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Carlo Croce il presidente dello Yacht Club Italiano

Riccardo Simoneschi, 58 anni

carlo croce yacht club italiano


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Yacht Club Italiano

carlo croce yacht club italiano

Yacht Club Italiano History

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  • Italy, Genoa

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Yacht Club Italiano Offered services

Yacht club italiano where.

  • Teatro Carlo Felice
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  • Societa' Del Casino Genova (1 km)
  • Hotel Torre Cambiaso (11 km)
  • Palazzo Fieschi (18 km)
  • Stella Maris Resort (19 km)
  • Abbazia di San Fruttuoso (21 km)
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  • Castello della Pietra (24 km)
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carlo croce yacht club italiano

Carlo Croce, l'amore per la vela e il cioccolato

Carlo Croce, l'amore per la vela e il cioccolato

Presiedere l’ISAF vuol dire?

Viaggiare per rappresentanza in tutto il mondo, specie in paesi emergenti; e due volte al mese vado in sede a Londra. L’anno scorso ho preso 75 aerei.

Toccò pure a suo padre.

Quando l’elessero, all'ISAF aderivano 22 paesi, ora sono 150. Allora tutto avvenne tra gentiluomini; con me, per tentare di ‘farmi fuori’ c’è chi ha portato colpi bassi.

Cos'ha di unico la vela?

È uno sport pulito, ha interessi economici molto inferiori rispetto a quelli, ad esempio, del calcio; eppoi, diceva il presidente Kennedy: l’uomo con l’acqua ha un rapporto stretto, essendo fatto anche di sale come il mare.

Non è sport da ricchi?

La vela d’altura, non le competizioni olimpiche: quasi tutti gli atleti azzurri vengono da famiglie di modesta estrazione, e i bimbi che accogliamo alle nostre scuole di vela sono perlopiù figli d’operai.

I velisti hanno una dieta?

Certo: li segue un dietologo, e girando per competizioni portano dietro il cuoco.

Viaggiando tanto devo ‘difendermi’ da opulenti pranzi ufficiali; così, quando vado da qualche parte la mia segretaria invia alla federazione locale un avviso, dove per questioni di salute li si prega di limitare il mio pasto a poche cose precise.

A tavola cosa le piace?

I funghi fritti, i tagliolini al tartufo, i prodotti della terra; e sono fanatico del cioccolato fondente nero. Bevo volentieri whisky, con moderazione.

Locali che frequenta volentieri?

A Genova il ristorante dello Yacht Club e la gelateria Balilla in via Macaggi: propone un eccellente gelato panera e cioccolato. A Londra, Wilton in Jermyn Street: aperto nel 1742, è il tipico ristorante inglese d’epoca; servono un fantastico soufflé di mirtillo, vedere come lo preparano davanti al cliente già vale la visita.

intervista di  Virgilio Zanolla

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Yacht Club Italiano

The Yacht Club Italiano is the longest established sailing club in Italy and one of the oldest in the Mediterranean.  It was founded in Genoa in 1879 and currently has approximately 1100 Members. The Club began towards the end of the 19th century when the larger than life Vittorio Augusto Vecchi (known as Jack la Bolina) and a group of sailing enthusiasts, including His Majesty King Umberto I, founded the Royal Yacht Club Italiano. Since its inaugural regatta on 8 August 1880, when 177 boats competed in the Gulf of La Spezia, the Yacht Club Italiano’s aims have always been to promote the sport of yachting, organise national and international regattas, and instruct young people in the art of sailing.  In the early 1930s the YCI initiated the process of setting up an association of similar clubs around the nation (Naples, Palermo, Trieste and Venice) leading after World War II to the establishment of the Federazione Italiana Vela (Italian Yachting Association). The Yacht Club Italiano’s achievements date back to the start of the 20th century with the victory of H.R.H. the Duke of the Abruzzi in the 1902 French Cup in the 10 ton Artica heralding the Club’s arrival on the international racing scene.  In 1930 from his yacht Elettra, anchored in the Duca degli Abruzzi Marina in Genoa, Club Member Guglielmo Marconi famously lit the Sydney Town Hall using a switch operated by radio.  In 1936 the 8 metre Italia won the gold medal at the Games of the XI Olympiad in Kiel.  More recently the YCI competed in the 1987 America’s Cup with the 12 metre boat again called Italia. A number of Club members would feature in any list of key figures in the history of international yachting:  special mention must be made of Luigi Durand de La Penne, who was decorated with the gold medal for military valour, and Beppe Croce, the much-loved President of the Club for some 28 years and the first President of ISAF from a non-English speaking country, who held that post for 17 years.  In comparatively recent times, YCI Members Luca Devoti and Alessandra Sensini added further (Olympic and other) medals to the Club’s already impressive trophy cabinet.  Over the years, the promotion of yachting as an educational experience for young people has generated numerous projects, such as the foundation of STA-I (Italian Sail Training Association) in collaboration with the Italian Navy in 1966.  This body provides young people with crew training on civilian and military vessels. As part of its alliance with the Navy, in 2007 the Yacht Club Italiano set up the non-profit organisation Fondazione Tender to Nave Italia, which fosters maritime culture as a means of rehabilitation, social inclusion and therapy for people with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds, with activities on board the 61 metre brig Nave Italia. In 2000 the YCI established the Scuola di Mare Beppe Croce, which provides courses at all levels (including offshore sailing) for Members and for the general public, as well as preparatory lessons for a nautical licence.   The YCI boasts a long history but remains young and dynamic in spirit.  In March 2017 after a 20-year spell in charge, Carlo Croce was succeeded at the helm by Nicolò Reggio.  Under the new President, the Club aims to modernise its approach and be more outward-looking vis-à-vis Genoa, local institutions and the city’s residents.  In this context the YCI intends to take part in initiatives - at local, national and international level - enabling it to renew its image without losing sight of its core values or diminishing its status.  This Club’s reputation is based to a considerable extent on its ability to stage prestigious events such as the Giraglia Rolex Cup, the Bombola d’Oro SIAD Trophy, the MBA’s Conference & Regatta, the Millevele Regatta and the Grand Prix d’Italie Mini 6.50 Alberti Cup. As part of this fresh impetus and in keeping with its close ties with the Olympic movement, the Club is organising the Italian Olympic Class Championships, scheduled for March 2018 in Genoa, and supporting the country’s young national sailing team ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.  On the strength of its revitalised approach and its ongoing involvement in major international events, the Yacht Club Italiano can look ahead with confidence as it prepares to tackle future challenges. 252 yachts currently fly the Club’s pennant.

carlo croce yacht club italiano

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Slim Aarons Print

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Yacht Club Italiano

Yacht Club Italiano

Experience the allure of 1980s Italian opulence with Yacht Club Italiano, an enchanting masterpiece by renowned artist Slim Aarons. Step aboard a luxurious yacht at the prestigious Yacht Club Italiano in Genoa, Italy, as depicted in this captivating artwork. Witness the timeless elegance of Carlo Croce in a dazzling green jacket and Luigi Groce exuding confidence in vibrant red, both holding a map with poised grace.

$ 45 – $ 250

  • Description

Step into the world of 1980s Italian opulence with “Yacht Club Italiano,” an evocative masterpiece by the legendary Slim Aarons. This captivating piece transports you onto the deck of a luxury yacht moored in the glamorous setting of the Yacht Club Italiano in Genoa, Italy. Slim Aarons’s lens captures a timeless moment featuring Carlo Croce in a striking green jacket and Luigi Groce donned in vibrant red, as they stand in poised elegance, map in hand.

Imagine this enchanting print as the centerpiece of your living room, where the green and red apparel of the subjects naturally draw the eye and ignite conversations. Slim Aarons has an unparalleled ability to encapsulate the essence of a time and place, and this artwork is no exception. It offers you more than just a glimpse into a bygone era; it brings an air of European sophistication right into your home.

Why settle for mundane wall art when you can adorn your space with a Slim Aarons original? This is not just a poster; it’s a passage to the Italian Riviera, a visual vacation that never ends. So, if you’re looking to elevate your home decor with a touch of vintage allure and maritime elegance, “Yacht Club Italiano” is your ticket to a lifetime of aesthetic pleasure.

Prints are listed in cm and inches - what will be the size of my print? We produce prints in both metric (centimetres) and imperial (inches) sizes. The sizing system being used depends on the product type and the country in which your order is being sent to. In most cases there are only a few millimetres difference between the metric and imperial conversions.

How does the border affect the size of the print? The total size of the print will always be the size that you select. The border if chosen is internal and slightly reduces the image area.

Which paper do you recommend? Generally Photo Lustre (Semi Gloss) is recommended for most purposes as it is the middle ground between Matte & Gloss. So the colours will still be vibrant, with a lot less glare.

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  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport


Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport is an airport used by private jets in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk , Russia. It has a maximum runway length of 3,400 meters. There is only one runway in total at the airport.

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport, also called Khomutovo, is an airport in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, on the Russian island of Sakhalin. The airport was established in 1945 as a military airfield. With currently one 3,400 m concrete runway, one passenger terminal, two cargo terminals and 16 aircraft stands, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport is the largest airport in Sakhalin Oblast.

Sometimes referred to as UHSS - its ICAO code - on private jet quotes, for example, it can also be called UUS - its IATA code name. Both these shorthands are used by aircrafts to refer to the airport.

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  • Latitude: 46.886944
  • Longitude: 142.721944
  • Altitude: 18 meters
  • Runway length: 3,400 meters
  • Number of runways: 1
  • City: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
  • Region: Sakhalin Oblast
  • Country: Russia

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il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo Associations

The International Council of Yacht Clubs (ICOYC) is a non-profit association of prestigious yacht clubs from all over the world. The Council’s mission is to enable its member clubs to share their experience in the world of yachting with a view to improve their functionality and the standard of the services they provide. This association, previously existing as a “concept” for several years, took shape, and acquired a name, between 2005 and 2010. Yacht Club Italiano (YCI) joined in 2011 with the late Paolo Caffarena as its “Representative” and “ICOYC Officer” until 2014, when Carlo de Thierry took over. Nowadays YCI has Giampaolo Rocca as its Representative and Ludovica Reggio as Alternate. As one of the oldest clubs in the world, YCI contributes with the best Mediterranean seagoing traditions, and enjoys twinning or reciprocity agreements with several clubs worldwide: over 30 at the moment, with more to come in the future. Next “ICOYC Commodore’s World Forum” will be held by the end of September 2019 at Royal Cork Yacht Club in Ireland, concurrent with the celebration of its 300th Anniversary. RCYC, the oldest yacht club in the world, has a reciprocity agreement with Yacht Club Italiano


Associazione Italiana Vele d’Epoca. Founded in 1982, the l’Associazione Italiana Vele d’Epoca (A.I.V.E.) is a non-profit making organisation which aims to preserve the historical, artistic and technical heritage of vintage and classic yachts. The Association is located at the Yacht Club Italiano offices in Genoa and is affiliated to the Federazione Italiana Vela, which recognises it as a class association for vintage and classic sailing yachts.


Matti per la Vela. The "Matti per la Vela" association, in collaboration with the Yacht Club Italiano, seeks to promote wellbeing and social integration through yachting.


Sail Training Association-Italia . The Sail Training Association-Italia (STA-I) is an entirely voluntary, non-profit making organisation, founded in July 1996 by the Italian Navy and the Yacht Club Italiano as the Italian version (similar to other countries where such organisations have been in existence for a number of years) of the international organisation that promotes the collective activity of sailing Tall Ships as a means of training young people and fostering a sense of international brotherhood among young marine and sailing enthusiasts.


Fondazione Tender To Nave Italia onlus. The aim of the "Fondazione Tender to Nave Italia" is to make a solid and important contribution to the wellbeing of the more vulnerable members of our society: children, adolescents, people with physical, mental and sensorial handicaps, the sick and the aged.For this reason the foundation promotes the sea and navigation as essential training and therapeutic experiences.The Foundation will be equipped with a 61 metre sailing ship with berths for up to thirty guests, plus crew: not just a floating hotel, but a centre for education and research projects.


Associazione Italiana Derive d’Epoca. A.I.D.E (Associazione Italiana Derive D’Epoca) was formed by a group of vintage keel boat owners, with the YCI present as a founding member in the person of Carlo Croce. The Association has become a nation-wide organisation with the contribution of individual owners and clubs, thanks to the role of the technical committee and the external supervisory committee. The external supervisory committee enables the association to create an information platform, capable of handling communications between private sailors and sailing organisations at a national level, in order to promote yachting. The amateur sporting association AIDE is a non-profit making organisation, the only one of its kind in Italy. It is a reference point for all those who are interested in the history of Olympic sailing and fixed and movable wooden keeled one design craft.


  1. Lo Yacht Club Italiano parteciperà alla New York Yacht Club

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  2. Yacht Club Italiano, Carlo Croce vince il primo round

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  3. A000-0739: Carlo Croce, President of Yacht Club Italian

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  4. Croce Rossa Photos and Premium High Res Pictures

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  5. Rivoluzione Yacht Club Italiano: Croce lascia dopo vent’anni

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  6. Prizegiving Carlo Croce, President of Yacht Club Italiano, Gian

    carlo croce yacht club italiano


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  2. Yacht Club Italiano


  1. Yacht Club Italiano, Croce punta sui giovani

    Il ritorno di Carlo Croce è nel segno dei giovani. Metà dei quindici candidati alla nuova direzione generale dello Yacht Club Italiano di Genova, che rinnova i suoi vertici, hanno meno di 45 ...

  2. il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo History

    Yacht Club Italiano, founded in Genoa in 1879, is the oldest sailing club in Italy and one of the oldest in the Mediterranean, with a membership base of about 1100. ... More recently, in March 2017 Nicolò Reggio replaced Carlo Croce, a 20-year President. At the end of 2019 Gerolamo Bianchi followed, supported by a broadly-unchanged Board of ...

  3. PDF Club Profile

    Yacht Club Italiano, founded in Genoa in 1879, is the oldest sailing club in Italy and one of the oldest in the Mediterranean. The club began its life as Regio ("Royal") Yacht Club Italiano through the ... In March 2017, Nicolò Reggio replaced Carlo Croce, a 20-year President. At the end of 2019 Gerolamo Bianchi followed, supported by a ...

  4. Luna Rossa (imbarcazione)

    La nuova sfida di Luna Rossa parte dallo Yacht Club Italiano di Genova presieduto da Carlo Croce e viene formalizzata e accettata il 19 agosto 2004. Accanto a Prada entra un secondo socio finanziario: il gruppo Telecom Italia guidato da Marco Tronchetti Provera. Vengono così costituite le due società "Luna Rossa Challenge 2007", per ...

  5. Cerca carlo croce all isaf

    Scuola di Mare Beppe Croce | Giraglia Rolex Cup | Coppa Carlo Negri | Trofeo SIAD Bombola d'Oro | Rolex Mba's Conference & Regatta | Millevele | Grand Prix d'Italie Mini 6.50 | Coppa Alberti | organizzazione di regate nazionali e internazionali

  6. PDF A ew Era for World Sailing

    Yacht Club Italiano since 1987, and ... Carlo Croce 02 A New Era for World Sailing Carlo Croce. It has been an enormous honour for me to serve as World Sailing President. As a sport, we have

  7. Croce all'attacco con oltre 200 soci per riprendersi lo Yacht Club Italiano

    Così la lettera che era stata inviata dal presidente uscente dello Yacht Club Italiano Carlo Croce ai soci - 1.100 circa - il 4 aprile scorso, a rivoluzione avvenuta.

  8. Carlo Croce

    Carlo Croce, born in Genova, is the son of Beppe Croce, president of the Italian Sailing Federation form 1964-80 and of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) from 1969-86.Carlo was a sailor in the 1970s and with his bowman Luciano Zinali, he took part in two Olympic Games in the Flying Dutchman Class, placing 11th place in 1972 at Kiel, and 16th at Kingston in 1976.

  9. Carlo Croce presidente federale

    Il nuovo Presidente della Federazione Italiana Vela è Carlo Croce, genovese, 63 anni, Presidente dello Yacht Club Italiano. Lo ha eletto la quarantaquattresima Assemblea FIV riunita a Genova con un risultato proclamato intorno alle 16 di sabato 13 dicembre: su 615 schede valide i voti per Croce, unico candidato alla carica dopo il ritiro della candidatura da parte del presidente uscente ...

  10. Vela, può cambiare la presidenza dello Yacht Club Italiano?

    Carlo Croce già numero 1 della Federazione italiana e della federazione mondiale potrebbe non essere confermato alla guida del più importante e storico Yacht Italiano? Simoneschi possibile ...

  11. Yacht Club Italiano

    The Italian Yacht Club is the oldest sailing club in the country and one of the oldest in the Mediterranean: founded in Genoa in 1879 and has around 1,100 members. ... In 2017 the baton of the Club President passed from the hands of Carlo Croce, for twenty years at the helm of the Club, to those of Nicolò Reggio. The new board aims at renewing ...

  12. Yacht Club Italiano

    Yacht Club Italiano; Simboli: ... La sfida dello Yacht Club Italiano, nata con il nome "Italia 70", è finanziata da John Elkann e organizzata da Carlo Croce e Giovanni Soldini. Il team ha acquistato Ericsson 3, una barca di 70 piedi che ha già partecipato alla precedente edizione della regata.

  13. Carlo Croce, l'amore per la vela e il cioccolato

    Carlo Croce, l'amore per la vela e il cioccolato. Settant'anni, velista di successo figlio del mitico Beppe, Carlo Croce presiede dal 1997 lo Yacht Club Italiano, dal 2008 la Federazione Italiana Vela e dal '12 l'International Sailing Federation (ISAF): nella vela è il n°1. Presiedere l'ISAF vuol dire?

  14. Maserati sets sail to beat speed records at sea

    FIAT chairman, John Elkann and the president of Yacht Club Italiano, Carlo Croce, introduce the challenge, where Soldini and his team of nine sailors will next year captain the Maserati yacht in ...

  15. Yacht Club Italiano

    In the early 1930s the YCI initiated the process of setting up an association of similar clubs around the nation (Naples, Palermo, Trieste and Venice) leading after World War II to the establishment of the Federazione Italiana Vela (Italian Yachting Association). The Yacht Club Italiano's achievements date back to the start of the 20th ...

  16. Beppe Croce

    Yacht Club Italiano, Genova (ITA) NOC: Italy: Biography ... His son, Carlo Croce, (twice an Olympian) followed in his father's footsteps as President of World Sailing (former ISAF) from 2013-16 and the Italian Federation from 2013-16. Beppe Croce passed away at 72-years-old. A memorial celebration was held at London's Westminster Cathedral ...

  17. Yacht Club Italiano

    Immerse yourself in 1980s Italian opulence with Yacht Club Italiano by Slim Aarons. Explore stunning prints capturing the essence of luxury. ... Italy, as depicted in this captivating artwork. Witness the timeless elegance of Carlo Croce in a dazzling green jacket and Luigi Groce exuding confidence in vibrant red, both holding a map with poised ...

  18. Private Jet Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport

    Description. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport is an airport used by private jets in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia.It has a maximum runway length of 3,400 meters. There is only one runway in total at the airport.

  19. il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo Yacht Club Italiano

    Scuola di Mare Beppe Croce | Loro PIana Giraglia Cup | Coppa Carlo Negri | Trofeo SIAD Bombola d'Oro | Rolex Mba's Conference & Regatta | Millevele | Grand Prix d'Italie Mini 6.50 | Coppa Alberti | organizzazione di regate nazionali e internazionali ... Yacht Club Italiano Porticciolo Duca degli Abruzzi - 16128 Genova (GE) Tel. 010 253381 ...

  20. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UPDATED 2024)

    2. Gorny Vozduh (Mountain Air) 527. Ski & Snowboard Areas. "Gorny Vozdukh" is one of the fastest growing ski resorts in the Far East. The unique location - in the heart of the capital of the Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city - allows guests be in the…. 3. Gagarin Park. 261.

  21. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Map

    Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, also spelled Uzno-Sakhalinsk and previously known in Japanese as Toyohara, is the largest city and capital of Sakhalin Oblast, in the Russian Far East, with a population of around 173,000. Photo: Alkhimov Maxim, CC BY-SA 4.0. Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo: Maarten, CC BY 2.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave ...

  22. il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo Associations

    The Association is located at the Yacht Club Italiano offices in Genoa and is affiliated to the Federazione Italiana Vela, which recognises it as a class association for vintage and classic sailing yachts. ... 'Epoca) was formed by a group of vintage keel boat owners, with the YCI present as a founding member in the person of Carlo Croce. The ...

  23. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

    Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk started as a small Russian settlement called Vladimirovka. It was founded by convicts in 1882. [2] In the Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905, the southern part of Sakhalin was given to Japan.This treaty ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Because Vladimirovka was in southern Sakhalin, it was given to Japan.