was re-elected president of Russia, Potanin was appointed first deputy prime minister in charge of energy and economy.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin was one of the Big Seven oligarchs who helped reelect Boris Yeltsin as president in 1996. Yeltsin appointed Potanin as his first deputy prime minister from August 1996 to March 1997.

While working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Potanin masterminded the "loans-for-shares" program that would go on to become the source of many oligarchs' wealth.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Under the "loans-for-shares" programs , wealthy entrepreneurs and banks loaned money to the Russian government in the 1990s in exchange for equity in the country's natural resource companies. The government often could not repay these loans, leaving many of the natural resource companies in the hands of wealthy individuals.

It was through this program that Potanin acquired Nornickel, which would make him the richest man in Russia at the time.

The loans-for-shares program created many of today's wealthiest Russian oligarchs, including Roman Abramovich , who's worth $13.9 billion  and also holds shares in Nornickel.

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Abramovich has been sanctioned by the UK. Many of his assets , including Chelsea Football Club, have been frozen.

While Potanin has not been sanctioned by the West over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, his relationship with Putin stretches back at least two decades.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin has been photographed at various events with Putin  dating back to at least 2000.

While Potanin's wealth is largely documented, Putin's assets are not: The Washington Post previously reported that financier Bill Browder had put Putin's potential net worth as high as $200 billion in 2015.

Potanin also met on several occasions with Dmitry Medvedev, who was the president of Russia from 2008 to 2012 and then supported Putin in his re-election campaign. He served as prime minister in from 2012 to 2020.

Potanin was one of several Russian billionaires who helped fund the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. He invested $2.5 billion in a ski resort and other facilities, per Forbes.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin built a ski resort in Sochi with nearly 50 miles of trails, a freestyle ski center, a snowboard park, one of the two Olympic Villages, and the Russian Olympic University, Forbes reported.

Potanin said he did not get much return from his investment in the ski resort, according to the BBC.

"We were skiing with President Putin in Austria and there was talk that it would be good to have such resorts in Russia," he told the BBC in February 2013. "It's more a question of legacy," he added.

Like a number of Russian oligarchs, Potanin is a collector of luxury yachts.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin bought the 248-foot Anastasia in 2008 and sold it in 2018 at an asking price of €75 million. The yacht was first put on the market six years earlier at an asking price of €125 million.

In 2012, Potanin was delivered another yacht named Nirvana.  

Anastasia and Nirvana were among a series of three yachts that Potanin commissioned from yacht-builder Oceanco in the Netherlands. Barbara, built in 2017, is the third yacht in the collection.

The 290-foot Barbara was at one time listed at an asking price of €165 million.

The 289-foot Nirvana includes a 10-foot-deep plunge pool and a helipad.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

The boat has six decks , which are connected by a main stairwell and a glass elevator.

Nirvana, which was in the Maldives in early March , is currently moored in Dubai, according to ship tracker Marine Traffic.

Another of the billionaire's hobbies is ice hockey. In a 2018 Financial Times interview, Potanin said he plays at least twice a week, owns his own private rink, and sometimes plays with Putin.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

When asked who was the better player, Potanin simply said, "I am younger."

Potanin was married to Natalia Potanina for 30 years. They divorced in 2014 amid a public dispute over the distribution of the billionaire's wealth.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanina told Business Insider in a 2014 interview that she was seeking half of Potanin's $15 billion fortune at the time of their divorce.

The Russian Legal Information Agency later reported that Potanina received $6.8 million for her share of the luxury apartment the couple shared in Moscow (which Potanin kept) and three plots of land in the Moscow region.

He married his second wife, Ekaterina, in 2014. They reportedly have a child together .

Potanin has three children from his first marriage: Anastasia, Ivan, and Vasily.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin reportedly spent $10 million on Anastasia's wedding in 2018, which took place at a luxury hotel on the French Riviera. The billionaire arranged transfers on private jets and paid for guests to stay at the five-star Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Antibes.

Potanin said in 2010 that he would donate most of his fortune to charity instead of giving it to his three children. Part of his motive was to "help my children avoid the pressure of billions," he said.

"There won't be an inheritance of my fortune. My capital should work for the good of society and continue working for these social aims," Potanin told the Financial Times in February 2010.

In 1999, the billionaire created the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. The nonprofit seeks to implement "long-term educational and cultural projects in Russia," according to the billionaire's biography on Nornickel's website.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

In 2016, he donated 250 works of Russian and Soviet art to the Pompidou Center in Paris. He was awarded the French Legion of Honor the next year.

Potanin was, until very recently, a trustee of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York. He resigned from the board on March 2, a statement from the museum said, reported The New York Times.

"The Guggenheim strongly condemns the Russian invasion and unprovoked war against the government and people of Ukraine," the museum said, per The Times.

In 2013, Potanin signed The Giving Pledge, a global charity organization started in 2010 by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Potanin was the first Russian billionaire who signed the Giving Pledge. Signatories of the pledge vow to donate the majority of their wealth to charity.

"I genuinely believe that wealth should work for public good and, therefore, I am trying to make my own contribution toward a better world, especially toward a better future for my own country, Russia," Potanin wrote on The Giving Pledge's website.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

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Meet Vladimir Potanin, one of the richest men in Russia, who made his $22 billion fortune in the nickel industry, has owned at least 3 yachts, and plays ice hockey with Vladimir Putin

Vladimir potanin is the richest person in russia, worth, according to bloomberg, an estimated $22 billion..

Meet Vladimir Potanin, one of the richest men in Russia, who made his $22 billion fortune in the nickel industry, has owned at least 3 yachts, and plays ice hockey with Vladimir Putin

Potanin owns 34.6% of Norilsk Nickel, which brought in $11.7 billion of revenue in 2018.

Potanin owns 34.6% of Norilsk Nickel, which brought in $11.7 billion of revenue in 2018.

Norilsk Nickel is responsible for almost 22% of the world's high-grade nickel production and about 40% of its palladium.

Potanin has made more than $4 billion in dividends from the company as of January 2018, according to Bloomberg.

In addition to his wealth in the metals industry, Potanin also controls Russian pharmaceutical company NPO Petrovax Pharm and has a sizable real-estate portfolio.

In addition to his wealth in the metals industry, Potanin also controls Russian pharmaceutical company NPO Petrovax Pharm and has a sizable real-estate portfolio.

He reportedly owns office spaces , hotel property in Moscow, land in central Russia, and a country club in the Moscow region.

Born in Moscow in 1961, Potanin was the son of a diplomat and a doctor. He studied international relations and then went on to spend eight years working at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Born in Moscow in 1961, Potanin was the son of a diplomat and a doctor. He studied international relations and then went on to spend eight years working at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade.

In 1990, Potanin formed Interros Foreign Trade Association, a conglomerate that now holds stakes in industries including metals and mining , real estate, sports and tourism, and pharmaceuticals.

When he was 30, Potanin met Mikhail Prokhorov , who would become his future business partner. The pair founded the International Company for Finance & Investments and then Onexim Bank, which became Russia's largest private bank at the time.

Potanin became president of the bank in 1992 , at age 32.

In 1996, not long after Boris Yeltsin was re-elected president of Russia, Potanin was appointed first deputy prime minister in charge of energy and economy.

In 1996, not long after Boris Yeltsin was re-elected president of Russia, Potanin was appointed first deputy prime minister in charge of energy and economy.

While working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Potanin masterminded Russia's "loans-for-shares" programs, where wealthy entrepreneurs and banks loaned money to the Russian government in the 1990s in exchange for equity in the country's natural resource companies.

The government often could not repay these loans, leaving many of the natural resource companies in the hands of wealthy individuals.

The government often could not repay these loans, leaving many of the natural resource companies in the hands of wealthy individuals.

It was through this program that Potanin acquired Norilsk Nickel , which would go on to make him the richest man in Russia.

In fact, the loans-for-shares program created many of today's wealthiest Russian oligarchs such as Roman Abramovic , who's worth about $16 billion today and also holds shares in Norilsk Nickel.

Yeltsin is not the only Russian president Potanin has rubbed shoulders with. The billionaire has also had close ties to the Kremlin under Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.

Yeltsin is not the only Russian president Potanin has rubbed shoulders with. The billionaire has also had close ties to the Kremlin under Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.

He's been photographed at various events with Putin dating back to at least 2000.

Potanin is on the infamous "Putin list," the nickname for a document released by the US Treasury Department listing names of 210 prominent Russians who have close ties to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Potanin is on the infamous

The list, released in early 2018, named individuals and companies that the administration was deciding whether or not to sanction with legislation meant to punish Russia for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election, as well as its annexation of Crimea, military operations in eastern Ukraine, and human rights violations, CNN reported.

Potanin also met on several occasions with former president Dmitry Medvedev, who is now the Prime Minister of Russia.

Potanin also met on several occasions with former president Dmitry Medvedev, who is now the Prime Minister of Russia.

Medvedev was president from 2008 to 2012 and then supported Vladimir Putin in his re-election campaign. Putin named Medvedev prime minister soon after he was sworn in as president.

Potanin was one of several Russian billionaires who chipped in to fund the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. According to Forbes, he invested $2.5 billion for a ski resort and other facilities.

Potanin was one of several Russian billionaires who chipped in to fund the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. According to Forbes, he invested $2.5 billion for a ski resort and other facilities.

He built a ski resort in Sochi with nearly 50 miles of trails, a freestyle ski center, a snowboard park, one of the two Olympic Villages, and the Russian Olympic University, Forbes reported.

Like other Russian oligarchs, Potanin is a collector of luxury yachts. The Russian billionaire bought the 70-foot yacht Anastasia in 2008, and sold it for about $84 million in 2018.

Like other Russian oligarchs, Potanin is a collector of luxury yachts. The Russian billionaire bought the 70-foot yacht Anastasia in 2008, and sold it for about $84 million in 2018.

Anastasia was first listed for 125 million euros, or about $140 million, in 2012 when Potanin was delivered his new yacht, Nirvana.

According to Forbes , Anastasia and Nirvana were among a series of three yachts that Potanin had built at Oceanco in the Netherlands.

The 289-foot Nirvana yacht includes a 10-foot-deep plunge pool and a helipad.

The 289-foot Nirvana yacht includes a 10-foot-deep plunge pool and a helipad.

The boat has six decks which are connected by a main stairwell as well as a glass elevator.

Potanin put the Nirvana up for sale around the same time he first put Anastasia on the market in 2012, but it's unclear whether the billionaire has sold Nirvana.

In 2018, a new 289-foot yacht called Barbara was delivered to Potanin , according to Yacht Harbour.

Another of the billionaire's hobbies is ice hockey. Potanin plays at least twice per week, owns his own private rink, and sometimes plays with Putin, he said in a 2018 Financial Times interview.

Another of the billionaire

When asked who was the better player, Potanin simply said, "I am younger."

Potanin was married to Natalia Potanina for 30 years until they divorced in 2014 amid a public dispute over the distribution of the billionaire's wealth.

Potanin was married to Natalia Potanina for 30 years until they divorced in 2014 amid a public dispute over the distribution of the billionaire

Potanina told Business Insider in a 2014 interview that she was seeking half of Potanin's $15 billion fortune at the time of their divorce.

The Russian Legal Information Agency later reported that Potanina received $6.8 million for her share of the luxury apartment the couple shared in Moscow (which Potanin kept) and three plots of land in the Moscow region.

As Business Insider previously reported, he married a woman named Ekaterina in 2014.

As Business Insider previously reported, he married a woman named Ekaterina in 2014.

The couple reportedly has a child together.

Potanin has three children from his first marriage. His oldest daughter, Anastasia, was once a Russian aquabike champion and now owns an art gallery in Moscow.

Potanin has three children from his first marriage. His oldest daughter, Anastasia, was once a Russian aquabike champion and now owns an art gallery in Moscow.

She married a ballroom dance teacher in the South of France in 2018. Potanin reportedly spent $10 million on her wedding , which took place at a luxury hotel on the French Riviera. The billionaire arranged transfers on private jets and paid for guests to stay at the five-star Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Antibes.

Potanin said in 2010 that he would donate most of his fortune to charity instead of giving it to his five children. Part of his motive was to "help my children avoid the pressure of billions," he said.

Potanin has become known for his philanthropic endeavors. In 1999, he created the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, "a non-profit charity with a mandate for implementing socially significant long-term educational and cultural projects in Russia," according to his biography on Norilsk Nickel's website.

Potanin has become known for his philanthropic endeavors. In 1999, he created the Vladimir Potanin Foundation,

He's also a trustee of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York.

And in 2016, he donated 250 works of Russian and Soviet art to the Pompidou Center in Paris, which resulted in him being awarded the French Legion of Honor the next year.

In 2013, Potanin joined The Giving Pledge, a global charity organization started in 2010 by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

In 2013, Potanin joined The Giving Pledge, a global charity organization started in 2010 by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

"I genuinely believe that wealth should work for public good and, therefore, I am trying to make my own contribution toward a better world, especially toward a better future for my own country, Russia," Potanin wrote on The Giving Pledge's website.

Potanin's fortune has grown by about $4 billion in the past year, according to Bloomberg. In April 2018, he lost $2.25 billion in a single day after President Donald Trump announced new sanctions on Russia.


Some of Russia's top billionaires lost an estimated $16 billion on that day.

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Italy just seized 2 superyachts of oligarchs close to Putin, bringing the number to 3. Here’s what could be next

Superyachts belonging to three of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest associates were detained in Europe in the past week, part of Western government sanctions against hundreds of Russian financial targets .

The Amore Vero, a $116 million yacht owned by Igor Sechin, head of Russian oil company Rosneft, was seized in France, the Financial Times reported. Forbes published an article Wednesday saying that the world’s largest superyacht, the $600 million Dilbar , owned by billionaire Alisher Usmanov, was seized in Germany, but later retracted that reporting, citing an update from Hamburg’s Ministry for Economy and Innovation.

Meanwhile, Italian police seized the “Lady M,” owned by Alexei Mordashov, one of the richest man in Russia, on Friday, according to a tweet from Ferdinando Giugliano, media adviser to Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi .

Italian tax police also froze “Lena,” a yacht owned by Gennady Nikolayevich Timchenko, Giugliano added.

The clampdown on Russia’s oligarchs began on Feb. 25, when the U.S. government sanctioned five elite Russian families by  barring them  from accessing any property or engaging in any transactions in the U.S.

The U.K. followed suit,  freezing the assets of 100 individuals  the following day and capping the amount Russians can deposit into U.K. bank accounts. The EU, meanwhile, put 26 Russians on its sanctions list on Monday. The sanctioned billionaires will have their assets frozen, and they won’t be allowed to enter or transit through the EU. 

Chief among these assets, of course, are the megayachts beloved by many of the billionaires close to Putin. As more sanctions are prepared for the coming days , more yachts may be confiscated.

Here are six Russian billionaires and their big boats—some of which might be targets of future seizures.

Igor Sechin’s ‘ Amore Vero’

The “Amore Vero” superyacht

Amore Vero, the yacht of Igor Sechin, CEO of Russian oil company Rosneft, was seized by French authorities on Wednesday as it was preparing to leave, the Wall Street Journal reports. European Union sanction documents call Sechin, the former deputy prime minister of Russia, one of Putin’s “most trusted and closest advisers, as well as his personal friend,” according to CNBC . The vessel, formerly known as the St. Princess Olga, is 280 feet long, with four decks and seven cabins, according to Autoevolution . Sechin was sanctioned by the U.S. and European Union in late February.

Alisher Usmanov’s ‘Dilbar’

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

The yacht of Alisher Usmanov—the world’s 94th richest person, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index —was seized by German authorities on Wednesday in Hamburg, according to Forbes, which later retracted that reporting. Usmanov owns nearly half of USM Holding company, a Russian-based investment group under which ore-producer Metalloinvest and telecommunications giant MegaFon operate. He became head of the International Fencing Federation in 2008 and controls Russian newspaper Kommersant , according to Bloomberg. He also owns the Dilbar, a 500-foot superyacht with a 25-meter swimming pool. The boat, reportedly named after his mother, is worth nearly $600 million, according to Reuters . The U.S. and U.K. sanctioned him this week.

Roman Abramovich’s ‘My Solaris’

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Roman Abramovich—Russian billionaire, owner of Chelsea Football Club and Putin supporter—also owns the more than 450-foot My Solaris, worth $600 million, according to . Abramovich owns another superyacht, dubbed the Eclipse, worth $700 million, according to the site . He has not yet been sanctioned in the U.S. or U.K.

Vladimir Potanin’s ‘Nirvana’

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Vladimir Potanin, among the richest men in Russia, owns the Nirvana, a megayacht that can accommodate 12 guests and boasts a crew of 18, according to . He also owns Barbara, another megayacht. Potanin—No. 55 on Forbes ’ Billionaires 2021 list—owns more than a third of Norilsk Nickel, a mining company, as well as stakes in a pharmaceutical company and a ski resort. On Wednesday he resigned as a trustee of the Guggenheim Museum in New York, according to the museum. Its statement didn’t give a reason for his departure but said that “the Guggenheim strongly condemns the Russian invasion and unprovoked war against the government and people of Ukraine,” the Washington Post reported . Nirvana was seen in Maldives waters on Wednesday, Reuters reported . The country doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S.

Viktor Rashnikov’s ‘Ocean Victory’

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Russian iron and steel magnate Viktor Rashnikov owns the $300 million “ Ocean Victory, ” featuring six pools, an underwater observation room, an internal helicopter hangar, and a helideck, according to . With a net worth of nearly $10 billion, Rashnikov — who began as a mechanic at Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, the company he is now majority owner of — is No. 195 on Forbes’ 2021 billionaires list .

Oleg Deripaska’s ‘Clio’

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Oleg Deripaska, who founded the Russian aluminum group Rusal, owns “ Clio,” a $65 million superyacht, with a crew of 21. It’s supported by a boat dubbed “ Sputnik ,” with a crew of 26, according to . Sanctions against three of Depripaska’s companies were lifted by former U.S. President Donald Trump. Deripaska has called for an end to the war in Ukraine, joining a handful of oligarchs who have dared to speak out against the invasion. The oligarch is worth nearly $3 billion, according to Forbes . As of Thursday, his ship was docked in Maldives, which doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S., Reuters reported . Deripaska was sanctioned by the U.S. in 2018.

Fortune reporter Tristan Bove contributed to this report.

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Yacht of wealthiest Russian oligarch docked in haven Dubai

The man considered to be the wealthiest oligarch in russia, who has been photographed playing ice hockey with president vladimir putin, has joined a growing list of those transferring — or, sailing — their prized assets to dubai, article bookmarked.

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The man considered to be the wealthiest oligarch in Russia, who has been photographed playing ice hockey with President Vladimir Putin , joins a growing list of those transferring — or, sailing — their prized assets to Dubai as the West tightens its massive sanctions program on Russia’s economy.

Vladimir Potanin , head of the world’s largest refined nickel and palladium producer, may not be sanctioned by the United States or Europe yet; such sanctions could roil metal markets and potentially disrupt supply chains, experts say. As the biggest shareholder in mining company Nornickel, Potanin had a personal fortune of $30.6 billion before the war on Ukraine, according to Forbes.

But like an increasing number of blacklisted Russian oligarchs, he has apparently taken the precaution of moving his $300 million superyacht to the safe haven of Dubai, in the U.S.-allied United Arab Emirates.

It is called the Nirvana, and the sleek 88-meter-long (289-foot-long) superyacht, equipped with a glass elevator, gym, hot tub, 3D cinema and two terrariums of exotic reptiles, stands out even in a port full of flashy, floating mansions.

The giant Dutch-built vessel with a navy blue hull was docked on Tuesday flying the flag of the Cayman Islands when Associated Press journalists observed the ship at Dubai’s Port Rashid — in the eyeshot of sanctioned Russian parliamentarian Andrei Skoch’s $156 million Madame Gu.

The arrival of Russian-owned luxury vessels in Dubai has become an outsized symbol of the UAE’s reluctance to oppose Moscow’s war on Ukraine and enforce Western sanctions. One of a shrinking number of countries where Russians can still fly directly, the financial center has become a thriving hub for Russia's rich, in part because of its reputation for welcoming money from anywhere — both legitimate and shady.

“They haven't tried to hide the fact they're accepting oligarchs themselves and their yachts,” said Julia Friedlander, a former senior policy adviser for Europe in the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “When it comes to taking sides in the conflict, it's not in their political interest to do so. They want to keep their access to money from around the world.”

The UAE Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Emirati stance has stoked tensions with the United States, which has sought to pressure its Gulf Arab ally to help combat Russian sanctions evasion. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, one of the main U.S. coordinators on the Russian sanctions strategy, visited the UAE last week to voice American concerns about Russian financial flows and demand increased vigilance.

Still, there's no indication that President Joe Biden will impose secondary sanctions, leaving Washington with few pressure points.

As Moscow’s war on Ukraine grinds on, Western economic sanctions have proliferated in an effort to pressure Putin to change course. The European Union has captured billions of dollars in art, yachts and property. Britain, Fiji, Italy, Spain and other countries have impounded oligarchs’ yachts. The U.S. has seized vessels and aircraft.

Some prominent oligarchs, however, have escaped the blacklist because of their strategic holdings. Although Potanin has been hit with Canadian and Australian sanctions for his close ties to the Kremlin, his reputation as the “King of Nickel” has so far spared him.

“We're reaching a critical metal shortage and we don't know where those supply chains are headed, so you have to ask, would sanctioning him make things worse?" Friedlander said. “Those are serious considerations.”

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Who Owns Motor Yacht Barbara?

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The Oceanco yacht Barbara, built for Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, is a 290ft motor yacht that was delivered in 2017 by the Dutch shipyard Oceanco. Named after his daughter, the yacht boasts a top speed of 18.5 kn, a cruising speed of 16.0 kn, and a maximum cruising range of 8300.0 nm at 12.0 kn. The yacht was designed by Sam Sorgiovanni and was built by Oceanco, a renowned yacht maker.

The yacht was named after Potanin’s daughter and is currently being built in the Netherlands. The construction of the yacht was meticulously overseen by Felix Baker, co-founder of the NYC-based hedge fund Baker Brothers. The yacht has impressive headroom, a flexible cabin configuration, an expansive owner suite with private balconies, and upper decks featuring a 10-person hot tub.

The yacht is expected to be owned by Felix Baker, who is the major stakeholder in the world’s largest palladium miner. The yacht was sold to Potanin in 2017, who is building a new and larger yacht in the Netherlands. The exterior of the yacht was designed by Sam Sorgiovanni.

The Barbara yacht is owned by Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, who is also a major stakeholder in the world’s biggest palladium miner. The yacht’s owner, Felix Baker, is rumored to belong to a luxury yacht company.

📹 Motor Yacht BARBARA (video#1)

Length: 88 m Shipyard: Oceanco, 2017 Exterior design: Sam Sorgiovanni Interior design: Sam Sorgiovanni.

Who Owns Motor Yacht Barbara?

Which celebrity has the biggest yacht?

These yachts are super While Bezos hold the title for the biggest yacht, a recent analysis, conducted by Yacht Charter experts Ritzy Charters, found that billionaire media magnate David Geffen is the owner of the most extravagant celebrity yacht, reportedly valued at $590 million.

Jeff Bezos’$500 billion superyacht was making headling all summer and became a special place for Bezos and his fiance, Lauren Sanchez,. The colossal 417-foot Y721 sailing yacht, named the Koru, is known as the largest sailing yacht worldwide. The vessel features a spacious pool on its deck, accommodations for up to 18 guests and 40 crew members, and draws inspiration from Māori art, symbolizing strength, new life, and peace, per Ritzy Charters.

While Bezos hold the title for the biggest yacht, a recent analysis, conducted by Yacht Charter experts Ritzy Charters, found that billionaire media magnateDavid Geffen is the owner of the most extravagant celebrity yacht, reportedly valued at $590 million. Named The Rising Sun, previously owned byLarry Ellison before Geffen acquired it in 2010, it boasts a length of 138 meters houses an impressive 82 rooms, and can comfortably accommodate 18 guests and 55 crew members, complete with a basketball court, wine cellar, and a lavish cinema.

But the billionaires are the only stars with big expensive boats, check out the next 5 celebrities that follow Bezos and Charters according to Ritzy Charters’ experts.

Barbara Yacht location

Does John Staluppi have children?

John had 7 children: Peter Staluppi, Netti Staluppi and 5 other children.

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Selected from more than franchise applicants, will be one of approximately 165 dealers chosen to represent thc exclusive Infiniti marque. commitment to uncompromising quality in product, service and customer satisfaction,…”

Barbara yacht interior

Who owns motor yacht Seven Seas?

  • Key Takeaways:. The Seven Seas yacht, valued at $250 million, was built in 2022 by the renowned Dutch yacht builder, Oceanco. It is powered by top-of-the-line MTU engines and can reach a maximum speed of 20 knots.
  • The vessel, designed by SINOT Yacht Design, can accommodate 14 guests in 7 suites with a dedicated crew of 30.
  • Steven Spielberg is the proud owner of the Seven Seas. He named the yacht after his seven children and it is legally owned by a company named LEROY FREE LTD, based in the Cayman Islands.
  • There is an ongoing legal dispute between yacht broker Merle Wood (MWA) and Oceanco. MWA alleges that they are owed a 5% commission on the sale of the yacht Seven Seas to Spielberg. Oceanco denies the existence of such an agreement.
  • The Dutch court in Rotterdam has ruled that MWA has the right to request a preliminary witness hearing to gather evidence and clarify their position. However, Steven Spielberg is not a party in this conflict.
  • The yacht was delivered to Spielberg in July 2023 after accommodating some additional owner requests and guarantee works.

Specifications of the Seven Seas Yacht. Powered by top-of-the-line MTU engines, the superyacht can reach a maximum speed of 20 knots, with a comfortable cruising speed of 14 knots. The yacht Seven Seas has an impressive range of 5,000 nautical miles.

Luxurious Interior and Accommodations. Designed to provide the utmost comfort and luxury, the yacht can accommodate 14 guests in 7 lavish suites. A dedicated crew of 30 is on hand to ensure a seamless experience for all guests.

Felix Baker net worth

How big is the yacht Barbara?

88.49mBarbara PhotosLength88.49m / 290’4Beam14.5m / 47’7Draft3.99m / 13’1Gross Tonnage2,984 GTCruising Speed16 Knots.

The 88.5m/290’4″ motor yacht ‘Barbara’ by the Dutch shipyard Oceanco offers flexible accommodation for up to 12 guests in 7 cabins and features interior styling by Australian designer Sam Sorgiovanni.

Built in 2017, Barbara is designed for exquisite indoor/outdoor living and boasts voluminous interior and exterior spaces across several decks: ideal for bronzing, lounging or entertaining. She is equipped with a movie theatre, spa, elevator, underwater lights, beach club and gym.

Guest Accommodation. Barbara offers guest accommodation for up to 12 guests in 7 suites comprising a master suite, one VIP cabin and four twin cabins. Additionally, there is a staff cabin on board. There are up to twenty-seven crew members on board to provide outstanding service on your charter.

Motor Yacht BARBARA marine traffic

Who owns the largest motor yacht in the world?

TableRankNameOwner1AzzamEstate of Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan2Fulk Al SalamahSultan of Oman3EclipseRoman Abramovich4DubaiMohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

M/Y Azzam, seen here in Cadiz, Spain, during the summer of 2020, is the world’s longest luxury yacht.

This list of motor yachts by length, is a table of the world’s longest active superyachts, with an overall length of at least 75 metres (246ft) and up.

These boats are also known as “megayachts”, “gigayachts” and even “terayachts”, usually depending on length. It has been generally accepted by naval architects and industry executives that superyachts range from 37m (≈120ft) to 60m (≈200ft), while those over 60m are known as megayachts and boats over 90m (≈300ft) have been referred to as giga-yachts.

Vladimir Potanin yacht

What yacht does Jeff Bezos own?

Koru In fact, the 417-foot Koru is so big, it has its own 250-foot support vessel. Priced at $500 million, the Koru hit the sea for the first time in 2023 and has since ferried Jeff Bezos and company around the globe.

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Who owns the most yachts in the world

Does Mark Zuckerberg have a yacht?

Mark Zuckerberg’s new yacht, Launchpad, is enjoying its summer debut. The megayacht recently stopped in Mallorca and has since ventured further into the Mediterranean. It looks like Zuckerberg may dethrone Jeff Bezos as king of this year’s superyacht season.

While the Amazon founder made waves last year with the debut of his megayacht Koru, Zuckerberg is the name on the yacht world’s lips this season.

By May, the transaction seemed all but confirmed when both the yacht and Zuckerberg made their way to Panama to celebrate his 40th birthday with a fete that included a few spins on his infamous hydrofoil.

Now that summer is here, Zuckerberg has debuted Launchpad —and her support superyacht Wingman — on the biggest stage in the yachting world: the Mediterranean.

Yachts owned by billionaires

What yacht does John Staluppi own?

N 2018 Staluppi had a new motor yacht delivered It is the 69 meter (226ft) Benetti Spectre. Spectre was built as Project 269. She is designed by Mulder Design and features a High-Speed Cruising Hull.

Who is John Staluppi?. John Staluppi is the owner of the yacht Quantum of Solace. Staluppi is the founder of the Atlantic Auto Group. It is a large automotive group and active as Honda car dealership. He was born in January 1947. He is married to Jeanette.

Atlantic Auto Group. Staluppi is the founder of theAtlantic Auto Group. Atlantic operates 25 dealerships in Long Island. And five dealerships in Nevada. Each year the group sells 50,000 new cars. And 20,000 used cars and services nearly 1 million cars.

Atlantic Auto Group is the third-largest privately held car company in the United States. The company sells Audi, Cadillac, Honda, Jeep, and other brands. The Nevada dealers ships are doing business asPlanet Nissan.

Felix yacht owner

How much is John Staluppi car collection worth?

John Staluppi to sell car collection worth $16M.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — John Staluppi is a self proclaimed “car specialist” a collector.

The North Palm Beach resident has one of the best collections on the East Coast, according to some car enthusiasts.

He calls them his Cars of Dreams Collection. It’s a diverse group of American cars, predominantly convertibles, from the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, along with custom vehicles and restorations.

Felix Baker wikipedia

Who owns the Barbara superyacht?

Embarking on a Luxury Voyage: The Yacht BARBARAName:BARBARAIMO:1012725Price:$150 millionAnnual Running Cost:$10 – $15 millionOwner:Felix Baker.

The world of luxury yachting is filled with extraordinary vessels, and the BARBARA yacht certainly makes a striking impression in this elite crowd. Constructed by renowned shipbuilders, Oceanco, and brought to life in 2017, BARBARA is the creative brainchild of celebrated yacht designer Sam Sorgiovanni. Built for Vladimir Potanin, a Russian oligarch, the yacht was named after his youngest daughter Barbara. Measuring a grand 88.5 meters (or 290 feet) in length, BARBARA is a remarkable testament to luxury seafaring.

  • Key Takeaways:. The BARBARA Yacht was built by renowned yacht maker Oceanco and designed by noted yacht designer Sam Sorgiovanni.
  • The yacht is equipped with powerful twin MTU engines, reaching a top speed of 19 knots, and comfortably cruises at 12 knots over a range of 4,500 nautical miles.
  • Her luxurious interiors, also designed by Sam Sorgiovanni, can accommodate 12 guests across 6 staterooms and includes a crew of 20 for top-notch service.
  • Originally owned by Vladimir Potanin, the yacht was later sold to hedge fund manager Felix Baker.
  • BARBARA yacht carries an estimated value of $150 million and has annual running costs around $15 million.

Interior Craftsmanship on the Yacht BARBARA. The yacht’s interior reflects the same elegance and sophistication of its exterior design, thanks to the skilled craftsmanship of Sam Sorgiovanni. BARBARA offers luxurious accommodation for 12 guests across her 6 well-appointed staterooms. In addition, a professional crew of 20 is at hand to ensure a remarkable yachting experience. The yacht’s color scheme echoes the aesthetic of her owner’s two other yachts, creating a seamless brand across the fleet.

How did John Staluppi make his money?

How did John Staluppi make his money?

Just like the cars he adores and the boats he builds, John Staluppi is a walking, talking embodiment of the ‘American dream’. Starting out as a petrol station mechanic in Brooklyn, Staluppi built a billion dollar business of car dealerships, before turning his hand to creating some of the most iconic superyachts ever built.

We meet at Staluppi’s offices in North Palm Beach, Florida, but – apropos the man – this is no ordinary office building. The shopping mall on US Highway 1 looks innocuous from the outside, but once you’re buzzed in through the front door you enter a dreamscape. The building is home to Staluppi’s classic car collection and museum Cars of Dreams. The cars were arranged in a Brooklyn, circa-1960s, scene, complete with drive-in and merry-go-round. Yes, that’s a merry-go-round. A big one. It’s quiet: the museum is only open three or four times a year for charity events; Shop with a Cop, Hospice Foundation of America and American Heart Association are those that benefit.

Staluppi arrives, dressed casually in a blue open-necked shirt and jeans; burger, fries and shakes are delivered to eat in the museum’s ‘diner scene’ and we settle down to talk.

📹 BARBARA 88.5M/290’04” Oceanco Yacht for Sale and Charter – Superyacht Tour

BARBARA superyacht is a modern, recent and elegant 88.5m superyacht, delivered by Oceanco in 2017. She is a true timeless, …

Who Owns Motor Yacht Barbara?

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vladimir potanin yacht barbara

Debbie Green

I am a school teacher who was bitten by the travel bug many decades ago. My husband Billy has come along for the ride and now shares my dream to travel the world with our three children.The kids Pollyanna, 13, Cooper, 12 and Tommy 9 are in love with plane trips (thank goodness) and discovering new places, experiences and of course Disneyland.

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vladimir potanin yacht barbara

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Yacht of wealthiest Russian oligarch docked in haven Dubai

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The man considered to be the wealthiest oligarch in Russia, who has been photographed playing ice hockey with President Vladimir Putin, joins a growing list of those transferring — or, sailing — their prized assets to Dubai as the West tightens its massive sanctions program on Russia’s economy.

Vladimir Potanin, head of the world’s largest refined nickel and palladium producer, may not be sanctioned by the United States or Europe yet; such sanctions could roil metal markets and potentially disrupt supply chains, experts say. As the biggest shareholder in mining company Nornickel, Potanin had a personal fortune of $30.6 billion before the war on Ukraine, according to Forbes.

But like an increasing number of blacklisted Russian oligarchs, he has apparently taken the precaution of moving his $300 million superyacht to the safe haven of Dubai, in the U.S.-allied United Arab Emirates.

It is called the Nirvana, and the sleek 88-meter-long (289-foot-long) superyacht, equipped with a glass elevator, gym, hot tub, 3D cinema and two terrariums of exotic reptiles, stands out even in a port full of flashy, floating mansions.

The giant Dutch-built vessel with a navy blue hull was docked on Tuesday flying the flag of the Cayman Islands when Associated Press journalists observed the ship at Dubai’s Port Rashid — in the eyeshot of sanctioned Russian parliamentarian Andrei Skoch’s $156 million Madame Gu .

Representatives for Potanin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The arrival of Russian-owned luxury vessels in Dubai has become an outsized symbol of the UAE’s reluctance to oppose Moscow’s war on Ukraine and enforce Western sanctions. One of a shrinking number of countries where Russians can still fly directly, the financial center has become a thriving hub for Russia's rich, in part because of its reputation for welcoming money from anywhere — both legitimate and shady .

“They haven't tried to hide the fact they're accepting oligarchs themselves and their yachts,” said Julia Friedlander, a former senior policy adviser for Europe in the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “When it comes to taking sides in the conflict, it's not in their political interest to do so. They want to keep their access to money from around the world.”

The UAE Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Emirati stance has stoked tensions with the United States, which has sought to pressure its Gulf Arab ally to help combat Russian sanctions evasion. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, one of the main U.S. coordinators on the Russian sanctions strategy, visited the UAE last week to voice American concerns about Russian financial flows and demand increased vigilance.

Still, there's no indication that President Joe Biden will impose secondary sanctions, leaving Washington with few pressure points.

As Moscow’s war on Ukraine grinds on, Western economic sanctions have proliferated in an effort to pressure Putin to change course. The European Union has captured billions of dollars in art, yachts and property. Britain, Fiji, Italy, Spain and other countries have impounded oligarchs’ yachts . The U.S. has seized vessels and aircraft.

Some prominent oligarchs, however, have escaped the blacklist because of their strategic holdings. Although Potanin has been hit with Canadian and Australian sanctions for his close ties to the Kremlin, his reputation as the “King of Nickel” has so far spared him.

“We're reaching a critical metal shortage and we don't know where those supply chains are headed, so you have to ask, would sanctioning him make things worse?" Friedlander said. “Those are serious considerations.”

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The $300 million superyacht of Russia’s richest oligarch is safely docked in Dubai. A floating private island in itself the 290-feet Nirvana has a one of its kind glass elevator, two vivariums with exotic reptiles, a 3D cinema with 3,600 titles, and a popcorn machine.

vladimir potanin yacht barbara

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    Potanin is building a new and larger yacht in the Netherlands. The BARBARA Yacht was built by renowned yacht maker Oceanco and designed by noted yacht designer Sam Sorgiovanni. The yacht is equipped with powerful twin MTU engines, reaching a top speed of 19 knots, and comfortably cruises at 12 knots over a range of 4,500 nautical miles.

  2. BARBARA Yacht • Felix Baker $150M Superyacht

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  3. BARBARA Yacht • Oceanco • 2017 • Owner Vladimir Potanin

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    The 88.5-metre superyacht Barbara built by Dutch yard Oceanco in 2017, has been captured in the waters of Monaco last week. The vessel is rumoured to belong to a Russian billionaire and the president of the world's largest producer of refined nickel, Norilsk Nickel, Vladimir Potanin.

  10. Superyachtfan

    Superyachtfan. ·. June 11, 2021 ·. Barbara was built by Oceanco in 2017 for Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin. He sold the yacht, as he is building a larger (<100M/330ft) yacht in The Netherlands. Her new owner is Felix Baker, co-founder of the NYC-based hedge fund Baker Brothers.

  11. Coronavirus crisis: Billionaire Vladimir Potanin's $295m yacht MY

    More than 20 crew members aboard a luxury super yacht, owned by a Russian billionaire, will not be able to leave the ship until quarantining after it docked in Fremantle this week. ... Billionaire Vladimir Potanin's $295m yacht MY Barbara docks in Fremantle in wake of cruise ship chaos. Peter de Kruijff The West Australian.

  12. The Oceanco yacht Barbara in Fort Lauderdale

    The yacht Barbara in Fort Lauderdale.. She was built by Oceanco in 2017, for Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin.. He sold her to a New York-based hedge fund manager. We are still searching for his identity (Please mail us if you have info).. Potanin owned 3 large yachts (at the same time): Barbara, Anastasia (now named Wheels) and Nirvana.. He sold all three, as he is building a larger ...

  13. Yacht of wealthiest Russian oligarch docked in haven Dubai

    Yacht of wealthiest Russian oligarch docked in haven Dubai The man considered to be the wealthiest oligarch in Russia, who has been photographed playing ice hockey with President Vladimir Putin ...

  14. Who Owns Motor Yacht Barbara?

    The Oceanco yacht Barbara, built for Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, is a 290ft motor yacht that was delivered in 2017 by the Dutch shipyard Oceanco. Named after his daughter, the yacht boasts a top speed of 18.5 kn, a cruising speed of 16.0 kn, and a maximum cruising range of 8300.0 nm at 12.0 kn. The yacht was designed by Sam ...

  15. Oligarch Yachts on Twitter: "Vladimir Potanin's yacht, BARBARA, changed

    "Vladimir Potanin's yacht, BARBARA, changed its ETA headed North destined for Sorrento."

  16. As soon as he got sanctioned, Russia's second-richest man hurriedly got

    Vladimir Potanin It is impressive how Potanin, one of the wealthiest Russian oligarchs and the 58th richest person in the world, has evaded sanctions. Possibly because the US and its allies comprehend that Potanin as his company accounts for about 40% of global palladium output and 10% of refined nickel - very crucial metals heavily used in all kinds of manufacturing and tech products.

  17. Yacht seized as U.S. ramps up oligarch sanctions so Putin 'feels the

    They included the 88-metre (288-foot) Nirvana owned by Russia's richest man, Vladimir Potanin. Most of the vessels were last seen anchored in Middle Eastern ports.

  18. Yacht of wealthiest Russian oligarch docked in haven Dubai

    The Nirvana, a sleek 88-meter-long superyacht worth about $300 million, owned by Vladimir Potanin, head of the world's largest refined nickel and palladium producer in Russia, is docked at Port ...

  19. 'Barbara' the 89 metre yacht belonging to Vladimir Potanin (Russian

    84 votes, 27 comments. 693K subscribers in the spain community. Un lugar para discutir temas relacionados con España. A place to discuss topics…

  20. The yacht Barbara is in Willemstad Curacao

    Price: US$ 150 million. Annual Running Cost: US$ 10 - 15 million. Owner: Vladimir Potanin. The yacht Barbara is in Willemstad Curacao at the moment. She was built for Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, who named her after his daughter. He sold Barbara to a New York-based investment manager.

  21. VLADIMIR POTANIN: Russia's Richest Man and his Luxury Yachts

    The Luxurious Yacht, Anastasia. The luxury yacht Anastasia, named after Potanin's daughter ਅਨਾਸਤਾਸੀਆ, serves as a striking symbol of his considerable wealth.Designed by Sam Sorgiovanni, Anastasia had her own dedicated ਵੈੱਬਸਾਈਟ and was available for charter at a weekly rate of approximately USD 700,000. This luxurious vessel could accommodate 12 guests in its ...

  22. The $300 million superyacht of Russia's richest oligarch is safely

    Via - The beauty of the Nirvana superyacht The Nirvana superyacht is one of the most beautiful luxury vessels in existence that was delivered to Vladimir Potanin in 2012. The stunning Trans-Pacific cruiser was built by Oceanco, a famous custom yacht building company in the Netherlands that's owned by Oman's private investor Dr. Mohammed Al Barwan.

  23. VLADIMIR POTANIN: Russia's Richest Man and his Luxury Yachts

    Vladimir Potanin, a Russian billionaire, is the owner of NIRVANA. Recent sanctions have been imposed on the yacht due to Potanin's alleged ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. NIRVANA's value is estimated at $120 million, with annual running costs of $12 million. The yacht can be found in Dubai, adding to its allure and prestige.