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Le vacanze di Mark Zuckerberg

Il quarto uomo più ricco del mondo tra ponza e anzio con il suo mega yacht.

Lo Yacht di Mark Zukerberg

Dopo essere stato avvistato prima a Ostia e poi nella costiera amalfitana, la gigantesca imbarcazione del miliardario americano ha fatto la sua comparsa nelle acque a largo tra l’isola di Ponza, in provincia di Latina, e Anzio.

Il mega yacht di Zuckerberg

Si tratta di uno yacht Launchpad che può ospitare 24 persone e fino a 48 membri dell’equipaggio. Una sorta di condominio galleggiante dotato di tutti i lussi e i comfort, con tanto di campo da basket, un salone di bellezza, una sala cinema, una pista per elicottero, 13 cabine e una suite.

Il mega-yacht da 118 metri non viaggia da solo: è accompagnato da un altro yacht di lusso, lo Wingman, lungo 60 metri e dotato di un elicottero per gli spostamenti

Il Launchpad costa una tombola: circa 300 milioni di dollari . Un regalo che il fondatore di Facebook, oggi Meta, si è fatto per i suoi 40 anni.

I precedenti in Italia

Zuckerberg non è nuovo a questo tipo di vacanze.  Aveva già navigato nel 2012 nelle acque italiane in occasione della sua luna di miele, facendosi vedere pochissimo in giro e ci è tornato anche nel 2018.

mega yacht a ponza

Un ritorno fotografatissimo, con una doppia mega imbarcazione che non passa certo inosservata.

I 10 più ricchi del mondo

Ogni anno la rivista statunitense Forbes pubblica la classifica degli uomini più ricchi del mondo , stimandone il patrimonio personale in miliardi di dollari. Quest’anno Mark Zuckerberg è risultato al quarto posto , con un patrimonio di 177 miliardi di dollari americani.

Da segnalare che nell’anno precedente, il 2023, la classifica di Forbes non inseriva Zuckerberg tra i primi 10 uomini più ricchi del pianeta. Ora, a distanza di dodici mesi, il proprietario di Meta/Facebook è entrato prepotentemente, addirittura fino al 4° posto, scavalcando gente come Bill Gates e Warren Buffett.

La classifica 2024 di Forbes degli uomini più richhi del mondo vede nelle prime 10 posizioni ben 8 statunitensi.

Al primo posto c’è però un francese, Bernard Arnault , con un patrimonio di 233 miliardi di dollari, che controlla i 2/3 delmercato mondiale del lusso.

Seguono: Elon Musk (195 mld$ con Tesla e Space X), Jeff Bezos (194 mld$ con Amazon), Mark Zuckerberg (177 mld$ con Amazon), Larry Ellison (141 mld$ con Oracle), Warren Buffett (133 mld$ con Berkshire Hathaway), Bill Gates (128 mld$ con Microsoft), Steve Ballmer (121 mld$ con MIcrosoft), l’indiano Mukesh Ambani (121 mld$ con Reliance Industries) e Larry Page (114mld$ con Google).

Il primo italiano in questa classifica è un 26esima posizione: si tratta di Giovanni Ferrero, dell’omonima industria dolciaria (il “re della Nutella”, per intenderci), con 43,9 miliardi di dollari di patrimonio personale.

Segie in 65esima posizione Andrea Pignataro, a capo di IOn Group si occupa di tecnologie finanzairie e ha un patrimonio personale di 27,5 mld$.

terzo Giorgio Armani, al 177esimo posto nel mondo, con un patrimonio personale di ‘solo’ 11,3 mld$.

Leggi anche: Lo yacht che fu di Lucio Dalla ormeggiato in provincia di Latina: è (quasi) un museo. LE FOTO

mega yacht a ponza

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Exclusive Superyacht charter Ponzine Islands itinerary


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For all those keen on alternative yachting destinations, where you can experience best of local culture, cuisine, history and events, there is one Italian region that is pretty much unexplored by international guests visiting this fabulous country.  Most of the mega yachts and in general luxury boats tend to congregate or are chartered out in North East Sardinia around resorts such as Porto Cervo, Porto Rottondo and Olbia or indeed around Island of Capri, Naples and Positano within the Amalfi coast and indeed Italian Riviera around Positano which is also popular ONE WAY charter stop for those starting out or finishing alongside French Riviera and in particular Gulf of St Tropez and Cap d’Antibes.  The best alternatives to that, Aeolian Islands around Sicily, Messina Strait with Siracusa, Catania and around Sicily and to some extent, at least for Italian and German tourists by majority Island of Elba and Tuscany. To avoid crowds and to ensure you do have a chance to experience best of Italy, you should consider luxury yacht charter out of Naples, but than turn North, North West towards Islands of Ponza and Ischia, or more accurately towards Isole Ponziane as Italians would say.  You would than explore remote, uninihabited or as they case may be with Ponza, luxury retreats.  Islands of Ventotene, Polmarola, Zannone and others await for those who wish to self-isolate, escape and yet still enjoy Italian lifestyle par-excellence.

With reasonably steady winds between 5-20kn expected each summer,we assume you will be able to sail most of the time and enjoy spending a luxury sailing holiday alongside the secluded Islands of Pontine archipelago.  Neighbouring Campania region and province of Latina have seen little covid-19 infections and there were little reports of any new ones.  The area is known for a mixture of Italian flair and lifestyle, rich Roman history, lovely anchorages, well managed but also many secluded beaches and a few fascinating archaeological sites.

Day 1 / Destination: Naples

mega yacht a ponza

Embarkation in NAPLES –port to be confirmed

Immediate sail to CAPRI

First swim on the way to Capri

Dinner at ‘’DA PAOLINOS’’ on ISLAND Capri

We suggest that you spend some time with the crew to get to know each other, enjoying suitable drinks as identified on preference sheet, and checking the 24-48h weather forecast. You can set off for Capri as soon as you embark or sample a few bays and anchorages nearby for your first swim and sunbathing on deck.

I also suggest you give us a call on +44 779 205 2007 or request a call back around 6pm/18h local time to ensure all is well as expected and as it should be.  As a minimum, we would love to get a text or WhatsApp message that will confirm you have arrived on time, all is well on board and you have had a great start to the charter.

Day 2 / Destination: Capri

mega yacht a ponza

Breakfast on island Capri

Late morning or afternoon sail to PROCIDA

Dinner on board or Restaurant Pizza Fuego

Together with Ischia, Procida and Vivara, all of who look towards North to Flegrea coastline, Capri is part of so called Partenopean islands and is most southerly and most prestigious of these. Preferred destination for many boaters, it is located between Cape Miseno and Amalfi town and it has two levels.

First, there is a walking and shopping area right around the marina and the main town, while the top of Capri, from where beautiful views towards Anacapri are visible, accessible by the funicular, is the area tiny designer shops and many street cafes.Moorings may be expensive but are even more difficult to get, yet staying in port is recommendable on this night to allow you to easily visit the town. Visits to Certosa of San Giacomo, Palazzo Cerio, and the Villa of San Michele in Anacapri are popular afternoon breaks. The evenings can also be spent in one of the Micheline restaurants, with Salvatore Elefante’s Il Riccio being the best known. Also, the beach club La Fontelina, built against the rocks and with plenty of sunloungers, could be a place to enjoy an afternoon too.

If you have not yet visited, the Blue Grotto receives visitors strictly during opening hours with obligatory transfer into a Blue Grotto boat. Visiting early to avoid crowds may be recommended this summer and if you fancy a longer stay, there is a good restaurant nearby. It can be ideal start to the day on Monday morning, before setting off for Procida.

Day 3 / Destination: Island Procida

Breakfast on island Procida

Late morning or early afternoon sail to ISCHIA

Dinner at IL MONASTERO on Ischia

One of the most charming of islands, the peaceful island of Procida is maybe a secret recommendation. As an undiscovered gem, she has flourishing gardens and fragrant lemon and orange groves in abundance. The smallest and oldest island in the Bay of Naples, Ponza is joined by a bridge to a tiny island of Vivara. Arriving at the harbour Marina Grande you’ll have the wonderful view of fishers’ houses in pastell colours, being reflected by the deep blue water. There are a number of small coves and inlets strung along the coastline, inspiring you to swim or nap if you don’t feel like a tour around the island. Yet, by day’s end, you will not want to have missed a refreshing, relaxing pause at Corricella. Here, amidst boats and fishermen’s nets, you sit in the shade of long stairways and houses that have communal courtyards where you can enjoy a local drink at any time of the day.

If you have time, head to Terra Murata, Procida’s vibrant historic centre. Get lost in its winding streets and visit the old Royal Palace of Palazzo d’Avalos or wander around its church, Chiesa di Santa Margherita Nuvoa, which boasts beautiful views overlooking Capri.

Day 4 / Destination: Island Ischia

mega yacht a ponza

Breakfast on Ischia East Side

Late morning or early afternoon sail to ISLAND ISCHIA / North West Side

Hiking around two beaches

Visit to a Thermal Spa and visit to vineyard Dinner at MezzaTorre resort on 6th Aug

It’s a relatively short sailing distance from Procida to Ischia. You will most likely spend the 1st day at anchor around the southern coast of the island in Sant’Angelo. Here it may be interesting to explore the Castello Argonese and than take a short hike around one of the prettiest walks in Ischia, between La Fumarole beach, where both locals and tourist mingle to cook fresh seafood on its thermal vapour hot spots, and the Maronti beach. Constant volcanic activity creates a steam which rises to the top of the beach, heating up some specific places to such a degree that locals often cook food right there in the sand. For a hike, it takes less than an hour from start to finish and covers some breathtaking cliff-top scenery, lovely villas with exemplary flower gardens and potentially a thermal spa break. It will take another hour to go back, providing you with a perfect 2hrs hike, or you can ask your captain to wait for you with the tender on the other side. Alternatively, the island is known for many other hiking routes. Sentieri Della Lucertola are a series of scenic paths around Ischia, all created to allow walkers of all abilities and fitness levels a choice of trekking routes. One of the most demanding is Mount Epomeo trek and local companies offer Tour Guides too.

Day 5 / Destination: Island Ischia

Breakfast on Ischia North Side

Stay all day at this island – Exploring MezzaTorre resort and town nearby

Dinner on board

Apart from that, the island is known for rabbit meat specialities and some of the family members may wish to try one such offer in local restaurants.  Finally, mineral qualities of the various thermal springs and volcanic muds offer potential health benefits and visits to one of the spas, including volcanic thermal water and mud treatments at places such as www.mezzatorre.it  is where you will want to spend your 2nd day on the island of Ischia.

Unique to Ischia are “Spa Gardens”, where thermal pools of various temperatures and mineral content are spread throughout a park like setting. Aphrodite Thermal Gardens within the Miramare hotel complex based between the Maronti and La Fumarole beaches is one where you could go for a relaxing treatment for example. The other well known one is Nogombo Spa Garden with sculptures set between many mini thermal pools and springs, all cascading down a hillside which offer amazing views of the coastline.

One of the best ways to spend one afternoon away from the beach or usual sunbathing and swimming time, is visit to the local vineyard of Pietra Torcia. A reservation can be made for your arrival which will allow you to sample local vines, have a tour of their entire operation and buy newly discovered reds. Their local restaurants may also be a choice for the late lunch before the return to your superyacht.

Day 6 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island Ventotene

Morning on Ischia – early morning sail to Island VENTOTENE

Dinner at Marisqueria

On this day you can head far out into the Mediterranean Sea, towards Pontine islands and reach for the lively island of Ventotene. The islands of Pontine are some of the most secluded areas of Italy and Ventotene being car free and 2nd largest of all is an experience worth making.

The Porto Romano on the island’s northeast coast is the usual yachting spot where you can enjoy a more peaceful retreat in comparison to bustling life on Capri.  Contrast to Capri and Ischia is as big as anywhere in this region despite dark past, as it was used by Roman emperors to punish women on charges of adultery, all of which is memorised on mosaics that decorate local villas such as Julia’s at Punta Eolo.

Lying directly above Port Romano, the Piazza Castello is the epicentre of Ventotene town.  It is a textbook example of authentic Italian seaside village charm. The tiny vineyards, wild herbs and flowers, and secluded beaches and grottos make it a popular tourist destination.

Ventotene is one of the greatest scuba diving spots in Italy, and home to a diving academy too. It maybe worthwhile booking a diving excursion with the local school here? Booking a diving excursion to explore excellent scuba diving locations with underwater rock walls and ledges that drop off just a short distance from the shores can provide you with a great insight into underwater life as the sea-beds around the island is full of different species of fish. Explore the wrecks lying around the island including some treasures and marine life of the Ventotene Marine Reserve. Swimming is best off the boat or at the two local beaches near the villages of Cala Rossano and Nave. The islands have always been renowned for their mild climate and for the beauty of their surrounding sea and sea-beds which have an average depth ranging from 3 to 50 metres and a maximum depth measuring below 100 metres at a distance of over 3 miles from the coast. One other attraction are ‘’peschiera’’, or fish farms which date from Roman times. Best visited on your own yacht, Peschiera Romana is an option to visit in the afternoon.

Day 7 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island San Stefano

Morning on Island Ventotene – late morning sail to island SAN STEFANO

Dinner on board or return to Ventotene island

A short distance away is the island of San Stephano, home of a prison in the 1700’s. On this day, you may be able to explore the incredible abandoned panopticon prison, Carcere Borbonico di Santo Stefano dating from the late 18th century. Together with Ventotene, there are only a few hundred people living on these two islands (no permanent inhabitants on San Stephano), which keeps the water crystal clear and allows amazing underwater world to develop.

The islands of Ponza, Ventotene, Santo Stefano as well as the small island of Gavi and the solitary rock of la Botte are the most extraordinary group of islands in the Tyrrhenian sea. They have varying coastlines, the colours of the rocks, the attractive villages and the small ports in pure Mediterranean style. Of course a sailing charter is the only way to enjoy completely places like this…

This is ideal location to spend the whole day at anchor and away from any civilisation as setting foot on the island may not be allowed, while views of the fortress from your boat anchored directly underneath it is mesmerising. You may also wish to join a local boat tour around the island as it offers a good insight into the history of the island as well as fascinating views.

Day 8 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island Ponza

Breakfast on Ventotene

Morning at San Stefano (or Ventotene) – early morning sail to PONZA

1st Stop at PONZA

Dinner at Il Pescator

You will probably anchor at Chiaia di Luna which is recognised as one of the most beautiful beaches in ITALY. Numerous grotooes, tiny private beaches and coves can be explored independently with a tender. Known for nightlife and beach parties, it is a complete contrast to what one can find on other neighbouring islands as this is where Roman elite meets in summer.

Reaching by boat the isle shows itself with the semicircle of the rosy houses in the port, the Roman swimming pools and the fascinating sight of the tiny churchyard on the mountain. The scenery shows a wide sequence of stacks, headlands, caves, bays, points, inlets and beaches, all of incomparable beauty. The island is famed for its grotto, which were created by Etruscans. It has the Serpents Grotto and the Roman Gallery which is a Roman tunnel to connect the town of Ponza to the large beach called Chiaia di Luna on its west side. There are Egyptian, Cannanite, Greek, and Phoenician Necropoli ruins.

It has a small town named Ponza, another one named Santa Maria and a few smaller towns. Don’t miss the chance to have a trip to the wonderful ancient Roman sea caves commonly referred to as the Grotte di Pilato. The caves (four in all, connected by underwater tunnels) were hand-excavated by the Romans and used as a murenario (eel farm) in the 1st century A.D., when the emperor Augustus first built a villa on the hill above.

We suggest to circumnavigate the island to discover all of its stunning bays, like Chiaia di Luna, Capo Bianco, Cala Feola etc. At sunset, the party-goers can pay a visit to the must-go aperitif at the Frontone, which is a rustic outdoor bar set up among the trees just behind the sand. As for dinner, It’s not easy to choose among the many beautiful typical restaurants scattered along the island.

Day 9 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island Palmarola

Breakfast on Ponza

Morning on Ponza – early afternoon sail to PALMAROLA

One of the most charming places of Italy’s Pontine Archipelago, the natural reserve of Palmarola is located furthest from the main coastline and in the most western corner of Pontine archipelago. Ideal for souvenir shopping and casual hiking, it’s a ideal place to spend all night al-fresco dining in one of the local restaurants or on the deck of your catamaran. You can anchor nearby small natural harbour which is an ideal location for another swimming and snorkelling experience just off the boat. The pirate’s treasure at Cala Brigantin and a visit to “la Cattedrale”, a shoreline that has been shaped by the sea and the wind and now resembles a cathedral could be visited while sailing around the island. As with Santo Stefano, you can enjoy solitude and living in wild nature of one of the most difficult to reach points in the whole of Mediterranean.

Day 10 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island Palmarola

mega yacht a ponza

Breakfast on Palmarola

All day at Palmarola Dinner at O’Francese

Even though the second largest of Pontine islands, there are no permanent inhabitants here, other than a single guardian family during the winter. There are no specific tourist facilities either, but a couple of restaurants open in summer at Cala di Porto. An ideal night for your chef to showcase yachts culinary capabilities indeed! The northernmost island of Zannone serves as a wildlife refuge for some flora that are no longer found elsewhere in the Mediterranean.

A bathing paradise and ideal for snorkelling too, Palmarola is known for its rugged sea stacks such as this magical collapsed natural arch the rifles. Cava Mazzella is for those of the adventurous nature keen to uncover the mystique of this natural cave. Similarly, the island of Zannone has a surface of little more than 0.38 sq. miles and lies approximately 6.5 miles from the port of Ponza. It is part of the Circeo National Park and local Forestry service may organise a hiking tour along marked paths or you can simply try and get to the top of Mount Pellegrino unsupervised. You may discover lovely nature, the ruins of a Benedictine convent dating back to the XIII century and probably some wild sheep during your walk. Bird watching from your boat may also be an interesting proposal on this day. The Marquis Casati villa located here was venue for lavish debauched masked parties.

Day 11 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island Zannone

Morning Island Palmarola – Early morning sail to ZANONNE

Day 12 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island Ponza

Early morning sail to PONZA

2nd Stop at Ponza

Lunch as per groups choice or on board at anchorage

Your 2nd and 3rd day on Island of Ponza and we are certain you will be able to make plans or confirm suggestions by the captain. If not, you can explore the other part of the island on 12th August and simply enjoy the beauty of this remote location. Lots of water toys are on board and deckhand will gladly take them out for an all-day activity at one of the chosen anchorages. Hiking in the late afternoon can be a great way to shed some of the food taken during lunch and prepare yourself for an all night dinner at busy Aqua Pazza.

On this day, it may be a good idea to commission a visit by a local photographer. Creating a collage or even a video, including a drone, could be a fabulous way of memorising the meeting and keeping it as the best souvenir for reminiscing in the coming years. Let us know if you will need assistance in arranging this or if indeed you will consider it on this day or maybe on an other day and in another location.

Day 13 / Destination: Pontine Archipelago – Island Zannone

Morning Ponza – early morning sail to Ventotene/San Stefano

Dining on board

Going to mainland of the local province may be a bit too far, but revisiting some of the other locations during a 2 week charter itinerary could be planned on this day. For example, you will most certainly want to revisit some of the parts of the island or go to San Stefano or indeed explore another part which you have not visited before. Your planning and duration of charter allows for lots of flexibility and making some general plans the night before and firming them up in the morning and in discussions with the captain, is best way to go.

Some local shops may have latest or additional type of watertoys and maybe it would be a good time to visit one and see if special gear ie. kite surfing gear or eve an instructor may be rented out or hired and arranged as an experience.

Day 14 / Destination: Island Capri

Morning Island Ventotene – early morning to ISLAND CAPRI

Dinner at a local restaurant ie. DA PAOLINO

Visting Capri 2nd time, will allow you to maybe revisit your sailing skills, take helm from the captain, log the positions and feel like a captain of a superyacht? A lot has been said about possible options on Capri, and I am certain you will have planned well this day. What we can recommend is maybe a 2nd day visit of a local photographer, drone video and maybe a personal family album with printed photos to memorise the end to this hopefully amazing sailing holiday can be suggested.

Local companies may offer a helicopter tour or similar activity and maybe part of the family will consider flying back to Naples while the rest sails, allowing an additional experience for younger members or indeed for the special surprise to mum or dad?

Day 15 / Destination: Naples

Breakfast in Capri – disembarkation at Castel dell’Ovo

Morning Capri – early morning sail back to Naples

Brunch on board before disembarkation

As with all things in life, the end is nigh yet we hope it will have been a wonderful experience to this point.

Look forward to another relaxing al-fresco breakfast on deck and spend the final day of your charter with your loved ones enjoying the facilities on board, taking last few views of the passing coastline and dive into the Med before starting to pack and plan your way to the airport. It is also a good time to thank the crew for all their wonderful work which we will hope, should have been exemplary. You’ll disembark in Naples, probably the same port of your embarkation, although lastminute checks with the captain could mean disembarkation somewhere nearby where you may prefer. End your stay on board of your chosen luxury yacht with one final glass of favourite Tignanello, Deutz champagne or just a freshly squeezed orange juice. We wish you a wonderful end to the charter, relaxing trip back home and lovely end to the summer. We also look forward to read your reviews and hopefully arrange another charter shortly afterwards.

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Ponza, the largest of the pontine islands, is full of breathtaking scenery and unmissable views. its coasts, alternating jagged beaches, and small coves to be conquered only by boat are a paradise for those aboard a luxury charter. a real gem for lovers of snorkelling and scuba diving: there are numerous underwater caves and small cliffs..

Once a prominent Roman seaport, Ponza features the remains of an imposing dam, large villas, and fish farms. Approaching the coast on a luxury charter in Ponza , the outline of the terraced farms and candy-coloured houses is clearly visible. The elegant Piazzetta, a gathering spot of the local high life, is the heart of the island.

Discover charming beaches on a luxury Ponza yacht charter

When you arrive in Ponza, the Italian phrase ‘la dolce vita’ will instantly become apparent. Highly popular with Italians and A-list celebrities seeking to keep a low profile, this idyllic island enjoys a slower pace of life that is best enjoyed in ultimate relaxation.

If you’re looking to enjoy all the frills that come with a modern Mediterranean island, you won’t find it on a Ponza yacht charter . Instead, you will be greeted by a wild, green landscape steeped in history and old-world charm. 

Ponza boasts 40 kilometres of rugged coastline dotted with inlets and small bays, including the Spiaggia Di Chiaia di Luna, or Half Moon Beach, which lies close to the Roman Galleria and Sorceress’s Grotta. Spiaggia Delle Felci is one of the most popular amongst tourists, meaning it can get very busy during the summer months. That said, it is a delightful spot to spend the evening ashore, with a few bars and restaurants serving Italian plates. Or, you could beat the crowds and enjoy the talents of the onboard private chef with the beautiful backdrop of the beach.

During your Ponza yacht charter , opt for the soft sands of Sant’Antonio for a dip into transparent waters. An old Roman passage connects it to Giancos – a stone’s throw from the marina. Another tunnel dating to Roman times is the access point to the famous Chiaia di Luna, a crescent-shaped spot surrounded by cliffs of white tuff overlooking the sea. Other dazzling beaches to include on your Ponza yacht charter itinerary are Cala Cercata, Cala Cavone, Grotta del Corallo, Cala Gaetano, and Cala Felci.

Near Le Forna, Ponza yacht charter guests will find three volcanic pools carved in the tuff by wind and sea. This enchanting spot has crystal-clear waters and a rocky seabed that attracts experienced divers.

After lunch, you can head back to your Ponza yacht charter t o enjoy a chilled aperitif or a glass of Enoteca – the locally produced wine – in the shade of the hot afternoon sun.

A Palmarola yacht charter : trekking trails and enchanting views

In your Ponza yacht charter itinerary, make sure to venture to the small island of Palmarola, just 8 miles west of Ponza. 

Before retreating to your Palmarola yacht charter to unwind, step ashore for some interesting trekking adventures on Mounts Guarnieri, Tramontana, and Radica in Palmarola, the third island not far from Ponza and Ventotene . 

The waters near Faraglioni di Mezzogiorno house a spellbinding grotto, while the bay of La Forcina – transparent waters and sandy seabed – has boulders showing layers of stratifications and lava flows formed across the centuries. 

It is, however, La Cattedrale that holds a prime place among Palmarola’s most beautiful spots to see on a Palmarola yacht charter. Here, the elements have carved basalt hollows into the coastline, forming tall narrow caves in the shape of Gothic cathedrals.

An absolute must in a Palmarola yacht charter itinerary is a stop-off for a fantastic lunch of shellfish pasta. The restaurant is seasonal, and booking is advised, as it is the only restaurant on the island that boasts a total of two buildings; the only other building on the island belongs to one of the first families of fashion, the Fendi’s.

Ponza, Ventotene, and Palmarola feature evocative sights, clear waters, and secluded bays to discover on a luxury charter in the Pontine Islands .




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Yacht Charter Ponza

The Yacht Engine is the leading boat rental and yacht charter marketplace worldwide with over 45,000 boat listings across 65 + countries worldwide, with boats of all types available for rental and including peer-to-peer boat listings.

Rocket One - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, Croatia | Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2022
  • Guests : 12
  • Berths : 12
  • Length : 121 ft
  • Boat type : Motor Yacht

JURA II - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Summer: W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia | Winter: Indian Ocean and SE Asia, Red Sea, United Arab Emirates 2

  • Build year : 1963
  • Length : 119 ft

DREAM - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 1997
  • Guests : 36
  • Berths : 36
  • Cabins : 22
  • Length : 349 ft

CONTE STEFANI - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Europe (Spain, France, Italy) 2


  • Build year : 2006
  • Length : 114 ft

CORAL OCEAN - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia, Northern Europe, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Bahamas, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US), Caribbean Virgin Islands (BVI) 2


  • Build year : 1994
  • Length : 239 ft

aria c - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 2009
  • Guests : 10
  • Berths : 10
  • Length : 91 ft

Build your own unique trip!

Variety Voyager - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, Croatia | Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

Variety Voyager

  • Build year : 2012
  • Guests : 71
  • Berths : 71
  • Cabins : 36
  • Length : 223 ft

MY LITTLE VIOLET - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2


  • Length : 149 ft

elysium 1 - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Europe (Spain, France, Italy) 2

  • Build year : 2019
  • Guests : 11
  • Berths : 11
  • Length : 109 ft

tess - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 1986
  • Length : 78 ft
  • Boat type : Sailing Yacht

sunshine - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 2003
  • Length : 101 ft

GRANDE AMORE - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Summer: W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia | Winter: Indian Ocean and SE Asia, Red Sea, United Arab Emirates 2


  • Length : 145 ft

ALMYRA II - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia, Northern Europe, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Bahamas, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US), Caribbean Virgin Islands (BVI) 2

  • Build year : 2000
  • Length : 163 ft

Harmony V - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Summer: W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia | Winter: Indian Ocean and SE Asia, Red Sea, United Arab Emirates 2

  • Guests : 49
  • Berths : 49
  • Cabins : 25
  • Length : 180 ft

GALAXY - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, Croatia | Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2005
  • Length : 183 ft

MANTA - Yacht Charter Ponza & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 2024
  • Boat type : Catamaran

At The Yacht Engine we're on a mission to make boating more accessible and to make it easier for you to get on the water. We believe boating should be available to everyone, and we can help the boating industry, boat owners, marinas, and everyone who wants to go boating by providing a 21st-century boating marketplace. The Yacht Engine is the best place to find and rent boats of all sorts, from a canal and riverboat across Europe to a sailing boat, motor boat, catamaran across North America, the Mediterranean, Caribbean and further afield, along with some of the world's most impressive superyachts and luxury yacht charters.

Boats or Yachts Available For Rent Or Charter In Ponza

Where it comes to chartering or renting boats in Ponza below is a list of the typical types of boats that you can hire on The Yacht Engine with a description of the boat type. If you can't find the individual boat charter you are looking for when you do a search in Ponza it's worthwhile searching nearby locations as your chosen boat type might be available nearby.

When searching a geographical area on The Yacht Engine you can filter by the below boat types. There is also the option to further filter your searches by price, the number of guests, cabins or bathrooms, what year the boat or sailing yacht was launched, the boat length and the boat manufacturer.

Sailing Yacht (Sailboat): From €120/£100/$135 a day up to whatever you can afford, monohull sailing yachts are fun to sail at all points of the wind and an affordable way to get around if your island hopping or finding your own secluded coves or sandy beaches along with longer cruises. Sizes range from those for a couple or small family to a full sized luxury charter yacht.

Catamaran: Luxury catamarans are stable and spacious, with quick sailing performance, and and have been gaining in popularity in recent years. Better for larger groups, they have lots of room for water toys, and are big enough for a little privacy. A catamaran charter is easy and comfortable for novices not used to heeling and are loved by families due to their extra space when compared to a monohull. Typically far more luxurious than a sailboat the larger catamarans have en suite toilets and showers in the staterooms as well as ample entertaining space in the saloon and on deck.

Power Catamaran: These types of boats are relatively new but have also been gaining in popularity as the two hulls keep the boat more stable when compared to a monohull. The wider beam also means more deck space and as they don't have sails or a mast, they have a lot more space on deck than a sailing catamaran rental or monohull. For a luxury catamaran charter, consider taking a crewed catamaran charter sailing vacation with an experienced skipper.

Luxury Yacht: Luxury yacht charters are available for either a sailing yacht (sailboat), catamaran or motorboat and will have a crew and host/hostess on hand to cater for whatever your needs are along with a skipper who will have a detailed knowledge of your cruising area. On a crewed yacht charter of this kind you get to create your own personal itinerary and will have far greater range than on other boats which allows for lots of variety in how you travel and what you do.

Superyacht: A superyacht or sometimes called mega yacht are boats which are least 24 metres (79 feet) in length up to 180 metres (590 feet) and can either be sailing yachts (sailboats) or motorboats. These types of boats are most frequently found in the Med of Caribbean and due to their size they will have a large chartering area and can typically pick you up from whatever location you require rather than you being required to get to a set marina to start your charter. They are fully crewed with professional staff who will cater for your every need along with a skipper who will have extensive knowledge of your chosen cruising areas.

Motorboat: This covers a wide variety of boats from a motor yacht with cabins to a private boat trip for a fishing trip but all of the these are comfortable seagoing boats with a kick of speed should you want to cover a bigger distance on the day.​

RIB: Very much day boats for fishing and day cruising, RIBs are a lot of fun for a day afloat. They can be very quick and are great should you be in a town on holiday and fancy seeing the coast or finding secluded sandy beaches to get away from it all.

Skippered Yacht Charter or Bareboat

When it comes to boat hire or yacht charter in Ponza you typically have two choices - bareboat yacht hire or skippered yacht charter.

When using The Yacht Engine you can filter all boat searches to be with or without skipper depending on what you are looking for and below we cover some of the main points to consider for your boat hire.

Skippered Charter: A skippered yacht charter gives you the advantage of being able to get afloat without having to invest in getting sailing qualifications before hand. For a monohull sailing yacht you will pay €120/£100/$135 plus a day extra for the skipper, as well as their food and a tip at the end.

When you get to a luxury yacht or superyacht charter with crew these prices will increase and costs also depend on where you plan to sail to along with the size and type of boat rental on your sailing holiday.

In some cases skippers will also be the yacht or boat owners (typically day trips) which means they will know all the best secluded beaches to show you the best that the area has to offer with their local knowledge.

For day trips you will often be able to use a skipper as well and prices will vary depending on the type of boat.

Bareboat Yacht Charter: For skilled sailors, a bareboat charter is cheaper and gives more privacy for you and your charter guests. Many sailors prefer to be helming the boat while choosing their own course, and provided you have the knowledge and relevant qualifications you can skipper these boats (typically up to 54 feet/16.5 metres in length) yourself.

Do You Need A Licence To Charter A Yacht In Ponza

If you are on a gulet or skippered yacht charter you do not need a license to sail a yacht out of Ponza. This is also the case where you are renting a small motorboat without a cabin for a day trip around the local islands or beaches.

You do need a license if you are on a bareboat yacht charter, here are some examples of sailing qualifications:

International Certificate of Competence: This is issued on request by your European sailing authority and you should automatically qualify with certain national sailing qualifications.

RYA Qualifications: If you have the following qualifications you will be able to take a bareboat charter out of Ponza, these include Day Skipper (sail or motor endorsement), Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaster.

American Sailing Association (ASA): The ASA 104 Bareboat certificate is commonly accepted.

US Sailing: The International Proficiency Certificate is widely accepted and The Bareboat Cruising Certificate is also accepted in many cases.

Frequently asked questions

The main points to consider are what is your budget, have you got the necessary sailing experience and qualifications to manage the boat if it's not going to have a skipper, whom you are taking sailing, where exactly you wish to go and what will the weather be like on the proposed dates of your trip.


  • Destinations


Yacht Charter Ponza: A Secret Mediterranean Island Getaway just off Italy’s Coast

There’re few better places to delve into the luxury of yachts than basking in pristine Mediterranean climes. Portugal , Spain , Italy , Greece – these are top destinations but if you want to go somewhere and come back with a story which few can tell, you should think about a Yacht Charter Ponza holiday.

Not your fault if you’re not quite in acquaintance with the name of this island. But then again, that’s the point of Ponza. A reclusive island right a few miles off the Italian coast on the Rome- Naples , a Yacht Charter Ponza is the perfect way to live a life off this island. And it’s a life that’s going to be worth living no matter how brief.

Related: Amalfi Coast and Pontine Islands Boat Charter

Yacht Charter Ponza:

Vacationing beyond the more famous destinations comes with the thrills and frills of an adventure new. But the least you should always do is get the lodging specifics right. With a Ponza Yacht charter , you already have that and more. As for food, Ponza has that typically Mediterranean cuisine mixing in with Italian flair along with the promise of fresh produce.

So, all you have to do is charter a yacht and plan the vacation to Ponza! Here’s a helping hand.


Sailing to Ponza:

There’s a reason why this is lovingly known as the Italy ’s Secret Island. Isolation coupling with no airport gives this island the rare mystery – a literal getaway from atypical metropolis-like hubbub. And if the sheer joy of simplicity is what you want, Ponza Yacht Charter is the best bet to sail all the way to Ponza.

A 21 miles sailing trip basking under the heart-melting Mediterranean sun will get you onto the main harbor. You’ll find quite a few docks around; local livelihoods include fishing and boating. But tourism is the most important industry, and Ponza has both the blessings of nature and the relics of history to enthrall you.

Top 3 Places to Visit with Ponza Yacht Charter:

Come winter, the island with tumultuous weather, making summers the best time to visit these islands. And this island hides secrets which can take your breath away with the wind blowing smooth and the sun shining warm. Here’re the top 5 places you simply must visit.

  • Chiaia Di Luna –

Imagine a white sandy beach with a cliff behind it and the Mediterranean with all its warmth in front of you – this is Chiaia Di Luna. One of the most beautiful beaches you’ll ever feast on, you can dock your yacht in a marina just beside it or in the proper town just a few minutes drive away.

  • The Blue Grottos –

One of the best-kept secrets of Ponzo is its grottos and cave structures. Dating well back to ancient times, Grotto della Maga Circe , Grotta Azzurra, Grotto de Ulisse o del Sangue are must-visits for a trip to Ponzo.

  • Spiaggia Di Frontone –

A Luxury Yacht Charter Ponza is one of the best ways to access this section of the island. Unlike Chiaia di Luna, there is no inland access to this bay-beach. Its beauty is not just on the sands and waves but also in the locale. Busy bars and restaurants sprawl on the Bay run by the locals or Ponzesi.

Mediterranean Cuisine at its Best:

Olives, greens, fish and a chef born and bred – Ponza will tantalize your taste-buds and leave you wanting for more. With the main squares and piazzas easily within the driving range of the largest docks, you can enjoy everything this island has to offer close to your yacht.

Acqua Pazza is a first-choice if you’re looking for an exclusive wine cellar for a taste. Delicacies include an exquisite repertoire of marine cuisines with the day’s catch.

A Casa di Assunta will give you a menu of not just fresh authentic Italiano pasta and spaghetti, but also with a home-made touché. If that doesn’t, the terrace-top view overlooking the port will.

There are other eateries blending features to enthrall more than just your taste buds – Ristorante Eea, Il Tramonto, etc. Each is worth a sit without a shadow of a doubt.

Luxury Yacht Charter Ponza:

Ponza is all about pleasure, of dark grottoes filling up with gushing high tides, of delicacies on terraces overlooking a lifetime’s worth sunsets, of crystal waves on white sands.

A luxury yacht charter Ponza can get you close to nature’s spoils and easily within reach of town’s rustic charms. The best of both worlds and secrets – Ponza is much more, it is the answer to your desires to indulge. Book now your yacht charter in Italy !


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  • Rent a boat in Ponza
  • Océans Evasion

Charter Sailboat WAUQUIEZ Centurion 45s Ponza

Sailboat - 14.00m — WAUQUIEZ - Centurion 45s (2005)

  • Skipper optional
  • Super owner

From  €864 / day

Charter Sailboat Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 35 Ponza

Sailboat - 10.49m — Jeanneau - Sun Odyssey 35 (2003)

From  €400 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  CUSTOM Gozzo in VTR e legno Ponza

Boat without licence - 6.00m — CUSTOM - Gozzo in VTR e legno (2011)

  • Without licence

From  €250 / day

Charter Boat without licence  CUSTOM Lancia in Legno 6metri Ponza

Boat without licence - 6.00m — CUSTOM - Lancia in Legno 6metri (2014)

From  €150 / day.

Charter Motorboat Custom Lancia Vetro Resina 7.26 Ponza

Motorboat - 7.26m — Custom - Lancia Vetro Resina 7.26 (2000)

  • Without skipper

From  €450 / day

Charter Motorboat Rizzardi Cr 50 Top Line Ponza

Motorboat - 17.00m — Rizzardi - Cr 50 Top Line (2005)

  • Skipper offered

From  €1,500 / day

Charter RIB Nautica Led Srl Led 33 Ponza

RIB - 11.30m — Nautica Led Srl - Led 33 (2019)

  • Skipper mandatory
  • Flexible cancellation

From  €1,000 / day

Charter RIB Solemar 28 Ponza

RIB - 9.30m — Solemar - 28 (2012)

From  €750 / day.

Charter Sailboat Elan 40 Elan 40 Ponza

Sailboat - 12.00m — Elan 40 - Elan 40 (2002)

From  €357 / day.

Charter Sailboat Dufour yacht 450 grand large Ponza

Sailboat - 14.00m — Dufour yacht - 450 grand large (2022)

From  €757 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  CUSTOM Lancia 530 Ponza

Boat without licence - 5.30m — CUSTOM - Lancia 530 (2000)

Charter Boat without licence  CUSTOM Lancia in Legno 6mt Ponza

Boat without licence - 5.50m — CUSTOM - Lancia in Legno 6mt (2000)

Charter Motorboat Airon Marine 345 Ponza

Motorboat - 11.00m — Airon Marine - 345 (2006)

From  €900 / day.

Charter Sailboat JEANNEAU SUN ODYSSEY 35 legend Ponza

Sailboat - 10.75m — JEANNEAU - SUN ODYSSEY 35 legend (2007)

From  €420 / day.

Charter Sailboat Bavaria 46 Cruiser Ponza

Sailboat - 14.00m — Bavaria - 46 Cruiser (2008)

From  €610 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  CUSTOM Lancia 5.30 Ponza

Boat without licence - 5.30m — CUSTOM - Lancia 5.30 (2012)

Charter Boat without licence  Custom Gozzo in Legno 6.30 entrobordo 40HP Ponza

Boat without licence - 6.30m — Custom - Gozzo in Legno 6.30 entrobordo 40HP (2000)

Charter Sailboat Jeanneau Sun Fast 40.3 Ponza

Sailboat - 12.00m — Jeanneau - Sun Fast 40.3 (2006)

From  €543 / day, rent a boat near ponza.

In Ponza, privately owned yachts are available to rent. See other yachts in the area.

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Planning the perfect charter requires specialist knowledge, trusted contacts on board and on the ground, as well as first-hand knowledge of yachts, crews and locations, as well as legal contracts and local regulations to build an experience that suits you perfectly. Another reason to choose a broker is that sometimes there can be unforeseen issues with yachts or destinations and having an experienced broker to protect your interests and build a plan B is hugely reassuring. 

Creating the unforgettable is what we do at Burgess. It’s what our knowledge, experience and passion are all about. We take all the hassle out of the planning so you can just turn up and have the best holiday ever. 

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Burgess charter brokers are involved well beyond the booking stage. We share our intelligence on the best itineraries to suit you, organise private jet transfers, on board celebrations, luxury boat hire, restaurant bookings, spa treatments, fitness instruction and more.

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  • Motor yachts for charter

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  • Sailing yachts for charter

Creating a unique yacht charter experience starts with you. On board, the possibilities are endless – all you have to do is realise them.

A honeymoon yacht charter is the perfect getaway after your wedding. You and your spouse can settle down to spend some quality time together on board, as your private boat heads toward your dream destination. Relax on a Caribbean beach with a cocktail in hand, or discover the wonders of Thailand together. The choice is yours.

Tempted by a summer yacht charter? Set sail for the Mediterranean , where you can unwind in one of Ibiza ’s famous wellness retreats, or explore the iconic pink streets of Saint-Tropez .   Greece also makes the perfect destination for an explorer yacht charter holiday, thanks to its abundance of islands. Perfectly blending beautiful coastlines, sunsets and sites of antiquity, you’ll be well on your way to an indescribable Greek adventure.

If it’s cooler climes you’re after, don’t panic. Alaska and Antarctica are both popular destinations for expedition yacht charters that are filled with thrills. Try heli-skiing and hiking, kayaking through icebergs or experiencing them from below in a submersible, before warming up on board your luxury winter yacht charter.

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Ponza Yacht Charter for 10 Guests

Yachts for charter in ponza for 10 guests.

Browse a unique selection of Ponza Yacht Charters for 10 Guests and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew’s services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that Ponza is renowned for, creating unforgettable memories on the gentle tides.

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Over the Rainbow

35m | A.M. Dickie & Sons | 1930

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38.9m | Fitzroy | 2006

mega yacht a ponza

39.3m | Tansu | 2016

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Silver Wind

43.63m | ISA Yachts | 2014

mega yacht a ponza


45.02m | Sunrise | 2009

mega yacht a ponza


47.5m | Bilgin | 2017

mega yacht a ponza

52m | Sanlorenzo | 2022

mega yacht a ponza

24m | Sunreef | 2021

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26.21m | Custom Line | 2008

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26.78m | Azimut | 2019

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28.4m | Custom Line | 2021

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28.5m | Ferretti | 2020

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29.5m | Monte Carlo Yachts | 2021

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29.6m | Amer | 2020

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29.9m | RIVA | 2021

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30m | Riva | 2021

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30.1m | Ferretti | 2022

mega yacht a ponza

31.1m | Sunreef Yachts | 2009

mega yacht a ponza

32.2m | Sanlorenzo | 2019

mega yacht a ponza

33m | Overmarine | 2021

mega yacht a ponza

34.95m | Benetti | 2003

mega yacht a ponza

35.2m | Sunseeker | 2020

mega yacht a ponza

36m | Mulder | 2019

mega yacht a ponza

36.8m | Benetti | 2022

mega yacht a ponza

37.44m | Sanlorenzo | 2007

mega yacht a ponza


38m | Siar & Moschini | 1995

mega yacht a ponza

38m | Heesen | 2001

mega yacht a ponza

39.6m | Overmarine | 2014

mega yacht a ponza


39.65m | Overmarine | 2006

mega yacht a ponza

40.05m | Sunseeker | 2018

mega yacht a ponza

40.24m | Benetti | 2019

mega yacht a ponza


41.19m | Kokums | 2019

mega yacht a ponza

42m | Benetti | 2014

mega yacht a ponza

42.2m | Sanlorenzo | 2015

mega yacht a ponza

42.6m | Benetti | 2015

mega yacht a ponza

42.67m | AB Yachts | 2009

mega yacht a ponza


45.72m | Palmer Johnson | 2009

mega yacht a ponza

47.25m | Sunseeker | 2014

mega yacht a ponza

48.3m | Rossinavi | 2014

mega yacht a ponza

50m | Heesen | 2021

mega yacht a ponza

50m | Benetti | 2022

mega yacht a ponza

52m | Sanlorenzo | 2017

mega yacht a ponza

55m | Amels | 2019

mega yacht a ponza

55.50m | Lürssen | 2021

mega yacht a ponza

60.05m | Feadship | 2014

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Written to help make planning your charter escape to Ponza even easier, this section reveals the very best things to see and do while visiting Ponza by superyacht. Our in-depth articles aim to bring you the latest travel tips and insider secrets from charter professionals with expert knowledge on the region.

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Flying Fox yacht charter

136m | Lurssen

from $3,328,000 p/week ♦︎

Ahpo yacht charter

115m | Lurssen

from $2,874,000 p/week ♦︎

O'Ptasia yacht charter

85m | Golden Yachts

from $1,001,000 p/week ♦︎

Project X yacht charter

88m | Golden Yachts

from $1,222,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

83m | Feadship

from $1,113,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

93m | Feadship

from $1,556,000 p/week ♦︎

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/week

Kismet yacht charter

122m | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

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Idyllic Italian islands launch entry fee for yachts in tourist crackdown

Locals say that in high season the sparkling waters around the archipelago off italy's lazio region turn into parking lots for yachts .

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Two idyllic islands in an Italian archipelago dubbed the “Maldives of Rome” have introduced entry fees for yachts to crack down on surging visitor numbers.

Authorities on Ponza and Palmarola, two of the Pontine Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea off Italy ‘s Lazio region, have introduced entry fees to regulate the yachts and other boats that descend on the islands every summer, but which have prompted complaints from locals about overtourism and environmental damage.

Locals say that in high season the sparkling waters of Ponza’s iconic bays turn into floating parking lots, with endless yachts blocking the views and endangering swimmers.

For the first time this year, all types of boats, even big dinghies, must pay a fee, which varies according to their size.

Authorities have created a dedicated app called My Ponza where daily tickets can be booked for any boat coming within 200 metres of the shore of either island.

mega yacht a ponza

“We’ve created an online app where yacht and boat owners wishing to spend time in our translucent waters can pay a daily entrance fee. It’s €2 (£1.70) per metre for any boat in low season, and €3 (£2.53) per metre in high season,” Francesco Ambrosino, the mayor of Ponza, tells i .

For instance, 40-metre yachts pay a daily fee of €120 (£101) in August, while 15-metre sailing boats pay €45 (£38).

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“This is our first experimental summer. It started in August but as of next year, starting in June, for the entire four-month season all boats will be required to pay the ticket,” says Mr Ambrosino.

“Sea and land patrols have been intensified to crack down on illegal entries, and even though it’s too soon to weigh the results, we’re seeing more order around.”

Fines will also be introduced next year, the mayor says, amounting to 10 times the cost of the ticket that should have been purchased. At present, boats caught not paying the entry ticket are forced to pay the normal fee.

On Ponza, where barely 3,000 residents live year-round, some 20,000 holidaymakers arrive each day during the summer.

Its largely uninhabited sister-isles of Zannone and Palmarola just a few miles away, famous for their rocky coastlines of grottoes and cliffs, are also invaded by yachts and fishing boats of all sorts leased to holidaymakers who arrive there from Ponza.

Mr Ambrosino says the introduction of fees for boats has three main aims: to reduce wild sea tourism, safeguard the marine environment and boost sunbathers’ safety at sea, by preventing boats from anchoring in certain areas.

mega yacht a ponza

Authorities and locals want to protect the atolls’ still-pristine sea habitat and prevent cliffs collapsing and endangering visitors, he says, which has happened in past years. In 2001, a rockfall from the cliffs at Chiaia di Luna killed a 19-year-old tourist.

“Boats from now on can no longer anchor under dangerous cliffs, in areas where precious posidonia marine plants grow, and near underwater grottoes,” with unique coral walls, says Mr Ambrosino.

Even to take just a quick selfie from a boat, a fee must be paid.

“We can’t have lines of boats spoiling the scenery and tourist experience either. Often, there are yachts that land together, form a line in the sea by attaching to one another with chains, and at night turn into huge open-sea discos,” says the mayor.

The island loved by Italians with some of the Med’s best beaches

The island loved by Italians with some of the Med's best beaches

The ticket fee is also intended to further map safe areas and keep track of the number of boats that arrive each day near Ponza.

Silverio Capone, a local hotel concierge who lives year round on Ponza, says: “Trouble is, yachts and boats of all sorts – and I don’t just mean ferries -, come in from all over the coast of Latium: Circeo, Nettuno near Rome but also from as far as Naples and Ischia.

“They’re day-trippers who come for a dip and then go back home”, probably dozens and dozens in a few hours, he adds.

Mr Capone says he prefers the island’s silence in winter to the unbearably loud summers, but acknowledges that much of Ponza’s economy is dependent on tourism .

Giovanni Mastropietro, the Ponza hotel lobby chief and owner of the panoramic hotel restaurant Bellavista, supports the new entrance fee but stresses that it “must be explained well that it is not only a payment of a tax as a deterrent to the arrival of too many boats”.

“It is linked to a series of enhanced sea services such as the collection of waste boat by boat, buoy fields with a limited number of available spots and other services designed to safeguard the marine environment of Ponza, Zannone and Palmarola,” he adds.

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